Download File With A Listview Control?

Mar 1, 2009

how can i download file With a listview control?


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Download File Using WebBrowser Control

Sep 15, 2010

I'm attempting to download a file from a website using the WebBrowser control but having some difficultly determining the file path in order to download. Here's the process I'm using:

1. I login into the site using the webcontrol since it's https, e.g.

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Stop File Download In IE Control?

Jun 19, 2011

I am reposting because I didn't get any responses to my other topic.


I am writing a program that will stop the download prompt in the IE control. I have an program that has a browser. I want to fix the browser that way it would stop the download prompt from showing, and stop automatic/manual downloads. I already tried a list of file extensions, then check the URL of the browser for the file extension.

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Download Images From Webbrowser Control To A File?

Dec 1, 2009

However, urldownloadfile will use proxy that internet explorer use. That part is what I want. The thing is the proxy used authentication. The proxy in internet explorer is authenticated. Using urldownloadfile will faile with error. It works without proxy.Anotehr is to copy the image to clipboard. That method is not reliable when user switch to another.

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Wordpress - Fill In A Form In A Website Then Click At A Button And Download The File Using Webbrowser Control?

Mar 15, 2010

I am using a WebBrowser-Control to fill in a webform and then click at a button, this currently results in a standard Download File Dialog (you get these if you download a file using internet explorer), but instead, I have to catch this file and save it automatically with a by me defined name to a specific folder.I am trying to code a little application in which download the Export-file from my wordpress-blog, and I want to do this completely without user-interaction.Currently everything works, except the downloading of the file.I tried to catch it with the event System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser.Navigating(ByVal Object, ByVal System.Windows.Navigation.NavigatingCancelEventArgs) but I don't see where to download the file from?

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Make A Listview Custom Control Based On The Standard Listview Control?

Sep 2, 2011

I am trying to make a listview custom control based on the standard listview control that will allow me to drag a column header outside the standard listview control and drop it on a panel. I plan to use the drop event to determine which column I should group by view on.

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Download File From Http Server That Requires A Referral Before Allowing Download?

Nov 18, 2011

I usually download file using following code:My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("url of the file","filepath to save the file")But recently I encountered a site that only allow file download if you click it from its site and not via direct downloading from code.How to download file from http server that requires a referral before allowing the download?

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Get File Type Images For Listview Control?

May 21, 2009

I want to make a simple file re-naming utility and do not know how to get the images for the known file types.

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How To Populate Listview Control With Contents Of .DAT File

May 19, 2012

I've got 1 form that has the user enter 7 fields of data.When they click my "Save" button those values are stored in a .DAT file.On that first form there is a button that brings up a second form with a listview control.I have all the headers set up but can't figure out how to populate the listview control with the contents of the .DAT file.A friend of mine told me I may need a Do while loop but this is my first time doing this and I am so lost. I don't even know where that loop would go and whether or not I need extra variable for it.

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Asynchronous File Download And Synchronous File Download?

Apr 13, 2011

What is the meaning of asynchronous file download and synchronous file download ?

I came to them while using class

I know a basic meaning of tcp/ip and http .

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Download Multiple File + Progressbar But Cant Download File

Nov 10, 2011

i try to download multiple file + progressbar.. but its seems nothing happened and the file is not download.. my program just function like.. when the file was error.. it will download the latest file from webhost..


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Using A WebClient To Download A File, But Being Able To Get The Download Information?

Oct 23, 2009

Imports System.Net
Public Class DownloadStuff
Dim downloader As New WebClient()


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Download My Email - Use A ListView Or GridView?

May 15, 2011

I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out this email thing. I am using the Chilkat add-on tool.I can download the emails to the ListView box but they are all over the place and not neat and readable.Also how do you add rows to a ListView box??? Seems crazy that you can easily put columns but rows??? Forget about it...seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack.[code]...

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Download A File With A Download Timeout?

Feb 4, 2010

I want to download thousands of files from the web and save them locally. What is the most efficient way? It is important the failures timeout within 10 seconds.

Is there a better way to stream one stream into another? Maybe a smaller buffer, like 1024 bytes at a time, is more efficient for large files?

Dim w_req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = CType(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://blah.blah.blah/blah.html"), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)


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Use Ribbon Control In Software And Download A Control?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm a beginner on .NET I would like to use Ribbon control in my software and download a control (from I copy System.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.dll under my project folder and add that reference.Now, how will use that reference and how can i see that in my project.

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Listview In Child Form - Listview Will Not Access With My Add Button Control In FrmCreateUserType

Jul 29, 2010

I have 3 forms, one frmMain - main form, second is frmUserType- childform, and the last frmCreateUserType. In the main form I have a menu item to open my frmUserType, In this form I have a button to open another form which is my frmCreateUserType, In this form I have a button to add records then update the listview in frmUserType. The problem is the listview will not access with my add button control in frmCreateUserType. I tried not to used mdiparent declaration for my frmMain and frmUserType as children and it works, so meaning that the problem is showing my frmUserType as childform?I am using 2008

Code to open my second form (frmUserType)


Code for my add button to update the listview in frmUserType


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ListView Rowheight Varies - Using ListView Control, With SmallIcons Style ?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm using ListView control, with SmallIcons style in VB.NET. Icons are loaded fine, but when I start to scroll ListView down or up from scrollbar (clicking from arrows), rowheight drops to about half from normal in next 20-30 rows below/above upper/bottom row (depends from the scrolling position). After 1-2 seconds, ListView is "refreshed" and scrolling continues normally. When focus in on the ListView and I'm moving up/down with arrow keys or PageUp/PageDown, everything is normal. Any suggestions, what is happening? SmallIcons size is 16 * 16. Is it compulsory to set "Blank icon" with SmallIcon size to all rows, when adding them or what? Wasn't like that in VB6, how is it in VB.NET?

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VS 2008 - How To Access Listview Data - Program That Contains A (listview) Control

Sep 22, 2009

I have a vb-2008 program that contains a (listview) control.

View = details
AllowColumnReorder = true

Lets say the table has 3 columns (a,b,c) and 1 row of data.

a b c
1 2 3

I want the user to be able to re-arrange the columns (by dragging the column headers) before printing the contents of the table.

c a b
3 1 2

Statements like:

.. ListViewX.Columns(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Columns.Item(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Items(0).SubItems(2).ToString

Give the column-name (c) and cell-contents (3) of the origional table .. not the (3rd) column (b) of the re-arranged table.

How can i get the column-name and cell-contents of the (3rd) column of the re-arranged table?

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IDE :: "File Download" Dialog / Way To Perform Download Operation At Back-end

Jun 15, 2010

I have created a application in I am using Web Browser control in it.With this Web Browser control I open an URL and tries to Download something, it will populates an dialog for "File Download" to Open/Save/Cancel for the file..I am downloading the .ZIP file, and it will not show the checkbox for Automatically Do.Is there any way to perform the Download operation at the backend, means it will not ask me for such options.

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VS 2008 - .txt File - Write The File Path So That Someone Else Can Download My Program And File And Read The File

Feb 27, 2012

Reading a .txt file in My file path is C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt.

This is my line of Dim LoanOptionsFile As String = "C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt"

I can read the file when I run the program, but how do I write the file path so that someone else can download my program and file and read the file on their system?

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VS 2010 Associate A Listview Control With An Imageview Control To Display Images?

Feb 15, 2010

I have been able to associate a listview control with an imageview control to display images. There are a couple of things, I would like to do.

1> How do I display the image in the second column? 2> How do I increase the size of the image getting displayed? My images are all 48 x 48 (pixels), but they keep shrinking.

Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO


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Download Files Without Web Browser Control

Mar 19, 2010

hey everyone, i got a code from somewhere to download files without web browser control.The downloader only downloaded 20mb of a file, which was a big problem. I fixed that error, but now i want the code to loop through a listbox and download all the URLS from it when a "download all" button is clicked. [code]

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VS 2008 Control The Download Speed?

Mar 5, 2010

Is it possible to control the download speed in

For example if the client downloading speed is 45kb per sec can i change to 40kb per sec.

i want this to only effect my application and not the web browser or any other applications.

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VS 2005 : Automating CSV Download Using Webbrowser Control?

Apr 11, 2009

I am trying to automate the download of a .CSV file from a password protected website. This file is updated every 15 minutes, but I could get by downloading it 2-3 times a day. I would love to find a way to download this file without any user interaction.

The problem is that there is no direct URL to access the CSV file. There is a webpage with a submit button that initiates the file download. The usual File..Save As Dialog box appears, you click save and then specify the location through the second dialog box.

Looking at the source of the main webpage, I found the form containing the download button, hoping that I could simulate the POST using the HTTPRequest/Response objects, but I couldn't get them to work. The form contains three hidden variables, one of which is called "Key" with a 20 character hexadecimal string. Im assuming this key is regenerated regularly, so this may explain the constant errors I received saying " the back button and resubmit the previous page".

Then I decided to try the WebBrowser control. I was able to figure out how to pass the authentication through the URL and the download page appears in the browser control window. Clicking on the download button brings up the same Save As dialog as the main browser to automate this process. I just need to get this csv file (which, by the way is approx 25MB) downloaded so that my scripts can use it to update our site database.

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Screen Capture - Windows Media Control Download

Sep 3, 2009

I am creating a screen capture program, but I cannot find the Windows Media Control Necessary for it in my toolbox. Is there anywhere I can get it.

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VS 2008 ListView Instead Of CheckedListBox - Add The Size Of File In Listview

Jan 18, 2012

I want ListView instead of CheckedListBox files in checkedListBox is being updated via ListBox1 How can I add the size of file too in listview


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Download File Read HttpResponse Content-Disposition File Name Encode?

Dec 16, 2010

I cannot read filename in response header:Content-Disposition: inline; filename="

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Use The WebBrowserControl To Download A Program Generated PDF File Without The File Save As Dialog

Sep 15, 2011

I am writing a Windows Form program to automatically download and store generated PDF reports from a web site using the WebBrowser Control. The web site uses Ajax to link an icon back to the source aspx file which then returns a PDF file.

The problem I have is that the WebBrowser control brings up the File Save As dialog box when the PDF file is returned and I can find no way of handling this to cature and save the returned file. I have found other examples of how to manage this using the Navagating event to validate the extension of the file that is being accessed (e.g. [URL] and, if not an HTM, file then use the HTTP Web control to directly download the file. Unfortunately this will not work as the call references a .aspx page.

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VS 2008 Make A Button That Download A File Using Http Show A Progress Bar About The Downloading File State?

Sep 17, 2009

How can i make a button that download a file using http show a progress bar about the downloading file state?

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VS 2008 Multiple File Downloader - Only Download One File At A Time

Dec 25, 2009

i made downloader that will display the following items to the user. The Name of the file that the user is downloading The Url Were the file is being saved The Size of the file The speed at which the file is being downloaded And the Status. But the Problem is that the downloader can only download one file at a time. How can i make a multiple file downloader Which if the user wants to download 2 or 23 files he can.

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