How To Fully Use An API Or A DLL

Sep 11, 2010

How does one learn how to fully use an API or a DLL?How does one learn what all an API or a DLL can do?What parameters does it return?Is their documentation on each one?

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Application Does Not Fully Close?

Nov 18, 2009

When I launch my application, and press the "X" button on my app, or my quit button which deploys: me.close It will not fully close the application. Like the instance is still running in Visual Studio or if you go to task manager processes you can still see it there. How would I get this to fully close?

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Fully Justify Text In Rtb?

Jul 1, 2009

Is there a way to fully justify text in rtb? I mean justified from both left and right sides.

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Program Does Not Fully Shut Down?

Mar 13, 2010

ive coded a program with mutltiple forms and ive built it. The problem is that if i shut it down using the "X" it does not fully shut down and still uses certain files. Is there any code so i can make sure it shuts down completely?

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VB - Support For ASP Will Be Fully Discontinued?

Dec 21, 2010

Does anyone know when support for ASP will be fully discontinued? Obviously there no longer is development occuring on the platform, however I am trying to put together a business case as to when we should move to a new platform and make sure the timing is right for where the company will be at that time.

Its my understanding that given that it was shipped with Vista/Windows 7/Windows Server 2008, that it will be supported for 10 years past those ship dates.

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DataGridView Can't Draw Fully When Shown

Mar 27, 2009

I have an application that uses DataGridView in two different locations. In one location, the DataGridView shows everything fine. In the other location, whenever the form containing the DataGridView is initially loaded, only about half of the visible portion of the DataGridView is actually drawn; through the rest of the DataGridView, the underlying windows graphics can be seen; if you scroll down through the rest of the data, you get a choppy view of what corresponds to the bottom row being scrolled upward through each scrolled row. The only ways to get the DataGridView to show the correct values are either to select a cell, forcing that particular cell to redraw; or to invalidate an area of the window, causing that area to redraw (which it does do correctly).

I've compared how each of these DataGridViews were set up: For the one that works fine, the DataGridView is statically bound to a BindingSource, which is statically bound to a DataSet; the one that has the draw problem is statically bound to a Binding Source that is dynamically bound to a DataTable during the creation of the form.

What could be causing my DataGridView to not display correctly?

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Form Load Not Fully Executed?

Apr 25, 2010

i got this window is in an mdi form and the form_load event is not fully executed, im on window 7 x64 VB 2008. Here is the code of the form load event
Private Sub frmGestion_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

bd.connexion("TacoBD.mdb") bd.ChargerDataset("tblModelAutoLuxe", "SELECT * FROM tblModelAutoLuxe") For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 lstVehiculesLuxe.Items.Add(bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows(ctr).Item(0)) Next bd.ChargerMarques("tblModelAuto") bd.Deconnexion() For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsMarques.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1


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How To Create A Fully Functional Browser

Mar 1, 2011

I want to create a fully functional browser with a download manager using Vb-2008.

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IDE :: ClickOnce Deployment Not Fully Updated

Feb 13, 2010

I deploy my windows application by ClickOnce deployment for first time it is updating properly. But I deploy again to the same update location it is not fully update to the client system. Some client systems has successfully update but some are NOT FULLY (sometimes partial updates happen) updated.

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Program Can't Function Fully In Vista

Aug 17, 2008

Back when VBStudio 2005 was the latest in .net programming, I created a program that, among other things, sets the user's system clock after obtaining certain code from and adjusting it according to a set of numbers. Due to a change in one of the websites with which the program works, it stopped working. I downloaded VB2005 Express (since I reinstalled WinXP since then and didn't feel like looking for MSVB Studio 2005), opened the source code, and made the correction. The program now works in what appears to be its entirety in WinXP. However, when it attempts to perform the function I mentioned earlier on a Vista machine, an error (a built-in error I included in the program) appears. Note that even on a Vista machine, the program does have some functionality. All requests that the program makes to access other websites is done using HTTP web requests.

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Make A Progress Bar Reset After It's Been Fully Loaded?

May 14, 2010

I am literally BRAND new to VB, I have Vb 2010 express.I have been trying to use [code]The box literally spams, how do I make it only pop up once Also, how do I make a progress bar reset after it's been fully loaded?

View 19 Replies

Ensure App Fully Compatible With X64 Win7 Platform?

May 6, 2012

How can I ensure my app fully compatible with x64 Win7 platform? I have a choice of 32 or 64 bit development machines to use.

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Hide Form Until Contents Are Fully Loaded?

Aug 29, 2010

the project i am currently working on has a form in it that has quite a few objects that take a couple of seconds to load. Because of that, if i simply use the .show command, the form shows up, but there are a bunch of blank white boxes where the content is still loading, how can i have the form not become visible until ALL of the contents and images inside are fully loaded?

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Make Controls Fully Fit On Form When Expand?

Jul 18, 2010

When i run my program and then click on the 2nd btn on the top-right corner to expand to fit my screen, i find that my control are not auto align to the expand. It also has the same problem when i run my program on other monitor of different size. Is there a way to make the controls auto align?

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VS 2008 - Open HTML Doc After Fully Populated

Aug 24, 2009

Is it possible to open an html doc that was created by my vb 2008 application once it's been created? I have it created on my desktop, once it's there I'd like it to automatically open in firefox. I tried
Using sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(path)
Do While sr.Peek() >= 0
End Using
For starters, but it doesn't open anything. It creates the file just fine though.

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VS 2008 If Web-browser If Fully Loaded With Code?

Mar 19, 2009

how can i tell if my webbrowser1 if fully loaded with code ? i would need something like this [code] i just need a msgbox to tell me when the webbrowser1 if fully loaded

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VS 2008 Read File Not Reading Fully?

Nov 6, 2010

I have several files that I am reading in and 'scrubbing'. The scrubbing is simply taking certain HTML tags and changing them - no big deal.When I read in the files (one at a time), they read and then I scrub them.The files stop reading mid-way *no matter what* the encoding type There is no stop character or anything, it is simple HTML and I do not see any reason why the file isn't being read I have attached one of files that is having a problem and the code is quite simple:

Dim oRead As New System.IO.StreamReader(Dir & "" & FN, Encoding.ASCII)
EntireFile = oRead.ReadToEnd()


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C# - Distinguish Types With Identical Fully Qualified Names?

Jan 8, 2010

The scenario is I would like to be able reference two similar 3rd party assemblies (e.g. assem1 and assem2) which both define a type with the same fully qualified name (e.g. Example.MyType). Is there any way to distinguish between these and refernce them seperately? I believe the answer is no but confirmation or correction would be handy. Edit: Answered for C# 2.0 and higher below but need an answer in VB.Net 1.1

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Datagridviewcheckbox Column Fully Default Set Checked= True?

Apr 19, 2011

sir i want datagridviewcheckbox column fully default set checked= true

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Fully Checked Listview - Making A Custom Control?

Dec 26, 2011

Is this only done in VB by making a custom control?

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Get The Fully Qualified Class Name Of The Type In A Generic Function?

Apr 18, 2011

Suppose I want to write a generic function that will return the fully qualified name of the data type. In other words, how would you implement the following: Public Shared Function Foo(Of T)() As String ' Return the fully qualified name of T End Function

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VS 2008 - Stop Progress Bar Until Website Fully Loaded?

Jul 13, 2009

I use visual studio 2008. I have a problem I finally got the progress bar to work but I want it to stop when the website I choose to display is fully loaded.

Here is my code below
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
[Code] .....

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 : Make The Radiobutton ON When Webbrowser Is Fully Loaded?

Jul 10, 2011

I wonder how to make the Radiobutton ON when webbrowser is fully loaded, and the Radiobutton OFF when the page is loading. It's like boolen. Im using Webbrowser1.If you do not understand im mean this:

1. Click on a link on a site.

2. The Radiobutton gone OFF.

3. When the page is 100% loaded, the Radiobutton gone ON.

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VS 2008 Webbrowser DocumentCompleted Event Fully Loaded?

May 29, 2012

I want to get the full 100% Download Complete of whole webpage event.normally a webpage like Google With iFrame ,it will activate 2 times Download Complete Event.....Other like yahoo activate 3 times Any one know the method to know the fully completed event of webpage..Or the iframe count.


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VS 2010 Proxy Server - Cannot Fully Load Webpage

May 17, 2011

I recently Ported this C# proxy across to but I am having the same problems I did in C#... It doesn't fully load a web page (and some don't even load).

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
Private attempts As Integer = 0
[Code] .....

As you can see in the following picture it dosn't completely load As you can see above the page just stops and in the source code you can tell the page didn't completely load.

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WebBrowser Not Firing Alert When Page Fully Loaded

May 31, 2009

I want to make a message box appear to show that the webpage has already loaded. I have used the code below:
Private Sub Button11_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click
If WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
MsgBox("yahoo is now fully loaded ")
End If
The message box is not showing at all . I have looked for "DocumentComplete" but can't get it working ..

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C# :: Can The .net Reportviewer Control Be Fully Operated By Code Only (ie., Minus The Toolbar)

Aug 1, 2011

Just started on a touchscreen based project that uses the reportviewer control. I will obviously be putting my own big buttons for report navigation , export to pdf etc since even people with tiny fingers will have a hard time clicking the out of box toolbar that comes with this control (see below screenshot). Can I do all of this from code 1) Show next / prev/first /last page of report

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Make Semi-transparent Form, With Fully Visible Buttons On It?

Jun 24, 2009

How can I make semi-transparent form, with fully visible buttons on it? I'm trying with opacity, but I can't force it to work only with form.(And I need semi-transparent form, so I can't use TransparencyKey)

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Renaming - Developed Fully Functional Application At Client Area

Sep 1, 2009

I would like to inform you that i developed fully functional application at client area . and then we need to create another application with some different functionality my problem is :

1 - i want to rename solution , and if so all files should be renamed .
2- if i run the app it should take the new name in Task Manager !.

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Waiting For WebBrowser To Fully Load Between Multiple Navigate Calls

May 1, 2012

I am venturing into WPF - first time in (VB).NET - and trying to re-create a project I started in MS Access VBA. It basically scrapes a series of pages within a web application. As you may have surmised I am having trouble with the LoadCompleted event.I have searched and found some information on it, but the "flow" of the code only lends itself to waiting for one page to load.url...All of the code execution is run in the DocumentLoaded event which works fine when you just need to navigate to one page and execute code. But I need to perform a series of these cycles for my application. How can I reliably wait for the document to fully load while still keeping the code execution in the same Sub AND not locking the UI thread? [code]That's it. Repeat for n times. my interactions with each DOM are significantly different.

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