How Many Phones That Application Called Answered Phone

Sep 1, 2010

i want an application (i do not care if it is a web app or a desktop app) that i will insert a mp3 file and a .txt list of phone and it will automatically call each phone one by one and will play the recorded message that will exist in the .mp3 file.i also want to be able to see how many phones that the application called answered the phone and how many did not.Topic closed for blatantly violating the rules. If you "want an application", post a request in the "Post a Job" forum. [rules][/rules]

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Create Application For Nokia Mobile Phones?

Jan 24, 2011

How can I create application for Nokia mobile phones

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IDE :: Make The Call (outgoing) From Pc To Phone And Check The Status Of The Phone(phone Availability). Whether Its Switched Off,busy Or Not?

Oct 4, 2011

Details : I have the MultiModem (MT5656ZDX) . I wrote visual basic application for making the call using 'MakeCallAsynch(txtPhoneNumber.Text)' function. Also i have the callback event handler for get the line status and write the log. But my tapi call is not going the status except DAILING,PROCEDING,CONNECTED,DISCONNECTED and IDLE. Its not showing the line busy, phone swithed off status. Please guide me regarding this.

My event handler

Friend Sub LineProcHandler(ByVal hDevice As Long, _
ByVal dwMsg As Long, _
ByVal dwParam1 As Long, _


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IDE :: Make The Call (outgoing) From Pc To Phone And Check The Status Of The Phone(phone Availability)?

Dec 10, 2009

I have the MultiModem (MT5656ZDX) . I wrote visual basic application for making the call using 'MakeCallAsynch(txtPhoneNumber.Text)' function. Also i have the callback event handler for get the line status and write the log. But my tapi call is not going the status except DAILING,PROCEDING,CONNECTED,DISCONNECTED and IDLE.

Its not showing the line busy, phone swithed off status. Please guide me regarding this.


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[2005] Application - Voice Modem Basics - How To Detect When The Call Is Answered Though

Jan 30, 2009

I spent some time with data modems till I realized it's a voice modem that I'm going to need in my application. I see that there are some other commands for a voice modem, although nothing very elaborate. I would imagine you make the call as you would in a data modem ATDT etc and it looks like there is really just one command to send audio...


Not sure what this is all about except maybe just different standards? Still not sure about how to detect when the call is answered though. I won't be talking to another modem. Maybe the serial port itself has a pin change or something? You would think there would be a bit "somewhere" that the modem would generate when it quits ringing. I may have build my own outboard box to do this. (easy enough -- probably more reliable too -- modems sure need rebooting a lot it seems).

Here is the goal though --Voice modem calls out, call is answered, and I inject my audio from the PC sound card for a minute or so and then tell the modem to hangup.

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IDE :: Make Phone Call Using Bluetooth Connected Cell Phone From Desktop PC?

May 26, 2009

I need to be able to click a link from a vb6 program and call a number via a connected mobile phone.(Assumption: the mobile phone is already connected to the PC via bluetooth on com3)

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Connecting To The Sms Application With The Cell Phone

Jan 27, 2009

the error when i am connecting to the sms with the cell phone which is the hardware.. " The module was expected to contain an assembly mainfest" What is that all bout?

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Make An Application Phone Home?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a windows application developed in visual studio 2010. I would like to keep track of the usage of the app by measuring how often the app is used, where it is used etc... I also have a webserver on the internet that I was thinking of phoning home to.My thinking is that the if the app opens a particular webpage or just makes a http connection to the webserver (in the background) , the webserver logs will logs all the data I need.

How do I initiate a http connection to the webserver?

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Make A Call From An .NET-Application Using A Mobile Phone?

Mar 17, 2010

mobile phones attached via USB odr WLAN or BT do no support TAPI

I have 2 questions:

1. is there an possibility, to send a call-Command to my mobile phone (Windos Mobile 6) ?

2. when i click to a "callto:"-link in my sugar-crm - skype opens is there a way to tell windows to open a different application ?

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VS 2008 - Possible To Write Application For Smart Phone?

Jul 12, 2009

Is it possible to write a program in, compile it, and run it on a Windows Mobile Smart Phone?

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Synchronizing Phone With Pc Through An Application To Save / Restore Data

Dec 28, 2011

I have developed an application on my phone to manage my money. I would like to create an application on my pc to get the local database from my winphone to be able to display informations... and have a backup. I would also like to be able to restore my data back to my winphone if there is a crash.

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How To Dial A Phone Like Program Phone Dialler

Dec 22, 2009

How to dial a phone using visual basic 2008 like the program phone dialler.

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VS 2008 Socket Application - Transfer Packets From The PC To The Mobile Phone

Nov 2, 2009

i try to transfer packets from the PC to the Mobile phone~ my PC is act as a Server and Mobile as a Client. My Mobile is successfully connect to my PC, but when i try to pass a packets from Mobile, it went failed without any error. The Server didn't receive any packets from Mobile. i had test my code on PC to PC and it's work fine. Anyone have this kind of experience?

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Smart Client Application Deployed As A Click Once Application Called "PDFSplitter"

Jun 24, 2009

I have a smart client application deployed as a click once application called "PDFSplitter". The link to install this PDFSplitter is on our company intranet and when you click the link you get a "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?" message. Is there any way to make this message go away?

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C# - CallerID Detection: Doesn't Work With Some Phones

May 5, 2011

I am using the following method to detect the Caller ID when someone calls.

On form load I set the following code:

this.serialPort1.PortName = "COM3";
this.serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600;
this.serialPort1.DataBits = 8;


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Response String From A Cisco Phones Web Server?

Jul 2, 2009

Im trying to look at an response string from a Cisco phones web server...

it returns:
TFTP Server 1</B></TD>
<td width=20></TD>

i.e. there are random carriage returns in the its not matching my filter.


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C# - Using Tapi To Monitor Multiple Phones And Dial Or Hangup

Jan 8, 2010

I have with a good level of success got a C# application to use TAPI to connect to my office PBX and dial and hangup calls but need to go further and be able to monitor activity and provide CTI to client pc's as well as integration back to my companies web based CRM.

I am focusing on the client app for CTI popups and dial/hangup functions as the phone number lookup to the CRM is relatively easy.

I initially started by registering one handset in the tapi that I could then dial and hangup, I even seem to have registered all the handsets on the system and to be able to dial from any of them but I don't seem to be able to get any activity logs as to when any of the handsets are ringing etc.

Does anyone have any example tapi code that can get me started or point me in the right direction? I can work with C++, C# or VB.Net as I am okay with any of them.

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VB 2008 Code The Calculations For A Pocket PC Application That Calculates The Cost Of A Cell Phone Bill?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm having trouble figuring how to code the calculations for a Pocket PC application that calculates the cost of a cell phone bill. From a Pocket PC the user should enter the number of minutes used during the past month, in order to calculate the cost of the cell phone bill. The plan allows 300 minutes for $29.95 per month. For each minute over 300 the cost is $0.17 cents per minute. Tax and Fees are $4.85 a month.

1. User enters the number of minutes used during the past month.

2. Based on plan rate of 300 minutes for $29.95 and 17 cents for each minute over 300 calculate the cost of the bill including the fixed cost of $4.85.

3. The user must be able to initiate the calculation and display the individual charges and the total cost of the cell phone bill.

4. The user should be able to clear the number of cell phone minutes, the individual charges and the bill total

If negative number is enterd for the cell phone minutes, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry If non numeric value entered for the cell phone minutes, or if left blank the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.Application is deployed on the Pocket PC emulator built in VS 2008

Enter # of Minutes ________ (user enters)
Regular Minutes Charge ___ (29.95)


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PInvokeStackImbalance Error In Fortran DLL Called .NET Application?

May 17, 2011

I really need help with this. I am trying to call a fortran DLL from VB.NET program. The program works fine untill it reaches the end of the DLL program where, instead of transferring the control back to the calling program the message " PinvokeStackImbalance error" is displayed and program halts. If I turn off pInvokeStackImbalance from the Debug menu, then the program will compile without problem. However, the .EXE program crash after the DLL call. Does anybody where the problem is. following the VB.Net program that calls the fortran DLL:

Declare Sub


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Tcpclient - Code To Connect To An SMS Server To Send Sms To Mobile Phones

Jun 23, 2011

Am using this code to connect to an SMS server to send sms to mobile phones but am getting stucked at the the bold like below:


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TCP Messaging -application Call Center - Team Leaders Can Send A Message To Individuals Whilst They Are On The Phone

Aug 7, 2009

Im currently writing an application for our call center to use and would like it to have messaging functionality so that team leaders can send a message to the individuals whilst they are on the phone.

I have used a couple of tutorials around the web, but they differ to what i actually require. They all seem based around the whole "client must connect first" thing, is this really necessary? I just need each user to be a "server" constanly listening to any message recieve on a specific port, and display it in a popup when one is.

At the moment the code i have sort of works, but its a bit flakey and doesnt handle the initial connection/final disconnect very well.

Client program (team leaders console):


Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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Have A Column In The Datatable Called Amount And A Textbox Acting As The Filter Called Say Maxamount To Set It?

Feb 9, 2011

i was wondering if it possible to have a condition where lets say you have a column in the datatable called amount and a textbox acting as the filter called say maxamount to set it so the rowfilter when filtering the table will sum the number in the amount column until the number in maxamount is met, then stop and only return the rows where the total sum of the amount column is equal or less than the maxamount value, so i guess if the next row takes us over the maxamount it discards this row and returns the rows previous to it. is this possible using datagridview rowfilter or should i be loooking elsewhere to achieve this?

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Combo - Sql Table Called Stock With Two Fields Called StockID And StockCode

Jun 5, 2011

I have an sql table called Stock with two fields called StockID and StockCode. I want the user to select the stockcode from a combo which in turn populates the stockid for that item into a lable on my form. I have already populated the stockcode into the combo but dont know how to compelte the rest.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class cbo2
Private Sub cbo2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Form Called FrmPracDetails Which Is Built Up With A List View Called LvwColProc

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmCol Processing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form. [code]

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Call To Application.Run(New MyForm()) Not Working When Called Outside Sub Main?

May 2, 2012

I am using Compact Framework 3.5 on a Symbol MC50.In my Sub Main it first checks to see if a database exists. If it does, it shows a login screen using the following code:

Dim login As frmLogin = New frmLogin()
If login.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Application.Run(New frmMain())
End If

This all works correctly and, when I close frmMain, it exits the application as expected.However, if the database check in Sub Main fails, I call the ShowDialog() method of another form that is used to create and fill the database from a live server. Here is the code for calling this form:

If Not File.Exists(SETTINGS_LOCALDB) Then
databaseExists = False
MessageBox.Show("Local DB does not exist. The database must be created before using the application.")[code].....

All of this code is being hit and frmMain does indeed load. However, when I click the close button in the top right nothing happens, no event occurs. Its as though the Windows events are not occurring.

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System.Net.Mail Crashing Application When .send Called

Dec 9, 2010

I'm working on an application that will send an email at a certian point.I'm using System.Net.Mail and it works fine when I do a "Debug - Start Debugging". But when I build the application, and run it, it crashes the whole thing when it gets to the client.Send(message) part.[code]

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VBScript Can Work In Its Own Console Application But Cannot Be Called In A Service?

Jul 5, 2010

The following VBScript code runs smoothly when I use cscript and/or VB console applications:


For some odd reason, the VBScript code only works on cscript but when I call in the code to the service, it doesn't work...

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Answered Get Portion's From A String?

May 13, 2009

I was wondering what the easiest way is to get a portion of text from a string for example, you have:


And i need to be able to get all three of the items separate:


The length and number of items will change, I'm using a listview subitem

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Answered Reading From Collection?

Dec 8, 2009

I am working on a small program that reads items from a text file. The items are the split up into data and used to fill the menuItem() as menuItems. Each instance of menuItem has 3 properties (name(string), price(double), and menuType(string)). As an item is selected, it's price is added to the Order collection with :


The running total of the sum of the selected items is to be displayed in text box. I have,

txtTotal.Text = FormatCurrency(runningTotal()) ' with runningTotal as a function
Function runningTotal()
For Each menuItem As MenuItems In Order


However, when run, this error appears. This is new coding to me, so if I'm just way off, let me know. Anywho, I tried with & without the CDbl. It doesn't seem to have any effect.

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VS 2008 : Create Application For Mobile Phone Sony Ericsson To Remote Control Program Using Bluetooth Connection?

Mar 20, 2009

is it possible to create application for my mobile phone Sony Ericsson to remote control my program using Bluetooth connection which have simple functions?I have came across one program that is able to do that which is floAt's Mobile Agent. It can control from media player, powerpoint slides and even mouse cursor movement.

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