Get The Lines Of Text In An Array Where TextRenderer.DrawText Will Line Break?

Apr 27, 2010

basically i am doing something like:


TextRenderer.DrawText(g, mc_Text, MyBase.Font, New Rectangle(Padding.Left, Padding.Top, MyBase.Width), MyBase.ForeColor, TextFormatFlags.WordBreak)

And want to get an array of lines where the text breaks with since TextFormatFlags.WordBreak has been set

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C# - Enable Me To Render Rotated Text With The TextRenderer.DrawText Method?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm using some code to enable me to render rotated text with the TextRenderer.DrawText method. (By default, DrawText can only copy a straight forward x and y transform from a graphics object).

The code (C#) is from: See below for a VB conversion.The code takes a graphics object, creates a device context and copies the transform matrix from the graphics object. It works, but I'd like, also, to set the TextRenderingHint, so I tried:

<DllImport("gdiplus.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True)> _
Public Shared Function GdipSetTextRenderingHint(ByVal graphics As HandleRef, ByVal textRenderingHint As System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint) As Integer End Function And then after the SetClip statement, I place: GdipSetTextRenderingHint(hDC, someHint) This gives me a memory access violation error, so I think I should be using something other than hDC as the argument.

I can get it to work by creating the device context from the original graphics object, and then creating another graphics object from the device context. I then set the hint on the new graphics object. This seems a bit convoluted so I was wondering if it was possible through interop.


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TextRenderer.DrawText Rectangle Area Offset For BorderStyles

Dec 5, 2010

Drawing text on a picbox I notice if the picbox has a border style set then the TextRenderer.DrawText rectangle area needs to be adjusted slightly otherwise text may be drawn very near the picbox borders and the text doesn't look as clean, but I'm not sure what those offsets should be, I hard coded them in, see code under "' area to draw". btw, the code draws the first word of text in bold and then the other words as regular. 'One button, One picture box needed.


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VS 2008 TextRenderer.DrawText In PrintDocument PrintPage Event

Dec 7, 2010

I want to use the added functionality (for word wrap etc) of the TextRenderer.DrawText method.... but this does not seem to work correctly on the Graphics object in the PrintPage event in the PrintDocument Object and does not take into consideration any transformations that have been applied. Does anyone have a replacement way or workaround for this?

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TextRenderer.DrawText To Bitmap With ClearType And Color.Transparent Background?

Sep 28, 2008

The following code does not appear to draw text properly to the bitmap. The text is rendered bold and anything but "clear". Can someone please help? I've searched all over the web for a solution and have not been able to locate one.The Code:


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Break Up A Line Of Text Using Substring?

Oct 29, 2009

What is the best way to read a line from a file and break up into seperate fields.

I tried using substring in this loop but i get the same value for refnum in each iteration

I want the first 24 characters in refnum[cod]e...

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Break Out Individual Fields In A Text Line

Jul 20, 2009

I'm not getting this at all I suppose. I've tried so many variations to split the lines into individual fields and I still cannot get it to do what I want.

I have to get lines from a sequential file which read like:


And load them to a listbox like this:


With the ID # padleft(10, "0") and the commas eliminated, and only the Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial showing.

This is my mess of a code (it is just one of many variations)


I've got the ID field right but the rest just shows up as it is in the file commas and all.

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Saving To A Text File With A Line Break?

Feb 23, 2012

I am saving several strings to a text file, and want to create a line break between each one, at the moment it looks like this:


But want it to look like this:



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Html - Insert A Line Break After Text In TextBox ASP.NET?

Sep 27, 2010

I need to add line break after the following in the textbox.

txtBody.Value = "Dear " & Trim(tblProperty(0).Item("Contact")) & ","

I've tried so far 'ControlChars.CrLf', ..., 'vbNewLine', 'vbCrLf', ... at the end.

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Get A Bunch Of Lines From A Text File (they Will Be Filenames Eventually) Which Are Split By New Lines And Puts Each One Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..

Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then


The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.

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Stop Adding Lines To Array At A Specified Line

May 11, 2012

I'm trying to create an array, but I do not want all data from the textbox to be inputted. The textbox will look something like this:


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Sql :: Find A Specific Line Of Text In A Text Document And Insert The Next 37 Lines Of Text Into A Database?

Feb 5, 2011

I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction

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Add A Line Break In A Multi Line Textbox In Visual Studio Designer's Property Section?

Jun 14, 2012

This is a WinForm VB.NET application. Please see the picture below:How to add a line break in a multi line textbox in Visual Studio designer's property section?I tried using abc & Environment.NewLine & def but that was not working.

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Use DrawText To Draw End Of A Text?

Oct 22, 2011

Is TextRenderer.DrawText() capable to draw the end of a text when destination rectangle is too small?

TextFormatFlags.Bottom didn't helped me.

In others words: how to clip text on its top edge?

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Flow Layout Panel Line Break Or New Line

Feb 20, 2011

I am adding some controls to Flow layout panel. In between some controls I need a line break.

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Extra Blank Line Between 2 Lines Of Text?

Jan 12, 2011

first why do I have a extra blank line between 2 lines of text

I have a mainform from which I display a second form with a few comboxes


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Storing Content Line By Line In Array Variale From Text File

Jun 29, 2009

i would like to store contents from a text file line by line to arrays before copying them to another text file. what i have is currently like this:


Currently I'm only able to store the whole content into one variable, would like to store the content line by line in arrays.

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Adding Additional Lines To Multi-line Text Box?

Apr 6, 2012

I have a line of data that represent a data import. When the import is done, I would like to keep that exsisiting line, and add another line for the next import. So I have a display of mulitiple lines, showing multiple Imports.So this is one I have for the first section, it loops through the data so you see the rows incrementing

TextBox1.Text = clsDatRow.iFirstVal.ToString + " ROWS:" + iCountRows.ToString + " " + Date.Now.ToString

Now, I can I keep the line of data, and add a new line so for the next import, it does the same thing. It ried vbnewline, but it just clears that line, it doesn't move down to a next line.

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Show Multi-Line Text Box On Separate Lines

Feb 27, 2010

I am trying to show the following code in a text box on separate lines. Is it possible to code in a hard return?


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Reading Text File Line By Line Into Array?

Mar 19, 2012

I must use streamreader to read text file line by line into array.

Here's what I've got.

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim numbers() As Double = New StreamReader(txtfile.Text)
Dim numbersarray() As Double


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Count Lines Of A Text File (NOT EVERY LINE) Situated On A Server

Feb 9, 2011

I have a text file on a web server. Every line of the text file ends with "g]" or with "a]".I would like to count the lines that end with "g]" and the lines that end with "a]".Before I hade two seperate files and I used the following code for counting.But now I decided to put everthing into a single file:[code]

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Count The Lines Of A Text File (NOT EVERY LINE) Situated On A Server?

May 8, 2011

I have a text file on a web server. Every line of the text file ends with "g]" or with "a]".I would like to count the lines that end with "g]" and the lines that end with "a]".How can I do that?Before I hade two seperate files and I used the following code for counting.But now I decided to put everthing into a single file:

Dim client1 As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim file1 As String = client.DownloadString("URL/file1") 'lines ending with "g]"
Dim lines1 As String() = file1.Split(Environment.NewLine)


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Delete Few Lines From The Text File Either With Line Number Or With Content?

Mar 31, 2009

i want to delete few lines from a big text file , normally this lines are at the starting of the text file , so it is possible that i can enter the line no from input box and the can delete that particular line number from the text file ,


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Break Up Lines Of Codes AND Comments In .NET 2010?

May 1, 2011

everytime i try the space then underscore + enter it doesnt work and it lights up red edit - like for example this is a comment:'you must add such and such to this variable and then you must declare it' say i have that for a comment and i want to break the comment after variable. when i do this 'you must add such and such to this variable

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VS 2008 Two Location Lines Throw Errors But Text Line Works Fine

Jun 30, 2010

[code]The two Location lines throw errors but the Text line works fine. I've played around with this until I'm blue in the face but can't get it to compile.

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Read Lines From A Text File To An Array?

Mar 26, 2009

I'm trying to do is to read the lines from a text file, and transfer them to an array.[code]...

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Reading Certain Lines From A Text File Into An Array?

Oct 26, 2009

reading a text file into an array after a certain line in the text file, at the moment i am trying to do it using the method below: but i am having trouble thinking about how i can copy everyother line and also how i can count through the array the i = 0 and i = i + 1 are there while "i".

In a line what i would like to do:I need to copy everyother line for a known amount of lines that appears after the line " I FT I KT I " in a text file, but i do not know the position of this first line in the file.

Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(sessionsPath$ & "vmcg.afm")
For Each inline As String In lines
If inline.Contains(" I FT I KT I ") Then


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Deleting Duplicate Lines In A Text File Using An Array

Sep 27, 2009

I am adding line entries in a .ini file. The problem is, I am creating duplicate lines in the file, which I do not want to do. I searched this issue online, and the consensus is to use an array, loop through for duplicates and create a new file. However, being so new at this and teaching myself how to code no less, I am at a dead end. This is not a school project, it is something I am doing for work on my own time. I have all of my code done for the program except for this last step.


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Lines In A Text File To Multi-Dimensional Array

Dec 12, 2009

I am trying to turn data in a text file seperated by spaces into a 2D array.

It is for a math game. The data is statistics based on the performance of the user. One line looks like this "John Doe 0 0 1 3 0 6 0 22"

I need to put the line into an array and then be able to search by name to display the results. I keep getting extra spaces in the input of the array so the data isnt where it should be. It seems that the first entry works correctly, but appended lines do not enter correctly.

Sub ResultsToFile()
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Student_Results.txt"
Dim RecordString As String = NameForm.PlayerFirstName & " " &


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Removing Lines In Array (Text File Contents)

Jun 10, 2011

I am using streamreader to read and streamwriter to write, I have put the lines into an array
[text file contents]

Remove [ ] *****************
;this is -----
;this is another -----
[end of example file]

I want to remove the lines that start with "****" and keep deleting lines until i reach ";" I thought this would be simple but im missing something and I don't want to put this array into a listbox it is being writen to a text file.

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