Precompiled Site, And Adding A Template Column With Date Differences?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a vendor application which is precompiled. I want to add a template column into the aspx page, however I'm having some difficulty.This works for me fine as "Available" is a column bound to the asp DataGrid:

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="test">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" Text='<% #DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Available") %>'


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How To Create Date Differences

Oct 6, 2009

I am doing a project. I save a date in the registry. Now, I have to test this date against today's date and calculate the differences in minutes, hours, days, months, weeks and years.I save the date in the registry like this:

Application.UserAppDataRegistry.SetValue("Date", [Date])
I then made a sub to calculate the differences:


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Calculate Differences From One Date To Another With Datetimepicker?

Feb 27, 2012

Im a beginner at visual basic. I did some codes refering to a form in which I need to calculate the differences between my my date of birth to another date. I did a statement which gives me the difference between those in the format of years, but I need to know how I can put the months and days example if my birthdate is 11/26/1991 and I want to calculte how many years, month and days has transcurred until today it would be like 20 years 3 months and 11 days.


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VS 02/03 - Calculating Date Differences In Time Period

Oct 6, 2009

I know about DateDiff and TimeSpan. I am doing a project. I save a date in the registry. Now, I have to test this date against today's date and calculate the differences in minutes, hours, days, months, weeks and years.

I save the date in the registry like this:
Application.UserAppDataRegistry.SetValue("Date", [Date])

I then made a sub to calculate the differences:
Private Sub Calculate()
Dim DateGen As Date
DateGen = CType([Date], Date)
Select Case TimePeriod
[Code] .....

As you can see, based on the difference between these dates ( today's date and the registry date ), a sub gets called and the program continues. Unfortunately, the minutes and hours never calls the RandomAlpha sub. How can I calculate the difference in minutes, hours etc.????

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VS 2005 Adding A Form Template?

Jun 29, 2009

Could anyone point me the way on how would I be able to add my custom Form template to VS.Net?

View 1 Replies - DataGrid Update With Template Column

Jan 23, 2012

I try an update but I get an error"The Index was out limits.I shouldn't be negative and should be smaller than size of the collection" This concern this line in debug "Dim courseId As String = gridViewCourse.DataKeys(e.RowIndex).Values("CourseId").ToString()" This my grid asp code


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Adding Items To DetailView DropDownlist In Insert ITem Template?

Jan 13, 2012

I have Detail In Which I USed as Dropdownlist to INsert Item Template and I Am trying to add items to Dropdown using code using for loop bu when THe Page Runs it adds the values Five times because total rows in detail view are five .Here is My Code

If Me.IsPostBack Then
If Page.User.Identity.Name = "gate" Then
For Each DetVW As DetailsViewRow In DetailsView1.Rows[code]......

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VS 2008 Custom Datagridview Column With Cell Template

Aug 6, 2009

I have a custom dgv column and custom cell.I m trying to instance the column and pass it an instance of the cell as a template, but it's not code needs a form with a button and dgv on it. When the button is click, the text in cell(0,0) should toggle from on to off. [code]

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WebBrowser - Adding (Most Visited Site) Feature?

Mar 8, 2012

We've been set a task to build a really basic web browser with one advanced function. I've done the web browser with the basic functionality. The advanced feature is a "most visited site" feature. I need to create some kind of listbox, that keeps track of all the websites visited (when the go button is pressed) and arranges them in the most popular order (i.e. the one that has been clicked the most). Furthermore, it states that substrings should be used so that for example if you go to [URL] and go to [URL] that counts as 1 hit. I'm sure its something to do with arrays, but he did say you will need to use multiple procedures/strings/functions....

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Internet Explorer - Programmatically Adding A Site To The Allowed Sites Of The IE Pop-up Blocker

Jun 16, 2010

A few more details. I need to programmatically (Winforms, VB.NET) check if a site is in the Allowed Sites list of the IE Pop-Up Blocker (IE 7 and 8 and Windows XP, Vista and 7) and if not, add it. The application is fully trusted and I don't want to disable the Pop-Up blocker entirely. To clarify some things, this is for a web-automation application with several users across 3 countries. I want to avoid receiving tons of emails and explaining each time how to add the website to the Allowed Sites manually. Also, some of the users have Google Toolbar installed, which also has a Popup Blocker creating trouble to my app. Can this also be done programmatically?

View 1 Replies - Working With A Precompiled .net Website?

Jan 9, 2011

I am working with a precompiled website. I have most of the *.aspx.vb files, but I am missing some of the library files, and only have the DLLs. Can I still selectively compile aspx.vb files? When I just hit build, It errors with 'This application is already precompiled'?

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C# - Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column Site On The DataSource.{10}Parameter Name: DataMember

Sep 18, 2010

When I try to use the following line of code:

cboSite.DataBindings.Add("Text", _dtSite.Select("Site <> 'ALL'"), "Site")

I get the following exception:

EXCEPTION : Cannot bind to the property or column Site on the DataSource.{10}Parameter name: dataMember

details I am connecting to an Access database and using .net 3.5 and writing the code in VB. In this database I have a table named Sites with a column named Site and when I try to use the line of code above I get the exception noted. I was under the impression that I could explicitly name the column that I need to use in my control (combo box).

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Filter The Data In The Date Column To Show Only The Records That Don't Have A Date Entered Into The Field?

May 13, 2010

I have an access form that shows a data table. when the form is opened, I want to filter the data in the date column to show only the records that don't have a date entered into the field.

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DB/Reporting :: Search A Table, Confining To A Specific Date Range Based On A Date-time Column?

Jul 14, 2009

Would it be possible to search a table, confining to a specific date range based on a date-time column, and get a count of the 10 most used words in a particular var-char column excluding a list of words?All in SQL?Currently I am pulling out the records that match and sorting through the contents outside of SQL, I would think where I can do it directly on the server it would be more efficient.(SQL 2008)

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Change Date In Calendar Column To Reflect Date In Combo Box?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a calendar column which is generated on from load. Its value is assigned to todays date - for instance 04/04/2012

I also have a comboBox with a list of months.

Is there a way I can change the value of my calendar column to reflect the chosen month?

For example, if I select January from my comboBox then have the date as 01/01/2012.[code]...

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Change The Forecolor If The Listview Date In The First Column Is Less Than Label 3's Date

Mar 16, 2009

It is supposed to change the forecolor if the listview date in the first column is less than label 3's date.

For ii = 0 To Me.ListView1.Items.Count - 1
Dim iInvoiceDate As ListViewItem = Me.ListView1.Items(ii)
If iInvoiceDate.ToString < Me.Label3.Text Then


No errors and all the variables are returning what i am expecting but it doesn't change the forecolor.

View 4 Replies - WCF Service In A Precompiled Web Application - Could Not Load File Or Assembly

Aug 4, 2011

I have a solution which contains multiple WAPs (Web Application projects). Every WAP has it's own Web Deploy project in order to be able to precompile these sites. On one of the web app we are created a new WCF file with


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VS 2008 : Create Template At Runtime And Save It The Template With Name?

Aug 20, 2011

In VB.NET,I want to create template at runtime and save it the template with name. for ex : Administrator design a page with 5 fields like using firstname, lastname, dob,nationality and job. He want to assign this page to the user with some restriction like user1 need to enter the all the fields and save it the forms as user1profile, but user2 need to enter only firstname and lastname and save it as user2profile.(in features, he can remove the fields from the form).

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Converting Precompiled VisualBasicValue<TResult> Expression Into Its String Equivalent?

Jun 23, 2011

We all know that this method will convert an expression text (string) to precompiled VisualBasicValue. Refer to this documentation for more details


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Different Template For Adding Data And Editing Data On A Telerik Grid?

Apr 24, 2012

I am trying to pass a different template to a Telerik Grid, depending on if the add button or the edit button is pressed (on creation: a few field to fill. on existing: add button : some extra fields to fill, edit button : most field are read-only, new field to fill).

Dim myGrid = Html.Telerik().Grid(Of SomeModel) _
If Model.Action = AddNewData Then
myGrid.Editable(Sub(editing) _


I have no idea on how to do the if "gridBoutonPushed = Add" then part.

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C# - Using Types In A T4 Template That Exist In The Same Project As The Template?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on my first T4 code generation tool to add some Stored Procedure helper code to my project. I've created custom types (e.g. StoredProcedure and StoredProcedureParameter to help with my code generation and have included the assembly and namespace references in my code:

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="VB" #>
<#@ output extension=".generated.vb" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #>
<#@ import namespace="StoredProcCodeGenerator" #>

This allows me to use my custom types in my T4 template code. However, because my custom types exist in the same project as the T4 template code, I can't recompile my project once I run the template code without restarting Visual Studio. This isn't very much fun.

I read a great article that addresses this exact issue by using the T4 Toolbox, but it's not working. Either I'm implementing the VolatileAssembly directive wrong or the T4 toolbox simply didn't get installed. I'm not sure that the toolbox got installed correctly (I'm using VS 2010 on Win XP).

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Adding Column Values Of A Certain Column

May 28, 2010

I want to add all the values of a certain column. I already get the value of an exact cell value but when i add the loop code for it to continue,it doesn't performs well.


I,m using vb6 po with datagrid component.

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Build An Application That Will Login To A Web Site, Navigate The Site And Download Files?

Mar 26, 2010

I am not sure if this is possiable but I am looking to build an application that will login to a web site, navigate the site and download files. I would like to do this all in code and able to run multiple instances of the program to get information from many different web sites. Is something like this possiable in

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VS 2008 - Threaded Ping - Click Another Site While Its Still Pinging Them It Doesn't Wait Before It Switches Site

Feb 9, 2010

Ive got an app that holds a list of site we have, At each site there are a few devices. The idea is when they click on a site all the details for the site are loaded and then a second thread sits and pings each device to see if its live. Im trying to do this in a seperate thread so if they click another site while its still pinging them it doesn't wait before it switches site. This all seems to be workling fine except if you click through the sites quickly, when you do that it will eventually come up with


{"Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute."}

The error flags up on the "Next" line in "ThreadedPing"

Thread stuff

Public Sub ThreadedPing(ByVal dt As DataTable)

Dim dr As DataRow


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User Can Change The Update Site With Out Building The Program Again With The New Site?

Oct 13, 2010

When i publish my program i choose to let the application check for updates via a website and if their is one update automatically when the program starts. Is their a way were on the main user form i can make it so that the user can change the update site with out me building the program again with the new site. I want to do this becuase the site i use goes down alot so when i changed the update url no one was able to download the update for the new update server.

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Internet Explorer - User Click A Command Button To Open IE To A Financial WEB Site And Download Informaion From The Site?

May 19, 2011

I'm deploying a VB.Net app (VS 2010 Pro) that requiers the user click a command button to open IE to a financial WEB site and download informaion from the site. The app works fine in every detail when installed on the development computer. But, on the target computer when the command button is clicked an unhandled exception occurs which says: System.IO. FileNotFoundException:File Not found.My code behind the button is Shell("C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe www,",AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

This works fine on the development computer. Do I need a way to code this as a relative path? If so,can you tell me how this is done?Throughout the app I have written relative paths to needed files using paths like (Open(Environment. GEtFolderPath (Environment. SpecialFoldder.Desktop) + "File Name). They all work fine when deployed.

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Label Staging Site To Prevent It From Being Used As If It Were The Production Site

May 18, 2012

I'm being asked to maintain several internal-only web apps for my company. For testing, after making my changes, I've created some staging sites which make use of separate databases. As such, if my users were to mistakenly use this site as if it were the production site, they may enter important data and wonder where it "disappeared" to thinking it was the production server.

I'd like to create a big banner of some sort across the top of the staging site (which ONLY appears on the staging site) to remind my users that they are on the test site. I'd like recommendations on the best way to do this, with the following considerations:

IDE: Visual Studio 2008
Server: Windows 2003 with IIS 6
Language: VB.NET 2.0

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Open Site When Click (Visit Site Button)

Jan 8, 2010

i want to know how can i code my button when i click it will open my site ... i Think i was clear.

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Adding Time To Date?

May 28, 2009

I have an SQL Server database with a table in it that has a column labeled DATE (datatype =date).The table also has a column labeled TIME (datatype Integer) that contains hours and minutes.I would like to be able to display the time in a datetimepicker also.

Would it make sense (remember I�m new to VB) to have the time as part of the date column?Doesn�t the date/datetime data type include time(7/24/1996 12:00:00 AM)?If so what is the best way to add the TIME column to the DATE column.I know I can go back to our other system (IBM iSeries) and combined the columns and transfer the data over again but that is chore (the transferring) and I want to learn how to do these kind of things without falling back on my IBM skills.It seems I should be able to add time to the DATE column of the table. None of the DATE data transferred over to this table had time with it.

Debug.WriteLine(Me.ServiceRecord.Field(Of Date)("served_date"))

View 2 Replies - Date Format And Adding A Day?

Jan 2, 2012

I am trying to add a day to a date retrieved as below

//reading fromdatabase
Dim expenddt_ As String = rdr("Expected_End_Date").ToString
Dim dt_1 As Date = Date.Parse(expenddt_)
Dim expenddt As String = dt_1.ToShortDateString()
txtenddt.Text = expenddt

Suppose if expenddt_ the value comes as "11/1/2012 12:00:00 AM", than dt_1 has the value #11/1/2012# and expenddt has "11/1/2012" so in textbox txtenddt the value appears as expenddt.

Now when i try to add a day to dt_1 as

Dim test As Date = dt_1.AddDays(+1)

Than the value in test comes as 11/2/2012, i.e a month gets added and not the day. How can i add a day?

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