VS 2010 Linking 2 Table To A Checkedlistbox

Jun 14, 2010

I Have a problem with trying to get a checkedlistbox to work the way i want it to... Here are the 3 tables that i'm using. The links are shown in colour.


I have a checkedlistbox in a windows form: A Name textbox is linked to The Name in the Usertable

1.The DisplayMember in the checkedlistbox in the Area (Text) from the AreaID Table. This bit Works.


2.The ValueMember need to be the AreaID from the UserAreaTable

I need to do it this way because it allows me to add multiple areas to users, and add new area's without having to change the forms.

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Linking DataGridView By Table Data?

Dec 22, 2009

in VB6 we was use this code for linking :

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Rs

what is the code which do it in VB9 ?

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Error When Linking To An Access Table From One Database To Another

May 17, 2011

I'm trying to link a datatable from one access db to another access db but i get this error:

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.[code]...

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Populating CheckedListBox With Data From A Table?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a chechedlistbox on my form in a windows project, and want to populate the checkedlist box with data that I querry from a table in sql database. I have the code below for the Form load event, but the checkedlistbox is not populated.


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VS 2008 View Data Table In Checkedlistbox?

Nov 18, 2011

i want to know how to view data table in checkedlistbox and view selected record in another form.

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VB 2010 - Linking Variables To Other Forms?

Feb 13, 2012

I have already made my GUI with multiple forms using VB2010 and made buttons that would open and close them (me.hide and form#.show)My problem is how could I use a variable I've computed and displayed on a sub-total (cashier of sorts) to be used on the main form where it would display the bill on a listbox?Here's how the button works to compute for the item sub total

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cstotal As Integer


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VS 2010 Merging Or Linking 2 Programs

Oct 25, 2010

i have made 2 seprate programs, is it possable to make a link between them. i have a "launcher" which is mainly for launching games and a web browser, soon i will have a music player also but at the moemnt i just want to merge the 2 progs i have atm... i have tryed opening 1 solution (launcher) and then i clicked file > open project and changed the option to "add to solution" instead os "close solution"

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VS 2010 Linking - Open In A New Window With Web Browser?

Feb 4, 2010

When i'm clicking on a link in a page i've navigated to in my web browser it opens with Internet Explorer. How can i make it open in a new window with my webbrowser? I'm using a tab control inted of webbrowser control btw, you can post codes for both of them

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How To Checked CheckedListBox Programmatically In 2010

Mar 2, 2012

how to Checked Specific Items in CheckedListBox programmatically in visual basic 2010 CheckedListBox Items are like below

0, Apple
1, Orange
2, Banana

i want Checked Orange

Me.CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked(1, True) it's working great

this case i know Orange's Index number 1. but if more than 2000 records how to know index number..?So i am specific "Orange" Means String Name?

View 5 Replies

VS 2010 - How To Get Set Of Checked Items In CheckedListBox

Feb 27, 2012

How do I get the set of checked items in a checkedlistbox when an item is checked or unchecked, given that ItemCheck event occurs before the check state is actually updated? (The SelectedIndexChanged event won't work in my case.)

View 3 Replies

VS 2010 Saving Stuff On A CheckedListBox?

Jun 20, 2010

So ive Almost got Most of the Beggining Stuff done. but there's one thing. How do i get it to Save Its Data for the CheckedListBox?

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VS 2010 : Programmatically Check Item In CheckedListBox?

Jun 12, 2011

Having some issue trying to programmatically check items in a CheckedListBox.What i am trying to achieve:

1. Pull Staffnames from database

2. Separate each staff member via delimiter

3. checked = true for each item in StaffCHKlist where staffnames = existing StaffChKlist item

i have had a few goes, but cant seem to achieve, this is where i am currently at:

Dim sl As String = ds.Tables("Consignment").Rows(0).Item("StaffName")
Dim tokens As String()
tokens = sl.Split(",")


which errors with:

"List that this enumerator is bound to has been modified. An enumerator can only be used if the list does not change."

I have been trying to understand, would programmatically checking an item in a checkedlistbox be classified as list change?

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VS 2010 Getting Checkeditem From A CheckedListBox On A Separate Form

May 31, 2010

Ok, I have a CheckedListBox that I open as so.


However, the value of the count is always 0 when the form closes after clicking OK.

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VS 2010 Combobox Selection Alters Checkedlistbox Contents

Feb 23, 2012

I am new to the forum and to VB, and not great at coding in general.I am learning, and this site as well as others have helped me get farther than I ever imagined. Second, my project is purely for my benefit, so I can learn.There is no corporate or school related goal here, just trying to learn.So the title is a summary of what I want to do. I have a form with a combo box that has five different choices, and below it, a checked list box. What I want is the collection inside the checked list box to change depending on what I select in the combo box above it.For instance, I have room 1 - 5 in the combo box, and the the checked list box below it, I have the furniture associated with that room.The eventual goal is to have this form populate a database, that allows the checked furniture to be recorded in a record.

I assume I need to use a db, such as access, to list the "furniture" in each room, and have a different table for each room, where the combo box selection will populate the checkedlistbox from the appropriate tables contents.I need a step by step on this, because I am a bit of a brick. Most tutorials are also done in VB 6 or VB 2008, and there have been steps missing in association to VB 2010.

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VS 2010 Delete Multiple Items From CheckedListBox And Array

Jun 19, 2010

I'm working on a To Do List program of sorts. I currently have a CheckedListBox on the form with an Add Button and a Delete Button. I send the items to an array and then use that array to fill in my CheckedListbox. This all works.

I wrote the following code to delete items:

Dim summarylistboxindex As Integer
summarylistboxindex = SummaryListBox.SelectedIndex
MonkeysTasks(summarylistboxindex) = String.Empty


I use a variable called INTCOUNTER to keep track of my position in the array.

My question:

How can I use the second piece of code that deletes multiple items at once from my CheckedListBox AND delete the corresponding entry in the array?

ie if my checkedlistbox items were Apple Orange and Banana

I want to delete Apple and Banana at the same time and then remove them from Fruits(0) and Fruits(2) at the same time they are deleted from the CheckedListBox.

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VS 2010 Retrieving Values From Data-bound Checkedlistbox

Feb 21, 2012

[EDIT: I've found the problem.] So if I have a checkedlistbox and put some random values in it, I can just retrieve the values like so:


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VS 2010 Open Multiple Files From A Checkedlistbox With The Default Program?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox. In the box are files from a directory. All *.jpg files.

Now I want to open the checked files with the default program.

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.net - Populating One Checkedlistbox With Another (checkedlistbox)?

Mar 24, 2010

I am having difficulties populating a checkedlistbox (CLB) based on the selection(s) made in another. It should also be noted that I have a "Select All" checkbox at the top that checks/unchecks all of the items in the first CLB. Here's the code:


The first CLB is populated with an arraylist of values on the button click event. Based on whatever is checked in the first CLB, corresponding values from an arraylist of structures should fill the second CLB.The following code partially works until the "Select All" checkbox is clicked at which point if other values have been selected before "Select All" is checked, the second CLB is filled with the correct number of corresponding values BUT only those of the most recently selected item of the first CLB instead of all of corresponding values of all of the items that were not already selected.

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VS 2010 : Make The Combobox Get Data From One Table And Input It To Another Table?

Jul 7, 2011

I have 1 access database with 3 tables How do I make the combobox get data from one table and input it to another table?ex.I have a table with all my Carriers and another table with jobs that are assigned to Carriers?

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VS 2010 Insert Records In One Table From Another Table With Sql Satement?

Mar 27, 2012

I do this in Oracle databases just in a snap, but now I have to do it in VB using ADODB and I don't know how to do it.

I have two Access 2007 tables. Table A contains: Col1 (text), Col2 (text), Col3(date), Col4(amount), Col5(text)

Table B contains Col1(date), Col2(amount) What I need to do is to insert into table B the records of table A (col4 summed) grouped by date of table A. The date is a variable contained in a text box so it cannot be hardcoded into the SQL statement.

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VS 2010 Copy Data From Table To Other Table

Mar 20, 2012

i need to copy all the rows with data from a existing table to other existing table through button click

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Asp.net - Linking Two Projects?

May 4, 2009

I am currently doing a project which is to be linked with another project. I.e., when I click on some button in my current project's page I should get a page from the other project..

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Hyperlink Not Linking?

Jul 9, 2009

I have an e-mail that i send out and everything works fine exceptthe hyperlink doesn;t link.

taskMessage = <a href="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\powerpnt.exe"> Powerpint </a>
myEmailClass.SendEmailMessage("myemail", "your email", "You have a new stalker",


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Linking 2 Database In 1?

Aug 12, 2009

I got 3 tables in database namely A,B,C. how am i going to link the column a in A and column b in B to table C so that table C can have both my data a and b?

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Linking Excel To .net?

Mar 7, 2009

was just wondering if it's possible to link up excel and vb so that data can be inputted into vb and then transferred to excel which would carry out calculations using functions and send the data back.

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Linking Of DLL Via The DLL's Path

Mar 17, 2011

I'm trying to do is access a DLL that is outside the original EXE's file structure. So like this

C: estexe estexe.EXE 'The EXE that needs to access the DLL
C: estdlls
eturnstring.dll 'The DLL I'm trying to access.

So far everything I've tried has failed. I keep getting a FileNotFoundException.

I've added the following code to my app.config

<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


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Linking To .xml In A VB Listbox?

Apr 26, 2011

I've recently decided for my VB final that I'd like to tackle something my professor and I discuss constantly; portable game server apps.

What I'm wanting to do, essentially, is create just a rudimentary programme that allows you to check the server status of either the north American or European servers for the game Rift and just (instead of opening your default browser, which I know how to do already) displaying the info in a listbox inside the programme itself.

The information I have to work with (aside from the obvious direct .php link to the web page) is two separate .xml links that contain all the information that is contained on their webpage. I could easily just turn these .xml files in an access database but I want something dynamic rather than static, but I honestly have no clue of how to turn this info I have into something I can actually use in my programme lol.

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Linking To A Database?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm creating a system (for a project) that is based on a vet.I want to create a combo box that has a list of different animals (e.g. Dog or Cat etc.)and when an animal is selected,a group box, with loads of checkboxes inside appears. Then the user can tick a check box (a vaccine to be given to the animal) and the record is saved to a database.I have hard coded this to work, but I want a more sophisticated code set, that links to SQL so that when a new vaccine is to be added, I would only need to add it in a table, in the database. I don't know where to start for this could any one give me a nudge in the right direction?

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Changing Colors 'linking LED'

Sep 18, 2010

Individually the Draw red and draw white work. The delays work.When in series the only color seen is the last color. Why? [code]

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DLL Explicit Run-time Linking?

Feb 25, 2009

What are the main functions needed to create a .dll file in vb.net which needs to be Explicitly linked i.e at run time to an application Plz post me an equivalent code snippet in VB.Net

Explicit run-time linkingDLL files may be explicitly loaded at run-time, a process referred to simply as run-time dynamic linking by Microsoft, by using the LoadLibrary (or LoadLibraryEx) API function. The GetProcAddress API function is used to lookup exported symbols by name, and FreeLibrary — to unload the DLL.


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