Hiding -window While Debugging?

Jan 20, 2009

is it possible to automaticly hide the vs2008-window while i'm in a debuggersession? When VS comes at a breakpoint or there is an error the vs2008-window must pop-up.

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.net - Hiding Window Loses Window's Functionality?

Aug 5, 2011

I have a vb.net application that, when a short cut is pressed, a window pops up. I also would like to make it completely invisible, unless the short cut is pressed. In the default class that houses my code for noticing the short cut and coordinating the events of the short cut, I have placed the following code:

Me.ShowInTaskbar = False

I have isolated this code as the issue. The issue is that my application does not work when it is not shown in the taskbar. This is only the default form - for the pop up window I have a separate class. How can I create a workaround for hiding the window in the taskbar and hiding it in general?

Btw, this is my hotkey code:

Public Const MOD_ALT As Integer = &H1
Public Const WM_HOTKEY As Integer = &H312
Public Declare Function RegisterHotKey Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal id As Integer, ByVal fsModifiers As Integer, ByVal vk As Integer) As Integer


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Hiding A Process Window In VB?

Mar 27, 2009

I have been working on a program to hide windows for an active process. I found some examples on the internet explaining how to do this. The problem, however, is that after I hide the windows I cannot get them back. The process still shows up in task manager but i cannot restore the window..

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Form1


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Hiding And Showing A Window

Oct 11, 2009

I was just googleing this, and i came across this

Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process
p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True
p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"

Does that mean that i could show it again? if so, is there a code that can do this?Also, if i wanted to get the window that the user is currently in, how would i be able to hide that?

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Hiding The Ctrl+F Window

Feb 16, 2012

I'm making a webbrowser and coding the ctrl+f function has proven to be too complicated. I therefore decided to link buttons with the ctrl+f window that already exists in IE. What i want to do now is hide the ctrl+f window that pops up. When I hide active window at the moment it hides the webbrowser and not the ctrl+f window that pops up.


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Command Window Hiding When An .exe File Is Run Using An AppDomain

Nov 8, 2011

I have created an application domain, using which i am executing an .exe file.So the command window does open which has the title as file name. I want to hide the command window.

Dim newAppDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation)
newAppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(IO.Path.Combine(Offic eAddInConfig.Instance.BinPath & "Core", "file1.exe"))

Here a command prompt will be opened which need to hide.

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VS 2010 Hiding Window Of External Process?

Jan 7, 2012

So i want to start an application with my vb.net app and it should start as a hidden process, meaning no window and nothing in the task bar, only in the task manager ofcourse.

This is what i do

Dim fov As New Process
If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text & vbCrLf & "* - Launching"
fov.StartInfo.FileName = ("test.exe")


This does not work.. I have also tried the "fov.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True" command which does not work either. I can live with a solution that would start the window minimized instead of totally hidden.

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Get Rid Of Disassembly Window While Debugging?

Mar 14, 2011

As I am stepping through my code, it takes me to Disassembly window. Is there a way to get rid of this. This has only recently started happening.

I have looked in options for a way to get rid of it.

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IDE :: Modules Window While Debugging

Oct 7, 2009

I have read many many forums regarding the error message "No symbols have been loaded. The breakpoint will not be hit." I had this error message come up a while ago, so I opened a previous version of my project, and copied the newest version of the code I am working on into that project. Then when I debugged, everything worked fine...for a while. Then I got the error message back, so I did the same thing again, and who would have guessed the error message returned, out of the blue. I am working on the program and it works fine, then suddenly one time when I try to debug with a breakpoint I get that message again. So I did some more research and I found a post that recommended looking at the Modules window while debugging (under debug > windows > modules). And in this window under my project, it said "Cannot find or open the PDB file". However, I compared this to the previous version of the program, that works fine, and I noticed that under Path, for my project, the path that I see is not the path where my project is located. So what I am asking is can someone please tell me how to change that path to the correct path where my files are actually located? I believe that if the path is correct, it will find and load the symbols.

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Use Output Window While Debugging?

May 25, 2010

I'm using vb 2010 and need to know how to use the output window while debugging

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VS 2005 Debugging In Immediate Window

Mar 8, 2011

Trying to debug a Windows application, in the Immediate Window, if I type the following:?UBound( I see a tooltip showing the syntax of UBound, but when I complete the statement as ?UBound(CBa) where CBa is the name of an array, I get the response: Name 'UBound' is not declared. Strangely enough, the UBound function is referenced in the code prior to the breakpoint, and works correctly. Why can't I use it in the Immediate Window? I have the same problem with the Len function, it says it's not declared.

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Errors In Immediate Window In Debugging Mode

Aug 3, 2009

I have code that has no output, it doesn't do what i want it to do, but i can't see any errors in it, there are also no errors in the compiler, but in debug mode there are the following errors:[code]

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Errors In Immediate Window In Debugging Mode?

Jan 6, 2009

I have code that has no output, it doesn't do what i want it to do, but i can't see any errors in it, there are also no errors in the compiler, but in debug mode there are the following errors:

A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in


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IDE :: Debugging Nightmare: Cannot Drill Down Into Object Collections In QuickWatch Window?

Mar 15, 2007

My colleague and I have recently upgraded our projects from .NET Framework 1.0 and VS2002 to .NET Framework 2.0 and VS2005. We also applied the latest VS2005 service pack.

Our problem: normally when debugging we use the QuickWatch window to drill down into and view collections of objects belonging to the parent object we are "watching". THIS NO LONGER WORKS...instead, we get a message in the value line against the object collection saying:"In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user."This is incredibly frustrating, particularly when we have large nested collections of objects.We are pretty sure this feature was working fine after we upgraded, but we are not so sure that it was working after we applied the VS2005 service pack.

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Start Debugging - The Bottom Of My IDE Window That It Is Loading Symbols At A Rapid Clip

Dec 28, 2011

Im trying to debug a troublesome Project. I downloaded and installed the Symbols from MS, set my Project to use the Folder where I installed them, etc. When I start Debugging, I can see at the bottom of my IDE window that it is loading Symbols at a rapid clip, until it gets to It stops, and I have tried waiting 15 minutes to no avail.

The file exists - D:Symbols
asapi32.pdb - 1.40 MB (1,469,440 bytes) - Created Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 12:25:44 PM

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DB/Reporting :: Debugging On Xp Machine Data-set Gets Filled / Debugging On Vista Box It Fails

May 1, 2009

I'm having to write a reporting application that gets information from some Interbase servers and it also has to work on Vista as well as XP, I'm using to connect Borlands Data Provider.[code]My Issue is that debugging on my xp Machine the dataset gets filled, debugging on my vista box it fails ("Interbase provider initialization failed"), my initial thought was that this could be UAC related but I've compiled the application and 'ran as admin' and still same issue. (by the way it failes on the line Dim da as BdpDataAdapter...)

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Hiding Rows In Excel

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to write a simple datagridview to excel. (I know there are lots out there but I can't find this one tweak)The following code runs well enough, I just need to be able to run a loop that says if a given row in the datagridview is .visible = false than I need the corresponding row in the excel spread sheet to become hidden.[code]

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First Column Not Hiding In Datagridview?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a datagridview and once I populate the view with the data source I hide the columns that I do not need. For some reason the 1st column is not hiding. I have checked the column name and they match and the 2nd line executes fine hides the column for the EVENTID. I even did a messagebox.show( dgvTourOther.Columns("OTHERID").name) and it returned the correct name.

dgvTourOther.Columns("OTHERID").Visible = False
dgvTourOther.Columns("EVENTID").Visible = False

The values being passed are all strings. I do this on 3 other datagridviews ok but for somereason this gridview is acting different. I am going to try an rearrange the columns and see if that helps.

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Form Is Hiding In Background

Dec 3, 2010

I am working on a project in VB.net 2008. I have a problem arising while opening a form as modal from a modeless form. I have attached a project to demonstrate the problem. This demonstration contains three forms with following characteristics. [code]...

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Hiding A Line In Generated XML?

Jun 8, 2011

I have an app that writes to XML. If a text box is filled, then I write that value to the XML doc.

writer.WriteStartElement("VEHICLE_LICENSE_NUMBER") '10-28 writer.WriteString(frmCitation.txtPlate.Text.ToString)


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Hiding A Tab Page In A Tabcontrol?

Jun 2, 2010

Is this the only, or correct, method for hiding a tabpage in a tabcontrol?

Hide it:

Dim RemovedTabs as List(Of TabPage)


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Hiding An Item In A Combo Box

Jan 15, 2010

I am using VB 2008 Express Edition.

Say I have Combobox1 with items (1)Breakfast (2) Lunch (3)Dinner
and I have combobox2 with items (1)Apples (2)Bananas (3)Grapes(4)Oranges

Now when I choose Breakfast in combobox1, I want user to see all 4 items in combobox2. But when I choose Lunch in combobox1, I only want user to see (1)Bananas(2)Grapes(4)Oranges in combobox2, hiding Apples.

Does anyone know a code where I can hide an item in a combo box depending on the condition?

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Hiding Controls On The Designer?

Mar 8, 2006

I have a bunch of controls on my form and am wondering if I can hide some so it doesn't look so cluttered.I only wnt to hide them on the designer though and not at runtime. Any way to do this?

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Hiding Datagridview Column?

Jul 1, 2009

am binding the datagridview with datatable, actually I am converting a dataview to datatble after applying the filter. After binding my datagridview, I am trying to hide the first column and I am getting an error "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index"Below is my code. I have two rows and 22 columns. The first column name is IndexID and want to hide that column

Private Sub bindGrid(ByVal dv As DataView) Try Dim ChatsChild As New edsChildim dt As New DataTable dt =


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Hiding Listview Column?

Jun 1, 2012

I am stuck on hiding a column in listview. I want to hide the items in that column as well. I tried setting the width to 0 but the user can still size it out and see it. I heard there was a way of doing it by removing the column completely and all of its items and then they can be refreshed back into that column when need be.

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Hiding Mainform In Mainformload?

May 7, 2011


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Hiding Row Selected Column In Dgv?

Mar 15, 2012

I know that .RowHeadersVisible = False will do this but it obviously also gets rid of all my column headings (which I want to keep). How do I get rid of the row selected column but preserve my column titles?

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Hiding Then Unhiding A Process?

Jan 31, 2009

If you start an exe file by using a Process, you can set certain ProcessStartInfo parameters beforehand, such as CreateNoWindow = True (to hide the process), as in this example:

Dim myExe As New Process
Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
p.FileName = "cmd.exe" 'starts the cmd console


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Hiding/unloading Forms In .NET?

Feb 2, 2012

Im learning VB.NET and as a first task im creating a login form. ive been trying to link it to another form once a correct username and password are entered. however, despite that i still cant be able to hide it or unload it once the next form is loaded

Here is the Code

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
If UsernameTextBox.Text = "chris" And PasswordTextBox.Text = "chrispass" Then


The Form2 appears as coded above but the 'Me.Hide()' manages to hide the login form but then it appears again?

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Panel Not Hiding From Checkedchanged?

Mar 27, 2010

I want my panels to be visible when the radio button is check and when its unchecked it would hide.

5 panels
5 radio button

radio button1 shows panel1 if checked Each radio button is set to show each panel and hide each one if its checked or not. Ex:

Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Panel1.Visible = True


When my form loads it shows panel1 because radiobutton one is check. But when i select another radio button panel one doesnt hide. Also when i did it to the other panels such as 2,3,4,5 it does hide and show when the checked state has changed.

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