Grabbed An Image Of The Internet Depending?

Sep 10, 2010

Ok the other day I saw a neat little DLL that grabbed an image of the internet depending on what the user enters it was used like dllname.Whatever(String, PictureBox1) now the thing is Picturebox was was just that you just Put it on your form and called the dll with that does any one know how to do this

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Add Picture Box Image Name To Textbox - Depending On Image Displayed In Picturebox

May 20, 2009

i'm lost on this code.. i have a picturebox that swaps 2 images, depending on the action, file_red and file_green.. what i'm trying to to is, if a picturebox switches a image or not, to be able to detect that and have textbox8 add a line with the detection.


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Change An Individual Image In A Gridview Depending On A Value

Mar 5, 2011

i have 2 tables assignment and feedback, in a gridview it displays all the assignments, the assignments then get feedback. im then wanting to change the view feedback button in the gridview depending on if there is new feedback for example:the feedback table has a state field in it so when its 1 i want that image button to change to the one with the +

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Resize The Form To A Suitable Size Depending Upon The Height And Width Of An Image?

Apr 17, 2011

I am developing a iimage veiwer.

1. i need to resize the form to a suitable size depending upon the heght and width of my image

2. their are two buttons one should always be at the bottom right corner and other always at the top right corner.

3. How do i make the picture fade in.

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Broadcasting An Image Over Internet ?

Apr 19, 2010

I am working on a personal project, and I've been looking at a way to make an application where you can enter in the other user's IP address, load a picture into a picturebox and have it appear in the other user's picturebox, on a separate computer. I am not looking for code, but examples are welcome. I would just like a nudge in the right direction.I've already looked at P2P and winsock, but I cannot figure it out...

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Get Property Of Image On The Internet?

Jul 1, 2010

i wana get property of image like hieght and widht without download image on my pc i wrote some code but it is still slow and doesn't work very well in my program .

i used this code :

PictureBox1.Image = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(New IO.MemoryStream(New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadData(textbox1.text)))


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Send Image Over The Internet?

Jun 27, 2010

I have two programs running, a client and a server. They are connected through a socket, and a TCPListener. The server is pure VB.NET, but the server needs to take pictures of the desktop, which works, but then needs to send it to the client application.

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Check If Connected To Internet + Image Available?

Oct 18, 2010

Basically I want to have a picturebox which shows an embedded resource if not connected to the internet, and an online image if connected to the internet.I assume this can be done on the form load event, I just don't know the code for it. Basically this is the logic though:

-If 'http:/[url].... is available (therefore connected to internet)

-Picturebox1.Image = http:[url].....


How can I code that properly? Would putting it in the form load event work?

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Set An Image Which Displays When There Isn't An Internet Connection?

Oct 3, 2010

In a picturebox/image control (WPF) how can I set an image which displays when there isn't an internet connection?

Basically, I have the picturebox image set to an image online (ie But how can I set an image to display when there is no internet connection?

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VS 2010 Temporary Internet Files - Get The Internet Address Property?

Jan 31, 2011

I've been looking for a way to do this for like two days now, and no luck.

What I want to do is get into the temporary internet files, find a certain file....

(^^^ I can do that just fine (using specialfolders, etc) ^^^)

and get the internet address associated with it.

See the attachment if you don't get my meaning.

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Internet Monitoring In School Library / Cannot Use Internet Within Day

Oct 15, 2011

we have our system running but our system needs to be modified because we did something wrong...we are doing an "Internet monitoring System" in our school library where the user can only access the internet 1hr a day, and he/she cannot use the internet within that day if he couldn't buy a time on a serve...every students should only have 20hrs time usage per semester...our problem is every day their 20hrs is being reduced in 1hr.. the rule is the time per semester which is 20hrs that is given to the students was reduced 1hr only if he uses the internet..but our system is reducing their 1hr every day.

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Add Text In A Cell Depending On Its Value?

Sep 13, 2010

Is it possible to add text next to its value in a cell, depending on its value?

as example if the value of the cell is less than 1.00, the box will turn to red color and will be appear.

attachment 1 (pic1) is the image before and attachment 2 (pic2) is the image result i want.

i have successfully color the box and having problem with adding the text.

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Calculate Depending On Database Value?

Sep 25, 2011

i have two text box's and compare from two columns in database the result auto show another text box and then following below code using my program

Public Sub cal()
Dim sum As Double
Dim res As Double


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How To Calculate Depending On Database Value

Mar 10, 2011

I have two text box's and compare from two columns in database the result auto show another text box and then following below code using my program:

Public Sub cal()
Dim sum As Double
Dim res As Double
With Common_Class.GetSrvRec("i_Unit_Con", "", "QTY_UNIT='" & txtitemunit1.Text.Trim & "'")
If .Fields("QTY_UNIT").Value = txtitemunit1.Text Then
[Code] .....

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Parsing Without Depending On Spaces?

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to search for a phrase in an array, the phrase might have different spases between two words:

Here is what I mean;
John __Smith
John _____ Smith
john ________ Smith

how can I search without being dependent on SPACES between the two words.

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Populate Combobox Depending On Other?

Nov 15, 2011

I have achieve to populate my combobox from sql and from this combobox to populate a textbox but now I have to do something more complicated.I would like to populate a combobox from an other combobox choice. And what i mean is that I have a table with Streenames and Postcodes. What I want to do is fistly to choose the Streetname from the one combobox and the interface to appear the Postcodes to the second combobox. Secondly, the postcode combobox should appear more than one postcodes because it is probable that the same streetname maybe belongs to more than one region(postcode).

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Showing 2 MsgBoxs Depending On What Happens

Jun 17, 2012


I want it to show the first MsgBox if the NewEntryName.text = "" and I want it to show the second MsgBox if openfiledialog1 = nothing... how do I do it

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VS 2008 Can Run Different Code, Depending On OS

Jun 9, 2009

I'm wondering if I can run different code, depending on what OS,My product is on?

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VS 2008 Finding If An Image Control Has An Image Loaded (flashing An Image With A Timer)?

Aug 14, 2011

I'd like to verify if an image control has an image loaded . If it does , I want to unload that image (and load no image) , but if the image control has no image loaded , I want to load an image . Is it possible ?

If ImageMY.Image.Equals(Nothing) Then
ImageMY.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:ImageBlaBlaBla.jpg")


View 3 Replies - Setting Up Different Roles Depending On Url In Web.config?

Jan 17, 2012

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<allow users="USERS"/>


Is there a way to write an if statement in here to detect what url I am on so I can allow a certain role for that certain URL.

Example code in my head of what I kind of want to see:

If (UCase(Url) = UCase("URL")) Then
<allow roles="ROLES"/>
ElseIF(UCase(Url) = UCase("URL")) Then


Is this even allowed in the web.config? I have 3 websites. One for Dev, UAT and PROD. Now for each sites I have different user groups for each set up. I just want to find a way that I can just find what URL i'm at and point it at the certain user group. I'm guessing I have to make a web.config for each because you can't do conditional statements but I'm just making sure. If I have to make a web.config for each how can I go about setting that up?

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Change Datagridview Row Colour Depending On Value?

Jul 18, 2012

I try to make my datagridview rows change colour depending on value on a row cell. I ve tryed everything i found on the web but nothing..

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Change Images In VS Depending On Results?

May 23, 2009

I work with VisualStudio 2008 and write my codes in VBasci.Also,I use Microsoft SQL server 2008 for my database and here is the question;I ve curently been doing a simple hotel software, the step that I ve got stucked in is that, I take the reservations by clicking on buttons those represents rooms in the hotel,buttons have green colour on them because they are available until I take a reservation for that room,and they must be staying green until a customer checks-in..On a check-in day,that room must go to colour of red or somethıng and must'nt be able to take another rezervation into it until the customer checks-out, I ve got 2 people comıng for that room for tomorrow who will stay for 1 night,so today it should stay green whıch means it s available,but by the mid night it must go red and must be not available to take rezervations for tomorrow,once they check-out on the day after tomorrow ıt should go green,so,available again.

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Colour Text Depending On Type?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to make the application similar to Notepad++. Notepad++ colours text depending on what type they are, eg. HTML, PHP, CSS, Java, ect.

I just wondered if somebody might be able to help with this? I have no clue where to start, but I have an idea of how it would happen.

- Text is entered into the RTB (RichTextBox)
- The text is read by the program as it's entered
- The text is coloured depending on the type

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Different Button To Be Selected Depending On Which Control

Jun 19, 2012

What is the appropriate declaration such as "ValueChanged" or "Click" for a NumericUpDown that will execute the code when I press enter. I already know that setting the "AcceptButton" property of the main form to a default button will not work, especially if I want a different button to be selected depending on which control I give focus. How do I accomplish this?

PS: Is the syntax any different from Visual Basic 2010 Express than it is on Visual Studio 2012 RC (running in Visual Basic Mode)?

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Do A Calculation Where-in Output Is Different Depending On What Input Is

Jul 28, 2009

I'm trying to do a calculation where-in the output is different depending on what the input is. [code] I have these repeated using >=50 >=60 etc. but when I go to run the program I get this: [code] basically I need to know how to create a cut off point for the grading system. <= doesnt seem to work.

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Drop Text Depending On Type?

Aug 24, 2011

I have a little loop what reads in a text file the text layout is[code]...

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Fill Combobox Depending On Value Of Other Combo

Feb 27, 2010

I have 2 comboboxes. When I choose a country in cboLand I want only the states to show in cboStaat that are associated with the country from cboLand. I tried the code below but I get all different error messages. Perhaps you can see something in my code that I missed.


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Get Different Combinations Depending On Checked CheckBoxes

Jan 15, 2012

Example: That's 8 different combinations:
1, X, 1
1, X, X
1, 2, 1
1, 2, X
X, X, 1
X, X, X
X, X, 1
X, 2, X

Any way to get the different combinations depending on the Checked checkboxes into an ArrayList. One entry per possible combination (like the example above). Note this example is just for 3 games, I will have 13 games in my program so if you click all checkboxes thats 1,6M combinations. Is it really wise to have 1,6M entries in an Array? I also want to be able to set demands, like: delete all lines in the Array containing two X. Maybe an ArrayList isn't the way to go?

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Highlight Row In Gridview Depending On A Cell's Value?

Oct 10, 2007

Hey, Just trying to loop through my gridview and change the color of the row if the first cell equals a given value. This is the code I am trying but does not work.

With gvItemList
For i = 1 To .Rows.Count - 1
If .Rows(i).Cells.Item(0).ToString = stValue Then
.Rows(i).BackColor = Drawing.Color.CadetBlue
End If


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How To Only Display Certain Lines Depending On N Number

Mar 26, 2010

I have read a text file into a textbox. The text looks like this (small snippet):
N08861 A1 P 0 A2 P 0 A3 P 0
N08862 P 0
N08870 P 0
N08900 P 00000001
What I want to do is to only display certain lines - this depends on the N number shown above.
E.G. I want the text box the display line N5000 upto N6000.

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