Hosting .net Code Within An Application?

Nov 30, 2011

I want to allow the end user to write code within my application that will interact with my application and database. I have seen software like this, such as GE iFix, Excel, and others.

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Calling PythonFunction's From A VB Application Hosting Iron Python

Apr 17, 2012

I'm a C++ programming who was tapped to write a small application in Visual Basic. The application hosts an IronPython runtime and I am attempting to define some function in python and then call them from VB. I have written a simple test function in python

def test():
print "Test was Called"

Then I use the iron python to create a ScriptSource from the python file. I am able to look up the "test" variable through object operations but I can not figure out how to call the object that. For example (in VB):

pyScope = engine.CreateScope()
pySource = engine.CreateSourceFromFile("C:SomeFilepath")


I am able to call the function and I see the expected output at stdout. I am still under the impression that there is some function-pointer-like type that I can cast objects of type PythonFunction to which will let me invoke temp directly without calling to the Python engine.

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FTP Or Other File Hosting

Dec 16, 2009

I posted a while ago asking how to manage correlative updates: url...I made that post under the assumption that the direct link i had in place (an attachment on a google site) would not change. Unfortunately I overlooked the fact that google sites use redirect links, just a hair short of direct links. I've heard of FTP Protocols and noticed threads in the c# sections on how to code them, but I don't know much about them. I really need an internet access link for my pgroam to download the file from and am not sure on what the best approach is to this problem. Please advise...I seek not answers, but understanding, that I may not solve, but learn.

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C# :: Hosting IE 8 In WinForms And Opening A PDF?

Apr 30, 2009

We have a form that hosts the WebBrowser control. That is the only control on the form.We pass the form the file path of a temporary PDF file and it does:WebBrowser1.Navigate(Me._PathToPdf)When the form is closing, it navigates away from the PDF file:

Do Until WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete


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Hosting A WCF In Windows Services

May 10, 2011

I have a working WCF, it is written in VB. I need to host it in Windows Services on a remote server. I cannot use IIS (they uninstalled after I had it installed). Specs are to host in Windows Services, the only way I can get around that is to quit.


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Hosting An Asp Website On EasyCgi?

Nov 24, 2010

I have developed a website using ASP.NET/VB + SqlServer 2008 and Dotnetnuke CMS.Now I have to host it on I have some questions:How should I restore my db (unfortunately easycgi supports just sqlserver 2005) so what should I do to convert my db to 2005?and what should I do to host my website (step-by-step "please").

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Hosting Of WCF And Windows Services?

May 9, 2011

I've created a WCF service and, with help of others from this site and the department I work in, the WCF service is running as a service on my development machine. Tested it with a console app and it works.But, it's not supposed to be on my development machine. It needs to be on a different server.This is difficult because the server it is supposed to reside on DOES NOT have Visual Studio installed on it.So I cannot run the VS 2008 Command Prompt with installutil to run the WCF service as a service on that server.

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Chat (Using Socket) Server In Web Hosting?

Nov 29, 2011

Read this: [URL]. Now the question: I want the client will connect to web server (or web hosting).

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Hosting Winform User Control In IE8?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a Winform UC packed in a CAB and hosted in an aspx web page using the <object> tag. In IE7, things work. But in IE8, no matter what settings I choose, the control never gets installed. I need to point IE8 to the CAB, download it, unpack it, and run the installer in the client machine, outside IE8. The UC is fairly complex, and requires several DLLs (third party components). The control reads data from hidden fields in the hosting page, and calls javascript functions on the page.

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VS 2010 Use The VS Hosting Process For Debugging?

Dec 31, 2011

I'm just starting to use VS 2010 - not sure if this was available in VS 2008 - but I was reading about the Hosting Process you can start for debugging.This allows you to call methods and jump into breakpoints in them without starting the whole app running.

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Better Option For Hosting MS Office Documents In Custom App?

Aug 5, 2010

I am currently hosting an IE Browser control in a .NET (2.0) Form and using it to load Office files such as Excel and Word thusly:[code]The hosting and loading works well except whenever I navigate to a file I am presented with a dialog that asks whether I want to save or open the file. (This is standard IE file-download behavior.) I always want to open it of course and I do not want the dialog to show.Another issue is that when I close the window that hosts the IE control and the Office doc the document does not close and remains open on disk. This means that subsequent attempts to open the same file via my app or the native office app will fail because of the sharing violation.Is there a programmatic way of avoiding this dialog and cleaning up resources afterward? I am asking for a programmatic answer because web research has only yielded solutions that entail modifying OS-level settings.

Host an Excel spreadsheet inside my application.Work rather transparently (avoid usability issues like the one described above)Avoid having to make any OS-specific changes that may affect other applications (especially icluding IE)Is zero additional cost (no licensed 3rd party libs please) Code Project and other open source resources are OK.Not mess around with the DSO Framer ActiveX control, unless a stable version is developed/discovered

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Sending Text Files To A Hosting Center?

Jan 25, 2012

In my Visual Basic 2010 project, I want to send a series of plain .txt files to somewhat of a database where they can be stored. The best way I can describe it is like an email system with attachments. The information that is being sent is not sensitive information therefore security doesn't matter, I would like to receive it and add it into a database. Is there any place where I can send these text files to in an email(attachment) like fashion but without needing to enter credentials first? If so, could you please assist me or guide me in the right direction?Sending the information through email would be swell, however this would require the user to first submit their email information which defeats the purpose of the what I'm trying to do.

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[2008] Upload Tool Hosting Servers

Jan 27, 2009

I'm trying to develop a tool to make upload of movies to some Hosting Servers like [URL]

I need to fill flash form and then submit the movies automatically!

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Any Web Hosting Packages That Accepts A Website Mysql Database

Feb 14, 2012

Are there any web hosting packages that accepts a website, a mysql database, and a system created in is my thesis project. Both website and system's database are connected to each other. It means that when I add a user using the system, the user that I added must be able to login on my website.

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C# - App Hosting Report Viewer Crashes On Exit After Export?

Apr 21, 2010

We have a .NET Winforms application that hosts the Crystal Reports Viewer control (Version XI). It works well for the most part but when an export of data from the viewer is performed the application will crash on exit and in unmanaged code. The error message is not very useful and just says that an incorrect memory location was accessed. No other info such a specific DLL etc. is provided.

This only happens after the viewer is used to export a report to CSV, XML etc. My guess is that at some point in the export process Crystal creates a resource that attempts an action on shut down to a parent window (perhaps) that no longer exists.I've seen a number of memory leak and shut down issues with Crystal but this one's new. Has anyone seen it and come up with a workaround or has ideas for workarounds?So far we've tried explicitly disposing of all crystal-related objects, setting to null and even setting a Thread.Sleep cycle on shut down to "give Crystal time to clean up."

Update:The crash happens only on shut down (so not immediate)All export formats work

All export files are created properly

CR is installed on the same machine as the hosting .NET app not sure about exporting from the IDE... is that even possible?

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Can't Register The Original Dll With Regsvr As The Server Is With A Hosting Provider?

Aug 25, 2010

I am trying to use a COM dll referenced from a project. Everything works fine when I reference the interop inside the IDE but when I publish the file in bin folder on my server I get:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {A440BD76-CFE1-4D46-AB1F-15F238437A3D} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I can't register the original dll with regsvr as the server is with a hosting provider and I thought the point of interops was to be able to use old COM dlls without having to register them

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Make A Database To Upload To Hosting Space And Use It With 2008 App?

Dec 26, 2009

I'm new to database design and am using Visual Basic 2008 Express.

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VS 2008 Hosting A User Control In A DataGridView's Cell?

May 20, 2011

I've followed the tutorial on the MSDN for this subject to the T and I'm not getting the User Control to Display in the cell.

I don't think the InitializeEditingControl is ever getting called by the Cell for some reason.

Here are my classes:

This is the actual User Control Class:
Public Class CustomCheckBoxUC
Implements IDataGridViewEditingControl


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VS 2008 Upload File To Free Hosting Site?

Dec 14, 2009

How would I upload a TXT File to a site lik

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Capture An App Close Event Of Hosting My Class Libary Tool?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a set of tools that I've built as a class library that is hosted/referenced within a main application (ESRI's ArcMap). I'd like to manage the case where a user may pull the pin on the main application while they have unsaved/unmanaged edits pending. I tried handling the Application.ThreadExit event w/ no success. Is there a best practice for accessing the closure of a hosting application in .Net?

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Change Connection String When Moving Aspnetdb To Remote Hosting?

Mar 9, 2012

I was developing a website on development server. I created a user authentication and access rules on my website. So VS created Aspnetdb. I also created a login page using in built login control. I deny all the anonymous users to the page so it will redirect to login page everytime.

Now that I moved aspnetdb and my website to the remote server to the new hosting I bought. I also merged few tables into aspnetdb. But I don't know how to change the connection string for that login control. I didn't write any code myself for that and there is no connection string in the web.config to connect to aspnetdb. For other pages where I created from scratch myself, I changed the connection strings to the aspnetdb and it works fine, but Login control don't.

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Using ClickOnce Technology To Deploy Applications Using In Place Hosting Manager?

Oct 21, 2010

We are using ClickOnce Technology to deploy our applications using In Place Hosting Manager.I install Ver for an application XYZ. More upgrades happen and I install till Ver At this point the minimum required version is set to Ver But,now I want to move back to Ver In Place Hosting Manager install Ver though we don't change the minimum required version? My motive is to only change the location of deployment manifest and keep on jumping across versions(Up and Down).

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Silverlight Project With Tabcontrol Hosting Canvas Objects : Can't Get Vertical Bar To Hide Even When Lots Of Room

Aug 11, 2011

Silverlight project with tabcontrol hosting canvas objects. I want to wrap my entire tabcontrol with a scrollviewer so that on a short display you can scroll vertically to see the whole area on my canvas.When I run my project my scrollviewer vertical bar is always showing even when there's more room vertically than needed for a scrollbar.

All I am trying to accomplish here is a min resolution of 1280x768 to be scrollable and anything bigger than that have the scrollbars hide. My laptop is only 768 tall, but my canvases were developed with 1280x1024 in mind. So I would like a way to set this up so that everyone can scroll or just see the canvas all at once depending on their resolution.

Anyone have any ideas why it is always visible? I've tried setting canvas width and height. I tried setting stretch on alignments on the outer grid. Saw both those tips while searching other issues similar to mine.

Some code:

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" MinHeight="768" MaxHeight="1024" MinWidth="1024" MaxWidth="1280" Background="#FF6A6868" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<ColumnDefinition Width="0.775*"/>


....lots of child canvas items in my "Main Floor" canvas. Child canvas objects contain lots of path objects. None which are taller or wider than the main floor canvas width/height.

<sdk:TabItem Margin="0" Header="Mezzanine">
<Canvas x:Name="Upstairs" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="1000" UseLayoutRounding="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="1280">

..another tab. Same deal with child canvas objects.

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Different Writing Code Application .net 2005 Application For Single User And Multiuser?

Jul 5, 2011

what is the different writing code application vbnet 2005 application for single user and multiuser?

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Make A Code That Sends One Application Or Program In 1 Core And Other Application In Other Core?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using VB 2008, and I have a dual core computer.Is it possible to make a code that sends one application or program in 1 core, and other application in the other core?

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C# Code Within .NET Application?

Apr 4, 2012

i have one application which is build using VB.NET now i required to add some C# code inside my existing VB.NET application does it possible or not?

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Is There Any Example Code Of MDI Application?

Jan 18, 2011

I try to make MDI application and take following steps;Create Parent form with toolbar buttons and set isMID property to true.Then create a child form when i minimize the child form it minimize to the corner of the parent only X sign is visible can i set the boundries i mean i want that in minimize condition - and X sign is shown.Second can i get the event from the child form control i mean button click event(button on child form) want to add in the parent form.Is there any example code of MDI application?

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Code A Parameter To My VB Application?

Mar 13, 2010

I want to code a parameter to my vb net application so that it can start minimized like app.exe - minimized or app.exe /minimized how can I define the parameter so that the form does what I want

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Code In .net For Application Development?

Feb 17, 2009

I am new developer and i need code for my tools which i had to develop for my desktop Application like pan add data show attribute table

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Code To Schedule Web Application

Aug 1, 2011

I developed a web application that selects a data source from drop downlist and generates xml's for that datasource when generate button is clicked and send s generated xml's to helath vault when i click send button.I want to schedule this application such that it will run every day at specified time.

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