Dynamic Report - Only Get A Value Which Is Datatable Type ?

Aug 15, 2009

I work on representation layer . My friend work on datalyer( back end) I only get a value which is datatable type. How can i show it to crystal report.

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Dynamic Type Definition - Error: Type PropertyType Is Not Defined

Mar 11, 2011

I have this code working. It sets the Visible property of controlToSecure to False. [Code] However I would like to get rid of hardcoding types of properties. In this case i'm hardcoding Boolean. Instead I would like to define the property type dynamically. I tried it like below but I get an error on line 2 "Type property Type is not defined". I just defined that type on the line before though? Does anyone know why this doesn't work and how i could get it to work? [Code]

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How To Create Dynamic Report

Jul 16, 2009

How to create a dynamic report?

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Dynamic Crystal Report Using VS2010 .net?

Mar 28, 2012

I am trying to generate a report using Crystal studio that takes a public variable from the vb.net application. I think the best way to do it is to just dynamically give the filter to the report at runtime, but I can't figure out how to set it up to take any information at runtime.

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Dynamic Way To Set Database Location To The Report?

Jan 14, 2009

i am using b.net 2005. i am generating a crystal report. but when i work in a different computer i have to set the location of the database of the report before i generate. is their any dynamic way to set my database location to the report.

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Dynamic Way To Set My Database Location To The Report?

Jan 14, 2009

i am generating a crystal report. but when i work in a different computer i have to set the location of the database of the report before i generate. is their any dynamic way to set my database location to the report.

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Make A Dynamic Report In .net 2005?

Mar 14, 2009

i want to make a dynamic report in vb.net 2005 any one would like to i wish that at runtime i would be able to add some column or remove

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VS 2010 Dynamic Rdlc Report?

Jun 30, 2011

I've been googling around to find a way to dynamically assign a DataSet to an rdlc report but i was unable to find a clear method to do it.Does anyone know if there is a way? I end up trying to use this method because i also found no way of adding parameters to the rdlc report. The VS documentation is vague on this issue..

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Conversion From Type 'DataTable' To Type 'String' Is Not Valid

Aug 9, 2011

i encounter this error while passing a string as datatable.

I populate combobox1 with tables/sheets from excel and each table has datarows which i want to get the data and import to sql corresponding table, so, I declare

Dim XLSTableName as String = Combobox1.SelectedItem

And I encounter the this error : Conversion from type 'DataTable' to type 'String' is not valid

how do i return the combobox1.SelectedItem as Datatable cos if i declare

Dim XLSTableName as DataTable and pass it to the select Command thus:

Dim objCmdSelect As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" & XLSTableName & "], ODBConn)

to obtain the dataRows I got the following error: operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and System.Data.DataTable'

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Add A New Row To An Existing Dynamic Datatable?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a dynamic datatable, created from a database. I want to add a new row (blank), so there is an option to choose nothing in a combobx. Everything works ok without adding the new row. But when I add a new row, the combobox displays nothing. What am I missing?

Here is the code
Dim DT As New DataTable
DT = DS.Tables("CallStatus")


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How To Create Dynamic Columns Via Crystal Report

Aug 2, 2006

On runtime about the number of columns to show (mainly remove columns that are available and then shift the remaining columns).. I can view the reports in a report viewer normally all I need is to be able to edit the columns in run time.

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Report With Dynamic Columns (Chosen In Runtime)

Jul 22, 2010

I need to make a report but my columns will be chosen in run-time. I used to make report with crystal report by filling my data to query table and connect this query table with designed report by crystal report. but this time the user will choose the fields in run-time.

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Get DataTable From Dynamic Function Via Reflection?

Nov 8, 2011

I have a custom DropDownField for a GridView. I have to specify the DataSourceMethod property to the name of a function. I can not use a SqlDataConnector object. I want to take the name of the function (e.g.MyNamespace.MyClass.GetYears) and get the resulting object and assign it to a DropDownList data source.I know I will need to use the CallByName function

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VS 2008 : Add Dynamic Data To Datatable?

Oct 4, 2010

I am creating a data logger that pulls data from an existing OPC server. When the data logger is launched, I look into the OPC server and get the names of the sensors that need logging (ColumnNames() as string) . From that, I am creating a data table with columns based on the items in ColumnNames(). That part is working. What I am having problems with is adding rows to the table. When I read the values from the OPC server, I get an array of strings (values() as string) which is guaranteed to be in the same order as the ColumnNames.I have been trying to use an SqlDataAdapter with a dynamically built insert command, but it is getting extremely convoluted and ugly.Is there an way to add a data row to my table using an array of string values directly?

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DB/Reporting :: Dynamic Crystal Report Including Parameter Value

Jan 16, 2009

This for a semi-automated application. Basically the user provides a list of parameters (entered as an offline spreadsheet). The application automatically selects the required report and logon information. Each line in the given spreadsheet will be used as parameter values for a certain report.Therefore the requirements for this (vb.net) applicaton include:

- dynamically select a different Crystal reports

- each report may read data from different tables from an Oracle database.

An old application of mine that had done something similar and it works normally. Those Crystal reports retrieve data from a SQL server stored procedure. (The stored procedure reads data from Oracle using linked server concept). I do not have to set the logon information dynamically in the vb.net code because every report uses Trusted Windows logon concept. The application can also pass dynamic values to different Crystal report parameters without problems.Then I modify this old application for the required new set of Crystal reports. Because these reports access Oracle database via ODBC and not every report reads from the same Oracle schema, it appears I have to write codes to pass ODBC Dataset and its logon information (the users do not want enter it everytime). The application does not run after the change. The report printout shows blank. Although I can accomplish what is needed by modifying each report to use Stored procedure. But this is not prefered and not a simple task because of the number of reports.I have tested each report and it does run normally in interactive mode.I am not sure if I need to write codes to set the datasource for these 'new' Crystal reports. In my test codes I set the reportsource for my CrystalReportViewer object to an non-typed report. Is there anyone who can show me sample codes that

1) achieve odbc logon

2) select a report dynamically for preview/printing

3) pass values to parameter

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Linq Over Datatable Using Dynamic Library Sample?

Nov 3, 2009

I am looking for sample linq code snippet which uses System.Linq.Dynamic against a datatable.

Dim entities = (From ent In dt.AsEnumerable().Where(String.Format("IsUSFederal == {0}", "true")) _
Select Description = ent("Description"), Acronym = ent("Acronym")).ToList

I am getting an error "there is no accessible Where can be called with these arguments". I have included the DynamicLinq.vb file and the application compiles fine (aside from this error). I have included Imports System.Linq.Dynamic but it doesn't appear to be working.

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DB/Reporting :: .rdlc Report With A Dynamic Image Inserted Question?

Jul 6, 2009

directly here is the issue:a "OpenFileDialog" on a windows form is made to choose a picture and then insert it into a rdlc report under VB.net 2008 so i need the exact command to access any picturebox in the rdlc report.

i used to do the job under VB6 as the following:Set ReportName.Sections("SectionName").Controls("Image2").Picture = LoadPicture(fileName)

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Dynamic List From DataTable.Select Rows Collection?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm am creating a "pop-up" CheckedListBox over a button on my DataGridView. The values in the list are going to be filtered based on the value in column 0 of the DataGridView.I have already pulled in a "master" DataTable with two columns: ACODE and MATRIX.I want to call the following function and return an array of strings that I can use to build this CheckedListBox with. The line between "For Each r" and "Next" generates a "Number of indices is less than the number of dimensions of the indexed array". The number of items is variable in the array so I can't predefined it. I know I'm going down the wrong path.

Function StudyGroupSamples(ByVal sampleType As String) As String()
Dim thisArray() As String
Dim theseRows() As DataRow


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Add Multiple Datatable In Crystal Report

Jun 19, 2010

am new in crystal report, here wana to add 2 datatables in the crstal report' Private Sub btbPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btbPrint.Click


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ASP.Net Error - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Data.DataTable'

Oct 4, 2009

I get the below error Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Data.DataTable'.This is the code I'm using

Dim str As String = String.Empty
If (Session("Brief") IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim dt As DataTable = Session("Brief")
If (dt.Rows.Count > 0) Then


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Dynamic Type In C Sgarp

Feb 6, 2011

Now C# 4.0 supports dynamic type. we can achieve this using 'dynamic' key word.

in dynamic type , c# compiler wont check the type (type safty- we knows that c# gives high periorty to type safty).

but it will check at run time.(if any problem in type conversion CLR will through runtime exception).


public Class TestCls
public void store(int a)


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Replicating Table Rows In A Datatable Causes The Datatype In An Excel Output Report To Be Different?

Nov 3, 2010

I pull a report from SQL Server being not a fan of cursors I process that table server side in my code behind file. So I pull this report that is an address label report and my client wants there to be X number of labels per person. So I coded this function:

Private Function ProcessX(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal X As Integer) As DataTable
Dim dtProcessed As DataTable = dt.Copy


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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using VB.net 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below. declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form.


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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type In .NET?

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using VB.net 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below.declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form. VB6 (Code inside Module)'Global type array to hold printer info.

Public Type OShare
PrinterName As String
BackupName As String
CurrId as Integer
End Type

'Declare dynamic array for printer info as user-defined type declared above.

Public g_Share() As OShare
VB6 (Code inside Form)
Public Sub LoadPrinters()


when pgm runs and when it reach ".PrinterName = myReader(0)" line, it crashes. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. using immediate window i can see the myReader(0) value. how can i create dynamic array for user-defined type in vb.net?

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Dynamic Array For User-defined Type?

Apr 2, 2009

i'm using VB.net 2003 application program. i'm trying to convert a VB6 program to VB.NET. The VB6 code i'm trying to convert is shown below.

declared g_Share() array in module and trying to add values to it inside form.

VB6 (Code inside Module)
'Global type array to hold printer info.
Public Type OShare


how can i create dynamic array for user-defined type in vb.net?

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Dynamic XmlSerializer That Identifies Object Type From Xml-serialization?

Feb 3, 2011

Is there any way to create an XmlSerializer that stores along with the serialized data the data type, then when deserializing, it automatically identifies the type of the serialized object and creates an object of that type (returned as object).

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Get Sql Type From Datatable?

May 15, 2011

I have a data table and when I try to get column type I get this: system.int32

but I want to get the sql datatype like int or smallint.

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.net - Deserializing XML With Dynamic Types / Converting String To System.Type?

Jun 5, 2009

I'm not sure if i titled this question properly or am asking it properly, but here goes.I've got serialized objects (in XML) stored in a database, along with a string/varchar indicating the type.


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Nable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.DataViewManager' To Type 'System.Data.DataTable'

Feb 19, 2010

I added this lines in the form load of DataGridPrinter by Merrion in the codebank..[code]Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataViewManager' to type 'System.Data.DataTable'.

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.DataTable' To Type 'System.Data.DataView'

Dec 31, 2009

every time i run this code i get the same error

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataTable' to type 'System.Data.DataView'.

the code is

Dim plmExcelCon As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim cmdLoadExcel As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim PrmPathExcelFile As String


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