How To Get Value Of Property In System.__ComObject

Apr 28, 2009

I have been working with System.reflection namespace and i have problems to get value of properties in system.__ComObjectMy objective is:obtain a collectionfor each object in collection get the propertie (example ID)

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C# - Casting System.__ComObject To Known Type Reflection

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to create an Excel file using reflection. The reason, the application will be running on many machines some of which may or not have excel installed. I decided to embed the "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll" and via reflection generated the excel spreadsheet. The code I am trying to resemble is:


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Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type 'System.__ComObject' To Class Type 'System.Xml.XmlNode'

Jul 30, 2009

Code: Dim dom As New DOMDocument30 dom.async = False
dom.Load(serverAddress & "/App/filelist.jsp?type=content")
For i = 0 To dom.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.length - 1 downloadfile(dom.childNodes.item(i), mcount, currentpath) Next

The above code is activated upon clicking of a button. i have the server address declared. and using the domdoc to load the jsp file to generate the xml data. and using for loop, i call the download file function which accepts the following parameters

Code:Public Sub downloadfile(ByVal domdoc As Xml.XmlNode, ByVal totalcount As Integer, ByVal currentpath As String)

The totalcount and currentpath work fine, but when i pass in the dom.childNodes.item(i) , error pops up.

--------------------error message------------------------------------------Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'System.Xml.XmlNode'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type 'System.__ComObject' To Class Type?

May 14, 2009

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'rjsDocMan.Folder'.Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.The code where it is flagging the error is:

<div style="color: Black; background-color: White;">
treeview += AddChildren(Session("DocMan").RootFolder)


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Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type 'System.__ComObject' To Interface Type 'MSTSCLib.IMsTscNonScriptable?

Jun 1, 2012

I am building a software which will be used to create a remote desktop connection. However I'm getting this error:

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'MSTSCLib.IMsTscNonScriptable'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{C1E6743A-41C1-4A74-832A-0DD06C1C7A0E}' failed
due to the following error: Δεν υποστηρίζεται τέτοια διασύνδεση (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 E_NOINTERFACE)).


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C# - What Could Cause System.Timers.Timer.set_Enabled Property To Throw A System.NullReferenceException

Apr 4, 2012

Here is the stack trace:

2012-03-16 19:15:09Z E System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Timers.Timer.set_Enabled(Boolean value)
at System.Timers.Timer.Stop()

Here's the code:

Timer declared as private member variable.
Private _myTimer As System.Timers.Timer
Initialize timer method.


The timer has to have a value or else the Timer.Stop() call would be throwing the exception. This is a sporadic error and I'm just trying to see if anyone has experienced this before or if anyone has any ideas of what could be causing it. It is occuring in a WinForms application in the event handler for the Elapsed event of the Timer, but it is only occuring sporadically on the users computer. I haven't been able to reproduce the error myself.

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'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater' Does Not Contain A Property With The Name 'SelectedValue'

Oct 31, 2011

I am not sure what I am supposed to write in the code behind for my project. I have a repeater that filters a gridview. When trying to declare the scalar variable @CompanyID, I get the error.

dsLetters.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(ProductName, 1) AS [Letter]
FROM Product, CompanyLink, Company
WHERE Product.ProductID = CompanyLink.ProductID


View 1 Replies - DataBinding: 'System.String' Does Not Contain A Property With The Name 'dbMake'?

Jan 25, 2010

I am a newbie at and after using sqldatasource with a listview to insert and show results from an SQL server db I want to try using the LINQ datasource since it seems to be more flexible in codebehind.
My problem is this: I droped a listview control to the page and I created the Linq datasource in codebehind with vb. the issue that I am having when I ..Select d.columms name i get the error system.string does not contain a property with the name "columname".. if i ommit the column name then its works fine.. the funny part is the d.count works fine but after that i get the error.. please see my code below:


b.dbMake needs to work so that i can use Distinct ,, ia m using version:3.5 and IIS version 7.0 ..
not sure what i am missing ,, but i did try alot of approaches,,1- checked the web.config file and it seems to have two assemblies and two namespaces for LINQ..2- used different databinding syntaxs,,and i searched a lot for the solution.. the last one i read the person ommited the name of the column,, i thought that wasnt the best solution.. also my dbMake column is comming up in the "intellisence"

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PrnAdmin.Ports Converting __ComObject To PrnAdmin.Port

Nov 6, 2008

I have written several classes that use System.Reflection to create xml serializable classes. I am currently working on on enumerating printer objects using PrnAdmin.dll. The PrnAdmin.Ports method returns as an object. When I enumerate through the ports I use the following code

Dim _Master as New PrnAdmin.PrintMaster
For each _Port as PrnAdmin.Port in _Master.Ports(ServerName)


While debugging I put my mouse Over the _Port variable and it is represented as System.__ComObject instead of PrnAdmin.Port. Even when I use _Port as an Object and try to use CType to convert it to a PrnAdmin.Port it is still shown as a System.__ComObject.

My question is... How can I get the underlying type of a __System.ComObject so that I can expose PropertyInfo and MethodInfo members?

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'' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property

Jun 2, 2011

[code]This is my Code the error is Class '' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.. When i try this code in oledb it works but here it wont..

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Add A Property To System.Windows.Form.Control In Program?

Mar 15, 2012

Is there a way to add a property to System.Windows.Form.Control base class without defining the new inherited class (in VB.NET) ?

I want to add a Tooltip property to all of System.Windows.Form.Control controls, which will be browsable in properties window of that control.

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System.Printing.PrintQueue.DefaultPrintTicket.OutputColor Property?

Jul 15, 2011

I've written some code to check the DefaultPrintTicket.OutputColor and DefaultPrintTicket.Duplexing properties fom each the printer queue in our servers. we have several printers from different manufacturers, like HP, RICOH, OK,etc...

I got correctly the others printer's properties,but not those ones.In some cases, the return value from the property is correct, but sometimes is not true, and it doesnt' depends on the brand.Is there a different method to get the informtion more accurately?


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.net - Test If Property Of Type System.Collections.Generic.List(of T)?

Apr 10, 2012

I need to be able to tell if a property is of type List(of T)but am currently unable to. if i do

TypeOf (UpdateTo.GetType.GetProperty(node.Name)) Is System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Object)

I get the following error

TypeOf (UpdateTo.GetType.GetProperty(node.Name)) Is
System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Object) Expression of type
'System.Reflection.PropertyInfo' can never be of type[code]......

View 1 Replies - Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property

Mar 11, 2011

What i am having trouble doing is set the current parameter to the current row at a specific column like e.row[column index]

For Each trow As TableRow In table.Rows
cmd1.CommandText = "dbo.directway"
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd1.Connection = conn


Class 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.

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Change The .BaudRate Property Of A System.IO.Ports.SerialPort While It's Already Connected?

Nov 18, 2010

For whatever odd reason, we have a legacy data recorder device that runs at 9600 baud. Except when it needs to transfer its recorded data to a PC, in which case it switches to 57600 baud.

The old VB6 code worked, although it had its own set of problems of course.

The routine is this: Do several COMMAND/RESPONSE routines to populate a list of available records, listed by timestamp, at 9600 baud. Once a timestamp or several are selected, display a file save dialog. At the moment that dialog is closed, send a command to the device to tell it "hey we're going to warp", sleep for 100ms, then set the baud rate property of the persistent COM1 connection to 57600, before beginning to process XMODEM data and do the progress bar dance.

The problem I'm having is that it doesn't appear that the data received is ever really kosher as far as the byte marshaling is concerned. Which makes me wonder just how well SerialPort is at dynamically changing bauds on the fly. The VB6 version used MSComm.

I've even attempted to just use MSComm through the compatibility layer but "CTL_E is not supported" which makes it sound like it's incapable of doing XMODEM. (?)

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Error ExecuteNonQuery: Connection Property Has Not Been Initialized. -

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to insert the information from comboxes, check boxes, and date and time picker. I am getting the following error when I hit submit button. "ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized. -" I am sure I am making some silly code mistake that I am not able to figure out.

Dim icount As Integer
Dim SQLstr As String
SQLstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:ADAccountDel.mdb;"


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Error: Interface 'System.Web.Mvc.IValueProvider' Cannot Be Indexed Because It Has No Default Property

Nov 19, 2009

This used to work.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Function Widget(ByVal collection As FormCollection) As ActionResult
If ... Then


I upgraded to ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta and ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures Assembly for Beta and now ToValueProvider() fails with this compile-time error: Interface 'System.Web.Mvc.IValueProvider' cannot be indexed because it has no default property How do I use ModelState.SetModelValue() if not with collection.ToValueProvider()?

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System.Environment.UserName Property Returns Nothing After Publishing Application?

Oct 19, 2011

I have windows application in which I get currently windows logged in username using following environment property

System.Environment.UserName But when I ran application using visual studio, it works without any problem. But when I publish application & try to run it, it get System.Environment.Username value as nothing.

cause of this issue? Or any other alternative to get current system logged in username.

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.net - 'Property' Cannot Implement 'Property' Because There Is No Matching Property On Interface 'IName'?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having some very weird issues with interfaces right now.

I have a very simple setup. In one of my class, I have a Property implementing a Property from an Interface.

In my class it's like:

Private _oForm As IForm
Public Property Form As IForm Implements IContainer.Form
Set(value As IForm)


I have like dozens of interfaces like this working throughout my project and I can't believe this simple one can't work!

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Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' Has Multiple Definitions

Jul 22, 2009

when building my application I am getting some temporary files shown in Solution Explorer under Miscellaneous Files lie App_Web_YDKG.VB with following code block in that generating error

Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile
Return CType(Me.Context.Profile,System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile)
End Get
End Property

Error : Error 58'Protected ReadOnly Property Profile() As System.Web.Profile.DefaultProfile' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesinfinityvb2ae71c27d560144bApp_Web_pwduczex.38.vb456

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VS 2008 - Get The Caption Property Of Serial Ports Available On Computer - Error "A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidCastException"

Nov 12, 2009

In my project I'm trying to get the caption property of serial ports available on computer. But when I run this code below I get "A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll" exception. I tried putting "Option Strict On" and then I'm getting build error saying it disallows Late binding.


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.net - If An Interface Defines A ReadOnly Property, How Can An Implementer Provide The Setter To This Property

Jun 10, 2011

Is there a way for implementers of an interface where a ReadOnly property is defined to make it a complete Read/Write Property ?

Imagine I define an interface to provide a ReadOnly Property (i.e., just a getter for a given value) :

Interface SomeInterface
'the interface only say that implementers must provide a value for reading
ReadOnly Property PublicProperty As String
End Interface

This means implementers must commit to providing a value. But I would like a given implementer to also allow setting that value. In my head, this would mean providing the Property's setter as part of the implementation, doing something like this :

Public Property PublicProperty As String Implements SomeInterface.PublicProperty
Return _myProperty


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Reflection - Find From A Property Info Object If That Property Has A Non Public (Private / Protected) Setter?

Aug 27, 2009

I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?

I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.


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Error - In Order To Evaluate An Indexed Property, The Property Must Be Qualified And The Arguments Must Be Explicitly Supplied By The User

Jun 20, 2012

I'm having a few problems converting some code into VB.NET from C#. Most of the translating is done, but I am getting errors when I try to run my code, and I can't figure out what is causing them. Here is the Sub I translated.

Public Sub CreateWidget()
Dim blue As LCDColor
blue.Red = 0
blue.Green = 0


The error I receive on this line ("vision.Widgets.CreateWidget(wg1)") reads "In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user."

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Runtime Error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':Could Not Get The CurLine Property. Unexpected Call To Method Or Property Access

Sep 24, 2009

start with I was given a program by a friend that was created in Excel 2003 with the help of Visual Basic Editor. He said he used Visual Basic 2003, which he is not 100% sure about. Anyways he used CurLine in the program and when I try to open it in Excel 2007 and then open the Visual Basic Editor and run the program I get the following error:Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':Could not get the CurLine property. Unexpected call to method or property access.

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.net - Make A Class Property Behave Like The Checked Property On RadioButton?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a very simple class that holds a few public properties - ID, Text, Colour, etc. and a Boolean called 'SelectedItem'. Just like the Checked property on RadioButtons, only one item can have its SelectedItem property set to True within a particular group. Note: there will be several separate groups (lists), each allowed to have only one item with SelectedItem = True.

My first thought was that I would probably just have to handle everything outside of the class, setting SelectedItem to False for every other item in a particular list when another item was selected. But that seems rather inelegant to me. So I've been trying to think of how this might be done within the class. For example: could I perhaps have a private string property called say "GroupName" - set in the New sub when adding a new instance of the class - and then use a private shared method to set every item's SelectedItem property to False, provided the item has the same GroupName as the newly selected item? I would have a go at doing this but I have no idea how to enumerate every instance of a class from within that class, or whether that's even possible. Is it? Or is there another (better) way to achieve my goal? Here is a cut-down version of what I've got so far:

Public Class ResourceItem
Public ID As Integer
Public Text As String[code]....

As can be seen: instead of instantiating a new ResourceItem and passing that as an argument to the manager's Add procedure, I'm simply passing the details of the new item and the procedure is creating the item from those. I don't know whether this is a good or bad idea - please advise - but I've done it because I couldn't figure out how to make the SelectedItem property only writeable by the manager, so I wanted to avoid having directly accessible objects that could have their SelectedItem property set to True without it deselecting all the other items in the same group. Of course that still leaves the possibility of setting a variable to one of the manager's list items and setting it from there, so I would still like to know how I could prevent that, if possible.

UPDATE: I didn't use the code above in the end, deciding instead to go with Cyborgx37's solution - which seems to work perfectly well for me despite the warnings about best practice. I also realised I would need to use the same class in another scenario where multiple items could be selected, so it was easy to add a Boolean property to the manager to enable that.

View 2 Replies - Identifier Expected And Property Access Must Assign Property Or Use Its Value Errors

Nov 14, 2011

Using the following code I get Identifier expected and Property access must assign property or use its value errors:

What is wrong with this code?

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Bind A Dataview.count Property To A Textbox.text Property?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a dataview an i would like to show the count property in a text box.

i tryied the following

me.textbox1.DataBindings.add(new DataBindind("Text",DataView,"Count"))

But i have a exception.

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C# - Why Is Attached Property Property Changed Event Only Firing One Time

Nov 27, 2010

I have a listbox binded to a list of objects. For each list item I wanted to have a rectangle whose fill color is determined by a few properties of the binded object. So I did the following:

Made sure INotifyPropertyChanged was implemented on my object.Created a class to expose the properties I am interested in as attached properties.Binded the properties of the object to the attached properties of the rectangle Created a style that uses triggers to set the rectangle fill based on attached properties.

This works, but only the first time the property of the object changes. After that, the attached properties do not seem to be receiving notification when the data object's property changes. I have double checked and my data object is raising the INotifyPropertyChanged event.

<Rectangle Style="{StaticResource RecordStateRectangleStyle}"
Width="10" Height="10" Stroke="Black"
local:RecordAttachment.RecordState="{Binding Path=RecordState}"
local:RecordAttachment.IsDeleted="{Binding Path=IsDeleted}" />


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IDE :: VisualStudio Property Toolbox Not Remembering Last Selected Property Item

Sep 1, 2011

I have a weird question and I honestly hope you understand what is happening here: I design my form (using VB.NET) and put on it a few textboxes, comboboxes and a listview. After the design, I want to adjust the TabIndexes for each control on the form. On the right-hand side of the interface is the property box.

I then select the 'TabIndex' property item and enter a number key (for instance 0) for that selected item. I then select the next textbox control and enter the next number (for instance 1) WITHOUT re-selecting the 'TabIndex' property item. As soon as I select the combobox or listview control, the currently selected property item jumps to 'Items' or 'Collections' and does NOT remain on the 'TabIndex' property item. Why is this happening? Everything worked fine and all of a sudden this starts happening. Should I reset the editor settings or how can I resolve this matter?

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