Httpwebresponse = Request.getresponse Freezes?

Dec 13, 2010

I tried using suggestions from other posts for this and still no resolution. When sending a POST request, at times it will just begin to freeze and stall. I set up my code as follows and now basically if I cannot figure out why it is freezing, then itneeds to timeout, handle the exception and restart the function.

For i As Integer = 0 To searchItems.Count - 1
If uri.Scheme = uri.UriSchemeHttps Then
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(url)


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HttpWebRequest.GetResponse And HttpWebResponse Freezes?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm currently working on making a database driven app without using SQL and instead using a simplistic web directory to store information.Unfortunately after just beginning I hit a rock wall on creating a login screen. As it works right now, every user has a directory and within that directory is file called "access" which has a password. While I'm aware that's it not secure, that's later to come, but right now I'd just like it to work. But the program uses WebRequest to see whether or not there is a directory under the given username, if there is then the username is considered valid and it moves on to check the password- where I start to have trouble. The password verification uses WebRequest and WebResponse as well, using StreamReader to read the access file. At the moment, the password checker only works once in a single program instance. Otherwise trying to check another login will cause the program to hang or freeze when declaring the WebResponse variable (resp).

This is the password verification code (with URL's removed):

Dim Username As String = My.Settings.usrUsername'The function is in a BackgroundWorker so I use My.Settings to communicate with the UI.
Dim Password As String
Dim usrPassword As String = My.Settings.usrPassword


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401 Errro In HttpWebResponse LoWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)loHttp.GetResponse()?

Mar 8, 2011

i am getting error 401 un authozied, but i am giving correct user name and password of the network user name and password of my system.

i am getting error in this line
loWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)loHttp.GetResponse();


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VS 2008 : HTTPWebResponse.GetResponse() Returns "Remote Server Return Error: 401 Unauthorised"

Jun 14, 2010

Trying to POST a username & password to my PHP script at which gets that info and echos true or false.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Connect to web-service
Dim hwrRequest As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("")


Am I missing anything? It stops and throws that error on the line that calls GetResponse()?

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SNMP GetResponse In A Datagridview?

Jul 16, 2011

I want to get the SNMP Getresponse in a datagridview..I have bind an Array in the datagrid..But the problem is i m not getting any response in datagrid instead i m getting a message box that shows "No results received"..How can I get my Snmp GetResponse in a datagridView? Here is the code

Private Sub DataGridView2_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView2.CellContentClick
Dim dt As New DataTable()[code].....

View 2 Replies - Handling Errors From HttpWebRequest.GetResponse?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm having a ridiculous time trying to get an SMS API working (ZeepMobile, if you're interested) with .NET... I've been around .NET for a few years, but with all this social networking and API stuff, I need to get into the HttpWebRequest a bit. I'm new at it, but not completely new; I was able to hook up my site to Twitter without too much fuss (ie, I was able to modify someone's code to work for me).

Anyways, the way their API works is to send an SMS message, you send them a POST and they respond back to you. I can send it just fine, but every time I do, rather than echo back something helpful to figure out what the error is, I get the Yellow Error Page Of Death (YEPOD) saying something to the effect of "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." This occurs on my line:

'...creation of httpwebrequest here...'
Dim myWebResponse As WebResponse
myWebResponse = request.GetResponse() '<--- error line

Is there any way to simply receive the error from the server rather than have the webserver throw an exception and give me the YEPOD?

EDIT: Here's my whole code block:

Public Shared Function SendTextMessage(ByVal username As String, _
ByVal txt As String) As String
Dim content As String = "user_id=" + _
username + "&body=" + Current.Server.UrlEncode(txt)


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WebRequest.GetResponse Ignores Timeout Value?

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to set a near-infinite timeout value on a WebRequest, considering that the HTTP-based API which I'm querying already graciously handles timeouts by sending back an XML document that declares a timeout. For some reason though, the following code still throws an exception:


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Ftpwebresponse.getresponse Randomly Stops Reading Data Before End Of File?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm trying to download a file using ftp and then using a streamreader to read it and write it to a text file. The problem is, when I download the file and read it, either it did not get all the data or it stops writing the data to the local file and doesnt produce any error, it just sits there. I've tried it with many different files from the ftp site and this always happens.

Private Sub Download(ByVal stateURI As String, ByVal userName As String, ByVal pWord As String)


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HttpWebResponse Not Receiving Anything

Jun 5, 2010

I am having trouble with receiving bytes using HttpWebResponse.I can receive them just fine with WebClient, which I believe is just a wrapper for HttpWebResponse.Anyway, I put together some example code to re-create the situation. [code] If you just paste it into a empty Form1 and hit F5, it will create all controls automatically.I would use WebClient, but I want to get one byte at a time so I can have a detailed progress indicator, and I couldn't find any way to do that with WebClient.WebClient SendDataAsync has some serious problems where it only fires its progress update events like 3 times.Also, you will see if you press the button, it takes like 20 seconds of doing absolutely nothing, and then all of a sudden it downloads all the data in like a split second.If you press the button again and again, it only takes a split second.But the first time you push it, it takes for ever.Does anyone know why and how to fix that? [code] for the sake of all that is good and holy, don't use ACCESS, EXCEL, or a TEXT FILE as a database.If you want your program to use a "local database", without any of the hassle of setting up a MS SQL or MySQL server, just click this link: >>> SQLite <<<

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HttpWebRequest And HttpWebResponse Manipulation?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a program that will register you for a certain website using textboxes and stuff but I have an invisible web browser and it just enters the text into the right spots and clicks the button.I was told that I can get rid of the web browser and do the whole thing faster and easier using "HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse".

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Get Input Elements During Httpwebresponse?

Dec 19, 2011

what method should I be using to obtain all the form input elements during an httpwebresponse?I know that posting back to them can be done via editing the response using textbox1.text...but how can I obtain the input values during my request without having to manually go behind the scenes and peek at the html code?

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How To Change The Encoding Of HttpWebResponse

Jan 6, 2011

I`m working on some XML Https shit things and since i`m getting some Cyrillic characters i need to change the encoding of the HttpWebResponse since i`m only getting "?" i try this:

Dim objResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(objRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
SR = New StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream())


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Read Key/value Pairs In HttpWebResponse?

Jan 26, 2010

I want to read a string that looks exactly like this:

StatusDetail=0000 : The Authorisation was Successful.


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Read The Binary From HttpWebResponse?

Mar 11, 2008

I have a problem to read the binary from HttpWebResponse. The problem occur when the data is less than the buffer i predifine. It will hang in a long time when stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) in ReadFully function.

Here is the sample code

Public Sub GetData()
Dim Buffer(1024) As Byte
Dim sHttpData As String


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Httpwebresponse - Use WebRequest To Check If URI Is Valid?

May 27, 2010

Looking for the best way to determine if a URI exists in VB.NET without downloading the actual content. System.IO.FileExists/My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists can be used locally to determine if a file exists, is there an equivalent for the Web?

Currently I am using a HttpWebRequest to check URI existance using the ResponseStream. This populates the stream if the target does exist and throws an exception if it doesn't. The function is being expanded to also check for PDF files (typically 5MB +), images, etc and it will be a waste of time/bandwidth to actually populate the content into a stream.

In the case of "Success" (the target does exist) I do not wish to download the file or page, simply to end up with a Boolean which indicates the whether something exists at the end of this URI.

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Images Don't Show In Response Of HttpWebResponse

Jan 5, 2012

I am stuck in showing images of a requested webpage using Httpwebrequest/httpwebresponse ( classes. I can make calls to get the target webpage and display the result but it doens't show the images.

What I come to know through googling, is one way to add <base href="target webpage url"> tag in <head> section of resultant strings received through httpwebresponse and the display the modified result. For this purpose someone suggested me using Html Agility Pack.

I did some job but couldn't complete. my code snippet is as under

Dim HWR As HttpWebRequest = TryCast(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
Dim RequestWriter As New StreamWriter(HWR.GetRequestStream())


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HTTPWebResponse - How To Make Login System Using Files

Apr 15, 2012

I am trying to Make a Simple Login System using files
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
If response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound Then
MsgBox("Invalid Login")
My Code Here
But When I Debug it, and test it, it still gives me the 404 error. and not the popup.

Here is My Code
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Catch ex As WebException
[Code] .....

View 2 Replies - Request() Versus Request.QueryString()?

Jul 5, 2010

I have recently started using Request("key") instead of Request.QueryString("key") to access my querystring values. However I have read that:

'Gets the specified object from the System.Web.HttpRequest.Cookies, System.Web.HttpRequest.Form, System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString, System.Web.HttpRequest.ServerVariables'

Therefore, if I have a querystring key and cookie key which are the same, which value is returned?

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VS 2008 Fetching Data By Getelementbyid Using Httpwebresponse And Httpwebrequest Method?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been used getelmentbyid in past in vb6 using webbrowser control and internetexplorer instance But in i tried to fetch webpge using the httpwebresponse Which gives the html / source in the form of sting Is it possible to fetching data by getelementbyid using httpwebresponse and httpwebrequest method ?

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Request() Vs Request.QueryString()?

Jan 5, 2011

I have recently started using Request("key") instead of Request.QueryString("key") to access my querystring values. However I have read that:

'Gets the specified object from the System.Web.HttpRequest.Cookies, System.Web.HttpRequest.Form, System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString, System.Web.HttpRequest.ServerVariables'


View 1 Replies - Get Request.Form.Item By Matching Request.Form.Key?

Jul 6, 2010

My Request.Form keys are all prefixed with ctl00$container name$ and then the key I want.How can I get the regular key name working?

Visual example from the immediate window:I want to use:

? request.Form.Item("stationIdea")

but it won't work because the key is:


as retrieved by

? request.Form.Keys("4")

so only this works:

? request.Form("ctl00$content_innovation_body$stationIdea")

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App Freezes When Should Give Error

Aug 24, 2009

I have a datagridview which fetches data from a local SQL server. Now, I have a setting called My.Settings.database_url which indicates the hostname of the SQL server.

Now, the problem is that if the host name is incorrect, instead of getting an error, the app just freezes. So what must I change in order to fix that?[code]...

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Form Freezes When Going Delay Sub

Feb 25, 2010

I can grab if keypressed when form active, i mean not in sub procedures..but my form freezes when Going Delay sub.. its working.. no error but cant use any control or event of form while waiting 10 seconds.. (Form's keypreview property set to true.. )

U can use This if u want to wait applicaiton but u cant doing anything when apication in waiting period..

i think i must to check keystroke in this delay sub.. or am i call Delay sub in wrong time.. i mean i call it form activate event.. should i call it another event ?[code]...

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Form Freezes When Running

Jul 24, 2009

Firstly I want to state this doesn't affect the usability of my program. I made a GUI for an old cmd line program and when running the GUI's form will freeze up and be completely unresponsive. This is annoying since you can't move the form and if you open something over the form then move/close it you get the affect in the attached pic. Attached pic is the program running and the windows calculator being moved around over it.

Is there a way I can have the form stay responsive while the program is running? I don't need for any of the buttons, text boxes, etc to be editable while the program is running.

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Screen Freezes With Backgroundworker?

Feb 24, 2011

using a backgroundworker to accomplish database update it takes about 30 minsbut when I minimize the screen or someone remote access my computer it cause freeze screen of my application .Although process workes fine and application is running in background but UI is disable and saying "not responding"

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Sendkeys Freezes The Computer?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm using a grid and the instructions SendKeys.Send("{end}") whenever I write a letter in a cell, so the cursor places at the end of the cell. It works when I write a letter, however when I write the symbol "/" it doesn't work, and when i get this instruction in the debugger, it freezes.

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UI Windows Form Freezes Up?

Sep 1, 2009

I have created a custom video player in C#. This player has two forms.
1. The Video Player window ( running in primary (UI) thread )
2. The content playing window (running in a secondary thread)

Everything goes fine for nearly 5-6 hours, then the main video player window freeze. So I cannot access any of the buttons (stop, pause ,exit) in the player. But the secondary thread keeps playing the files for even two days continuously (which is the max I tested).

Things I have checked :
1. There is no memory issue, since I dispose the objects I create after playing each file (few min videos). I have checked the process in task manager, where status is running and memory usage as same as it is started.

2. I have used Begin Invoke from secondary thread to update the current playing file in the list box on the main video player window (once the main window freeze, the update is not visible).

3. I have used a timer in the main video player window and tried refreshing form, calling Application.Do Event() for every few minutes, still it gets freeze up after 5-6 hours.

Why the UI window freeze up? Is my architecture for the player is wrong? (I need to do lots of processing in secondary thread for the images and videos to be played, but it is working fine).

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VS 2005 - IDE Unresponsive And APP Freezes

Jun 4, 2009

I have an application which runs quite good, only once every X minutes it totally freezes, and even when running debug mode from within the VS2005 IDE, Visual studio becomes unresponsive. After pressing the pause-button to see where the app might be stuck, a messagebox saying "Unable to break execution" might pop-up after a minute or two. My app uses some timers, threads, and threadpool calls. So I'm afraid I got a deadlock somewhere, although I can not find it. Is there any way to find out where my app might hang?

Note: I synclocked every routine with a dedicated object, and for queues or arraylists, I even used the synchronized methods to modify them. I don't use recursive routines, so they cannot deadlock themselves. The strange thing (to me) is that all of my app hangs, none of the threads seems to be running, nor background, nor the GUI and even the VS environment.

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Freezes Up The Program And Makes It Unusable?

Mar 26, 2011

In a function I have

Do Until PageLoaded() = True

The problem is it freezes up the program and makes it unusable. I fixed it using timers but it makes my program real sloppy and hard to edit.

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