Filling A Combo Box From MS Access?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm trying to get a combo box to fill itself from a MS access database field but I can't get it to work. I can get it to work at school but not at home. Also can't get a program that worked at school to work here so I'm guessing that somewhere there is something blocking the connection to the database. I've gone into the MS access trust center and looked at the settings there but I can't see anything that would be stopping it. I just need to find that setting (if it is indeed a setting) wherever it is and fix it so that I can access my database. I am not using visual basic from access I am accessing access through visual basic.

I can't get it to work with an ADO connection, either. Also when preview data via clicking smart arrow on the combo box then going to preview data I can see the data just fine. Also I just noticed I get two lines in my output after the file is run that say "A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll" I don't get these lines if I comment out all the code for the combo box.

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Filling A Combo Box From A Database?

Oct 15, 2010

i have a combo box that i'm trying to fill from a database, managed to get it working through the wizard and the form view method but could do the next bit that way. I then started to try it the coded way, got the database linked but it only shows the first name in the database, how do i get it to show all the names in the database?

this is the code for the form

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class NewTicket
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Filling A Combo Box Using A Dataset?

May 23, 2011

I am trying to fill a combo box using a dataset and data adapt. I am struggling too work out how to do it. I thought it would have been easy but I was wrong. i can set the text to read the first line of the colomn but nothing else. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with what I have to do. I think I have to increment inc and add a line underneath but I don't know how to do that

comboMaps.Text = datSet.Tables("TheLastShot").Rows(inc).Item("Maps")

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VS 2008 Filling A Combo Box

Feb 20, 2011

i'm finishing up on my A2 Computing project now and am trying to make a few improvements. first of all, i want to fill a combo box with a list of variables from my database, so when they enter a new record on my vb form, they will have an option to choose from..

my attempt at coding:

inc = inc + 1
Loop Until inc = MaxRows

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VS 2005 Datagridview Combo Filling?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a dataGridView in my program that displays stuff .The invoice No column has a combo box what I wanna do is when the form loads the All the invoice No's which r in the DB should be loaded into the combo box When I select the Invoice No using the combo box the rest should fill

this is what I did --
In form load wrote a code to fill the combo it din work
I tried but the combo box didnt fill


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Filling A List Box After Clicking A Combo Box, Using Relevant Information

Mar 12, 2009

I'll start off with a brief explanation of my situation. I'm doing my A-Level coursework project at the moment and am having some difficulty trying to figure something out. My project is a VB.NET Program that connects to a Database to display/add/delete/update records. At the moment I am having trouble with one particular thing which must be solved before I can move on (and the deadline is fast approaching).

I have a combo box which contains a list of different item types (Which match up to the item types used in the database, but it is not filled from the database). When the user selects one of these options, the list box below must fill with all items of that type that are in the database.

Unfortunately I'm at home so I can't get access to my coding, but I can try to explain what I've tried. I've tried so many things after trawling though what seems like endless amounts of tutorials to find an answer.

One thing that is used in pretty much all of them is the SQL string to select the needed records;

"SELECT ItemName FROM Stock WHERE ItemType = Anime"

Now, this has been used many different ways. I think the way that I'm trying at the moment is to create a new data set that contains the records that are needed for the search. There is already a data set that contains the whole table that is needed for this particular form. I think my most recent attempt was trying to copy the relevant information from the original data set to the new one, but I can't get any coding that isn't incorrect.

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Can't Query Access - Not Filling Dataset?

Aug 26, 2011

The SQL string won't return data from Access. I've tested this exact SQL String in Access and it works fine.First of all, Am I getting a SQL query from Access in the proper manner?Second... should I be using a stored procedure for this? Or is making a query from tables like this a good practice? Third, if I'm doing it right, why won't Access query return and fill my dataset?These are the results I'm getting.

Connection State = 1
Tables in Dataset = 0

Where am I going wrong?


SELECT PageSetupData.Size, PageSetupData.Category,
PrinterList.Location, PageSetupData.isPlotter, PrinterList.LocationSuffix,
PaperSizeData.PrinterName, PrinterList.HasAltPrinter, PageSetupData.SetupTitle,


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Filling A Datagridview With An Access Query ?

Aug 25, 2009

I have an access query which plays flawlesly in Access.I want to use it as a source for a datagridview i use in one of my forms but....given the fact that is a rather big query with some "like" and conditions like ">3" and so on AND the fact it uses tables from 3 different mdb (not to mention is bases on other queries...i 'ill try my best to fix this) what is the best approach .

1st case .Can i retrieve the data simply with NO oledbparameteres and NO " select * xxx where yyy like 'd' ".I think there is a issue with the Oledb connection that "omits" them.To explain better the query right now with the filters in access returns 3 rows, without the filters 30 rows,can i get just the 3 rows to do my job... 2nd case . How should i fill a datagridview using tables from 3 different mdbs.If you can show me an example it would be life saving.

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IDE :: Filling A Listbox From Access If A Certain Field Is True

May 7, 2012

I am trying to populate a listbox from access (and later SQL 2008) that will display all item names that are marked yes in another column. It is a validation for verifying whether or not it needs to be displayed. I am using the databinding method in the properties window and I am not sure how to do this without coding.

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IDE :: Filling A Listbox From Access Using VB If A Certain Field Is True?

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to populate a listbox from access (and later SQL 2008) that will display all item names that are marked yes in another column. It is a validation for verifying whether or not it needs to be displayed. I am using the databinding method in the

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Access Data Member Of Combo Box?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a combobox that is bound to a BindingSource that contains a custom object with multiple Properties.

Is there a way to access a Datamember that is not displayed in the combo box and display it elsewhere. For example, When a user selects a name from the combo box, texboxes (or Labels) populate with Title, PHone, email, etc. All of this data is loaded in the custom object that is bound to the datasource so the info has already been pulled from the db and is in memory.

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Access The Items Of Datagridview Combo Box?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a datagridview with a combobox coloumn. A few items have veen added to it. (Say Furniture, Property etc.).I wish when I select Property, the column 2 of my current row should get text Property.Which event to be fired for this. I tried _CellValueChanged etc. but that did not work.

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Bind Combo Box To Access Database?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm trying to bind a combo box to a Access database field. I'm trying to do this with code instead of using the data sources wizard as I was told that this would be more flexible and better if distributing the finished program to other computers.

The result is that the form runs, but nothing is in the combo box.

I have also not used a dataset in my code, only a data table. Am I correct in thinking that this is plausible?

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1


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Getting Data From Ms Access Databse To Combo Box

Oct 15, 2011

i tried a lot of variations in my code and even sql statement but still nothing happens.. i really need to do thing messed up project of mine and put all my efforts here.. but i really can't understand why my combo box isn't showing the names of the candidates w/ that designated position.. heres my current code:

constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & Application.StartupPath & _
"SSC_Automation.mdb; Persist Security Info = False"


i am working on a university student council voting system and what i wanted to do is when the voter selected the radio button name "Vote by Party list" automatically the names of all the partylist that are entered in the databse will be listed in the combo box and all the candidates on that Party list will be shown on the individual combo boxes made for each position..

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How To Populate Combo Box With Data From Access

May 1, 2011

Im trying to pooulate a combo box in 2008 with information from my access database, but I have no idea how to do thi :S im trying to get it so that the customer names from the database appear in the combo box this is as far as i've gotten for my form load.[code]

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Linking Combo Box Control To Access?

Mar 19, 2010

I am teaching myself VB, and when I first managed to do what the post title says, I ended up with a combo box filled with values from the column of a table in a linked db. But later when I updated the VB Form and tried linking the database on this revision of the project,and then added the details to the combo box where to read the values and run the form, nothing displays in combo box. Here is what I did:In the IDE of VB, I went to "Add New Data Sources" -> Database -> New Connection -> Browse -> (selected filename of db) -> Next -> Select "yes" (put in current project) -> Next (save connection name) -> tick boxes for tables in database to connectThen in combo box control properties i set the Data Source (Other Data Sources -> Project Data Sources -> (dataset name) -> Table Name

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Load Access DB Data Into Combo Box?

Apr 19, 2010

What I am "trying" to do is to take a combo box control on my form, and load it up with data from an access db, but I dont want them to be linked so that when I change the combo box to another value it will cahnge record data. From the pics attached I have manage to load the data into the combo box, but the 2 are linked and when I try to change the combo box it creates violations in the database as its trying to change the records.

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Retrieve Data From MS Access Into Combo Box?

Aug 3, 2009

My problem is retrieved data from database but when i run the coding, the combo box do not display anything.The below is my coding:


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Save Contents Of Combo Box To Access Later?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a combo box, that i have linked to a text box, to save continious data. How would i save the contents of that combo box?

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How To Save A Combo Box Data Into Access Database

Apr 3, 2011

i am newbie in vb. and i facing a problem in database update into the access database. well, because of my windows have combobox and textbox. i dont have any difficulty in textbox update into access database, but i face a difficulty in combobox. and my combobox have 2 item in it. anyone can teach me? anyone can provide me some coding example and detail examplation. because i am the type who look through the coding and learn form it.

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Retrieve Data From Access Db And Place It In A Combo Box?

Jun 10, 2011

how can i retrieve the data that i've stored in an access db column and display it in a combo box in a vb2008 project?

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Access Value Of Datagridview Combo Box Toassign Them To Property In Form?

Sep 28, 2011

can any1 tell me how can i access value of datagridview combo box toassign them to property in form...

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Combo Box Event To Select Certain Data From An Access Database?

Nov 30, 2010

I am using VB 2008 Express to connect to an Access 2007 database. I have a combo box that is populated by the database. When I used the Access report VBA, I used the AfterUpdate() event to calculate a sum and place the results in a text box. I need to know how to do the same operation in VB 2008 Express using the SelectedIndexChanged event of the combo box.

The combo box is called "cboYearMonth" and is populated by my database, this is working correctly.

The text box that I want the calculated results to appear in is called "ExactPagesTextbox"

I have a query in Access called "JobTypeExact_Query" that contains all the pages that I need. What I need to do is calculate the total number of "Pages" limited to the YEARMONTH selected in the combo box. YEARMONTH is a value in every record in this query.

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Connecting Access 2007 Table To Combo Box Control?

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to create a combo box the fill with the list of names from an Access Database Column, and I have read numerous forums trying to discern what to do but the stumbling block is when I try to copy their code, changing variable names to mine, etc I hit stumbling block when they ask for things like New SqlCommand(sSQL, myConnection) and my VB IDE doesnt come up recognising the sqlcommand when I start typing it in when it tries to autocomplete what I am typing. I have added the database & tables into the DataSources area to right of the IDE (as per attached pic

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Use The Combo Box Value As A Table Name In Access Database Query Statement?

May 1, 2012


how can get the name of the table that = to the name of the combobox1 when i select it.


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Combo + Datagridview + Inserting Grid Values To Access Database?

Jan 15, 2012

I followed the suggestion from [URL].. this thread. however i face a bit of a problem in my case i have a combobox at row(i).cells(0) the code seems to take the last new rows where there's not record and shows error the debug error msg is A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll INSERT into taken(typeID,quantity) VALUES (5,39)INSERT into taken(typeID,quantity) VALUES (,)


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VS 2010 : Coding A Save Button And Combo From A Form To Work With A Access DB?

Feb 23, 2011

I am a bit stuck with coding my save button and combobox.My entire form is ready, database is linked.All fields from DB are linked to their textboxes on the form.But i just ran into a big wall which i cant seem to break down.My save button, which is used to save the content from all the textboxes on the form to the access database refuses to work.The other this is, i want to use a combobox on my form to view the already saved entries in the access database.I think a combobox works for that, but i am not exactly sure how to pull that one off.

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Auto-populating Text Boxes On An Access 2003 Form When Value Selected In Combo Box

Jul 13, 2010

I am building a form in access database.

I have a combo box which is linked to a query which is looking up a unique reference number from a table called Tbl_Submitted_Requests.

What I need the form to do is auto populate the other text boxes when the user selects the unique reference from the combo box. How can I get the text boxes to auto populate with the data that is associated with each unique reference?

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Manipulate A String That Have Selected From A Combo Box That Has Been Upated Dynamically From An MS Access Database Table?

Apr 20, 2010

How do you manipulate a string that you have selected from a Combo Box that has been upated dynamically from an MS Access Database table?I have strings that are "1, Surname, Forename" and need to get both the number, and the surname out to put back into a different database table.

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VB 2008 Datagrid View With Access 2010 Lookup Fields And Combo Box Not Working

Mar 1, 2011

I started a forms solution in VB 2008, created a datasource to an access database (2010) and used the datagrid view to display the data. 3 fields in the access database are lookup fields with 2-8 values each, typed in by me, since the linking to other fields did not work. This is not working either. When I change the column to combo-box or not, those values, typed into access, are NOT showing up in the datagrid. the combo box has its drop down arrow but the value fields are empty.

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