IsPostback Always False Click Button Or Any Other?

Feb 10, 2012

Am using for above 5 years. But now am facing a weird problem. When i try to send emails from form created by me which contains asp:button, asp:textbox, etc., in code page it always telling IsPostBack false. Even when i click the Send mail button( button). I cant understand what is problem.

Is it anything needed in web.config file for postback??[URL]... Am sure its not problem in Test page.Because it is very normal page which have only one button & code in vb. Problem somewhere in cache, urlrewrite or web.config. But i cant understand where?


When i exclude that dlls and remove the httpmodule line from web.config file postback working fine. So this is error. They done something wrong in their Dll files or httpmodule.

But still can't understand what is error. Is it have chance to control postback action from dll files?

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Use (if Not Ispostback) - Last Note With ("EnableViewStateMac="false") It Make Ispostback True All The Time?

Nov 5, 2009

i'm working with crystal report and i use (if not ispostback) to set X and in else to retrieve X . the problem is its working properly in some pages and not working in others.this code sample.

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Session("VehicleStatusSelectionFormula") = SelectionFormula

the problem like i said in last note with ("EnableViewStateMac="false") it make ispostback true all the time.

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Return TRUE Or FALSE Value In Checkedlistbox In A Button Click?

Jan 19, 2010

how to return TRUE or FALSE value in checkedlistbox in a Button click.

For lngCtr = 0 To checkedlistbox .Items.Count - 1
strText = strText & ", " & ........................? Next lngCtr

I Expecting result is . When will click the command button.. that time display
one message window, then show result : TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE

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Click "F2" Then The Key Of "F12" And A Button Is Enabled=false?

Jun 4, 2011

i want to ask about keyevent when keypress on form load in a function.what i want is when i click "F2" then the key of "F12" and a button is enabled=false.

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If Click In Empty Listbox Then Timer1.Enabled = False

Apr 15, 2012

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
If ListBox1.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing Then


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Radio Button - Code For Display Listbox Depends On The Radio Button Check True And False

Feb 13, 2009

I have one radio button and one listbox .i want code for display listbox depends on the radio button check true and false.

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Button.performclick Not Work When It Visible False?

Aug 1, 2010

Button.performclick not work when it visible = false?

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DB/Reporting :: Radio Button Text 'true'/'false'?

Aug 26, 2011

I made 'quiz' form: 1 question/label and 3 answers/radio buttons, next and previous buttons.Data is from data set. One question and 3 answers are in one row. After next button is clicked, new row is loaded. The problem is when click 'previous' button: instead of text from data base, checked radio button text is 'True'. The same is when the quiz is completed and I want to review mistakes.

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Set The Default Property Of A Command Button To True / False?

Mar 10, 2009

In VB6, you can set the Default property of a command button to True / False, and when you push the enter key, it will click the button for you.

What property is this in VBNet / C#?

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Press A Button - If I Clicked The Button In Form2 It Would Automaticlly, Click The Button In Form1?

Oct 30, 2010

Using 2 forms how would I click one button, from another form? ie In VB 4,5,6, I would used to do it as:-

Form 1:

private sub Command1_Click()

msgbox "Say Hello"

End Sub[code].....

If I clicked the button in form2, it would automaticlly, click the button in form1. Do I, do it the same way in VB Express or has it changed?

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VS 2008 Button Set To Visible = False Causes Form To Not Open Properly

Jan 1, 2010

I have a form which won't open properly under certain circumstances if a particular Button is set to visible = false. Under the same circumstances if the Button is set to visiblbe = true the form does open properly or if the line of code at a certain place where it is set to either visible = true or visible = false is commented out or not there then the form opens properly. If any one of the 5 phases on my form are turned on then the problem doesn't ever occur but if none of the phases are on then the problem does occur. I just found a fix for the situation but I still am not clear about what exactly is going on.


View 14 Replies - What Is Keyword If Page.IsPostBack How Can Use It

May 11, 2011

What is this keyword how can use it?If Page.IsPostBack = False Then

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How To Use IsPostBack When Selecting Value Of A Listbox

Jun 10, 2010

I know that the web's full of Q's and A's about how to use IsPostBack when selecting the value of a listbox.I have a stored procedure that returns a few values, and I want in runtime to have all the values be selected in the listbox.But when I loop through the SqlDataReader and do: listbox. Selected Value = reader(0), the final result on the browser is that only the last value gets selected.The listbox's SelectionMode is "Multiple".

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Access Button Click Event On Modal Popup Button Click Event?

May 14, 2011

my source code in design part is:

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Style="display: none" CssClass="modalPopup">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" Style="cursor: move;background-color:#DDDDDD;border:solid 1px Gray;color:Black">[code]......

Ok button click is not accessing click event.

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Check IsPostBack Or IsCallBack From Within A VB Class?

Dec 18, 2009

I need to be able to tell from within a VB.NET class (not a user control) whether or not the current request is a PostBack and/or CallBack (AJAX). In the past I've been able to get information about the request, response, session, etc through HttpContext.Current but I haven't been able to find the Page object in HttpContext.Current.

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Created A Button Control - Change Into Single Click Insted Of Double Click ?

Feb 26, 2010

I created a button control ,, by double clicking only the process was going on,,when iam single click the button nothing is to be happenend,,so i want to change into single click insted of double my coding is given below.......

<asp:Button ID="getrec" UseSubmitbehavior ="false" runat="server" Style="left: 30px; position: relative; top: 0px; z-index: 101;"
Text="Get Record" />


Here the coding is all are correct but the problem is when double clicking the button only it was worked ,,,iwant want to change it into single click

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Button Click Event - Emulate Click And Make Drop Down Menu

Jul 2, 2012

i'm making some login function with some website but this website button is some different before what i know method. to login this website , first should have to some button click then drop down menu go down then can input id and password. how can i emulate click and make drop down this menu? if you go following website you can see right side 'Log in' button if click this button drop down menu go down [Code]

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Active X Control - Click Event - User Has To Double-click On Button In Flash Movie

Mar 23, 2009

I have a application that uses Flash movies (AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash). I have buttons in the flash movie. When they first start using the application, they can single click on the buttons in the flash movie and button responds accordingly. But after a while (and I haven't been able to pin-point an exact thing that changes it or my issue would be solved), the user has to double-click on the button in the flash movie for them to work.

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Make Program Click Button And Select File Using A OpenFileDialog And Click Send On Computer

Jan 31, 2009

How can I make a program so you click a button and select a File using a OpenFileDialog and click send on your computer and it will send the file to a different computer and then a SaveFileDialog will show asking where to save the file on the other computer. Oh ya I cant use WinSock or whatever becuase im using Windows Vista 64 Bit. I need it because I for some reason cant use printer sharing. It might be because im on A 64bit Vista Machine and I want to print a file off of a 32bit XP Home Machine.

View 6 Replies - Building A Server Control That Inherits Button And Giveing It Other Click Capabilities - Catch The Click Event?

Dec 1, 2010

I want to create a server control that inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button but gives it special capability, now what do i mean? i want my button to be a confiorm button that will work like so:

Renders to the page as a button of lets say cancel after the user clicks it i want to catch the click event (within the server control) and now after the click makeing the button not visible and makeing some kind of content placeholder (that will render from the server control) visible. that content place holder will have 2 buttons inside of it: yes and cancel. I want the programmer that adds this control to be able to register a function to the click event of the yes button. and the second cancel confirmation button should make the first button appear agian. (i know how to do this all in the client side but this time i need it all as server events)

My question is this: how do i catch the click event? i want it all to be handled inside the server control itself. so a programmer that adds this control wont have to worry about anything but just needs to register to the click event of the "yes" button.

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MS Access Automation - Click Command Button (Click Events)?

Dec 16, 2009

I am writing an Automation program to control an MS Acces applcation. Here is the sequence of events:

- Load MS Access Database (Done)

- Load an MS Access form (Done)

- Take dates from Main.VB and populate 2 fields in MS Access form (done)

- Load another MS Access form called Stage_2 (Done)

- Load a file name into a filed in the Stage_2 form (Done)

- Do a click event in MS Access linked to a button called Pre_Stage_copy on Stage_2 form (How do I do these?)

- Do a click event in MS Access linked to a button called Pre_Stage_import on Stage_2 form (How do I do these?)

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Button Code Works On First Click / Error On Second Click

Nov 2, 2009

1. Retrieving data from an .mdb
2. Displaying the table(s) in a datagridview
3. Populating an array of structures with the table data
4. Searching the array of structures for a member value equal to a string
5. Displaying the matching array elements in a listbox.

[code] Any suggestions? Am I missing something simple? Should I be using a Multidimensional array instead of a structure?

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Click On A Button Its Background Color Changes And Changes Back On Next Click

Jul 13, 2011

I have a basic window that has 20 buttons (One, Two,.....,Twenty).Currently if you click on a button its background color changes, and changes back on next click.I'm looking for a way to make it so when the mouse button is held down I can drag across the screen and it will change every button I hit.Disregard the "Shut Down", "Restart", "LogOff", "Clear", and "Invert" buttons. This idea doesn't apply to them.

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Click Of A Button The Stopwatch Starts Then On The Click Of A Second Button The Stopwatch Stops

Mar 23, 2010

One the click of a button the stopwatch starts, then on the click of a second button the stopwatch stops then states either in a msgbox the time taken between the two button clicks.

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Performance Of Vs Button.Click

Dec 2, 2011

We are having problems with the speed in parts of our application, Standard .NET 4 Windows forms application. We have a ListView containing some commerce items and the user can click on items to put them in a shopping cart. The problem is that when clicking 10 times fast on one item, only 4-6 items is added to the shopping cart.I get the same result when building a simple test application with only one ListView, with one item and a debug.print in the click handler.I have tried to add a Button in the same testapplication and this is fast..[code]

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Click/not Right Click A Button For The Context Menu?

May 20, 2009

i just started playing with the menu toolbars in the toolbox. neat stuff. this thread is mostly for a contextmenustrip, since i'm trying to do a virtual right click on a regular click so the context menu shows..

i would like to know how to do a virtual right mouse click, so that's primary and reason for this thread, but if there is another way to have the context menu act on any other commands, then do post..

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VS 2005 Have The User Click On The Button The Button Stays Pressed While The ContextMenu Shows?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a button on my form where I'm showing a ContextMenu when the user left clicks on it, I'm actually using MouseUp right now to show it.What I would like to have happen is the user click on the button, the button stays pressed while the ContextMenu shows, it returns to normal when the ContextMenu closes (Either a menu item was selected, the user hits the escape key or they click/tab to somewhere else). Also I'd like to position the ContextMenu in the lower left corner if the menu opens down or the top left corner if it opens up. So the left edge of the ContextMenu is flush with the left edge of the button.Moreso the button staying pressed until the ContextMenu is closed.

Edit: I'm also ok with this being it's own control inheriting the FW's Button that used the assigned ContextMenu as well.

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VS 2010 : Open Button Menu In Toolbar When Click In ALL The Button Not Only In The Small Arrow?

Sep 7, 2010

the menu in the button is opened with click in the small down arrow, but NOT if click in the button image.

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Change Location Of A Ovalshape Using Button And 2 Textboxes In A Button Click Event

Sep 25, 2008

How can you chnge the location of a ovalshape using button and 2 textboxes in a button click event

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Save Button In Visual Basic - Clear The Controls When Click Button

Jul 15, 2010

I am Sorry but I Can not get my head around Saving data in a Form to my records (DataBase) When I Click Button1. I know how to clear the controlls when i click Button1. How Do i start The code "Do I use a SaveFileDialog1" or "Do I Look in the property settings" how the code starts. is what i have at the moment is below. also Button1 should be able to clear the controls ready for the next user input.


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