How To Checked CheckedListBox Programmatically In 2010

Mar 2, 2012

how to Checked Specific Items in CheckedListBox programmatically in visual basic 2010 CheckedListBox Items are like below

0, Apple
1, Orange
2, Banana

i want Checked Orange

Me.CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked(1, True) it's working great

this case i know Orange's Index number 1. but if more than 2000 records how to know index number..?So i am specific "Orange" Means String Name?

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VS 2008 - Set A CheckedListBox Item To Be Disabled Programmatically So That It Can't Be Checked?

Nov 17, 2009

1) Can I set a CheckedListBox item to be disabled programatically so that it cant be checked?

2) Why doesn't the SelectedIndexChanged event fire when I check or uncheck an item programatically? But it does if I do it manually...

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VS 2010 - How To Get Set Of Checked Items In CheckedListBox

Feb 27, 2012

How do I get the set of checked items in a checkedlistbox when an item is checked or unchecked, given that ItemCheck event occurs before the check state is actually updated? (The SelectedIndexChanged event won't work in my case.)

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VS 2010 : Programmatically Check Item In CheckedListBox?

Jun 12, 2011

Having some issue trying to programmatically check items in a CheckedListBox.What i am trying to achieve:

1. Pull Staffnames from database

2. Separate each staff member via delimiter

3. checked = true for each item in StaffCHKlist where staffnames = existing StaffChKlist item

i have had a few goes, but cant seem to achieve, this is where i am currently at:

Dim sl As String = ds.Tables("Consignment").Rows(0).Item("StaffName")
Dim tokens As String()
tokens = sl.Split(",")


which errors with:

"List that this enumerator is bound to has been modified. An enumerator can only be used if the list does not change."

I have been trying to understand, would programmatically checking an item in a checkedlistbox be classified as list change?

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Only One Item Checked In CheckedListBox

May 10, 2010

Given a CheckedListBox instance, how can I accomplish that a maximum of one item can remained checked?

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Only One Item Checked In CheckedListBox?

Jan 7, 2010

Given a CheckedListBox instance, how can I accomplish that a maximum of one item can remained checked?

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Count Checked CheckedListBox Items?

Apr 12, 2010

I have CheckedListBox and four item in it!Now I want to count number of checked item. For this I use:


But countnumber is always 0 even if I checked CheckedListBox items or not!

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How To Remove All Checked Items In CheckedListBox

Jul 3, 2009

I'm trying to remove all the checked items in my CheckedListBox. I started by doing
That seemed like it would work, but it didn't. I soon discovered that CheckedListBox1.Items.Remove only works on the the strings of the individual items.

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CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection Not Collecting Every Checked Item

Jan 30, 2011

With my CheckedListBox, I am trying to get the text of each item that is checked and add it to a listbox, but it does not get everything currently checked. If I have 3 items checked, it only adds 2 items. If I deselect an item, it appears.

Dim OpCodeCollection As CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection
OpCodeCollection = chkOpCodes.CheckedItems
For Each opcode In OpCodeCollection
Next opcode

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Count Number Of Items Checked In A CheckedListBox?

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to get the number of items that are checked in my CheckedListbox. The Items.Count seens to only reference the entire collection so I am not sure how to narrow the count down to only the ones with checked boxes.

Dim i As Integer


Basicaly I have the option for the user to print a series of reports directly to a printer that is not located in the same area as the application user. I want to show the user a progress bar how far into the process they are but I can't do it without getting the Maximum value of the Progress Bar (number of reports checked for printing).

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How To Adding Checked Item From Checkedlistbox To Combobox

Dec 24, 2011

I want to adding checked item from checkedlistbox to my combobox, but i have a little problem here.Combobox only show 1 item last checked.This is my sample code.

If CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count <> 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count - 1
cbCheckedItem.Text = CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems(i).ToString
Next i
End If

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Update A Label To Indicate How Many Items In A CheckedListBox Are Checked

Mar 1, 2012

I'm trying to update a label to indicate how many items in a CheckedListBox are checked. Here is the code I'm using:

Private Sub CheckedListBox1_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles CheckedListBox1.ItemCheck
Me.Label1.Text = "(" & Me.CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count.ToString & ") of (" & Me.CheckedListBox1.Items.Count.ToString & ") Items Checked"
End Sub

It should say "(x) of (y) Items Checked" each time an item is checked or unchecked, but it's not updating the label properly, the count is always off by 1.

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Saving CheckedListBox's Items, Retaining Checked State?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm trying to program a personal project, but I've hit a bit of a bump in the road.I've got a Button, a Textbox, and a CheckedListBox; when the button is pressed, whatever is in the TextBox is added to the CheckedListBox. However, when the form is closed and reopened, all of the CheckedListBox's items are no longer present. My CheckedListBox's name in the code is ZapList.

Can someone assist me in, not only saving all of the CheckedListBox's items, but retaining whether or not they were checked as well as the order they were in? I've run out of hair to pull (figuratively) and I really don't want to quit this project, too much effort has gone into it and I'd hate to see it go unfinished like my numerous other projects. :icon_cry:

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Look Through A Database And Checked Items In A Checkedlistbox Based On A Contact ID Number?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to look through a database and checked items in a checkedlistbox based on a Contact ID number. The error I'm receiving is this : Public member 'item' on type 'String' not found.

The error is on this line of

"If lstDebtState.Items.Item(x).item(0) = dt2.Rows(j).Item(0) Then"

Here is my



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VS 2010 Linking 2 Table To A Checkedlistbox

Jun 14, 2010

I Have a problem with trying to get a checkedlistbox to work the way i want it to... Here are the 3 tables that i'm using. The links are shown in colour.


I have a checkedlistbox in a windows form: A Name textbox is linked to The Name in the Usertable

1.The DisplayMember in the checkedlistbox in the Area (Text) from the AreaID Table. This bit Works.


2.The ValueMember need to be the AreaID from the UserAreaTable

I need to do it this way because it allows me to add multiple areas to users, and add new area's without having to change the forms.

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VS 2010 Saving Stuff On A CheckedListBox?

Jun 20, 2010

So ive Almost got Most of the Beggining Stuff done. but there's one thing. How do i get it to Save Its Data for the CheckedListBox?

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VS 2010 Getting Checkeditem From A CheckedListBox On A Separate Form

May 31, 2010

Ok, I have a CheckedListBox that I open as so.


However, the value of the count is always 0 when the form closes after clicking OK.

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VS 2010 Combobox Selection Alters Checkedlistbox Contents

Feb 23, 2012

I am new to the forum and to VB, and not great at coding in general.I am learning, and this site as well as others have helped me get farther than I ever imagined. Second, my project is purely for my benefit, so I can learn.There is no corporate or school related goal here, just trying to learn.So the title is a summary of what I want to do. I have a form with a combo box that has five different choices, and below it, a checked list box. What I want is the collection inside the checked list box to change depending on what I select in the combo box above it.For instance, I have room 1 - 5 in the combo box, and the the checked list box below it, I have the furniture associated with that room.The eventual goal is to have this form populate a database, that allows the checked furniture to be recorded in a record.

I assume I need to use a db, such as access, to list the "furniture" in each room, and have a different table for each room, where the combo box selection will populate the checkedlistbox from the appropriate tables contents.I need a step by step on this, because I am a bit of a brick. Most tutorials are also done in VB 6 or VB 2008, and there have been steps missing in association to VB 2010.

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VS 2010 Delete Multiple Items From CheckedListBox And Array

Jun 19, 2010

I'm working on a To Do List program of sorts. I currently have a CheckedListBox on the form with an Add Button and a Delete Button. I send the items to an array and then use that array to fill in my CheckedListbox. This all works.

I wrote the following code to delete items:

Dim summarylistboxindex As Integer
summarylistboxindex = SummaryListBox.SelectedIndex
MonkeysTasks(summarylistboxindex) = String.Empty


I use a variable called INTCOUNTER to keep track of my position in the array.

My question:

How can I use the second piece of code that deletes multiple items at once from my CheckedListBox AND delete the corresponding entry in the array?

ie if my checkedlistbox items were Apple Orange and Banana

I want to delete Apple and Banana at the same time and then remove them from Fruits(0) and Fruits(2) at the same time they are deleted from the CheckedListBox.

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VS 2010 Retrieving Values From Data-bound Checkedlistbox

Feb 21, 2012

[EDIT: I've found the problem.] So if I have a checkedlistbox and put some random values in it, I can just retrieve the values like so:


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VS 2010 Open Multiple Files From A Checkedlistbox With The Default Program?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox. In the box are files from a directory. All *.jpg files.

Now I want to open the checked files with the default program.

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Javascript - Insert Checkbox Checked Value When Checked To Textbox As Comma Separated String

Nov 9, 2010

Insert checkbox checked value when checked to textbox as comma seperated string in or javascript

suppose i have 3 checkboxes and and 1 textboxes in my webpage.aspx

when i checked checkbox1 and checkbox2 then in textbox it will appear as 1,2 only on checkboxes checked event ...

and i want its revert also :

if i set textbox de

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Checked List Box Checked Data Pass To Listview [with If Uncheck It Is Removed]

Sep 22, 2011

my form contains a checked list box [data coming from the database] a combo box [bind to a database table product] and a listview [was previously a listbox]


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Loads Up 4 Images If Usb Stick Is Checked And A Different 4 If Memory Card Is Checked?

Feb 20, 2010

project im working on for my course,the idea is a photo printing machine that loads up 4 images if usb stick is checked and a different 4 if memory card is checked. and then whatever image is selected appears in the big picturebox on the left [URL] i have 2 print size options set as radiobuttons, radiobutton 1 = 6x4, which costs 25cent per photo, radiobutton 2 = 8x10, and is 50cent per photo.i also have a textbox which will display the number of copies to be printed So here's my dilemma, when the print button is selected alongside one of the radiobuttons i want it to display a message saying something like this "you have selected (whatever the amount of copies)of this photo sized 6x4, or 8x10 depending on which radiobutton is selected, and i want it to display the total cost which is the number of copies multiplied by the rate for the print size selected, then an option saying "Do you wish to proceed" Yes or No.

I did something similar to this in class earlier in the year but cant remember it, it was an airline booking program with 3 types of payment cash, visa or mastercard,upon booking a message popped up saying there is a certain percentage discount for using visa or mastercard

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.net - Populating One Checkedlistbox With Another (checkedlistbox)?

Mar 24, 2010

I am having difficulties populating a checkedlistbox (CLB) based on the selection(s) made in another. It should also be noted that I have a "Select All" checkbox at the top that checks/unchecks all of the items in the first CLB. Here's the code:


The first CLB is populated with an arraylist of values on the button click event. Based on whatever is checked in the first CLB, corresponding values from an arraylist of structures should fill the second CLB.The following code partially works until the "Select All" checkbox is clicked at which point if other values have been selected before "Select All" is checked, the second CLB is filled with the correct number of corresponding values BUT only those of the most recently selected item of the first CLB instead of all of corresponding values of all of the items that were not already selected.

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Forms :: Radio Button Checked And Not Checked At Same Time

May 15, 2010

im making dynamic sql statement rmode is a radio button and tmode is a combo box


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Got A Checked Listbox On Form Which Saves The Checked Items?

Jun 6, 2012

I've got a checked listbox on my form which saves the checked items to a spot in my database on the .ItemCheck event.But there's a problem, when I begin checking items, I check the box and click off it, but it doesn't save. (This is if I've only chosen one item)

If I choose two or more items it will save, but unchecking them takes a lot of clicking around to figure it out.Is there a better event that I can use? I've tried the SelectedIndexChanged and that has the same result, there's a lot of clicking around in the checkboxes to end up with the desired selected items, and it does not allow a single item.

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TextBox If CheckedBox Is Checked In VB 2010?

Apr 25, 2011

How do I write code to bypass a messageBox, and go to a Textbox If the checkBox is checked

the code I have at the moment is:

Private Sub AccountComboBox_Leave(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles AccountComboBox.Leave
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then GoTo <NameNumberTextBox></NameNumberTextBox>End If MsgBox(" 4 Seater is the default Vehicle 'Please select a different Vehicle is Required' ", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)End Sub

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VS 2010 ContextMenuStrip Item Checked?

Dec 24, 2011

I have a form with a ContextMenuStrip Added and a Listview. I set the 'ContextMenuStrip' property on the listview to my newly created ContextMenu.

So, I am creating the Menu items from a database (no problems here). But I cant seem the get certain menu items to a checked status when creating the menu item from the database.

The Code below is a sample of what I am using.

Public Sub LoadMenu(_Menu As ContextMenuStrip)
Dim n As Long = 0


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VS 2010 Copy Value Of Checked CheckBox?

May 6, 2011

I would like to copy the value of a check box when it is checked and I have two checkboxes. CheckBox1 and CheckBox2. Id like to be able to click 'Submit' and copy the values from the Checked CheckBoxes. Idealy, if both are checked then it would return something like this "CheckBox1, CheckBox2".

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