VS 2008 TextRenderer.DrawText In PrintDocument PrintPage Event

Dec 7, 2010

I want to use the added functionality (for word wrap etc) of the TextRenderer.DrawText method.... but this does not seem to work correctly on the Graphics object in the PrintPage event in the PrintDocument Object and does not take into consideration any transformations that have been applied. Does anyone have a replacement way or workaround for this?

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.net 2008: Printing A Footer With Content "page Xx Of Xx" In PrintDocument.PrintPage?

Dec 3, 2009

The string is measured to determine how many characters and lines it contains via the following code:-

'Determine characters and lines required to print the core report data e.Graphics.MeasureString(str, printerFont, sz, strformat, chars, lines)I've implemented a pageNumber integer variable which I increment in the PrintDocument.PrintPage.

I'm wondering how to print the TOTAL number of pages, not just the current page? Could this be worked out via the number of lines and page type (portrait/landscape) and perhaps margins?

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TextRenderer.DrawText Rectangle Area Offset For BorderStyles

Dec 5, 2010

Drawing text on a picbox I notice if the picbox has a border style set then the TextRenderer.DrawText rectangle area needs to be adjusted slightly otherwise text may be drawn very near the picbox borders and the text doesn't look as clean, but I'm not sure what those offsets should be, I hard coded them in, see code under "' area to draw". btw, the code draws the first word of text in bold and then the other words as regular. 'One button, One picture box needed.


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C# - Enable Me To Render Rotated Text With The TextRenderer.DrawText Method?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm using some code to enable me to render rotated text with the TextRenderer.DrawText method. (By default, DrawText can only copy a straight forward x and y transform from a graphics object).

The code (C#) is from: connect.microsoft.com. See below for a VB conversion.The code takes a graphics object, creates a device context and copies the transform matrix from the graphics object. It works, but I'd like, also, to set the TextRenderingHint, so I tried:

<DllImport("gdiplus.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError:=True, ExactSpelling:=True)> _
Public Shared Function GdipSetTextRenderingHint(ByVal graphics As HandleRef, ByVal textRenderingHint As System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint) As Integer End Function And then after the SetClip statement, I place: GdipSetTextRenderingHint(hDC, someHint) This gives me a memory access violation error, so I think I should be using something other than hDC as the argument.

I can get it to work by creating the device context from the original graphics object, and then creating another graphics object from the device context. I then set the hint on the new graphics object. This seems a bit convoluted so I was wondering if it was possible through interop.


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Get The Lines Of Text In An Array Where TextRenderer.DrawText Will Line Break?

Apr 27, 2010

basically i am doing something like:


TextRenderer.DrawText(g, mc_Text, MyBase.Font, New Rectangle(Padding.Left, Padding.Top, MyBase.Width), MyBase.ForeColor, TextFormatFlags.WordBreak)

And want to get an array of lines where the text breaks with since TextFormatFlags.WordBreak has been set

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TextRenderer.DrawText To Bitmap With ClearType And Color.Transparent Background?

Sep 28, 2008

The following code does not appear to draw text properly to the bitmap. The text is rendered bold and anything but "clear". Can someone please help? I've searched all over the web for a solution and have not been able to locate one.The Code:


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VS 2008 - How To Create Event For PrintDocument

Nov 15, 2010

We have made on run time a printDocument object.
Dim pd As New PrintDocument
How do we get the PrintPage and the BeginPrint events?

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VS 2008 - Printdocument Of VS And The Printform Found In Powerpacks

Jul 24, 2009

I am printing my form by using the printdocument of VS and the printform found in powerpacks. I never got the preview to work so when ever I want to print I send my information on a new form (form1) which I have altered ( colour borders ) so it is printable. To print form1 I have added a toolstrip with a print button so when the user sees all is ok on the form1 he clicks on it which hides the toolstrip and prints form1. All this sequence works fine. The problem I have been getting lately is that I can print on the first try but when I call another form to print the toolstrip ( with the print button ) is always hidden. I have to exit the application and re enter to get it to show up. Any solution to this or even how to print in a better way. (have the preview to work for example ). I have tried to use printdialog to print but I have never been able to send the document to print.

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VS 2008 PrintDocument Causes Form To Minimize Or Lose Focus

Jan 16, 2012

I have this rather annoying problem when printing in VB.NET. I use the PrintDocument object and after it has done its job, the form gets minimized to the taskbar. I tried to force the focus on the form but to no avail. I was just wondering if someone else has encountered this problem and maybe has a solution for it?

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Use DrawText To Draw End Of A Text?

Oct 22, 2011

Is TextRenderer.DrawText() capable to draw the end of a text when destination rectangle is too small?

TextFormatFlags.Bottom didn't helped me.

In others words: how to clip text on its top edge?

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Graphics.MeasureString Is Different To TextRenderer.MeasureText?

Oct 10, 2011

why Graphics.MeasureString is so different to TextRenderer.MeasureText?


Dim SizeG = e.Graphics.MeasureString(New String("i"c, 100), New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25, FontStyle.Regular))[code]...

I realize that one returns SizeF and the other Size... but the results are over 50px different in the width ?

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DrawText On Image With 90 Or 180 Degrees Format In Windows Based Application

Dec 13, 2010

How can i draw text(demo demo) with 180 degrees format on exist image(on photo) in windows based applicaiton using vb.net. (Here rotate text(demo demo is displaying text on exist image) with 180 degrees formate then display on exist image)

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Interface And Graphics :: Dynamicaly Center Multiple DrawText "Labels"?

Feb 23, 2010

I've drawn a graph where each gridline represents 15 minutes. (Every 4, 1 hour of time)The resolution is 100 dpi per inch. Each column is 12 DPI. (Not very big)Each gridline can have zero to multiple "Lines of data" which must be centered under the associated gridline using a vertical transform. (Each drawtext label represents an event that happened at that point in time)This I can figure out. The problem is that there can be 3 labels at 3:00AM, then another 2 labels at 3:15 AM with more labels as time progresses through the day. If each "label takes up 24 dpi of space, I need to center 120 dpi of data under 12 dpi of space.(Drawing the lines from the gridline to the associated data should not be an issue depending on how the "label is centered)How can I center all 5 labels at runtime. I've considered an array but each time a "label" is added, I would have to recaculate each labels position. Besides that, how can my program recgnize that the data it is coming up to (data is read one line at a time) is a group or how large the group is?

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.net - TextRenderer.MeasureText Return Width=0 For Character "&"

Sep 15, 2011

I try to create my own OpenGL font system, and I need to get the size of each character I want to include in a Sprite texture. All works well and accurately, except for the character "&" (ascii 38). Even if I change the font, this character always return zero for the width. Height is good.

The strangest thing is that, if I try to measure the concatenation of "&&" (Chr(38) & Chr(38)), the result seems good ! I haven't check to see if the same code point in another range of the same font product the same error, so I don't know if the workaround "if char is "38" test the size on "38+38" will always work.

EDIT: I completely forgotten to say I'm under VB.Net (but can understand C#) and I use OpenGL with OpenTK for the binding. TextRenderer is a class of GDi+. I use this to create my font texture. This is really not an OpenGL issue.

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.net - TextRenderer.MeasureText Return Width=0 For Character "&"?

Sep 28, 2009

All is in the title. I try to create my own OpenGL font system, and I need to get the size of each character I want to include in a Sprite texture.All works well and accurately,except for the character "&" (ascii 38). Even if I change the font, this character always return zero for the width. Height is good.

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Printdocument To Pdf Files

Feb 20, 2009

I create some reports or documents in my vb 2008 application using the Printing.printdocument object.I have no problem when i print to a printer but I also need to print directly to a PDF file, and specify the filename in the code. I don't want to have any interaction with the filename dialog box. It must be totally transparent to the user. Does anyone have an idea to help me? I don't find anything on the net?

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Save A Printdocument Out As A Pdf?

Oct 16, 2009

Is it possible to save a printdocument out as a pdf?

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Get "textrenderer" To Put Text On A Graphics Object?

Aug 10, 2009

I cannot work out why the textrenderer method will not work?I have refined it down to the bare basics in the following example. Paste this code into a form (form3) that has a picturebox control (picturebox1).There is a blue swiggly line beneath the textrenderer "keyword", and a mouse hover message says "Name 'Textrenderer' is not declared"? I know that there are other methods, but I want to solve this textrenderer mystery.


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Changing PaperKind Of The PrintDocument?

Apr 7, 2010

I have an A5 paper. I need to set the print document to this paper. But I can't change RawKind property of the print document. Please help. I tried that code, but it didn't work:

PrintDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.RawKind = 11

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Critical Printdocument Printing?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a program that prints using the printdocument control. How do I check for errors in the program. Sometimes the program prints ok, sometimes the print does not print at all or give any feedback about the status of the print.

Bireirectional printing is enabled on the printer.

The program prints barcoded orders to a barcode label printer. The supplier's only cue to supply is the printed barcode label. I can see in the program that the orders are getting queued, and at certain intervals a timer runs to update each available order's status to "printed".As far as I am aware, there is no "Error" event of the printdocument control, and the printing is an asynchronous operation. So how should I check?

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Custom Pagesize With Printdocument

Jan 16, 2011

I want to print in a custom papersize using printdocument control I am using the following code [code]

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Different Behaviour Between PrintDocument And PageSetupDialog?

Mar 11, 2011

In a program I am using the standard PrintDocument, PageSetupDialog and PrintPreView controls. I am attempting to print a screenful of information which covers three A4 printed sheets. The printed format is OK except that the positioning on the page. Changing the margins in the PageSetupDialog makes it worse.So I wrote the following code in the Form Load event to see what was going on -

MsgStr As


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Generate A Report Using A Printdocument?

Sep 28, 2009

I have written a timeclock application for my employees and am trying to generate a report using a printdocument.The problem I'm having is finishing out the entries on another page. This code is causing the remaining entries to be printed on the same page over top of the original ones.Here is the basics of the code.

Private Sub prtReport_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles prtReport.PrintPage
Dim TitleFont As New Font("Times New Roman", 22)
Dim HeaderFont As New Font("Microsoft San Serif", 14)
Dim FooterFont As New Font("Microsoft San Serif", 6)


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Print Barcodes Using Printdocument?

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to print a barcode I have successfully made the barcode in a label using a reference .dll file

Imports BarCode
TempLabel = New Label
With TempLabel
.Text = BarcodeConverter128.StringToBarcode(CStr(tblPrintLabels.Rows(intLabelCount)("BARCODE_NO")))
.Font = New Font("Code 128", 28)


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PrintDocument How To Center Text

May 17, 2012

I am having problems trying to center some text. I created a printdocument and it has a company name and title and then other information I have the information fine but I wanted to center the company name [code]I know I have to get the width of the page then divide it by two and after that find out how long my text is then subtract that so it still prints center screen. Pretty much right now it prints out and runs off the right side of the page.But what I would like it to do is print in the Center but have equal margins on the sides of the page still.Just like clicking Center allignment on a word doc.

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PrintDocument Taking Way Too Long?

Dec 13, 2009

The problem I'm facing is that PrintForm has a shoddy quality while getting the printouts and PrintDocument takes way too long to get on receipt printed (Almost 5-10 Seconds!)I'm either looking for an alternative for PrintDocument or somehow make the PrintDocument run faster

printFont As


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Printing Coordinates For RTL Using The PrintDocument?

Sep 20, 2009

I'm sending a rtl text "Arabic" to a receipt printer. My problem is in selecting left and top coordinates for each line. If the paper width changes the whole procedure needs to be written for that specific width, because I'm measuring form the left edge. Is there a way in the printDocument object that flips the starting point from left to right?

p.s. the format string in the args.Graphics.DrawString() only select the direction of the printed string in case it has some numbers and symbols but it doesn't start the string from the right edge of the page.

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Save PrintDocument To Image?

Nov 7, 2008

The project I am working on requires me to printout a form and email the printout to another department within my company. I have the printout exactly the way I need it, but I am not clear on how to save the PrintDocument to an image. The following link has an example of exactly what I am trying to accomplish, but I just can't understand how how the PrintImage() sub works or how to use MyObj to do both.


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Change Boolean After Printdocument Is Rendered?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm using the PrintPreviewDialog and am wondering how I can change a boolean variable after the PrintDocument has been rendered in the dialog window. I found out that using the dialog's Shown event fires before the PrintDocument has been rendered so the boolean gets changed before the document's been rendered. I can't use any of the PrintDocument's events to change the boolean since the preview dialog is not always used unless there's a way I can use the EndPrint event to detect that the PrintDocument's owner is the PrintPreviewDialog or an actual printer or something.

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Convert VB PrintDocument To Word Document

Feb 5, 2010

I have created a module that prints a simple report. I want to be able to email this report to a number of people. What are my options? And, how do I go about it. If I can get it converted to either a Word or PDF document, I can email it.

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