Html :: Send Pre Formatted Emails?

Oct 5, 2011

How can i send formatted Emails using VB.NET.I have a Document (MS WORD 2007) which contains text and imagesi need to send the contents as an email.i am able to read the content and place it in the clipboard, however the only functions available with Clipboard class are limiting me to only retrieve the text of the document

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Send Formatted HTML From A Database To A Specific (non-default) Printer With No User Interaction?

Apr 5, 2011

I'm currently pulling HTML data from a database and displaying it in a WebBrowser control in my VB.Net application so that it's correctly rendered. The next step is to print it, but I need to be able to send it to a specific printer rather than the default printer. How can I accomplish this?

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Printing - Send Formatted HTML From A Database To A Specific (non-default) Printer With No User Interaction In .Net?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm currently pulling HTML data from a database and displaying it in a WebBrowser control in my VB.Net application so that it's correctly rendered. The next step is to print it, but I need to be able to send it to a specific printer rather than the default printer.

View 1 Replies - Using Tiny MCE, But Emails Are Not Sending Formatted?

Jun 8, 2011

I am using tiny mce in a text box and trying to send emails.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtBody" runat="server" Rows="10" class="tinymce"
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="100%"></asp:TextBox>

but the email which is sent is not formatted..

<p><span style="background-color: #ff0000;">hello</span></p>

it shouldnt say all that? just hello with a red background?

Sub SendEmail(ByVal sEmailAddressFrom As String, ByVal sEmailAddressTo As String, ByVal sSubject As String, ByVal sBody As String)
Dim msg As New MailMessage
msg.To = sEmailAddressTo[code].......

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VS 2005 - Create A "post Office" Program That Will Send Html Emails Thru The Framework

Oct 19, 2009

I am a one man dev shop and need some outside opinions on how to approach this project.

I need to create a "post office" program that will send html emails thru the framework.

For each job submitted to the postoffice the app would need to read a user created html email string from the database, read a string of email addresses to send to and send out the emails based on a set processing time.

The first step would be to parse out the email addresses to find out how many emails it needs to send out and determine how many it would need to send per minute to complete the job in 20 minutes tops. I.e. if 1000 email addresses are submitted per job it would determine that it needs to send 50 emails per minute to complete the job.

The part I am stuck on is how I should queue the emails. If the app determines it needs to send 50 a minute should I only load up the first 50 on a timer event then get the next 50 queued up for the next timer tick? Or would it be better to load up all 1000 in a loop and build in some kind of wait time after it sends the first 50?

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C# - How To Show Html Formatted Content (without Image) In A Winform

Sep 22, 2011

I want to show html formatted string in my winform application. What control should I use?

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Insert HTML Or RTF Formatted Text Into Word Bookmark?

Jul 5, 2011

I try to insert formatted text into Word bookmarks. The text comes from several rich text controls (we use TX Text Control) and is appended into a bookmark. The problem is that the tags are written as-is and are not interpreted.

oWord = New Word.Application
Dim strFileName As String = "\"
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(strFileName)


I tried with RTF or HTML format for my string but it is the same behavior.

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Can't Import System.Xml.Linq - Send Formatted Email Via .net?

Jun 2, 2009

I have the following piece of code that contains my message body in an email I'm trying to send via (through outlook) The code works, but .net is not recognizing the HTML formatting and is giving the error: "XML literals and XML axis properties are not available Please Add references to the System.Xml.dll, System.Xml.Linq.dll, and System.Core.dll assemblies". I try and do this by going to Project --> add referance, but they are not highlighted and I can't select them. Is there any way around this?


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Send Emails With .net?

Jul 21, 2008

I have really struggled on a simple problem which is trying to send an email through my vb application, I have search the web inside out and even looked at a few examples but it just doesn�t make any sense to me. Ive read about SMTP servers and MAPI but don�t really understand much, I did also download the MAPI ddl file however I dont know what to do next. Ideally what I would like is just something simple, take the text from a few textboxes and show that text in the body of the text in the email (Im using Outlook but if its easier using something else then fine.)

Well anyway recently I got to the point where I was about to give up but I came across something, In my vb application I placed a link label, and under the tag of the link label I put the following text: mailto (obviously for spam reasons I have not included my email address.)

The under the link label click event I put the following: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(LinkLabel1.Tag.ToString()) What this does is simple, it opens up outlook express and the mailto address is pasted in the To address, as this is the most easiest way I have come across trying to send an email would it be possible to take all the text from the textboxces and show the text in the main body of the email?

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2005 - Server / Client RTF Formatted Text Send / Receive

Jan 21, 2009

Instead of the send message text box and message display text box, I have replaced it with RichTextBox for text formatting (bold/italics/underline/font/color). The problem I am facing is when I format the text and click on send, then the text displayed on the message display box (txtMessageHistory) is unformatted. [Code] Rest of the code of client is related to formatting of the rich text boxes that is not relevant to my problem. I just need to transfer the formatted text from client to server and then back to the client the same way and display the message with text formatting.

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2 Emails Sent On Using SmtpClient.Send?

Feb 2, 2010

in my desktop application for sending mail I have used,

Dim obj1 As System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
Dim Mailmsg1 As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()


It was working fine but suddenly since from yesterday, 2 mails are sent by same obj1.Send() (In both the mails date time are same.) I have not changed code or used any loop for sending mail.

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CKEditor To Send Emails With ASP.NET?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a standard HTML page with an CKEditor on it wrapped in a form.The form submits (POSTS) to Send_Emails.aspx

Send_Emails.aspx reads the content of the FCKEditor into a variable

Dim html As String = Request.Form("ck_content")

Then it sends an email.

Problem: Characters such as:

 -> this seems to show as a special character for blank spaces/carriage returns
’ -> this seems to show as apostrophe's

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Send Bulk Emails Using .net?

May 30, 2009

1) how to send bulk email using , have you googled this it has so many softwares but i have to implement in .net. ie: if i send the email to 10,000 users so i have send email at a time , each user should get personalized email on TO address , suppose if the email doesnt exist or not working etc. so i have to show the status of each and every userid whether email is send or not..

2) And i have one doubt suppose if am sending the email to some 100 user, in the middle ie : 50 userid will not exist at that time whether loop will be continuing or it will stopped.

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Send Emails On My Application

Sep 9, 2009

Send Emails On My Application.[code]...

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Send Emails Over The Internet?

Jul 13, 2009

i had a code to send emails but it is giving me problems, so i was wondering if there are some settings that i have to do in my computer first before i can run the program, or can you please give me a working code

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Send Emails With Program?

Dec 8, 2009

I am building a room booking system for my college and I would like to send out an email when a teacher books a room to remind them. I have found one on the internet at this link[url]...

But when I try and use that code I get an error: "Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Net.Mail.MailAddress'"

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VS 2008 How To Send Emails

Sep 1, 2009

I'm making a program with visual basic 2008 express edition that the user needs to enter his/her email address. I need a way of sending them an email containing nothing fancy just a subject and a body. I can send emails to google mail email address using the smpt but nobody else. I there a way to send an email to someone no matter what email domain they have. Also when this email is sent I need to send an email to me (Removed By Mod)

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Easiest Way To Send Emails In 2005

Jun 21, 2010

I was wondering how is the easiest way to send a email thru VB .NET 2005. I want to send a email every 5 minutes a certain text (that I have no problem the only problem is how to send the email with the address, server address, user name, password, etc).

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Fail To Send Multiple Emails

Dec 1, 2009

I have encountered an error whenever i try to run my SendEmail method, the method will actually loop through a folder of files and attach the files to the mail. I am able to send email for "Records", but when the method reaches "Lists", it throws a "NullReferenceException" on the line which i have bold.[code]...

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Only Send Two Emails At A Time Via GMail?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a database that holds email addresses, and I want to send each one an email via a GMail account. My code works fine - the first email is sent and I receive it. I then navigate to the second email address, click the button, and, again, the email is sent just fine. Then I encounter problems. After sending two, if I try to send any more, I get an error telling me the operation has timed out? I have no choice then but to quit my application and try again - and it will then send two, before giving me the error.

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Send Emails From Any Account From My Emailer?

Oct 18, 2009

Ive created an emailer , currently i have it set to send emails from my [url]... account, i know if i change SmtpServer.Host = to SmtpServer.Host = ill be ablke to send mail from my live/hotmail account. But i want to code it so i dont need to keep changing it .[code]...

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Send Emails From Microsoft Outlook?

Oct 29, 2010

How can I send emails from my Microsoft Outlook through my code. Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application doesn't even work for me.

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Send Emails To Multiple Address?

Jul 26, 2011

how can i retry sending failed email recipients. i am trying to make an application in vbnet where i can send emails to multiple address. some code snippet:

Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient()
SmtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential(xInformation(0), xInformation(1))
SmtpServer.Port = CInt(xInformation(2))


question arises:

1.) if i have to send, for instance, email to 5 recipients, and only 3 emails have been successfully sent, how can i know the failed email addresses?

2.) where is the failed email address stored?

3.) what exceptions are needed to trapped this error?

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Send Emails With Outlook 2003?

Jul 28, 2010

We currently use the following code to create an email in Outlook so that the user can type what they want in Outlook, then when the email is sent, the system prompts them to see if they would like to save the email[code]....

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Send Emails With Password And Username?

Jun 11, 2009

How can i send an email from a application? What do I have to do with emails password and username?

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VS 2008 Send Emails Anonymously

Feb 1, 2010

I am finished making my app in VB 2008 for sending emails anonymously using SMTP.

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Enter The Number Of Emails To Send To The Address?

Jan 1, 2011

So I would like an email program that within the code already has the from email adress, gmail. I would like it to let you enter the number of emails to send to the address that you enter, not the one in the code. Also I would like it to be able to enter the message.

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Send EMails Anonymously Through An SMTP Server?

Jun 5, 2009

Apparently these two thing don't really have anything to do with eachother.Is there a way to send EMails anonymously through an SMTP Server?

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Get Unread Emails From Gmail Then Send Them Out To My Cell Phone

Apr 5, 2010

I want to make an App that will get my unread emails from gmail, then send them out to my cell phone. I am not too sure on how to do the networking parts of this program, any suggestions to start? I know I would have to connect to the IP of gmail, but I don't know how to handle the login part.

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Loop Through Folder - Attach Files And Send Emails

Dec 1, 2009

I have encountered an error whenever I try to run my SendEmail method, the method will actually loop through a folder of files and attach the files to the mail. I am able to send email for "Records", but when the method reaches "Lists", it throws a "NullReferenceException" on the line which I have bold.

Public Sub SendEmail()
'Create a outlook application
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
olApp = New Outlook.Application
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
[Code] .....

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