How To Create Date Differences

Oct 6, 2009

I am doing a project. I save a date in the registry. Now, I have to test this date against today's date and calculate the differences in minutes, hours, days, months, weeks and years.I save the date in the registry like this:

Application.UserAppDataRegistry.SetValue("Date", [Date])
I then made a sub to calculate the differences:


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Calculate Differences From One Date To Another With Datetimepicker?

Feb 27, 2012

Im a beginner at visual basic. I did some codes refering to a form in which I need to calculate the differences between my my date of birth to another date. I did a statement which gives me the difference between those in the format of years, but I need to know how I can put the months and days example if my birthdate is 11/26/1991 and I want to calculte how many years, month and days has transcurred until today it would be like 20 years 3 months and 11 days.


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VS 02/03 - Calculating Date Differences In Time Period

Oct 6, 2009

I know about DateDiff and TimeSpan. I am doing a project. I save a date in the registry. Now, I have to test this date against today's date and calculate the differences in minutes, hours, days, months, weeks and years.

I save the date in the registry like this:
Application.UserAppDataRegistry.SetValue("Date", [Date])

I then made a sub to calculate the differences:
Private Sub Calculate()
Dim DateGen As Date
DateGen = CType([Date], Date)
Select Case TimePeriod
[Code] .....

As you can see, based on the difference between these dates ( today's date and the registry date ), a sub gets called and the program continues. Unfortunately, the minutes and hours never calls the RandomAlpha sub. How can I calculate the difference in minutes, hours etc.????

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Precompiled Site, And Adding A Template Column With Date Differences?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a vendor application which is precompiled. I want to add a template column into the aspx page, however I'm having some difficulty.This works for me fine as "Available" is a column bound to the asp DataGrid:

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="test">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" Text='<% #DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Available") %>'


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Create Date And Time?

Jan 2, 2012

I design program for patient daily Schedule and u can see in the the first pic which have button if u look in the first button (Bokking ) where u can add patient information as u can see in the secone pic and in the the 3 pic there is text (create date) my question is how can I create time& date take the time and date for my computer in this text ?

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Create A Column Name With Date As Its Datatype?

May 11, 2010

is there a date datatype in visual studio 2008? cause i want to create a column name with date as its datatype.. but the one that comes out is datetime..

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Create A Constant Of Type Date?

Jan 19, 2009

I want to create a constant of type date and assign it a list of 3 date. How can I assign a list of values to a constant. const dates as date=#1/1/2009#, #5/1/2009#.....

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Create Date Format Conversion?

Apr 25, 2012

In my windows application i am converting the system date format using"dd-MMM-yyyy")it is converting in some systems which have system date format mm/dd/yyyy otherwise i am getting errorso for this i am changing the date format in system regional settings in clients systems manuallyi want to convert date format without changing the date format means if the system date format what ever it may be the date format have to convert

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Create Folder With Current Date

May 4, 2010

I am trying to create a folder with current date but getting error. Here is my code.


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Create A Datepicker Control With Checkboxes For Each Date?

Dec 4, 2009

I need to define weeks for my app. So I want to select a certain week of a month. then I want to tick the days that apply and save those dates to a table.

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Create Own System Date In .net Or Database Level?

Apr 10, 2011

i don't want to use the system date and time in my mini project.i want to create my own system date and time to be in sync with standard time i specify?

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SQL Exception On Insert Of Into Date Datatype: (Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/or Time From Character String)

Apr 8, 2010

Title pretty much says it all. How do I format the date of a dateandtimepicker to insert it into the SQL date datatype?

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Differences Between 32 And 64-bit

Aug 22, 2010

What are the differences between 32 and 64-bit .NET (4) applications?Often 32-bit applications have problems running on 64-bit machines and conversely. I know I can declare an integer as int32 and int64 (certainly int64 on 32-bit systems make problems). Are there other differences between programming an 32 OR 64-bit or a both 32 AND 64-bit compatible application?

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Differences Between VB And C#?

Aug 10, 2010

Would like to build an application and was wondering why someone would choose one language over another.Also is one language used more for a particular type of programming then another (For example, is VB used more for business or Windows development then for web development ?)

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What Are The Differences Between .net And VB5

Aug 14, 2009

I am currently learning visual basic 5 on my home computer. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the major differences are between Visual basic 5 and the latest/new editions of VB.

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How To Create Splash Screen With Build Date / Time

Apr 20, 2010

I am creating a splash screen for my 2005 app (.net 2.0 framework). I would like to include the build date and time on the screen without having to manually enter it myself everytime I do a release.

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Differences Between Enums In C#?

Jan 14, 2010

We have legacy character codes that we want to store as numbers in a new system. To increase readibility and general understanding in the code for devs making the migration, I want to do Enums like this..


With this setup, the code will be readable (imagine If Record.Status = Status.Open), and yet the values will be stored in the database as small numbers so it will be efficient. However... I am a VB.NET guy, but everybody wants to code in C#, so I need this sort of structure in C#.After Googling, I discovered the the general .NET equivalent of AscW is Convert.ToInt32("C"). When I try to use that statement in an enum, I get the compiler error "Constant Expression Required".

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Differences Between Vb6's Interface And .net?

Dec 13, 2011

in order for me to get help on me and my programming partners vb6 rpg, I have to upgrade the project to the platform, and I am worried that the IDE interface that is used to program the vb side of the rpg is different, so I am wanting to ask any of you if there are any significant changes to the IDE or if it is relatively the same as it was in vb6... I am also hoping that someone here can also help me to see what is wrong with my load/save function... I now thought of something to try to see if that is the issue or not, but the code is still vb6 code, the only difference will be that the program will be upgraded to the .net platform, so if that changes anything in the code, then I am not aware of this as of yet, because I am still downloading the visual studios 2010 express iso right now... so I do not know for sure yet what will be changed.

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Final Differences In VB?

Dec 18, 2011

Does anyone know how to implement in VB an algorithm for final differences that changes the network (the matrix) during the computation (decrease its dimensions)?

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Generated IL Differences For VB And C#

Aug 26, 2011

Today I was playing around with Entity Framework and I've read that the generated IL for C# was different than VB.NET for the following code:


As it seems the VB.NET version of this code will contact the database every time the code is executed while the C# version will retrieve the entities from the cache when the code is executed multiple times.Why would they make both languages behave in such a different manner?It was my misconception that both languages just differed in syntax and had almost exactly the same generated IL.Are there any more examples where both languages generated such different IL?

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Main Differences Between VB And C#

Jan 17, 2011

what can C# do that VB.Net can't ? vs

main differences between visual basic and C# as well as the pros and cons between the two?

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Access Create Multiple Records Based On A Date Range?

Oct 19, 2011

I have an MSAccess 2007 DB to record our employees Personal Days Off (PDO). Until now I have only had a form to record each single day taken. This results in time consuming repetitive entry when an employee takes multiple consecutive days or weeks off.

My database consists of two tables:tbl_PDO (to hold the Worker, DateTakenOff and TimeTaken) tbl_Employees (containing the Employees contact info, Name, Address, etc.) A form for Single date data entry with tbl_PDO as the record source and the following fields: (This is the original entry method one day at a time and works as it should)cboWorker(with Record Source tbl_Employee[Worker] DateTakenOff(ShortDate) TimeTaken (in hours) A form for Date Range entry with tbl_PDO as the recored source and the following fields: cboWorker(with Record Source tbl_Employee[Worker] StartDate EndDate TimeTaken (in hours) I have been trying to work with bits and pieces of code Ive found online to create multiple rows in a table based on a date range.[code]...

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VB2010 Create A Product Expiration Date Reminder Program?

Feb 1, 2012

I have database in MS Access and this is Embedded to my program in VB2010 this is a Product Database now I try to create a reminder about my product expiration date

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Create A Reusable Grid View Component Like Date Time Picker In

Jan 5, 2010

I want to create a reusable user control which contains a date time picker in Need to add this user control in a grid view as column.While clicking the column,date time picker has to be displayed.Which is the suitable method,Creating the component or creating the user control.Also want to know,How to add this component in to the toolbox?

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Creation Of Program To Create Security Code Based On Current Date?

Apr 3, 2012

I need some help in the creation of a program to generate a security code based on the current date. I need to create something that first multiplies the MMDDYY (ie X=MM * DD * YY) then also adds the MMDDYY then finds the remainder and then multiplies but a specified number. I would like to create a small program that sits in the system tray with this code displayed. The code will always need to be 6 characters, so I might need to pad it with zeros. It has been years since I took basic VB, and I am really rusty.

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.net - Compare Text And Get Differences?

Jul 18, 2011

Well i want to compare 2 strings (version one and version two) and get the differences in a format that i can convert to html on my own, like you can view how a post was edited here on stack*overflow* or like svn tracks differences between revisions....

It must be full managed code library.

Like this JavaScript but i need to do it on the server-side..

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.net - Differences In The Garbage Collector For .net And C#?

Mar 9, 2012

I've heard that the c# garbage collector can be 'more aggressive' than it's counterpart. Is this true? Are there any other differences in how garbage collection is run in vs. c#?

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.net - Get Differences That Caused Except To Add An IEnumerable?

Oct 26, 2011

i'm using Enumerable.Except to check if a DataTable in memory is in sync with the table in database.

The background is: this DataTable and other frequently used tables are stored in the Cache of a WebApplication. But meanwhile i'm convinced that this is not a good approach because it's a source for nasty errors that are difficult to reproduce/debug.

Therefore i've created a function that checks if database and memory are in sync, otherwise an error-log will be created. This works perfectly. If there is a row in memory that is not in database, this row will be shown below "Difference in database", the same applies in reverse. But if rows exist in both datasources(the PK idRMA) and some values differ, the log will contain this row in two versions(below "Difference in database" and "Difference in database"). It is not easy to see the differences on the first sight.

Q: Is it possible to select only the properties that caused Except to think that first sequence is not in second?

This is the the complete function(the first lines are relevant):

Public Shared Sub CheckRmaMemoryInSyncWithDB()
Dim inSyncText As String
Dim color As Drawing.Color


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.net - Saving And Restoring Xml Differences

Jan 13, 2010

I am using and the .net framework 2.0. I may be able to upgrade the servers to 3.5 if the solution is compelling enough. Here is the problem. I have two pieces of xml. I'll refer to piece number 1 as the template and piece number 2 as the actual. Here's a basic example:


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Binary Shift Differences Between C#?

Nov 16, 2011

I just found an interesting problem between translating some data:

VB.NET: CByte(4) << 8 Returns 4
But C#: (byte)4 << 8 Returns 1024


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