Insert Specific Line Before Writinf The Line?
Sep 11, 2009
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
46N93 P594 40898, 35899 39MIL;
PHY2_P2_CONFIG0 P2767 34205, 33537 39MIL;
i have write all this value in another text file by adding the my original file's line i must check whether the line contain any MIL value if not, I must write first T1 the below T1 i must write all the line which not contain MIL value until i reach a line which Contain MIL value. If the line contain 39MIL the i must write first T5 then followed by all the line which contain 39MIL until it reach the line which contain another MIL value. Let say 50MIL. the i must write T7 then followed by all the line which contain 50MIL. I sort my original file alredy. so the original file will start from the line which dont have MIL to 39MIL,50MIL,75MIL and 100MIL. Mu output file will look like this
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a lines of text that need to be enter in different file after the specific line. This is the file that I need to insert the particular lines.
AGILENT 3070 FIXTURE WIRING REPORT Sat Mar 07, 2009 06:43:05 PM
Fixture Type : Agilent SimPlate Express
Fixture Size : Bank 2
Fixture Part Number : 44200S
Top Probes Allowed : Enabled
Autofile : 28
Units : English
Wiring Method : Automatic
[Code] .....
This code insert the new lines but at the beginning of the file, not at the place that I want?
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Sep 12, 2009
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
46N93 P594 40898, 35899 39MIL;
PHY2_P2_CONFIG0 P2767 34205, 33537 39MIL;
18N879 P141 120461, 49324 39MIL;
PMC3_270_ETH1_D0+ P3021 8061, 44624 39MIL;
I have lines like above in my text file. I have write all this value in another text file by adding the title. In my original file's line I must check whether the line contain any MIL value if not, I must write first T1 the below T1 I must write all the line which not contain MIL value until I reach a line which Contain MIL value. If the line contain 39MIL the I must write first T5 then followed by all the line which contain 39MIL until it reach the line which contain another MIL value. Let say 50MIL. the I must write T7 then followed by all the line which contain 50MIL. I sort my original file already. so the original file will start from the line which dont have MIL to 39MIL,50MIL,75MIL and 100MIL.
My output file will look like this:
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
TERM_RX3_2- P3347 41621, 2965 j22.49 50MIL;
58N895 P169 62611, 96124 50MIL;
ITP_TMS P200 67411, 49624 50MIL;
63N674 P175 20911, 34124 50MIL; .....
View 8 Replies
Sep 11, 2009
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
GND P3559 9812, 7993 p9910.26;
46N93 P594 40898, 35899 39MIL;
PHY2_P2_CONFIG0 P2767 34205, 33537 39MIL;
View 1 Replies
Oct 14, 2011
what i need to do is open a txt file, read line by line, decode each line into an array and display. Now all works ok apart from one line.
sTextLine = objReader.ReadLine() <-- Value of string cannot be converted.
full code here
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(sOpenFile.Text)
Dim sTextLine As New ArrayList()
Dim sText As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0
View 3 Replies
Feb 5, 2011
I have an SQL database, and 50 text files, and Visual Basic 2010 Premimum,I need to find a specific line of text in the text files and then take the next 37 lines of text and save them in my database. I need advice as to point me in the right direction
View 2 Replies
Jan 16, 2011
how to read text from a listbox line by line and put current line in a label?
View 3 Replies
Dec 1, 2011
How would i go about reading a file Line by Line that within that line The values are delimited by " Example of the data:
"bob" "cat" "1243"
"steve" dog" "6789"
I've started this with this code but not sure how to go about the next stage:
Using MyReader As New _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "Records28112011.jd")
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
View 9 Replies
Jul 5, 2010
I am trying to read in a TextBox line by line and take the first 7 characters of each line and output everything in another TextBox.This is what I have so far.
Dim line, lines() As String
lines = TextBox1.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine)
Dim i As Integer = 0
View 1 Replies
Sep 16, 2010
i need the app to preview the line in textbox in timeintervalof 1 s (can be change)nd when it will reach to the end it close the text file and andreread it after let say 1 m ..
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing
View 17 Replies
Jun 6, 2011
I'm using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit (2010 2.8) My problem is, this control does not have some basic functionality as does the Standard RichTextbox Control that comes with VB.NET (2010). However it does have functions that the standard RichTextbox does not have. With that being said, I'm trying to create a procedure to go to a specific line in the control. The control does not have the same procedure as "Richtextbox.GotoLine" The procedure below works with a standard Richtextbox. Basically, I'm trying to create a procedure to go to a specific line in the richtext control.
If txtLine.Text <> "" Then
Dim MyText As MainForm.RichTextBox.Text
If MyText IsNot Nothing Then
how to go to a line of text in a regular textbox and maybe I can tweak it to work.
View 7 Replies
Oct 1, 2008
[code] I want line 1 to be program version line 2,3,4 etc. be read into seperate variables. I know you can loop the first line above to keep reading lines, but that is not viable as it'll just assign the next line to programVer and override the previous value.
View 4 Replies
Jun 7, 2009
I have atext file to read
its like this:
this is part of the file. I want to read everything after T02
how can i read after T02?
View 4 Replies
May 25, 2012
The process I currently use to insert a string into a text file is to read the file and modify it as I write the file out again which seems to be how everyone is doing it.
Since .net has such a diverse library I was wondering if there was a specific command for inserting a string at a specific line in a txt file.
I would imagine it would look something like this:
dim file as file"filePath")
file.insert(string, location) 'this isn't actually an option, I tried
View 2 Replies
Sep 21, 2009
I am trying to extract a number from a specific line and finding it an arduous task.
-#comments">18 comentarios</a></span>
I need the number before the word commentaries. This is a common phrase to search for and extract. the start of the line varies.
View 3 Replies
Apr 26, 2009
How do I get a specific line of text from a RichTextBox? And what is the string array control for? Can I use it to alphabeticalize the lines?
View 2 Replies
May 23, 2012
i am trying programming a program that open a txt file then get specfic data from each line then put the data1 in a textbox1 and data2 in textbox2.[code]and for each time i don't now the username or the password i want the programe to search in line 1 the word between "user=" to "" and the word between "password=" to "".I created the text reader and i hope that same one can help complete the project.[code]
View 14 Replies
Feb 13, 2011
if i can make a prog that connects a website read each text below a line containing "3-letter words", "4-letter words", "5-letter words", "6-letter words"
leyend * = comment (ignore it)
3-letter words
*aby, abi, bay, bai, babi, ...
what is in line * i need to make the prog read that and output to notepad.for example
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("")
View 3 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
I am reading a text file line by line using StreamReader.Readline(). After reading a line i have to check whether some fields of the line which is read are present in the rest of the file or not. What i am doing is that after reading a line from the file i am passing the streamreader to check whether there are multiple entries. i am trying to use line.Length() to get the length of line, so using this length i can go back to the line
my code:
Dim pos as Long
sr = File.OpenText(filepath)
While sr.Peek() <> -1
my problem is that it is not giving me the expected line or it is skipping some part of the can i return back to my line?
View 1 Replies
Jan 16, 2010
I have a RichTextBox.
I want to input an integer and the RichTextBox to go to that line and delete all lines above it.
For example, if I have 100 lines in the RTB, and I specify "25" as the integer, I want lines 1-25 deleted and for the RTB to keep 26-100.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have two textboxes. Each textbox contains lines, where each line contains comma separated values. When each line of a textbox does not match the number of comma separated values of the other textbox (ie if line 3 of textbox1 has 4 comma separated words and line 3 of textbox2 does not have 4 comma separated values) I want to highlight the line which does not match the other textbox's line.
This is what I got so far (and got stuck!)
For k = 0 To index
test1 = testA.Lines(k).Split(",")
test2 = testB.Lines(k).Split(",")
View 6 Replies
Jun 28, 2009
I am looking for a way of selecting and modifying a specific line of text as it appears in a rich text box; is there a way of doing this? Visual Basic User.
View 14 Replies
Jul 26, 2011
i am reading a text file line by line using StreamReader.Readline(). After reading a line i have to check whether some fields of the line which is read are present in the rest of the file or not.What i am doing is that after reading a line from the file i am passing the streamreader to check whether there are multiple entries. i am trying to use line.Length() to get the length of line, so using this length i can go back to the line
my code:
Dim pos as Long
View 2 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
In I'm trying to read in a specific line from a file. An example of the line in the txt file is:
[PATH] = "/this/directory/run.exe"
how to open the file for reading and writing in VB, but I need to parse out the path in the "" (quotation marks).
View 3 Replies
Aug 18, 2011
I need to read a specific part from my text file to and show it on a text boxI have I have three text boxes.and the text file is written like this
View 10 Replies
Aug 19, 2010
how I can read a specific line's value in a listbox.fx I want to read the value of line 4 in a listbox to add this value to an Integer, which I can subtract from another value?
View 5 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
How can you remove a specific line from a listbox? How can you like make it so instead of password it would show ******* but on a listbox because it doesnt have passwordchar option. and how can you make it save the listbox data in the my.settings
View 16 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
I have a program that searches for a word in a .txt file. When it finds the word I want to print the following 5 lines under that word. So for example: I search for "juice", and my label grabs this out of the textfile:
Is there anyway to this in VB.NET?
View 5 Replies
Nov 23, 2009
i have lines like this
1.0 28 Blue [B3-T1 ] (2 16.00 43.0) 10000 -10000 72111 23275
1.0 28 Blue [B3-T2 ] (2 17.00 43.0) 11000 -10000 72111 30275
1.0 28 Blue [B3-T3 ] (2 16.00 44.0) 12000 -10000 70611 23275
Let say the columns that i highlighted is X and Y. I have to arrange the small Y first which is -10000 then arrage big Y which -11000 then arrange again samall Y followed by big Y. Here i only have -10000 and -11000. but let say i also have -12000 so i have to arrange -10000 first then -11000 then -12000. But i also have to look at X column. If let say x value is same next line so it should side by side like i higlighted the two row.
the lines should be identified by [B3] as it will be one group. Can we use IComparer methode here? How to arrange the lines in order thet i want?
View 8 Replies
Oct 3, 2010
I would like to split a line after a specific word. there is my line : bern attack -drive (there i would like to split all the rest , i mean put it in a other line)
would be : bern attack -drive
(the rest of the line)
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