Get Month By Using 'DateDiff' Function?

Jun 22, 2010

I have five text boxes & one button there in my form. I have written this code to get user`s current age. But problem is that I have to get user`s age with months.

My code to get age :

Private Sub Command1_Click()
BDate = Text1.Text & "-" & Text2.Text & "-" & Text3.Text
CurDate = Now


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.net - Datediff And Dateadd Function?

Feb 22, 2011

If DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, moDoBooking.m_CurrentDay, moDoBooking.m_BaseDay) _
> DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, _
Convert.ToDouble(moDoBooking.oBooking.oFacility.ADAYS), moDoBooking.m_BaseDay), _
moDoBooking.m_BaseDay) Then

This condition won't satisfy with these values:

moDobooking.m_CurrentDay = 2/3/2011
moDobooking.m_BaseDay = 22/02/2011
moDoBooking.oBooking.oFacility.ADAYS = 1

You might say this is dead-easy but honestly it's late here and my head is not working at all! Could AnyOne tell me why is that?

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Datediff Function Not Getting The Expected Result

Jul 11, 2011

I am using the following code in my project. I want to find the number of days by given the last date and now.[code] for example, when BorrowDate is "01/Jul/2011" then the result is 7 days which it should be 10 to now.

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Specifying Monday As The First Day Of Week In The DateDiff Function?

Dec 21, 2011

I had some trouble specifying Monday as the first day of week in the DateDiff function.

The following syntax does not work: Dim myWeekNumber as Int32 = DateDiff("ww",date1,date2,2)

Compiler Error Message: BC30519: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'DateDiff' can be called without a narrowing conversion

However, using the enumeration value (FirstDayOfWeek.Monday) instead of the value (2) does work. I wonder why.

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The DateDiff Function Doesnt Work At All?

Apr 10, 2011

I tested every example I found but it doens't work in vb 2010 express... Do I need to install anything moor to make it work?

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Datediff Function - Show The Difference As 1 Year

Apr 15, 2012

One of the problems with datediff function is that even if the two dates are 31-12-2011 and 01-01-2012,it will show the difference as 1 year.How to overcome this problem?

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DateDiff Function Gives Odd Results For Negative Days?

Jun 9, 2009

DateDiff for the interval Day gives expected results for days past until present, but if the first date is further in time than the second date, it gives the difference +1. Is there something I'm doing wrong? For example, if I put in today for both, the difference is 0. If I put in yesterday and today, I get 1. This is all expected, but if I put in tomorrow and today, I get 0, and two days from now and today give -1. Why is the function giving altered results if the date is negative?

Here is the specific code.

Private Sub DateTimePicker1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DateTimePicker1.ValueChanged
TextBox1.Text = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, DateTimePicker1.Value, Date.Now)
End Sub

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Where To Place DateDiff Function To Effect On All Records

Jan 18, 2011

I have a project, a database with employee information (name, town, birthday, HireDate, etc). I have add custom TextBox (on fly), and on that TextBox a

TexBox1.text = DateDiff("d", HireDateDateTimePicker.value, Now)
Which is calculating how many days worker is working in company from HireDate,and Now.I have put code on event TextBox1_TextChanged. But, this means that I need to move cursor in TextBox1 to apply changes. I have also try with MouseMove. It works, but if I would have a huge database, then application will all the time reading script on MouseMove, and by that will slow down entire program.

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Scalar Valued Function - Return Datediff As Decimal / Percent

Jan 4, 2011

I am currently writing a scalar valued function and I'm having a few issue with the returned result. I have narrowed the problem down to a calculation that convert the difference between two dates as a percentage/decimal. No matter what I try the return value is always a whole number
set @earnedpremium = (@premium * @pretripearnings) + ((@premium - (@premium * @pretripearnings)) * cast((datediff(day, @outdate, @experiencedate) / datediff(day, @outdate, @returndate))as decimal(5,2)))
The cast section needs to return the percentage, I know the rest is working fine through some elimination and testing.

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Change Date Format - Month Part Is Not Showing The Month Of The Exact Month

Jun 22, 2009

I changed the date of datetimepicker format to yyyy-mm-dd in custom format...but it displays 2009-00-22...the month part is not showing the month of the exact to change the format of the date?

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Namespace Does The Month() Function Reside In

Mar 26, 2010

I'm not at all familiar with VB but do occasionally use C#. Really, i'm a BI guy who uses T-SQL on a daily basis in SSRS, which is why I have a question.I have a scenario where i've built a series of charts in SSRS 2008. Unfortunately, the functions available to me in SSRS are not enough for what I need my charts to do so I have decided to build my own function in embedded code. In SSRS, only VB.NET can be used when writing embedded functions.

I have opened Visual Studio 2008 Pro, created a solution and started building my function in Visual Basic 2008. So far, all is going well - i'm accepting a parameter which contains a string "date" of JAN-10, doing a substring operation on it to parse out the month and year, concatenating "20" to the two-digit year portion to get the full year. This part all works just fine.

For the three-letter month portion, i'm trying to use the MONTH() function to return it as an integer but unfortunatley it does not seem to be availble to me in Intellisense, which of course probably means i'm not accessing the class correctly. The odd thing is that the MonthName() function is available, but of course I can't use this with string values like "JAN" or "FEB" because it only accepts an integer. I'm familiar with the fact that in C# I can add a USING statement to the top of my class file to access a namespace, but i'm not sure how it works in Visual Basic 2008 because i'm honestly never used it before.

So my question - and this is probably a very basic question here - how do I access the Month() function? Which class or namespace (or both) do I have to reference in order to use it?Below is a screenshot of what I have so far, you can see from the Intellisense menu that the Month() function is not available:


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Function That Alert When One Month/week Has Passed?

Jun 7, 2011

I need a 2 functions:

1)the first that alert me when one month is passed ex: 25 december 2011 - 25 january 2012

2)the second that alert me when one week is passed ex: 25 december 2011 - 1 january 2012

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DateToString() Gives Day/Month/Year When Converting To Date It Switches The Day And Month?

Aug 11, 2010

Currently i have a ReturnSystemDate in a module, so that whenever i need the current date and time i call this method, however my data is saving as in 1 format and displaying in another. I have my variables set up as dateTime to store the current date and time, when calling i get 11/08/2010 Time, however when casting to Date as in CDATE() i get 08/11/2010 time. How can i stop this?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Game To Tick Over Month By Month At A Set Interval

Dec 19, 2009

I want my game to tick over month by month at a set interval. I would use the timer control to get the interval. But how can I pause it? Say if one "month" is 5 minutes in my game and user hits pause. I would disable the timer but then when they unpause the game the timer would start from 0 again. This would make a "month" 9 minutes if a user paused the game in the 4th minute.


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List Of Datetime From First Day Of The Month To Last Day Of The Month?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a problem in trying to get a list of a date including days in a table start from first day of the month to the last day of the month. This date should not include the satuday and sunday. and I should be able to pick up those date for query match.


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Using Month Calendar - User To Enter A Bill And Pick The Due Date Via Month Calendar?

May 5, 2010

I'm developing a finance software and I want the user to enter a bill and pick the due date via month calendar. I getting it to work was the easy part, but now I only want one month calendar, for each time a user enters in a bill and picks a date.every time the user goes to pick a due date I have to call one of the several I have on screen.Here is my code that I have so far:Add due date button:


The month calender:


.TxtDueDate3.Text = MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.Start.Date.ToShortDateString()Me.TxtDueDate3.Text
= MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.End.Date.ToShortDateString()[code].....

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VS 2005 - Filter From Month To Month With Year In 2005 Access Database?

Jul 23, 2009

how to do select statement range from month to month using access database.. previously i use this code below when i'm using to selection those between day's or a week activities.. now, how to do range from month to month... the month format is numeric or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 (jan.-dec.) representing month the ttmmonth and ttmyear fields are numeric format also in the database... how to do? look here my code for displaying week activities...


View 25 Replies - Datediff With SQL Field

Jan 3, 2012

I'm trying to do a Datediff in VB.Net thats confusing me. Basically I'm trying to do the following. If DateDiff("D", Today(), rsData("Start")) > 0 Then This is working fine when comparing the value from SQL with todays date. I however need to convert this to check the current month and if it matches then return whatever I'm trying to show below.


View 1 Replies - Datediff Not Returning Expected Value?

Jun 21, 2012

this code always return '0' i don't know why

Dim cur_month = DatePart(DateInterval.Month, Now).ToString()
Dim cur_date As String = "01/" + cur_month + "/" + (DatePart(DateInterval.Year, Now).ToString)


cnb_mnth is ComboBox for Month

txt_year is Text Box For Entering Year

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DateDiff - Put Together A Booking System

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to put together a booking system. I have managed to program rates, discounts etc., and am now onto calculating the nights for the stay. On my form I have two datetimepickers, and a button. The code I have entered is: (I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express)


This works well when getting how many nights between two dates in the same month, but if I enter say 30th August to 2th September, I get a -28. Is there a way to get the number of nights booked between two different months?

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Use DateDiff Calculation Around Textboxes?

Jan 15, 2011

I`m migrating access database to I have employee database with a few DateTimePickers, textboxes, and comboboxes

In access I have formulas in textbox's control source like this, and it works:

txtDayCalculation=DateDiff("d",txtDateofHire, txtManualDate)txtYear=Int(txtDayCalculation/365)txtMonth=Int((txtDayCalculation-(txtYear*365))/30) txtDay=((txtDayCalculation-txtYear*365))-(txtMonth*30).

So, I have trying to do also in, but NOT successfull. Maybe my aproach to write a code is wrong. Anyway, I have write like this:

me.txtDayCalculation.text = DateDiff("d",txtDateOfHireDateTimePicker, txtManualDateDateTimePicker)me.txtDayCalculation.text = DateDiff("d",txtDateOfHireDateTimePicker, txtManualDateDateTimePicker)

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'DateInterval.Day' Is Not Recognized Datediff Option

Feb 7, 2010

In my office we were using 2003 and MS SQL server 2000. Now we bought a license for 2008 and MS Sql Server 2005. I migrated our application to 2008..Now the code compiles without any problem, but when i run a report, it shows error. System. Data. Sql Client.SqlException : 'DateInterval.Day' is not recognized datediff option.It was working fine in 2003. [code]

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Add The 0 In Front Of Datediff Value When Number Of Minutes Is Less Then 10

Oct 6, 2011

I'm trying to fill a label with a datediff 'minute' value.. but when the minutes value is < 10

View 2 Replies - Handle DateDiff If One Date Is Blank?

Oct 5, 2010

How can we handle the case where one date is blank in DateDiff method? Example:

DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, CType(txt61_2.Text, Date), CType(txt21_2.Text, Date))

In above statement fields txt61_2.Textor txt21_2.Text may be empty then take it has 0

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DateDiff Doesn't Take Into Account The First And FirstDayOfWeek

Nov 17, 2009

I am writing some code that is trying to determine how far through a season we are in a game we play.


The code below, sort of works:


which could be any day of the week. I've tried all sorts of things to programmatically set "FirstDayOfWeek.x", but it seems as though vb.NET wants it hard coded as FirstDayOfWeek.Monday or. Tuesday etc and you can't pass an integer like 1 or 2 so I could set it on the fly.

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DateDiff Result Is Automatically Rounded Off?

Jun 21, 2010

i have a problem on my DateDiff result. For example the result is 3.5, it will only show 3. How can i control that?

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DateTimePicker ( Datediff) After Connected To Database?

Apr 15, 2010

i am using Visual Studio 2008 and VB.NET 2008 and SQL Server 2005 as the database. I just finished designing & writing codes for a customer information and , however after it has been connected to the database only one of the datetimepicker can be click, and the rest of the function including in the form are not working!it seem that the form stuck and NOT responding. i cant even close the form (X button), so i have to stop the process using compiler (visual studio 2008), however if i press the 'Delete' button before the 'Add' button, it will successfully delete the data.. but if i disconnected the form from the database, (disabled the form_load codes [put 'quote']) the both of datetimepicker will work and able to view the date interval (after pressing the 'Calculate Period' button) in addition how to make it appear automatically in screen without using the button? below are the code, I try to make some other form.. but it is still the same

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System
Imports System.Data[code].....

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Do A DateDiff And Not Include Weekends In The Calculation?

Jan 29, 2004

I am using the folowing code to calculate the difference between two dates. intDaysInDev = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, calManuDt.SelectedDate, calLaunchDt.SelectedDate) I've now been told that the calculation should not include weekends.

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Possible To Use DateDiff To Find Difference Between Time?

Jun 19, 2010

Is it possible to use DateDiff to find the difference between time?I have two time periods i.e. 05:00 and 05:10pm so i would like to run some code if the time is between the two specified periods. Ive searched around and i think DateDiff could do this but unsure?

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VS 2008 DateDiff Not Working Properly?

Jul 7, 2010

I need to calculate the number of weeks between 2 dates. This will be used in a billing system.

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