How To Compare All Data Formats

Jan 16, 2011

I wish to avoid duplicate files using content based in any drive. Files may be at any formats . I dont know wat algorithm s used for fast search and how to compare all data formats.

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Clipboard Set Data In Different Formats?

Jun 9, 2010

although this topic has been posted for many times, I still can't figure out how to copy multi formats in clipboard.For example, I have a class called "Meta" and it contains data of a drawing. So if someone copy it to the clipboard, it should contains the original data of the class in a custom format called "drawing", a metafile of the drawing and a bitmap in case some app can't read metafiles. How exactly can I do?


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C# - Get The Data From Datasets & View On The DataGridView With A Different Layout Formats

May 2, 2011

I have 2 tables : product (as parent) and sales (as a child).


product_id at the product table is pK for product table. transaction_id at the sales table is pK for sales table . product_id at the sales table as fK, which a reference to the product_id of product table All my tables are stored in the dataset. How do I get the data from these datasets can I view on the DataGridView with a different layout formats, as follows.


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Create A Table That Include Current Year Data And As Well As Previous Data To Be Compare

Dec 8, 2010

i want to create a table that include a current year data and as well as previous data to be compare. here is the example of the table that i want to create: but i want to compare one of the annual data with the previous year. as example i want to compare between the data of current AR of 2007 with the current AR for 2006, Current AR of 2006 with current AR for 2005 and go on~, but i have no idea how to do it.

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How To Compare Data With SQL

Sep 15, 2011

just putting the finishing touches on my booking application Basically when the user submits a booking i want to check with the SQL database that the room isn't already booked for that time. heres the code im using to book a room at the moment


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Compare Data From A DataGridView

Dec 14, 2009

I'm trying to figure out the best way to determine if there has been any data change to the actual database since my last data retrieval.I'm using a DataGridView to display the cache data to the end-user, but before they make permanent changes to the database, I would like to query the actual database to make sure that no updates have been made to the data source. I'm querying an AS400 system, so I have to use the OleDbDataReader object to retrieve data from the system. What is the best approach for this scenario?

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Compare Data From Another File

Aug 19, 2009

I would like to compare the data in one file to an array from another file. For the array (variables.vbs):


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Compare Data In Textbox?

May 6, 2012

I'm working on a project that will compare two textboxes and output the difference in a third textbox. To provide some background what I'm trying to do is compare a users active directory groups to another users groups. What I want this program to output is the groups the user already has, groups that need to be added, groups that need to be removed(basically unique values).comparing text will output an integer, or boolean. I need the actual difference outputted in text to have a working document of changes to groups.

Here is an example of what I want it do, but i'm only able to get it working using an excel macro.

Sub UniqueValues()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long


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Compare Times Only In Data?

Nov 17, 2010

I am reading data from a provider and they have a column where ONLY the time is provided. The thrid party provider cannot change the format and that is what i have to work with. An example

[11:58PM] [510]


I can read the data no problem. The problem that i do have is to calculate the time elapsed between records. Here I can safely assume that at most the time will cross over into the next day. I don't particularly care what date I assign to my DateTime variable so i just pick DateTime.Now and then I go through and use the TimeSpan object to calculate time elapsed. Works great except when the records cross midnight.way to do just a pure time comparison? otherwise i am left currently with converting the time into a military time and then using a simple integer comparison to determine of the date has crossed over into the next day. i then use DateTime.Now.AddDays(1) to assign the full date.

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Compare With Data In Database?

Sep 27, 2010

i want to create an system that can trigger alert which, the alert box will change to a red color depending on its value.

my problem is, the value that i used to compare is dynamic and based on what user key in in the paramater table while the data that will be display the alert is from the alert table.

lets say the value in the parameter table is been declare as Aand the value that display the alert is been declare as cellvalue.

this is the code that i have been tryingif cellvalue < A then' some code to change the box colorEnd if

but i kept failing. the system cannot read the A value.

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How To Compare With Data In Database

Jun 8, 2011

i want to create an system that can trigger alert which, the alert box will change to a red color depending on its problem is, the value that i used to compare is dynamic and based on what user key in in the paramater table while the data that will be display the alert is from the alert table.

lets say the value in the parameter table is been declare as A and the value that display the alert is been declare as cellvalue. this is the code that i have been trying if cellvalue < A then some code to change the box color End if but i kept failing. the system cannot read the A value.

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Compare New Data Withold Data

May 18, 2011

Sub CheckChanges()

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App To Compare Data From Various Text Files

Dec 7, 2010

I've been tasked with writing an app that reads in various text files(.csv, .txt) in different formats with different delimiters.I then need to compare certain data in these files and report the differences.There are a couple of columns that are common between the files, but they aren't in the same place, and there is inconsistent and unnecessary header info.There is extra data(columns) in these files that I don't need.Should I parse these files into a datatable? Should I create an object for each file type to format the data and get rid of the unnecessary info?I'm not sure about the best way to tackle this problem.

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App To Compare Data In Various Text Files?

Dec 7, 2010

I have been tasked with creating an app that will read in various text files(.csv, .txt) and compare some of the data contained within.

I thought I would read in the files and convert them to datatables. Once I had them in a datatable I figured I could remove the unnecessary rows/columns and then sort and compare the pertinent info for differences. The difficulty is that the various files are formatted differently so I will need to get each type formatted correctly. Is this the best approach?

I have read in a .csv, parsed it into a datatable, but I'm having trouble with the logic/coding to get rid of the rows and columns that I don't need. Also, I'm not sure how to handle a row that has a cell with a comma seperated list of values that will need to be split into individual rows.

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C# - Compare Two Objects Regardless Of Data Types?

Oct 12, 2010

I want to compare two objects whose type may be diffrent.

For eg, I expects 'true' for comparing 1000.0(Decimal) with 1000(Double) . Similary, it should return true if I compare 10(string) and 10(double) .

I tried to compare using Object.Equals() , but it did NOT work.It return false if two objects have different data types.

Dim oldVal As Object ' assgin some value
Dim newVal As Object 'assgin some value
If Not Object.Equals(oldVal,newVal) Then


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Compare Data Input Into Text Boxes From Data Stored In A Text File?

Mar 28, 2009

i was just wondering if there was a way that i could compare data stored in a text file such as usernames and passwords with data input into text boxes in visual studio vb2008?

View 6 Replies - Compare Values From Data Source To String

Jun 24, 2010

I'm just trying to implement a 'no duplicates' catch on my insert customer form, but it just slips through my if statement to the else everytime. This is the source. Also I tried a .Equals with the same results :(

Protected Sub srcAllClients_Inserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles srcAllClients.Inserting


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Compare The Data Passed In Query String?

Feb 3, 2011

sir i m working on a project and i want to pass a value in query string and redirect it to next page .....ok now on next page i want to make a check on this if the value of querystring is equal to a particular value then a message show.... i have done upto here now the prob comes if the values is not matched the code written in else is not working i m writting my code:-----

if(request.param.count>0) then

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Compare Date - Compare Textbox1 And Textbox2 Text

Mar 3, 2010

I have two textbox in my application.


Textbox2.Text="Jan 2010"

May I know how can I compare that Textbox1 and Textbox2 text is within same month and same year?

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Compare 2 Sql Tables And Show Data That Are In Table 1 But Not In Table2?

Oct 29, 2009

how to compare 2 sql tables and show data that are in table 1 but not in table2?

Dim strSQLL As String = "Select from ML533 t1 left join portal t2 on t1.[run] = t2.[runNo] where t1.[run] <> t2.[runNo]"
Dim comm As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQLL, conn)
Dim ds1 As DataSet = New DataSet()


i have tried google and other sites.. but still cannot find solution. maybe i post the wrong question. but i manage to do this code. but its only shows only 1 record missing, but its supposed to show 5 records that r missing.

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Compare The Two Data Table Columns And Find Duplicates?

Feb 15, 2012

i want to compare the two data table columns and find duplicates for example

autoid ponbr polinenbr quantity
1 0001 10 5
2 0002 12 6


in the above two dataTable i would like to compare the ponbr and polinenbr column and find the duplicates and get the autoid..

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VS 2010 : Compare The Data Between Two Text Boxes And A Variable?

Feb 27, 2012

I need to compare the data between two text boxes and a variable. If the value of the boxes don't match up and the variable is -1, I need to fail it.When I do this:

If Not Me.txtPcidSystem.Text = Me.txtPcidDatabase.Text Then

I have no troubles, but adding the variable check produces a false positive.

If Not Me.txtPcidSystem.Text = Me.txtPcidDatabase.Text And TestData.BypassCheck_PCID = -1 Then

The way the code is laid out, I have to do this in one line. I can't check the first condition on one line and the second on another.I've tried separating the data out with parantheses, but it's producing the same results.

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Forms :: Integer Value Changing When Compare Cell Data By Using 'IndexOf' Feature?

Sep 17, 2010

I have a program that is reading an Excel (xlsx) file and I am trying to take the data found in one of the cells and split it based upon the '@' symbol inside that cell. Here's an example: value in cell is "XXX @ YYY" I declare 3 strings (strOriginal, strA, strH) strOriginal is the value from the cell ("XXX @ YYY") then my code is supposed to split up the values in the Original string based upon that '@' symbol.So when my code is done, strA should = 'XXX' and strH should = 'YYY'.

Here is my code

strOriginal = dtbExcelData.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString
y = strOriginal.IndexOf("@")
strA = strOriginal.Substring(0, y - 1)


For some unknown reason, the y integer (in this case, it is '4') changes to a random number (it has changed to 44, 61, 124) and causes the error "Error with Excel file: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length" to occur.I understand why the error occurs (my y integer is not staying at 4)...I just don't understand why that y integer is changing numbers when it should remain as the indexof the '@' symbol. I'm looking for any suggestions on how to pull out the data after the space after the '@' symbol (the 'YYY' portion of 'XXX @ YYY'). Also sometimes the 'YYY' is only 'YY' as well.

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Date Formats In .NET?

Mar 7, 2008

Is there any way to make VB.NET to accept for all Date Formats as in VB6.0...I'm upgrading VB6.0 applications to VB.NET... Here I'm finding the Functionality difference due to VB.NET feature which goes for System date Settings.I tried using CultureInfo. But it also specifies only one format at a time..removing this functionality difference

Explanation : IsDate("MM/DD/YYYY") Returns False if the system date setting is of "DD/MM/YYYY"

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URI Formats Are Not Supported

May 20, 2010

Dim newver As FileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(url...)

I tried the above vb code to find the version of MyProgram.exe and i get an error URl formats are not supported.

How do I get the version of MyProgram.exe on my website?

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Input Masks And Formats?

Sep 11, 2010

I am completing a project for varsity and have done a lot of research on this topic but I can't seem to find the solution that I need. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Version 2.0. Here is the formatting they want me to use for the Cost Price textbox:"In your form, it should not be possible for a user to enter a cost price of 123.456 nor $123.45 (since we work in Rands and we also dont want to store the $ symbol nor do want the user to type a decimal point or a comma). Make sure that the cost price field has the following format: R ###. ## (where a user only has to enter the numbers)."

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VS 2008 Recognizing Formats?

Jul 20, 2009

I have this database with different kinds of Date formats. I can have:

01 Jan 2009
Jan 2009
Q1 2009

How can i Recognize witch date format it is? And if i have found it out, How can i split it on the space?

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Directory Resizing Images In Different Formats

Mar 23, 2009

I looking for right code to proportional resizing images in different formats in this peace of code. I would like when this will go through folder to folder.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
For Each File As String In Form1.rt.Items
Dim foundFileInfo As New System.IO.FileInfo(File)
Dim a As String = tB1.Text & "Gallerymanje" & foundFileInfo.Name
Dim b As String = tB1.Text & "Galleryvece" & foundFileInfo.Name
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(File, a, True)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(File, b, True)
End Sub

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Error Message - URI Formats Are Not Supported

Mar 3, 2011

I'm trying to write text to a file using the following code, but I got the message :
"URI formats are not supported."

sender As
[Code] .....

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How To Convert FLV File To Different Video Formats

Nov 29, 2011

I am a little programmer in .net. I have a problem with opening flv files in my system. I want to make a software in .net which can open these files. If these files could be converted to wmv or any windows supported software I could open them & to be glad for new coding. Is this possible?

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