Inheritance - Specify A Return Type Of "Derivative(of T)" For A MustOverride Sub In .NET?

Apr 22, 2010

VB.NET 2008 .NET 3.5 I have two base classes that are MustInherit (partial). Let's call one class OrderBase and the other OrderItemBase. specific type of order and order item would inherit from these classes. Let's call these WebOrder (inherits from OrderBase) and WebOrderItem (inherits from OrderItemBase).

Now, in the grand scheme of things WebOrder is a composite class containing a WebOrderItem, like so:


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Linq Inheritance And Subtypes (filter Out Base Type)

Nov 8, 2010

OK I have a base query that is returning a list (ObjectQuery, actually but I don't think it matters) I have about 5 subtypes based on the main type and I need to filter them. Everything works fine until I want the results to be of the main type (not a subclass) Basically I have a query that includes everything, then I filter out the types that are not checked in a checkedbox list. ( Lets say I have an Entity named Task, and SubTask1 and SubTask2 that inherit from Task


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VB 10 Derivative Calculating - Combine These Codes Into One?

Apr 1, 2011

im currently working on a program to have a program produce a derivative of a function. [code]....

This is the code that I have. The function I am trying to get the derivative for is g(x) = -2x^3 + 3(a+b)x^2 -6abx + 10. In my program a and b will be given by the user and than the derivative will be computed. I am not quite sure if I have done this correctly. Also, I would like the program to output the Maximum and Minimum of the function g(x) on the interval (0,1). I know I will need to use a function for each max and min.The way I have done this is: [code].....

where x and y are the critical points of g(x).Have I done this correctly? I am also a little stuck on how to combine these codes into one so that with the push of a button the derivative is done and a max and min produced.

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.net - Get A Base Class Method Return Type To Be The Subclass Type?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a copy function that I'd like to override in subclasses to return the type of the subclass. Here are my interfaces:

Public Interface IBase(Of T)
Function Copy() As T
End Interface


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Error:Events Cannot Be Declared With A Delegate Type That Has A Return Type?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a delegate and its event in C# as below:

public delegate UsernameCredentials UsernameRequiredEventHandler( object sender, string endpoint );
public event UsernameRequiredEventHandler UsernameRequired;

On Converting the above code in VB.Net as follow :

Public Delegate Function UsernameRequiredEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal endpoint As String) As UsernameCredentials
Public Event UsernameRequired As UsernameRequiredEventHandler

I am getting error on the above line saying that "Events cannot be declared with a delegate type that has a return type".I understand that this is not supported in VB.Net.

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How To Do MustOverride Sub New

Nov 18, 2011

Is it possible to force the inherited classes to implement a set of New() constructors? I tried with this, but it doesn't work:
MustOverride Sub New()
MustOverride Sub New(Arg1 as Integer)
MustOverride Sub New(Arg1 as String)

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CodeDOM, VBCodeProvider And MustOverride Property?

May 27, 2007

I'm having trouble with CodeDOM and the VBCodeProvider.I want to generate an abstract class with a MustOverride ReadOnly Property.

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Private Or Protected Set For A MustOverride Property?

Jul 24, 2010

I'd like to have a Private or Protected "Setter" for a property that also happens to be an abstract (MustOverride). I'm porting some code from C# to VB and in C# this is pretty straight forward. In VB not so much (for me anyway).

Some code...

In C#...
public abstract class BaseClassWithAnAbstractProperty
public abstract int AnAbstractIntegerProperty { get; protected set; }


The issue seems to be the inability to flesh-out the Get/Set specifics in the declaration.

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Function Without Return Type?

Dec 23, 2010

In my project (which I inherited from someone) there are a lot of functions like:

Public Function DoSomething(ByVal s As String)
' Do something to public properties
End Function

And they are called like this:


So the return value is ignored (which is object, as I see in the docs). Is it safe to change all these functions to Subs? Could I break something which isn't so obvious?

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Index A Return Type?

Jul 15, 2009

How do i index a return type so that it returns a value? the error is coming up for the word right.[code]...

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Return A List Of Type T?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to have a function(of T) that returns a list(of T) that is assignable to a variable of list(of T).For Example:

the variable:
Private _StandardCodes As List(Of StandardCode)
the assignment:[code]....

I'm getting the error "Type paramater 'T' for ... cannot be inferred", as a result I have to use a comparable function to return a list(of Object) and then do:

_StandardCodes = (From x In AMExtensions.queryObject(GetType(StandardCode), "StandardCode") _
Select CType(x, StandardCode)).ToList

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Differentiate Return Type Of A Function?

Mar 27, 2012

I know a little about using a user specified type IE IIf(Of ReturnType)(ByVal expression as Boolean, ByVal TruePart As ReturnType, ByVal FalsePart As ReturnType) As ReturnType...Which works, however I've been trying to get this to work, but can't..

Protected Function InverseSign(Of ReturnType)(ByVal value As Double) As ReturnType
Dim result As String
Select Case Math.Sign(value)
Case -1: result = "+" & Math.Abs(value).ToString()


Using try cast just gives me the error saying ReturnType has no class-constraints? whatever that means..But my goal here is to be able to return either a string or double.. However every method I've tried to convert my result string to the ReturnType doesn't work.I've also tried simply overloading the function, but I can't because they only differ by return type. So that didn't work either.

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Get An Action's Return Type From Filter?

May 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 application in which I am creating a custom action filter. This filter sits on the controllers in the application and verifies from the database whether that function is currently available.[code]....

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Return Generic Of Unspecified Type?

Jun 12, 2011

Is it possible to create a function that returns a generic of unspecified type, like this?[code]...

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Return Type Of Custom MsgBox?

Oct 21, 2010

I am building my own Message Box, I have overloaded the ShowDialog function and i wish to Change the Return Type from DialogResult to my own.

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Return Type Of Parameter Is Not CLS-compliant

Jun 28, 2010

I have a base class with a static function that returns a typed dataset. I have several classes that inherit the base class with a non-static function that returns the same typed dataset. On these methods I get the 'Return type of parameter yadda
is not CLS-compliant' I don't understand where this is coming from. I have non unsigned integers/etc. in this dataset.

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VS 2008 Which Type Of Array To Return?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a program which connects to an FTP server. my program needs to retreive the directory list of the server. I am doing this in the style of an OpenfileDialog control. now I can get all the information and fill the listview control. however the function I use to fill the listview control with the directory listing and file listing, returns a list(of string)

Because of this I can't determine if a file is a file and if a folder is a folder. I myself know which of them are because while getting the directorylists I check for a string value of D which means directory. if it doesn't have a D then it's a file.

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C# - Make A Function With Return Type Generic?

Apr 29, 2010

Currently I have written a function to deserialize XML as seen below.How do I change it so I don't have to replace the type every time I want to serialize another object type ? The current object type is cToolConfig. How do I make this function generic ?

Public Shared Function DeserializeFromXML(ByRef strFileNameAndPath As String) As XMLhandler.XMLserialization.cToolConfig
Dim deserializer As New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(cToolConfig))
Dim srEncodingReader As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(strFileNameAndPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
Dim ThisFacility As cToolConfig


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Change Return Type Of A Function On Error?

Jan 17, 2011

if i got a function with a try cath block inside and the function should return an would i do it that the function can return me a the error message?public function test() as Integer


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How To Handle Variable Type (parameter & Return Value)

May 25, 2011

Is it possible to replace these two functions

Function f1 (s As String) As class1()
Dim a() As String = Split(s)
Dim b(UBound(a)) As class1


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How To Return IPv4 Address From IPAddress Type

Jan 12, 2010

I have the following code:
Dim ipAdd As IPAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(strHostname).AddressList(0)
Dim strIP As String = ipAdd.ToString()
When I convert to String instead of an IPv4 address like or similar I get the IPv6 version: fd80::5dbe:5d89:e51b:d313 address. Is there a way I can return the IPv4 address from IPAddress type?

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Methodinfo.invoke Return Type Checking?

Apr 14, 2009

gv1 is a grid !!

gv1.DataSource = minfo.Invoke(Activator.CreateInstance(classtype), inputParameterStore)gv1.DataBind()

What i get from minfo.invoke i am binding to the grid gv1 !!! But unfortunately its not working for all minfo !!!! Few errors are like :
return type is not IListSource ,IEnumerable or IDataSource !!!!

Hence i need to check if :

minfo.Invoke(Activator.CreateInstance(classtype), inputParameterStore)

returns IEnumerable or IData Source or IListSource !how to do that ?Also if return type is none of these i should display the result in a Textfield by Serializing the data and displaying it as an XML?How to do that too?

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Return Type For Collection From LINQ Query?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a method, that returns a group of accounts

Public Shared Function GetAllNotesByUser(ByVal UserID As Guid) As Account (??)
Using db As New MyEntity
Dim query= (From A In db.Account _


I would then like to pass this to another function to calculate the totals for all the accounts in the collection. Is it best practice to return an Ienumerable, a generic list, I'm just not sure what works best with LINQ and the entity framework.

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VS 2005 Return Type Of Custom MsgBox?

Apr 29, 2010

I am building my own Message Box, I have overloaded the ShowDialog function and i wish to Change the Return Type from DialogResult to my own.To do so , shall i declare an Public Enum within the form and set it as the Return Type, or is there any other proper way?

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What Return Type To Use In Data Access Layer

Mar 1, 2010

Im writing a data access layer for my application.There are several functions that need to return a list of items like Employee Name, and EmployeeID so it can be bound to a dropdownlist.What would be the proper datatype to return, a Dictionary?The lists only contain 2 columns, a name and id.

View 5 Replies - Declare Return Type Of The Function When There Are Two Possible Returned Types

Jan 25, 2010

I have the following statement, I want to turn it into a Public Shared Function :

If isEmployee Then
Dim employeeInstance As New Employee
employeeInstance = GetEmployeeInstanceByUserId(userId)


Public Shared Function GetWorkerInstance(Byval isEmployee as Boolean) As ...(not sure what to write here)...

There two possible return Type. I'm not sure what I should declare for the function return type.

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Invoke A Method Of An Interface Of Which The Return Type Is _variant_t?

Mar 3, 2009

Attempting to invoke a method of an interface, of which the return type is _variant_t


_variant_t resultsDataString;
_bstr_t simObjectNames;
simObjectNames = SysAllocString (L"TEST example 3");
resultsDataString = pis8->GetSimObject (simObjectNames);


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Loose Typing - Created A Function With No Return Type

Jun 4, 2009

I was playing with vb 2008 express and i created a function with no return type. Basically what it does is i specify a table name and a column name and it returns the value within but it doesn't type it until it gets to the calling variables type. So i have on function that i can use across all my tables.

dim mydate as date = getvalue("tblSRs", "datelogged")
msgbox (mydate)
dim desc as String = getvalue("tblSRs", "description")

Both return the correct values. were you always able to leave the typecasting till the end and whats the major downfall?

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Custom Function Return Type + Input As Variable Datatype?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm wondering whether its possible to have a function's return type and input arguments as a variable.

For example this function:Private Function MyFunction(ByVal argument1 As VariableType) As VariableType


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LINQ Return Single Type Of Object Invalid Cast

Jun 29, 2010

Ok, just needing a 2nd set of eyes looking at this to make sure the error isn't something else other than my LINQ code here. Here's the function class itself:

Public Function GetJacketByPolicyID(ByVal jacketID As Int32) As tblPolicy
Dim db As New DEVDataContext()
Dim j As tblPolicy = db.tblPolicies.Single(Function(p) p.policyNumber = jacketID)
Return j
End Function

and here is the code which calls this class function in the web control form itself:

Dim p As tblPolicy
Dim j As New Jackets()
p = j.GetJacketByPolicyID(3000050)

For some reason it's flagging the 2nd line in the GetJacketByPolicyID function saying the specified cast is not valid. So I'm guessing it's something I'm doing wrong. I'm sure the tblPolicy/tblPolicies class works right since I can create a new instance of a tblPolicy and set a few variables by hand and return it, so that's not it. I've also checked the datarow I'm fetching and there's no null values in the record, so that shouldn't be it either.

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