Errorhandler With Validating Does Not Raise Error To Textbox

Apr 17, 2009

All I want to accomplish is require an extry on a textbox, and raise an error.When I run, it forces me to put something in the textbox. Not sure why, because this code never gets executed in the program when I go in debug. This is on my top 10 worst days of work in my life. Trying to learn VB.NET, like 27,000,000 other people out there.[code]

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C# - WinForms: Cannot Get ValidateChildren To Raise Validating Event Of A Child Control?

Jul 8, 2010

In a Windows Form application I have a Form with a UserControl that contains a child control. I have an event handler for the child control's Validating event. On the parent UserControl I call the ValidateChildren() method. But the event handler for the child control's Validating event does not run. The CausesValidation property is set to true on both the parent UserControl and the child control. Is there any reason why the Validating event handler would not run?

The child control is a custom control derived from Panel. It contains two RadioButton controls, both of which have their CausesValidation property set to true.

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Validating A Number In A Textbox?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm writing a part of an application for a movie ticket program.

Basically, I have to write an If statement verifying the age put in a textbox, based on a radiobox that is checked.

So, if the radiobox "PG" is checked, the age in the textbox has to be equal to or greater than 12. If "Restricted" is checked, then the textbox has to be equal to or great than 17.

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C# - Toolstripbutton Not Validating Textbox

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox, a standard button and a toolstrip containing a couple of buttons. In the validating event of the textbox i coded to check whether it is blank. If yes then it shows a message 'Enter Value'. When the standard button is clicked while the textbox is empty, it's validating properly and showing the message but when the toolstripbutton is clicked it's not not validating the textbox and no message is being shown. It seems that I gotto write the validation code explicitly in the toolstripbutton_click event which is too troublesome when there are multiple textboxes and toolstripbuttons on a single form. What I want to know is whether the textbox_validating can be fired while the toolstripbutton is clicked? Handling toolstrips is really a headache. I'm badly in need of it.

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C# - Validating Dropdownlist OR Textbox?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a page where a user can either select a vendor via dropdown or enter a vendor number via textbox. One or the other must have a value. I can do this in javascript easily but how can I do this using a custom validator provided by ajax all on the client side?


Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
If Page.IsValid Then
//save stuff
End If


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Textbox Validating Firing Twice?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a MDIParent form and 2 child forms. One of them,form1, has a textbox for which certain validations are present in the validating event. The other one has a button on it. When I try to navigate from form1 to form2, the validating event is firing twice for the first time. Is there a way to make it fire only once. And also, this event fires whenever I try to close the mdi parent form Attached is a sample project.

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Toolstripbutton Not Validating Textbox

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox, a standard button and a toolstrip containing a couple of buttons.In the validating event of the textbox i coded to check whether it is blank.If yes then it shows a message 'Enter Value'. When the standard button is clicked while the textbox is empty, it's validating properly and showing the message but when the toolstripbutton is clicked it's not not validating the textbox and no message is being shown. It seems that I gotto write the validation code explicitly in the toolstripbutton_click event which is too troublesome when there are multiple textboxes and toolstripbuttons on a single form. What I want to know is whether the textbox_validating can be fired while the toolstripbutton is clicked?

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Toolstripbutton Not Validating Textbox?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox, a standard button and a toolstrip containing a couple of buttons. In the validating event of the textbox i coded to check whether it is blank. If yes then it shows a message 'Enter Value'. When the standard button is clicked while the textbox is empty, it's validating properly and showing the message but when the toolstripbutton is clicked it's not not validating the textbox and no message is being shown. It seems that I gotto write the validation code explicitly in the toolstripbutton_click event which is too troublesome when there are multiple textboxes and toolstripbuttons on a single form. What I want to know is whether the textbox_validating can be fired while the toolstripbutton is clicked?

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Validating A String In A Textbox?

Feb 8, 2012

I am trying to validate a string that has been inputted into a text box to make sure there is nothing but alphabetical charecters in the textbox. The following code only checks the first character in the textbox...

If Char.IsLetter(textbox1.Text) = False Then
MsgBox("Error! Invalid charecters present")
Exit Sub
End If

I was wondering if there was any way that i could turn this into some sort of loop so that it checks all of the charecters present within the textbox?

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Validating A Textbox Against A Database

Sep 22, 2011

I'm a beginner using VS2010 Express. Using a windows form, I'd like to be able to validate a textbox against a column of data in an existing SQL table when the user selects a submit button. To my surprise, a google search revealed very little-- a few instructions using C#, but I'd really like to continue learning VB (only background is with VBA).

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Validating Textbox - Which Event To Use

Feb 19, 2012

I have a textbox control to take some input and a button to execute something. I want the button's click event will not work as long the validation to the textbox is successful.

Private Sub txtSuffix_validate(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtSuffix.Validating
If Not txtSuffix.Text = "" Then


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VS 2010 Textbox Validating?

Feb 13, 2012

[code] how can I also allow a decimal point, and also it will not let me Exit the program unless there is something in the textbox, I have looked around and have seen a few different codes but they seemed kind of complicated.

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Raise Error Does Not Triggered .Net Exception

Mar 11, 2010

I have a VB.Net system that connect to SQL Server through ODBC.When I try to raiseerror from an IF...ELSE statement, it does not triggered the exception handling.I have done some raise error testing at my side. Below is my finding:

1. RaiseError did not triggered exception:
IF 1=1


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Raise Event Keydown Error

Jun 8, 2012

I want to have a partial class to manage my focus bettwen radtextboxes when a user presses the enter key and I am looking for the telerik interpretation of this line of code " tbs(i).KeyDown += New KeyEventHandler(AddressOf textBoxes_KeyDown) "[code]...

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Validating E-mail Address In Textbox?

Apr 5, 2010

I would like to know if there is a simple way to validate an e-mail address? I have seen many ways that appear to use functions but I would like to use something simple because currently my error control is done like this:

If txtEmail.Text = "" Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(txtEmail, "You must enter your e-mail address.")
ErrorProvider1.SetError(txtEmail, "")

Is there a way to use the same type of syntax but instead of checking if the textbox is empty, check if it a valid e-mail address? I know the regular expressions can be used, but how in this circumstance?

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Raise An Event Error When Converting C# Code?

Jan 10, 2011

I have converted C# code to using the online converter tools.

Public Sub New()
Me.Flip1Half.Completed += New EventHandler(AddressOf Flip1Half_Completed)


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C# - Equivalent Of WinForms TextBox.Validating Event In WPF

Sep 11, 2009

In WinForms I could handle the Validated event to do something after the user changed text in a TextBox. Unlike TextChanged, Validated didn't fire for every character change; it only fired when the user was done.Is there anything in WPF I can use to get the same result, an event raised only after the user is done changing the text?

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C# - Validating An ASP.Net Textbox As Not Empty But Allowing Whitespace?

May 24, 2011

I have an ASP.Net 2.0 textbox which I need to be validated as having some content, but where whitespace alone is valid input. A required field validator seems to reject a pure whitespace input as invalid. A regular expression validator won't fire at all on empty content. Is there a simpler way round this than using a custom validator control?

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Validating A Textbox When Changing Tabcontrol Index?

Jun 8, 2012

how to validate and save the results of a textbox when I change to another tab on a tabcontrol?I have found the SelectedIndexChanged and LostFocus but they do not tell what was the tab that has been previously selected, so I then can do that validation and save. is there an event that triggers before the SelectedIndexChanged?

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Validating Phone Number Format In TextBox

Jun 12, 2011

I'm trying to validate the correct format for a phone number in a text box: (000) 000-0000 For a test, i made it so that a messagebox shows up saying "correct" if the format is correct. This test works well WHEN the format is correct. BUT when the format IS NOT correct, I keep getting an error saying that the index was out of the array.


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Validating Textbox For Numeric And Alphanumeric Dynamically

Apr 2, 2009

I have form with ComboBox and TextBox. ComboBox has values A, B. And I would like to validate TextBox. If user select A so TextBox need to check for numeric and amount of numbers can't exceed 10 characters. If will entered not numeric characters error will indicated. If user select B so TextBox will check for string and user can enter any characters. Only if box is empty error will indicated.

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Getting Error While Validating MaskedTextBox From Module?

Mar 30, 2011

For two days I have been looking for a way to enable button when MaskedTextBox is completed but no luck.The button does get enabled but not until you type(hit) a key after all characters(numbers) have been entered.To work around this, I adding two different events for the MaskedTextBox like the example below.

Private Sub MaskedTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MaskedTextBox1.TextChanged
'If MaskedTextBox1.MaskCompleted Then


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Interface And Graphics :: Inherited From TextBox And Auto-validating Control?

Nov 16, 2011

I frequently use TextBoxes that expect date values. I do a tedious job every time to handle the Validating event. The Validation event ensures that the value is a valid date value according to the current thread's Calendar, and if so, formats the date to "dd-MM-yyyy".

I want a TextBox (e.g. DateTextBox) that automatically runs validation and formats its Text property. All I have to do is dropping it to the form.

I know I should use inheritance; but I do not know where to put the auto-validation code; and I do not know how to save the inherited class as a control in the ToolBox.

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Prevent Validating/Validated Event From Firing In Custom Textbox?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a custom text box component (inherits from that I created in (2005) that handles the input of numeric data. It works well.

I would like to suppress the validating and validated events from firing if the number hasn't changed. If a user is tabbing through the form and tabs from the text box, the validating/validated events are fired.

I was thinking that the text box could cache the value and compare it to what is listed in the text property. If they are different, then I would want the validating/validate events to fire. If they are the same, nothing is fired.

I can't seem to figure out how to suppress the event. I have tried overriding the OnValidating event. That didn't work.


Here is the custom text box class. The idea is that I want to cache the value of the text box on the validate event. Once the value is cached, the next time the user tabs through the box, the validating event will check to see if the _Cache is different from the .Text. If so that is when I would like to raise the validating event to the parent form (as well as the validated event). If the _cache is the same, then I don't want to raise the event to the form. Essentially the text box will work the same as a regular text box except that the validating and validated method are only raised to the form when the text has changed.

Public Class CustomTextBox
#Region "Class Level Variables"
Private _FirstClickCompleted As Boolean = False 'used to indicate that all of the text should be highlighted when the user box is clicked - only when the control has had focus shifted to it


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Display Error Or Success Message After Validating Username

Nov 15, 2011

I have been able to connect to the string and the database from where I need to check the username, but in my page it is not checking whether the username is correct or not.

what I am doing wrong and what I need to change to make this work, I have been on this for literally a week and still no success.[code]...

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Validating User Input When Put The Cod In To Controle The Submit Button Get This Error BC30451: Name?

Apr 4, 2009

On the page so far i have 4 text fields and a label and a button the page works up until i put the code in for the submit button then i get this error. BC30451: Name 'labelMessage' is not declared.

The code is Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Line 9: If Page.IsValid Then


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Never Ending Loop While Setting Focus To Control On Validating Event In Cantrol Validating Event?

May 9, 2012

I am writing below code for validating compulsary field account no. in form.User's requirement is set focus back on field when error comes :

If txtAccountNo = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Account no filed can't be left empty")
Exit Sub
End If

It's working properly. But suppose user don't want to fill form and exiting from application.Message box keep on appearing till user enters account no.

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Use Raise Event To Raise A Programmatically Added Event

Jun 12, 2011

i guess the title pretty much states the question but i will give the senario to be more clear. i have a mousemove() event which i add in my program programmatically and i need a way for raising that event (again) programmatically too. raiseEvent control_mousemove() doesn't work as it says that "'control_MouseDown' is not an event of 'main'."


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Forms :: Take The Control Back To Textbox After Display Error By Error Provider Tool

Feb 3, 2010

I used error provider tool to display the error when the textbox is empty. when the error message is displayed immediately it is inserting the record into the database.I want to clear the error and then insert. how to take the control to textbox?


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Forms :: Take The Control Back To Textbox After Display Error By Error Provider Tool?

Mar 31, 2011

I used error provider tool to display the error when the textbox is empty. when the error message is displayed immediately it is inserting the record into the database.I want to clear the error and then insert. how to take the control to textbox?..Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form1
Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand


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