How To See Designer Code

Dec 27, 2009

i want to see the designer code .. i want to see how myForm is generated using or extending form i mean in C# i can see the code in designer.cs file...but in i am nt able to see that..

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Exception Being Thrown In Designer-created Code Instead Of User Code

Sep 10, 2010

In my project, I have a local dataset (XSD) that I am using as local-temporary tables. I am getting a System.InvalidCastException when trying to access the field in one the tables. I believe this is because I my code is (incorrectly) not setting a field's value in a row before trying to access it.My problem is that the exception is breaking in the designer file and not in my code. As a result, I'm having difficulting determining which line of my code reading the field value before it has been set. Is there any way to configure Visual Studio to break in my code instead of in the designer created file?

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App - Added The Form Class Code And The Designer Code

May 25, 2009

I've been working on a project the last couple of day with the help of a lot of you out there. I've more or less finished the design of the interfase, but there are stange this happening with the form. I can say much about what is wrong because I dont understand it, but I would like to. I have added the form Class code and the Designer Code, is that enough or is more required? Theres a msgbox that popup in the form Load event which I placed there to see what I could learn about the GraphicsBuffer.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.BufferedGraphics
Imports System.Drawing.BufferedGraphicsContext


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Run Different Code In VS Designer

Jan 9, 2012

I have a class that inherits the Windows Forms Combobox.The class should do extra work when items are added, but there is no such event.Therefore, I have added methods to add and clear items, which do the extra work.To avoid developers accessing the Items directly and adding to them, I have overloaded the Items property to throw an exception.This all works fine, except in the VS designer. The designer tries to access the Items property, gets the exception and shows an error.Is there a defined constant for when the VS designer compiles the code? This seems like it would be best suited to the task.

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Designer And Code Mismatch?

Mar 3, 2009

I have a program I have been working on, I was coding kind of late tonight and getting sleep. I saved my work and closed the program, but I did something wrong when I saved it. I accidentally saved it to a different folder then the one I was originally using.

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Designer Cannot Process Code

Jul 19, 2010

I need some assistance again. In my previous posts, I asked about a good book to start learning how to us VB 2008.I had numerous replies, so I thought starting with Visual Basic 2008 would be a great start.As I am reading the book everything had mad sense up to Chapter 4. It's a simply program, and I thought I understood everything, until the middle of the chapter. So here's where I need help, and someone to explain my error.The author explains to place a Label & DateTimePicker onto the form, which I did. I renamed the label to NextWeek and DateTimePicker1 to DateChooser.Furthermore, I proceed to double click on DateChooser, which VB provides certain code automatically.[code]

After a few pages of reading, the author stated to put the following code under
Inherits class definition.[code]I went on and put the remainder of the code, which similar to the following:[code]The designer cannot process the code at line 51:Me. AutoScale Dimensions = New System.Drawing.SizseF(6.0!,13.0!)The code within the method 'Initilze Components' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.

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Custom Code Designer Generated?

Jan 20, 2011

but it's something I'm pretty consistently needing for the sake of my own sanity, so:If you add a Settings file to any project in Visual Studio, VS provides a GUI making it quick/easy to add a new Setting entry and assign it a Type; at that point the actual code-behind is automagically created with a variable and a property exposing that variable.Can we build our own designers to generate code this way, with a GUI allowing for those quick/easy variable/property assignments?

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VS 2010 Designer Keeps Deleting The Code?

Mar 11, 2012

i have several forms in my solution that have listview controls and each of those listview controls uses the ListViewColumnSorter class that's provided on MSDN. This class requires a few lines of code in the Form_InitializeComponent Method of the Designer.Problem is, each time something on the form is changed, even if it's just a property of one of the controls, the designer deletes the code that I have for the listviews and I have to go back in and add it again.

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Build Own Code Designer Style Window?

Nov 24, 2011

Please can someone point me in the right direction? I would like to build my own code designer window similar to that of the one within the VB2010 IDE.I am not sure how to tackle this, at first I was thinking of using RichTextBox as this can accommodate the fonts and colors.

An example of what I am trying to achieve.Should be able to outline, expand and colapse based on my own tags. e.g. in the VB.Net IDE a function and end function are tags that would produce an outline
Should be able to change color of text based on characters. e.g. ' would turn green in the VB.Net ide as it is a comment Should be able to indent based on specific tags. e.g. With - End with would auto indent within the VB.Net ide

I should be able to cover the text color and indents using RichTextBox, but I am struggling with the outline expand and colapse.The purpose of the project is to build a simple interface for creating config files that use only specific tags

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Can't Find Windows Form Designer Code

Aug 25, 2010

On a recent project I stumbled across a page of code that looked unfamiliar, but which evidently was the code behind my form design. I'll copy and paste an excerpt to show you what I mean:

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer


I thought this was a useful way to back up my project via email because it's in text form. But now I can't find the same information. I've looked in the Object Browser but couldn't find it anywhere. I think I stumbled on it the first time by right clicking Go to definition, but now that doesn't take me anywhere if I click on say form1. So where will I find this mysterious page that has all the form items information in text, not graphic form? Can't find it anywhere.

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Convert Designer Code Into A Form In VB 2010

Feb 26, 2012

Just wanted to know if you had some design code which was created, and that is all you have. Can you open this designer code and create the actual working main Form from this? I don't need this designer code for any specific task, just wanted to know if there is a command within VB Studio 2010 that creates the actual Form from the design code. For example; The following piece of designer code is for a simple program that finds the Circumference of a Circle.


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Designer Window Only Shows Code And No Form

Dec 15, 2010

When I try to open up a form designer, all I see is code and no form! How can I open up the designer, since the code says to modify using the designer and not the code editor?[code]....

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Error - The Designer Cannot Process The Code At Line 118

May 7, 2010

I was working on my project (creating a new form), and when I switched from the code view back to the designer view, I got the following error:

The designer cannot process the code at line 118: Me.VDARSQLDATASET = New Veterinary_Digital_Anesthesia_Records.VDARSQLDATASET() The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.I am now getting this error on every page. This project has been working for months just fine, but for some reason the VDARSQLDATASET has dissapeared- kind of. I can still access the dataset (the file is still there), I just can't reference it in the code (intellisense can't find it).

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Insert Invalid Code Into A .designer File?

Mar 14, 2011

I am creating a VB.NET (2005) GUI that uses several controls embedded into tab pages.When VB.NET autocompiles (if I switch windows) it adds lines of code to the .Designer file that causes errors:Windows' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.TabPage'.is generated for:

Me.tbRxMinValidBits.TextAlign =
The underlined part is what .NET is showing as the error.


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View Designer Code In Studio 2010?

Aug 17, 2011

What is a standard way to open the Designer (automatically generated) code for a VB file?

As a workaround, I can get to it by searching the entire solution for some keyword that is usually only found in those files: Global, Partial, etc.

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Windows Form Designer Generated Code?

Feb 20, 2009

Most of my project was imported from an older version of VB (now I'm using 2008). All of the forms had a "Windows Form Designer Generated Code" that I could expand at the top of the form's code. When I created a new form, that was not there, and I found out that in the solution explorer you can "view all files" and expand the form and look at MyForm.Designer and that has the same type of instantiation code. My question is, is there some way to update the old ones so they too do not have that "form designer generated code" at the top?

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Dataset Designer Generated Code Syntax Error. Bug?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm using VS2008 and SQL CE 3.5, building a smart client app. When I add a table adapter with this code:

UPDATE feeders
ET planningAreaID = @areaID
WHERE feeders.transformerID IN


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Forms :: Get With Windows Form Designer Generated Code?

Oct 6, 2009

I use the code about video capture of this site, it ran very well ! VB Helper: HowTo: Capture video from a video device such as a Webcam with VB .NET But I want to change the interface of form then after I customize my new one with button, picturebox (with the right name), copy the code again except this paragraph #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "


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No Designer Or Code - Empty Space In The Middle Of The Screen

Jan 17, 2012

I am using 2010 express, and when I try to use it to open a program that I had made with 2008, it will open and it will allow me to debug the program, but neither the designer nor the code will show. It is just an empty space in the middle of the screen.

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Simple Usercontrol's Designer-generated Code Has Errors In It?

Jul 21, 2009

So I've created a very simple UserControl that is pretty much just a combo box that has US States in it and a couple properties to return the selected value as an enumeration or a string, etc.The enumeration and string values I'm using are being referenced from an external library which is working. However, when I add my user control to another project the designer-generated code has errors in it. [code] I would assume that this probably has something to do with project settings or something similar for the user control. The control itself is in a separate project and compiled as a .dll which has been added to my main project's toolbox and subsequently added to my form. [code]

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Why Does Designer Compiled Code Require Alteration, Especially For DataGridView

Apr 8, 2012 2010 windows forms application:Why does the compiler compile with code that requires subsequent alteration?

For example, in the form sub InitializeComponent():
system.Windows.Forms.Button() requires alteration to global.system.Windows.Forms.Button()


View 1 Replies - Cannot Add ScriptMananger To Page Without Getting Error From Auto Generated Code To The Designer

Apr 25, 2012

I am trying to use a script mananger to use page methods to communicate between the server and client side of my page. I have added this code to the html

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"

When I add this, here is what is inserted into the designer page.

Protected WithEvents ScriptManager1 As Global.System.Web.UI.ScriptManager

But when this is automatically added, i get this error.

Error 52 Type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptManager' is not defined. C:UsersBillDesktopiPlan-7-layerlistingsummarytreeMain.aspx.designer.vb 32 44 iPlan

I added a reference in my project to - but still can not seem to get around this error.

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DataSet.Designer.vb Curious Code Causing System.InvalidOperationException?

Mar 3, 2012

I'm using a DataSet to interact with an accdb file in an application. While debugging, the app occasionally closes, without warning and returns the stack below. The code causing the exception is in the DataSet.Designer.vb file (automatically generated). What's curious is the line that reads:

If (previousConnectionState = Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) Thencommand.Connection.Close()End If Why would the code try to close an already closed connection?I just change the "=" to "<>"? Will it stick? (since it's auto-generated, I'm sure it will revert if I modify the dataset, right?)


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FrmAddContract & FrmUpdateContract - VB Designer Code Become Corrupt Or Cause Funky Errors ?

May 18, 2010

I am working with Visual Studio Pro 2008, and trying to build a Visual Basic project for my College Course. The coursework is not my question, it's not difficult just time consuming. My problem appears to be much deeper, and is certainly causing me to take way more time than I should need to debug and completely random occurence. I don't mind posting the source code but it is rather vast, made up of 23 objects, each ranging from 200-700 lines. I am running Windows 7 Pro x64, and since I need Jet4.0 DB Engine or some such I had to set the compiler to target x86 CPUs. I have my suspicions, and as queried in my topic, I was wondering if VB Designer code can become corrupt or cause funky errors?

The layout I have is something like this:








Each steps forward using the ShowDialog method. Initially I thought it was a fluke, but I had frmAddCustomer open and when I closed it (the code simply does me.close, nothing fancy), it jumped all the way back to frmMain, skipping frmCustomer. At first I was baffled, I spent some 45 minutes trying to figure out why. No errors or exceptions, so it didn't seem to be anything wrong really. Since I was building this project in stages I loaded the same form from a previous stage and copied/pasted the new code in. This seemed to fix it, but it happened again after coding for another 30 minutes to an hour. It also isn't limited to that form, I have now experienced the same issue with frmAddContract & frmUpdateContract.

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IDE :: The Code Within The Method 'InitializeComponent' Is Generated By The Designer And Should Not Be Manually Modified?

Sep 19, 2009

I have made changes to the windows form name from "form1" to "applicant_name" after that it shows this error The designer cannot process the code at line 249: = "applicant_name" The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.when i comment it its started working fine can any one suggest me wat to do and why it is comming

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Modify Designer.vb (form Designer) To Remove A DataSet Control From Winforms Windows?

Jan 27, 2011

I am attempting to update an existing winforms application, that was created with a dataset control on all the winforms pages. I have ported it from VS 2008 to VS 2010 and I need to update the database section and connect it to the SQL backend using traditional code method.In the Solution explorer, when I click on the Dataset files, and click "Exclude From project" I am unable to build the project.Is it advisable to comment out the code lines that refer to the dataset in the .designer.vb files?

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IDE :: View Code Alongside Form/xml Designer (e.g. Switch From Tabbed To MDI Mode)?

Aug 20, 2010

Is it possible to switch Visual Basic 2010 Express to MDI mode so I can view the code behind alongside the form design?

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Adding Items To The Collection At Design Time , There Is No Code Generated In The .Designer File?

Mar 17, 2009

i have created my own custom propertythe property is of type collection ,it displays a form which allow the user to add a list of images and strings,it stores the data in a collection ,my problem is , i have noticed that after adding items to the collection at design time , there is no code generated in the .Designer file of the form and there for when i close the for / save it and reload it , all the items that i added to my custom property are question , what did i miss here ? how do i make my custom property generate code at the .designer file for the items i have added to my property?

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The Last Change Wasn't Successfully Persisted.Please Shut Down The Running Application. Sending Message To Designer Failed.Designer May Not Be Running.''?

Jun 4, 2011

what account for this error message in ls beta 2?'' The last change wasn't successfully persisted.Please shot down the running application.

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VS 2008 Access Windows Form Designer Generated Code In 2008?

Jan 20, 2010

Is it possible to edit the Windows Form Designer generated code in VS2008?

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