Get The Dropdownlist Status Without Puting The Code In "Not IsPostBack"?

Jul 15, 2011

I have 2 dropdownlists "countries" and "cities", with 2 datasources: If a user chooses the first index in the ddl countries, he can see all the cities in the world in the ddl cities (uses datasource1).If a user chooses a country, he can see the cities correspond to this country chosen (uses datasource2).I put the code for changing datasource in the code behind using, in Page_Load, but after the user chose a city, and click the submit button, the dropdownlist cities can't keep the status, it goes to the first index of this ddl.

I tried to put this code in the If Not IdPostBack, but like this, it doesn't change datasource while it can keep status of the dropdownlist.I put the code here as reference:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim ddlCities As DropDownList
Dim ddlCountries As DropDownList


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Use (if Not Ispostback) - Last Note With ("EnableViewStateMac="false") It Make Ispostback True All The Time?

Nov 5, 2009

i'm working with crystal report and i use (if not ispostback) to set X and in else to retrieve X . the problem is its working properly in some pages and not working in others.this code sample.

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Session("VehicleStatusSelectionFormula") = SelectionFormula

the problem like i said in last note with ("EnableViewStateMac="false") it make ispostback true all the time.

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Browser Compatible Code To Disable A Dropdownlist When Another Dropdownlist Is Clicked Or A Checkbox Is Checked?

May 26, 2011

I have a window having 2 dropdowmlists(schemename-SN and propertyno-PN) , one chkbox ,one "VIEW" button.SN has options "all" with value=0 and many other options with respctive values.Now,i want the code should behaves as follows:

1.0n window onload, SN must b visible bt PN nt.

2.if i select SN other thn All...the PN shud b visible and if i select "All" ,PN hides.

3.when check box is checked- PN hides,and if it is unchecked- PN visible..

Important:-This whole ddl n chk box are in updatable panel,button is nt in that.I want a browser compatible code so javascript can't b used directly(cz they give problem in mozzila and chrome).Right now, i have done this JavaScript and its is working fine.

function window.onload()


but this code is not browser onload,onkeyup and onclick functions are used , but they dont work in other browsers except internet explorer.

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Get Status Code From Webclient?

Aug 26, 2010

I am using webclient class to post some data to a web form. I would like to get the response status code of the form submission. So far I've found out how to get the status code if there is a exception[code]...

Is there some way to get the status code when there is no exceptions thrown?[url]...

View 5 Replies - Status Code Returned From The Server Was: 500

Jul 31, 2011

First off, I am new to, so this is new territory for me.I am using Telerik controls on a project. I get the following error as a javascript error for every action on the form. Changing any value, whether its a telerik slider, a radio button, asp:button, submit button, telerik rating. Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500

I understand that the 500 error is an error thrown when the server doesn't have any more details, however I was hoping someone might have had a similar situation and can point me the right direction as I have a good feeling it has something to do with the Telerik controls.

I was able to submit the form using javascript however then I get the following error, and I don't know if they are related or not.Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

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Code To Check Printer Status?

May 24, 2011

The problem seen to appear again in printing job...I have a printer(Epson TM-T88IV Receipt)Before printing, i would like to check if printer is available for printing or not (connect or not). if not, i will show the print preview form. otherwise it will print automatically

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Filtering With Two DropDownList - ASP.NET | Dream.In.Code?

Jul 14, 2010

Im very new and have found a solution which filter with on e grid but how do I manaipulate the Vb code to accomodate anothe industry's my ASP current code

<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2"
ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" DataKeyNames="Permit_No"


View 1 Replies - What Is Keyword If Page.IsPostBack How Can Use It

May 11, 2011

What is this keyword how can use it?If Page.IsPostBack = False Then

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How To Use IsPostBack When Selecting Value Of A Listbox

Jun 10, 2010

I know that the web's full of Q's and A's about how to use IsPostBack when selecting the value of a listbox.I have a stored procedure that returns a few values, and I want in runtime to have all the values be selected in the listbox.But when I loop through the SqlDataReader and do: listbox. Selected Value = reader(0), the final result on the browser is that only the last value gets selected.The listbox's SelectionMode is "Multiple".

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Change Check Box Status In Form While Other Code Is Running?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a form which I use to read data from a text file and export it to an excel template file. The data it reads is constantly updated so I would like to add a check box to cause the data to be read every 10 seconds. It's set up so the user can either do one quick scan by clicking a button, or they can click the button while also having the check box checked and it will scan every 10 seconds.The problem is, once I check the check box, I can't uncheck it. I have created a greatly simplified version of my original code to demonstrate this concept.


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Returning Incorrect Http Status Code From Mvc Route

Apr 27, 2011

I have a mvc route that is taking a url and doing a simple get and return the status code from the request.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Public Function ValidateUrlStatusCode(ByVal url As String) As ActionResult
Dim code As Integer = 0


Now if I use firefox (using Firebug) and go to the url, I get the expected 404 returned. However if I use my application to call the mvc route via an ajax call, I get 200. If I set the request object's AllowAutoRedirect to false, I get 302. I never get a 404. I am verifying this once again through Firebug.

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Returning Incorrect Http Status Code From Mvc Route?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a mvc route that is taking a url and doing a simple get and return the status code from the request.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Public Function ValidateUrlStatusCode(ByVal url As String) As ActionResult
Dim code As Integer = 0


View 26 Replies

Disable Multiple Items From DropDownList. Someone Need To Check Code?

May 15, 2011

I would like to disable a specific items from DropDownList. I have below code but it does not working. So, need someone to told me what I'm doing wrong. DropDownList have 5 items.And, I'm getting error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim X As Integer = 0 <> 1 DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False End Sub

But, if I add a different value for X, then it disable 1st and 2nd item. Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim X As Integer = 0 or 1 DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False End Sub My goal is if I would have a 365 items in DropwDownList to disable items for example between 120 and 150.

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Check IsPostBack Or IsCallBack From Within A VB Class?

Dec 18, 2009

I need to be able to tell from within a VB.NET class (not a user control) whether or not the current request is a PostBack and/or CallBack (AJAX). In the past I've been able to get information about the request, response, session, etc through HttpContext.Current but I haven't been able to find the Page object in HttpContext.Current.

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IsPostback Always False Click Button Or Any Other?

Feb 10, 2012

Am using for above 5 years. But now am facing a weird problem. When i try to send emails from form created by me which contains asp:button, asp:textbox, etc., in code page it always telling IsPostBack false. Even when i click the Send mail button( button). I cant understand what is problem.

Is it anything needed in web.config file for postback??[URL]... Am sure its not problem in Test page.Because it is very normal page which have only one button & code in vb. Problem somewhere in cache, urlrewrite or web.config. But i cant understand where?


When i exclude that dlls and remove the httpmodule line from web.config file postback working fine. So this is error. They done something wrong in their Dll files or httpmodule.

But still can't understand what is error. Is it have chance to control postback action from dll files?

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VS 2005 Using A Status Strip To Notify The User About The Status?

Sep 1, 2009

Here is my insert statement:


Now for a succesful insertion i want to notify the user about a successful save operation.....i.e,i want to display a message "Successful Save Operation"to the user. How to do this using the Status Strip?

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Status Bar With The Current Browser Status Text?

Mar 20, 2009

I've got the code to display the current browser status text in the status bar but i want it to display the name of my web browser aswell. Example: - (Name of Webbrowser)

He is my code for the displaying staus text.
Private Sub webBrowser1_StatusTextChanged( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles webBrowser1.StatusTextChanged


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Declare Properties/Events Such As IsPostBack/Init On An Interface That A User Control Will Implement?

May 2, 2012

I'm having trouble porting some .NET2-era C# to .NET2-era VB.NET. Specifically, I am trying to define an interface that an ASP.NET user control will implement.(For background, I am trying to re-implement Phil Haack's Model-View-Presenter example from several years ago:

The C# interface I'm working from defines properties and events (IsPostBack, Load) that are already implemented by the base control.However, VB.NET is forcing me to explicitly implement these properties/events in the user control (Public Property IsPostBack() As Boolean Implements IView.IsPostBack...). I'd like to just define these in the interface and not have to do anything special in the code-behind of the implementing user control.I'm assuming that I can do this in VB.NET, I just don't know how. I've spent all sorts of time googling/bing-ing, and haven't come up with the answer.

View 1 Replies - Populate DropdownList Based Upon Other DropDownList VB?

Jun 1, 2009

I have found a couple of examples on the internet to do this but really struggling to get it working in VB. (Tried a converter but had mixed results) I need the selection options of a Dropdownlist to be populated based upon the differing values in the first dropdown list.

Can anyone help with a releativley simple example in VB? Not fussed if the values are "hard coded" in the script. Or a SQL bit that pulls the data from a table

View 3 Replies - If Status=false Then Update Should Change To Insert And If Status=true Then Update Should Be Update Itself?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a gridview in which when I click edit, update, and cancel button comes. I have a variable named status. If status=false then update should change to insert and if status=true then update should be update itself.

<asp:TemplateField >
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" runat="server" CommandName="Edit" Text="Edit">


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Populate Dropdownlist From Another Dropdownlist?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to write a program that selects an item (Area Code) from a combobox and this list gets the city that was associated with this area code (another comnbobox list)

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Add Textbox On Status Bar?

Jun 10, 2009

is it possible to add textbox on status bar

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Check UPS Status?

Jan 4, 2011

I am having xp pc. I need to check UPS Status like Online/Offline, running at battery mode or not, having high or low voltage, having input frequency high or low

View 4 Replies

Get The MSI Installation Status?

Mar 14, 2011

I am writing a installation program that will copy embedded MSI's to the local disk, install each one then delete the MSI's and I don't know how to get the MSI installation status so that my application knows when the installation is completed for each one.

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How To Use Status Strip

Jan 31, 2012

i'm using mysql database and i have a table (UserLog), 2 fields username password with user level when i sign in the program how my username and user level can be seen in the status strip with date and time?

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Progress Bar In Status Bar?

Sep 16, 2009

i am asking about using the progress bar into the status bar to move when i load any child form inside the MDIParent form . have a code 4 it

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UsedPhysicalMemory Status?

Apr 4, 2009

I am using following code that provide me the available RAM

Dim ramCounter As New System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes")
Dim c As String = ramCounter.NextValue() & "Mb"
Label4.Text = c


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Getting Live Status From Other Application

Dec 15, 2011

With my application i call an external commandline tool that converse iso's to other fileformats. Right now i just call the iso converter and it will run in the background, when you would run the iso converter via commandline you see what it is doing, but in my application it just runs in the background.

Right now it only gives me the status after the isoconverter is done in a textbox, how could i change this so i can see live status? like i would see in the command line tool?

This is the code that i'm calling to execute the isoconverter.


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Adding A Status Strip?

Jul 13, 2009

I was wondering if someone could tell me how to add a date and time strip to the bottom of my form in one step, instead of having two individual strips.

View 10 Replies - Keep Changed Status Of CheckBoxList?

Feb 29, 2012

So, I'm running 3.5. I have a dynamic list of server names, and I want to put them in a CheckBoxList. The list is populated and, using that same list, I make a graph of the performance for each server listed. I want to be able to check and uncheck the checkboxes representing servers and, when I lick an update button, it'll create a new graph and graph only the servers that are still checked. I noticed that the page still loads before the button click is handled, so the CheckBoxList will repopulate itself before being able to read the current CheckBoxList. This is my load. And I populate my checkboxlist inside ShowView()

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then


And I wanna try to preserve the checkboxlist values when I do an event handler for an update button.

Private Sub btnUpdateGraph_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdateGraph.Click
'insert code
End Sub

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