System.Environment.UserName Property Returns Nothing After Publishing Application?

Oct 19, 2011

I have windows application in which I get currently windows logged in username using following environment property

System.Environment.UserName But when I ran application using visual studio, it works without any problem. But when I publish application & try to run it, it get System.Environment.Username value as nothing.

cause of this issue? Or any other alternative to get current system logged in username.

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Publishing My Application - Where Exactly Does The Application Gets Installed On My System

Jan 9, 2012

I have recently created an application with Visual Basic.NET. I published my application and installed it. Now the question is that I need to know where exactly does the application gets installed on my system ?

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Convert Environment Username To LDAP First / Last Name

Apr 26, 2010

In an application I'm working on I am using the Environment.UserName Property to get the logged on user's username. Is there a way to convert this to the logged on user's REAL first name and last name that is associated with it in Active Directory? I'd like to avoid having to connect or query Active Directory directly if possible (as this is a corporate domain). I also wanted to avoid hard-coding lookups into the app itself, as the users of the application will change over time. Would a "users" external file (Text, XML, csv) be better for this?

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.net - Environment.MachineName Returns A Zero Length String?

May 18, 2011

I am chasing a strange error at a customer site and was wondering if it is possible that Environment.MachineName could return a zero length string. The docs say this is read from the registry but doesn't specify where. I can't imagine that a machine cannot have a netbios name but just wanted to ask.


After some investigation, it appears that this was not returning a zero length string, but I was just interested if it is feasible.

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C# - Modify The Environment.CommandLine Property?

Feb 18, 2011

For unit tests I would like to mimic different commandline arguments. How do I modify the commandLine args to my program at runtime (looked around but can't find the trick)? Basically I am trying to find a way to modify the contents of the READONLY property Environment.CommandLine.

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Calling System Environment Variables?

Apr 13, 2011

Below is the code i am using to read and update the system environmental variable. This code is working fine when i am executing .exe on Local Machine. I am getting problem when i try to access this .exe from Browser(using citrix i am doing this) and invoke. when i invoke from browser its going to catch block and displaying MsgBox("Unable to Create LDAP Key.


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VS 2008 Change The Application Version Without Publishing The Application?

Sep 23, 2010

Is it possible to change the application version without publishing the application? Because I'm going to make an auto updater which needs some version information to work, but I don't want to have an installer.

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Local System Account And Proxy Environment?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a Windows service running on Local System Account. The service connects to a remote webservice, and donwloads a file.Now I installed the service in an environment with a proxy server (http://proxy:80"). The result is that in the eventlog I get error:"unable to connect to remote server". When I start the service with a (test) account, everything works fine.Can someone tell me how I can handle a proxy environment with a service running under local system account?

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VS 2008 Publishing - Make Just One Exe File In Vb9 - Install The Program After Publishing?

May 22, 2009

About publishing my program. there's a lot of files made after publishing unlike in vb6 when i converted it to exe file theres only one file. hmm how can i make just one exe file in vb9 is it possible? another question do i have to install the program after publishing?

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Installing Application After Publishing

May 30, 2009

i can publish my app creates the setup and the rest of the files, whatever they are.on my operating system, the setup runs fine.when trying to install it on another system, it asks for the microsoft update can take quite a can i publish my app, in such a way that it can run from the files in the setup and not have to have any other addons, as .net framework. i know it's possible, since i was able to install other software before i had the .net framework.

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Error When Publishing An Application?

May 17, 2012

i just finished an application it works good when i debug but i tried to publish it and the publishing fails with errors that some files are double but i don't get what the problem is the error details are as follows

Windows : 6.1.7600.0 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime
: 4.0.30319.235


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Error When Publishing Application?

Apr 25, 2010

Getting error 'cannot locate application' when publishing application..

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Publishing An Application In An Old Version Of .NET

Dec 30, 2010

I've written a really simple launcher app for my team at work to use. However I wrote it in Express 2010 so its using .NET 4. I need it to be compatible with older machines that are using .NET 2 or maybe 2.5. I don't want to force upgrading to a higher .net if its not needed. And in some cases we work on old machines that can't be upgraded. My app is really simple and I'll post the code if needed. I am still a noob, my coding is ugly, and this is a quick and dirty tool.

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VS 2010 Publishing Application That Uses SQL DB?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm having troubles publishing my application to use in any computer. That's because I don't know how can I publish it within the database.

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Assembly DebuggableAttribute Property IsJITTrackingEnabled Always Returns True?

Oct 18, 2011

I want to check whether application is in debug mode/release mode to distinguish development & production application setting. I used custom attribute 'DebuggableAttribute' of currently executing assembly & its property IsJITTrackingEnabled to check application running mode.But this property always returns 'true' in both debug/release mode.

Can anybody let me know where is mistake or any alternative to achieve this?

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Bind A Class Property That Returns A List To A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn

Mar 12, 2011

I have a file name that is found at multiple paths. I want to present this data to the user in the format of a DGV. I have a DGV with one text box column for the name, and another combobox column for the paths. I am having trouble getting the combobox column to bind to the property of the class that returns the paths.


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VS 2008 - Publishing The Application - Error Msg

Nov 25, 2010

I have a application that has to be published on the server to a specified path. After publishing, when I try to install the application, I get the below error msg:

ERROR SUMMARY: Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log.

* Activation of \agbvseng14datasSOFTEasy_ECNNouveau dossierEASY ECN.application resulted in exception.

Following failure messages were detected:
+ Downloading http://bue479/EASY ECN/EASY ECN.application did not succeed.
+ Unable to connect to the remote server
+ No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused

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Returns The Property Names As Column Headers And Empty Fields?

Jun 14, 2009

why this code returns the property names as column headers and empty fields?

Dim table As New List(Of SalesPersonClass.SalesPersonClass)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To salesPeople.GetUpperBound(0)
dgSalesPeople.DataSource = table

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Benefits Of Publishing An Application Versus Just Grabbing And Using The .exe?

Jun 17, 2011

what are the benefits of publishing an application versus just grabbing and using the .exe file from the build?

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Publishing Vb Application With StreamReader/StreamWriter .txt Files

Mar 4, 2012

In my code I've allowed used to create their own mazes and save them, under whatever name they like. I've also included a few pre-created mazes. The mazes themselves are saves in .txt files in the bin/debug folder of the project, along with a .txt file containing the maze names.

I really need to publish this program to send it to my teacher, but when I publish it it doesn't include any of the .txt files in my bin/debug folder.

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Publishing Windows Application With Password To Install

Jul 12, 2010

I have created a windows application. Now i am ready to distribute and install the program, but I want to have the user need a password to install the program. Like a product key that I could set per individual customer. Is there a way to do this?

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.net Remoting Returns System.BadImageFormatException?

Aug 4, 2011

I am working on a .net remoting project (VS 2008). I have a .dll hosted in IIS 6 windows server 2003 r2.

When i try to test it in internet explorer "http:localhost/hellone/test.rem", it shows the following error

System.BadImageFormatException: The format of the file 'SimpleTest' is invalid.File name: "SimpleTest"
at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Boolean isStringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyNa me assemblyRef, Boolean stringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)


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Listbox Returns System.datarowview?

Jan 3, 2011

why does my listbox returns System.Data.Datarowview?can you tell me what i need to change or adjust?

Sub txtAchternaam_TextChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,


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WNetGetConnection Returns System Error 487

Jun 3, 2009

I've been trying to get the UNC path for a mapped drive in a web application written in 2005. I was able to get this code working[code]...

I tested this code out in a test application - just a simple web page. But when I plug the code into my actual project, it doesn't work. In my testing of other examples, I figured out that WNetGetConnection returns a system error of 487 - ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS. But I don't understand why it would work in my test application but not my actual project application.

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How To Access Files In Data Folder When Publishing Application

Apr 8, 2011

I have added some files that I need to be downloaded to the Application start up path. So I set Build Action as content now the files have been copied some where
C:Documents and SettingsTestUser.ANNAMLocal SettingsApps2.0DataHVDRBMY5.8AA858AT9VM.TNP est..tion_2d7cfc137d9c2c74_0001.0013_432bd4561850d290Data
How can access file from the application. My problem since it is a dynamic path will it be same folder count so that we can use like ....Data Some think like this

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Publishing Application Files (MySql.Data.dll.deploy)?

Jun 26, 2011

Using: VB 2008 Express?I created an application that connects to my MySQL, and everything works fine, but...

1. On my development computer, Windows 7, 64bit, I add the file as a reference. I publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

2. I then copy my published folder to my test computer, Windows Vista 32 bit, and upon running the setup, the program fails to work because it cannot find the Mysql reference.

3. I then transfer my entire project over to my Vista computer, publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

4. I finally found out what was happening. My Windows 7 comptuer was not including MySql.Data.dll.deploy file in the Application Files published directory; but when I compiled it on the Vista machine this MySql.Data.dll.deploy was included.

So, in the end, I cannot compile the program on Windows 7, because it fails to create the .deploy file, and use it on Vista or XP (for some reason Win7 doesn't need this .deploy file?); but I can publish it on the Vista machine and install it fine on Windows 7, Vista, or XP. My targe CPU setting is Any computer.

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Build Application Outside The Development Environment?

Mar 1, 2010

how to run a Windows application within the VB.NET development environment. How can I 'build' or save my application, so I and others can run this application without runing the Visudal Studio?

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Console Application - Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()

Jun 5, 2011

I've seen sample vb project. It's a console application. There's a code there like Dim q() As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()

First I try to check it by using message box to print it out: the index-0 of q contain a path project vshost --> q(0)="D:TestServicesample1.vshost.exe" and the index-1 of q contain a xml file --> q(1)="Setting.xml"

The thing I really confuse is, from where the Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() get that both q(0) and q(1)?

I've tried to search both and can't found any code which is contain the path to load it, then I try to delete the all complied files in debug folder and then rebuild it, the strange thing happen, I mean the "Setting xml" file automatically created and appear again although it doesn't has the same contain as it has first which is remain only. The original contain of the Setting.xml is some IP and database name. Is there any setting which can make the create the Setting.xml? Because I don't find either the code for creating this Setting.xml or the tool bar for set it.

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Setup Of 32-bit Application Running In 64-bit Environment

Feb 10, 2010

one general question about 32-bit application running in 64-bit environment Our application is developed in VB.Net depends on .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package All application components are compiled to 32-bit application, such that run in WoW64 of 64-bit Windows Server 2003 without any modification.


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App Occasionally Returns System.IO.FileNotFoundException On Ico File?

Oct 28, 2009

We have a vb application with many forms that contain a "lookup" button that has an icon called find.ico. Once in a while, a user will open one of these forms and get the below error but not every time. Has anyone else run into a similar situation? Since it is not consistent, it's been very difficult to track down.

Exception Source: System.Drawing

Exception Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException

Exception Message: find.ico

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