Error BC30648: String Constants Must End With A Double Quote

Feb 4, 2011

I noticed that if I leave off the terminating double quote for a string constant in Visual Studio 2010, there is no error or even a warning, i.e.

Dim foo as String = "hi

However, the continuous integration tool we are using flags an error:

error BC30648: String constants must end with a double quote.

Is there some language rule in VB.Net that makes a terminating double quote optional "sometimes"? Is there some setting in Visual Studio that will make it flag this as an error, so I can avoid "breaking the build" in this way?

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CSV File Parse - Double Quote Comma Double Quote

Mar 25, 2009

I have a CSV file where the values are in double quotes and seperated by a comma. I'm getting incorrect data if I try to seperate the string with my Split function. How do I do it?


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Put A Double Quote Into A String?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a problem that seems trivial. In an argument to an activity I need to supply a path.

This is done by this code:

-bd -y -tzip {0} {1}* -r",

However, the directories parameters contain spaces so they have to have quotes around them. I tried with single quote ' that works fine to put in the string, but the command shell executing the command ignores these. So it has to be double quote "

I have tried all methods I have fount on the Internet, for example to have a backslash before the double quote and to have three double quotes, but nothing seems to work. I get a compiler error as below.

Error 4 Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "String.Format("a -bd -y -tzip "{0}" '{1}*' -r", Path.Combine(BinariesDirectory, ""), BinariesDirectory)".Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.

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Put A Single Double Quote As A String?

Mar 15, 2011

It would seem to be Dim MyString as String = """""" but VB doesn't like that.

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Replace Quote With Double Quote?

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to replace "a" to = ""a""

code i have tried is
If line.Contains("""") Then
line.Replace("", "")


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VS 2008 : Double Quotes Inside A Double Quote?

Apr 4, 2009

In, im using objWriter.Write("playerA= "x"")as you can see im using double quotes inside double quotes, how do i skip it so the error doesnt show up?in php you make an "" to skip the string like ("playerA = "x" ")

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Wpf - Remove Double Quote From Both Sides Of The String "1,62099"?

Jun 15, 2012

If my string is "1,60299" getting collection of UserCodes .... then if I want to remove " from both ends what do I have to do ??ex: strUserCode = "1,62099,100156321"

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Replace The Double Quote In Net?

Mar 16, 2010

how can i replace the double quote in

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VS 2008 How To Double Quote

Aug 23, 2009

I want to use this code. Is there anyway I can Double quote?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ComboBox1.Text = "Open Website" Then


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Changing Value Of Hardcoded Double Constants

Feb 15, 2011

after working with some files in a project, I find that somehow the values of hard coded numeric double values have changed,that is:[code]This has happened in a lot of the source files of the project.When does this replacement take place? While I can understand that the original numbers cannot be exactly represented as double, I do not want this substitution, is there some way to prevent them? Initially I thought that was some behavior of the source control system (TFS)

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Double Quote Appears On Open And End Of Each Lines

Sep 13, 2009

I'm extracting data to a text file (notepad) using VB system IO. I'm not sure what is wrong. When i extract the file from computer A, it is OK

Data A
Data B
Data C
Data D

But from PC B,

"Data A"
"Data B"
"Data C"

double quote appears on open and end of each lines.

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VS 2005 - How To Replace Double Quote With Space

Oct 14, 2009

How would I do a replace to replace a double quote with a blank space
What would I put in the ( ):
NameValueArgs.Item(i).ToString().Replace( )

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Saving A Text Field That May Contain A Single Of Double Quote?

Jun 16, 2010

I am saving a text field that may contain a single of double quote.' or "If i use a double quote in my SQL save funciton I can save and use single Quotes. When I use a Single quote I can save Double Quotes. Yet not both.People use both, so I would like to know how I could change the delimiter to something other than a Double Quote for my text saves

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VS 2005 Reading Comma Separated CSV File With Double Quote

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to read a csv file with comma separated. Problem is inside the file, it has one column which original value already contains Comma. Here is the example


So, when I Split the string with Comma, it gave me problem. Actually total it has 6 columns. But because of internal comma, it gave me 7 columns. And this CSV format can't change so I must deal with this problem. And so here I come out with a solution (because of its too long, I looking for better idea and solutions from you guys ):


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Double If Statement - Getting Error "Conversion From String "frog1" To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid."?

Apr 12, 2011

I've been just making random programs trying to get the hang of the new language this time I was making a leap frog game where it switches back and forth beetween frogs every time a button is pressed. It also checks if the frog can land in the text box above the button pressed, if there is another frog there a message box will pop up saying sorry space is filled other wise the frog should land there.


The error message says "Conversion from string "frog1" to type 'Double' is not valid." I understand what a double is but I've tried And If and that causes a bunch of errors.My Question is whats wrong with this cod and how can I make a double if statement???PS I did try to make an array to shorten this but thats in a different fourm will post URL later

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String To Double Error

Aug 13, 2009

I created an application in 2005.It works fine on my machine. I tested several different test machines and all were working fine. As for the client, it's generating an error. My application reads from an excel sheet and imports the values to an oracle database. the error being generated is: "conversion from type string to type double is not valid". Why is it generating on on the client's computer and not mine?

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Error In Published Version String To Double

Oct 1, 2010

I am getting an error message: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application.conversion from string"" to Double is not valid

I dont get this error when I am in debug mode only when I publish the program.

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Error:conversion From String To Double Is Not Valid?

Oct 2, 2011

I am doing a project entitled "Automation of Student admission process".I am having a datafield UGPercent of datatype(18,3) NULL in my database.When i tried to insert it using the following code Insert into Markdetail(UGPercent)values(" & txtperc2.Text & ")..It shows me the error:conversion from string to double is not valid.what is wrong in my code?

here: Markdetail is my table
txtperc2.Text-The textbox used to get the UG percentage.

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Getting Conversion From String To Type Double Error

Dec 4, 2009

I have code that loops through a string array to add words one at a time to a line of limited length. I am trying to fit a phrase on up to four lines, centering the words on each line. My code appears to add the first word but on the 2nd word I get a "conversion from string "IS" to type 'Double' is not valid" error.

Here is my code so far:

varResult = Split(strPhrase)
intWordCnt = UBound(varResult) 'count words in phrase
'make words fit on one line


The phrase in strPhrase is "GOD IS LOVE"

I don't understand why I am getting this error when I didn't on the first loop through the code and it Put the word "GOD" into the line.

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.net - String Query Error Conversion From String "iif(CurCons = 0, " To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Jul 4, 2011

I make a query in coding. But I got conversion error.My query is below

Dim strSelect As String = ""
strSelect = "SELECT " & _
"Description As [Desc], " & _


Exception error is like

Conversion from string "iif(CurCons = 0, " to type 'Double' is not valid

Actually, in my report, i wanna show if it's zero then '-'. If i set it in this string.I got another error like below The provider could not determine the Decimal value. For example, the row was just created, the default for the Decimal column was not available, and the consumer had not yet set a new Decimal value.

From da.Fill
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(strDynamic, m_DBConn)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
da.Fill(ds, "tblCur")

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Forms :: Conversion From String To Type Double Is Not Valid' Error?

Jun 25, 2011

I wanna perform a function like this. When you save a record, I need the primary key of that record to be auto-generated (X001). Say, when you create a new record and save it, it should be saved like X002 automatically.So to test this before I implement that on this project I'm working on, I created this little program.form.png

All its supposed to do is, when you click on the OK button it shows a code that is fetched from a database table. (X001). Then when you click on it ober and over again. The number should increase. X002, X003, X004... so on.Here's my code

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click[code]....

But when I run it, it throws this conversion error.exception error.png.I know its pretty straight forward so I tried to correct it with what I know

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Missing Quote For String In Locals

Apr 15, 2010

I read in a Byte Array generated from a function called from an external DLL file and then converted (encoded) it into a String. In the Locals window (shown below), msg does not have a trailing double-quote.[code]...

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How To Escape Single Quote In String.Format

Jun 24, 2010

While searching on how to escape a single quote in String.Format, I found the answer at SO: Escaping single quote in String.Format(). It seems to be different for VB though. I tested it, and indeed C# needs

string s = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM d \'yy 'at' H:mmm");
while VB needs
Dim s As String = Now.ToString("MMM d 'yy 'at' H:mmm")

Why does C# need a double backslash, and VB a single backslash? This might be a bit of a silly question to C# users, but while I can read C#, I'm not used to writing it.

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Include Quote Marks Inside A String?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm trying to include quotes into my string to add to a text box, i am using this [code]....

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Update Having Quote String Like Rug's Name ('s) In VB Text Field?

Aug 2, 2011

is there way to update having quote string eg. drug's name ('s) in vb text field ' this corrector REFUSING TO UPDATE TO DATABASE. this kinds of error always comes up Incorect Syntax Near 'S'.Unclosed Quotation Mark After character string '))'.

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.NET Enumerations Of Symbolic Constants For String Values?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a list of rather meaningless codes that I'm processing with a VB.NET Windows application. For the business logic I'm writing to process those codes, I'd like to use meaningful constants (like ServiceNotCovered or MemberNotEligible) instead of the original codes (like "SNCV" and "MNEL").As far as I can tell, Enums can only map to numeric values, not to strings. So the best I've been able to come up with is a static class that exposes the constants as static readonly string fields that are internally set equal to the code values, as follows.

Public Class MyClass
private _reasonCode as String()
Public Property ReasonCode() As String


View 7 Replies - Single Quote In LINQ Results Causing Error

Jul 14, 2011

I have the following LINQ query:

Dim find_id = From p In dbContext.Residents _
Where p.person_name = occupant _
Select p

I then pull the first returned ID like so:

Dim building_id As String =

This works fine, except with the person has a ' in their last name, like M'arta. In this case I get a NullReferenceException.

Okay, the problem appears to be that when I am capturing the name initially from a GridView it is inserting into the value a #39 instead of ' and then LINQ is keeping things correct, so I end up with a non-match since it is attempting to match:

M#38arta = M'arta

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Conversion Error On Line 5 Stating 'Conversion From String 'S' To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Apr 8, 2009

a user will enter a number, n, which ranges from 1 to 30. they will also enter a "P" or an "S" (sum or product). depending on which was selected, it will calculate the sum or product of the numbers from 1 to n.i'm having a conversion error on line 5 stating "Conversion from string "S" to type 'Double' is not valid." [code]

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Error "debugger Cannot Convert Data Type From String To Double"

May 7, 2012

I am using two textBox's. The first to enter the data. The second to convert to answer the program complies with no error, the debugger cannot convert data type from string to double.


why does the program not convert the textbox txtFahrenheit from string to double?

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Error Debugging - Conversion From String "" To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Jan 12, 2011

I'm doing some error debugging trying to get the errors on our website down to a minimum and there seems to be an error that is popping up quite a lot Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.

I'm unable to replicate this problem but I can see that it is happening.I've been looking through the code in one of the pages and strolled across this

Dim varWeek As String
If varWeek < 10 Then
'Do something'
End If

Could this be causing the problem as it is trying to see if a String is less than 10 which is an Integer?As I said before as I am unable to see this error in the first place so changing this to an Integer doesn't change anything on my system.

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