Filesystemwatcher - Check If File Is Open Or Used By Another Process?

Aug 10, 2009

I have a filesystemwatcher that watches a certain folder.. Now i use system.thread.sleep to be sure that the file is completely copied to the folder that i watch..But this is not a good way!

I know there is a way to check if the file is open or used by another process, but i dont know the code..


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Check If File Is Open Or Used By Another Process

Aug 12, 2009

I have a filesystemwatcher that watches a certain folder.. Now i use system.thread.sleep to be sure that the file is completely copied to the folder that i watch..But this is not a good way!i know there is a way to check if the file is open or used by another process, but i dont know the code.[code]

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Check When File Is Open Or Used By Another Process?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a filesystemwatcher that watches a certain folder.. Now i use system.thread.sleep to be sure that the file is completely copied to the folder that i watch..[code]....

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FileSystemWatcher / How To Know Which Process Made Change

Jul 7, 2011

is it possible to get the name of the process that caused the change in the filesystem?i want to do this programmatically [ie, i can't use any external 3rd party tools like handle]

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Will FileSystemWatcher Process Multiple Files At Once?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a Windows service that is watching a folder for files that will be placed there.(Created in Visual Studio 2005.)The files each represent a transaction, and the transactions have to be kept in order.As I process each file (transaction), I want to forward it to someone else.(The someone else wants them kept in order.)It looks like I can't paste multiple files into a folder simultaneously and still be sure that they will be processed in the order of the original date and time they were created.Nor can I be sure that they would be read in name order.(FileSystemWatcher would grab them in any old order it chose.)So I think I will have to move the files into the folder one at a time, in the proper sequence.But I'm wondering if I could get into a "racing" situation.

When FileSystemWatcher detects a file in a folder, it creates a new thread for your event handler to operate on.If it detects a second file while still processing the first file, would it then create yet another thread?If that is the case, then if File1.xml takes longer to process than File2.xml, it seems like File2.xml might finish first, resulting in my transactions getting out of order.In my own experiments,I have not seen evidence that multiple files are really processed simultaneously.I write messages to a log file as I process each transaction, and I never see messages from File1.xml's processing intermingled with File2.xml's messages.This seems to be true even when I paste both files into the folder only keeps one event-handling thread going at a time, and queues up the events as they come, processing them on that single thread.Otherwise, I'll have to do something to ensure they are kept in order.

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Set The FileSystemWatcher.Filter To Check Only Two Files?

Jun 11, 2011

How do you set the FileSystemWatcher.Filter to check only two files.

Here's my code that doesn't even work.

watcher.Filter = "*.txt|*.ini"

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Check A File Which Want To Delete Is Not More Used By Another Process?

Jan 8, 2012

how to check a file which i want to delete is not more used by another process?I have a program it creates a temp file less than 1KBthen it sends it like an attachment in the emailthen I have to delete it,but cannot do it because exception comes out that it still used by another process

Dim AnEmailMessage As New MailMessage
AnEmailMessage.From = New MailAddress("")


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VS 2010 : Check If A File Is Being Used By Another Process?

Sep 30, 2011

The only logical way is reading the file and creating Try and Catch?

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C# - Check For Changes In A File Launched With Process.start()

May 22, 2012

I'm developing a vbnet/c#.NET based application that opens files with different applications(excel, word, etc).

The application is launched using Dim app As Process = Process.Start(ProcessProperties)

Now, when I have to terminate the process I use app.Kill() but I need to check if the document has been modified before killing it.

How can I handle that? And if it's possible, how can I launch the application native prompt for save?

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Get The List Of Open File Handles By Process In C#?

Jan 20, 2012

How do I get the list of open file handles by process id in C#?

I'm interested in digging down and getting the file names as well.

Looking for the programmatic equivalent of what process explorer does.

Most likely this will require interop.

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VS 2008 - How To Open File Using Process.Start

Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to open any file using Process.Start, but every time I try to open a file that isn't an executable the program crashes... This is the code I'm currently using:
Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDoubleClick
For Each lvi As ListViewItem In ListView1.SelectedItems
Process.Start(path & "" & lvi.Text)
End Sub

Path is a string that contains the selected folder path, and lvi is the text of the list view item (each item contains the icon and name of each file). It is working fine for .exe files, I was just wondering if it's JUST for .exe files...

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File I/O And Registry :: Open / Read Binary File / Care To Check Code?

Jun 14, 2009

I've gone through about 16 hours and two packs of cigarettes trying to figure this out. First a little background. I was using 6.0 up until 2004 when I went to prison. I'm out now, and trying to relearn the trade, using VS 2005. I'm currently porting some 6.0 code from another project, SpyCast Webcam Studio, into VB 8.0. It's disheartening, to say the least. None of the old built-in subs/functions work anymore, so I have to scour the forums to relearn each and every function.The section I'm doing now takes a snapshot from the webcam (Video API --> PictureBox --> Save as Jpeg), then upens the file to upload it to the server via HTTP POST. I've been using this code in SpyCast for years with no trouble, but I spent many hours trying to piece together the right code to open the binary file to read its contents. I pieced together two methods I found around the forums, one using FileStream() though the code I found wasn't for binary files, even though it said it was, so that code doesn't really work. Method two uses Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileOpen() and works better.

Here's the kicker. By the time I run through the rest of the rigamarole of uploading the file, by the time I read it on the webserver, it's *slightly* corrupted. It's a valid Jpeg, no errors, but the picture looks like when I use to watch the Playboy Channel when I was a kid scrambled with weird colors and whatnot. [code] Each "chunk" is basically one "line" of the file. It looks like a single LineInput() return is the text between two carriage returns. Am I correct? I tested this with a flat text file, and it looks true. However, That one input line returns the text or data with the carriage returns *stripped*! ***?!? =( Fine, I have no problem adding my own vbCrLf to each LineInput(), if I were opening text. but this's binary. A character could be Chr(10) or Chr(13), both of which are removed from the original file contents.So I could very well need to use something other than LineInput(), but I haven't found any other examples on the web using this method.

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VS 2005 Process Class - Use Notepad.exe To Open Another Text File

Apr 21, 2009

Suppose I have this Dim proc As Process proc = Process.Start("Notepad.exe", "C: est.txt") Now, if I want to use Notepad.exe to open another text file (ie. C:2ndTextFile.txt) without closing it, how am I going to do it?

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Check If File Is Open

Jan 22, 2009

The following code works to check if a file exist, but I need to also check if the file is open. How would I do that?


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Check If A File Is Open And Update It?

Apr 22, 2010

Supposedly I create a file called "hi.txt" and I use Process.Start(filename) to open it. then I File.Opentext(filename), edit it and close it using stream writer/reader, while I still have that file open.

In order to see the changed text I need to close "hi.txt" and reopen it.

Is there a way to automatically do that? Been experimenting a bit but with no luck.

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VS 2010 Check If File Is Open?

Jun 15, 2012

would it be possible to check if any notepad or word file is open that contains the word 'test'?I was thinking something like the following.

Dim Process() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")
Dim Process2() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("word")
For Each p As Process In Process
If p.MainWindowTitle.Contains("test") Then


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[2005] Check If File Is Open?

Jan 22, 2009

The following code works to check if a file exist, but I need to also check if the file is open.How would I do that?

If System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "players.txt") = False Or System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "preferences.txt") = False Then
bla bla bla
End if

When the main program is doing it's routine, it is looking at, and using, data from the two files.So, when the user pauses the program by opening the control panel, one or both of the files may still be opened. When the control panel tries to open them, it causes an error.(I am guessing that to just tell it to close them will cause the same problem if they are already closed.)

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Check If Excel File Is Open By Other User

Mar 31, 2010

I have a excel file place on server. I am using a application which written by VB.NET to open file in read only mode. User 1 open file in read only mode. How can user 2 detect that file is open or not status?

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Check When Text File Is Open And Close It?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to save the text file in this path:"C:Test est.txt" and when the file is already opened I need to check whether the file is opened and I need to close it before writing it to the file.[code]...

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Automate A Process - Open A Website And Navigate Through It - Enter File Name And Path - Not Populate The Text

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to automate a process I do with a bank with Basically I need to open a website and navigate through it (Automatically through the program obviously), enter a batch ID and enter a file path and name. For some reason when I get to the part where I need to enter the file name and path, it simply will not populate the text. I have attached a word document with screenshots and code. The only difference I can see, is that in the bank website's code the the input type for the file text is "FILE" rather than "TEXT" as it is for the batch id...

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Multithreading A Process - Open A Process And Loops Through The Data

Feb 27, 2012

I was wondering if this code could be better optimized for multithreading. What it does is open a process and loops through the data, there could be any range of files to open (so I would like to have say 2 or 3 processes at once):


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File I/O - Check Zip File Open

Feb 16, 2010

I have a routine that uses windows compression to zip a file. It uses shell32. Rather than maintaining a five second timer for each file, I would like to check to see if the file is closed, not locked, etc., before moving on to the next step in my program. I've searched, and while I can try to open text files, zip files are not text files. I tried renaming the file, but it seems this is actually slowed while files are being added. [Code]

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FileSystemWatcher Not Detecting Change In File?

Oct 17, 2010

I've written the following code. It works fine for creating, deleting and renaming files. However when I set a file to read only, or modify the file (i.e open it in notepad and change the contents) nothing happens (it doesn't hit the change breakpoint)

I have the following

Private fsw As FileSystemWatcher
Public Sub WatchFiles(ByVal tblMappings As DataSet)


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Watch The File Action By FileSystemWatcher

Apr 5, 2010

We can watch the file action by FileSystemWatcher but it give us to only create,rename,delete or replace action report, can we get file access action ? for example when user double click any file? or when run any application?

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If First Process Close, Then Second Process Open?

Jun 10, 2011

Like in the title. How to create that code ?

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Avoid FileSystemWatcher From Showing Same File 3 Times?

May 4, 2010

I have a FileSystemWatcher and whenever a file is changed/created it is uploading the file for me to an FTP. My problem is that it keeps uploading the same file 3 times.

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C# - Monitoring A Folder For New File Creation Without Using FileSystemWatcher In .net?

Aug 31, 2010

I have to create a windows service which Monitors a specified folder for new files and does someprocessing on it and moves it to other location. I started with using FileSystem Watcher. But my boss doesn't like FileSystemWatcher and wants me to use polling on Timer or any other mechanism other than File System Watcher.

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File I/O And Registry :: FileSystemWatcher.Changed Not Triggering

Mar 6, 2009


I'm using FileSystemWatcher to monitor a file on a windows server which links into a news ticker on our desktops. The ticker watches the file and updates accordingly. I've successfully got the ticker to watch for a creation and deletion which is great but the changed function doesn't seem to trigger. Out of interest, I tried this function on the network drive AND a local disk with the same results.

I've upped the buffer but I can't see what else I can do to change it! In the short term, we can probably live with just deleting and recreating the file with any changes that are required, but it would be nice if the ticker would just watch for file changes.

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FileSystemWatcher Is Copying File Before It Has Been Completely Changed

May 3, 2010

I have a filesystemwatcher that checks for any changes on the files in a directory, it will then copy them to a new directory. I am getting an error saying that "could not find file C: TMPEFD.tmp", so basically when i edit the[code]...

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Making A File Monitoring Tool - Filesystemwatcher

Apr 15, 2012

I am making a file monitoring tool, what's the best approach in doing that and it returned that I should use filesystemwatcher, others suggested a polling program.

Here's my the current scenario:

My server path (local): C:FilServer

List of folder to monitor for created event:
C:FilServerAB_Incoming - zip files
C:FilServerAC_Incoming - xml and tif files

List of folder to monito for deleted event:
C:FilServerAB_Outgoing - zip files
C:FilServerAC_Outgoing - xml and tif files

When the folder raises event, the detected file will be following this routine:

Move the file to d:ackup and copy to e:source[date][time] and write sumary log.

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