Integrated Database In The Web Application?

May 5, 2011

I integrated my database in my web application. Previously I was just referring it to SQL server 2008 by defining a connection. Everything worked fine data was being fetched, calculations are done. Now when i integrated my database in the web application, problems arose.

Dim cost3 As Double
cost3 = Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Item(0)(0).ToString

The problem is with this the error says: Cannot Convert type String "" to double. Before no such problem showed.

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Add A File In My Program It Gets Integrated Into The .exe Itself?

Nov 13, 2010

I have some certain files that my program references.I know some programs have a folder in the same place as the .exe, sometimes called "Dependencies", and in that folder there are files that the program uses.For example, take the iTunes folder.The iTunes folder in Program Files contains the iTunes.exe, some DLLs, and some folders that contain files that the program uses.How can I setup my program so that it does this? Everytime I add a file in my program it gets integrated into the .exe itself which in turn creates a huge file that lags. I want to have the .exe, and a folder which contains files that the program references.

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Setting Up Integrated Security, Ii6?

Feb 16, 2011

I have made my web site into an application.

I have disabled annonymous, on IIS6
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>


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Windows Integrated Authentication?

Jan 29, 2009

I buit a ASP page that gets the users information who is logged into the computer ie username etc. This was using IIS6 Now I've moved over to IIS7 on Server 08, I set it up to use "Widows Authentication", however when i run my ASP.NET Page it uses the account NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE to do its work.Ive looked all over online, and cant find a way to fix this.I just want to pass the user credetials from logging into the computer, to the web.I've made sure that I have this in my web.config

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>

When I run this the site from Visual Web Developer and it creates the site, it pulls back the correct information.However, when I Then to my browser and check this and it dosent pull back the correct account, it pulls back that NT account.etc. but it always seems to pass the same wrong account NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE it should be my accountname I am logged in with.

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Create Excel File With Code Integrated?

Aug 14, 2010

I want to create the Excel Document (.xlsx) with vba code integrated . by program vb2008

Because I want to sort the data in some column of table when i click header of the column.

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Error: GR Fingerprint Is Not Initialized - SDK 2009 Integrated With VB

Feb 15, 2012

Im currently working in integrating GR Fingerprint SDK with application. I am using MSSQL 2008 as my database and as the front end. I have completed almost 90% of the application and im stuck in integrating this SDK with my application. It has an error such as Unable to connect to database and also grfinger is not initialized cannot be converted to double and stuffs like dat. [Code]

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Creating Reports In Crystal Reports That Is Integrated Within Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 26, 2011

I am creating reports in Crystal Reports that is integrated within Visual Studio 2008, and I noticed that some of the features are disabled. One is the ability to link tables with a Right Outer Join or Full Outer Join. I also cannot "Show SQL Query" in Crystal Reports. Is this something I can enable or do I have to purchase or upgrade?

View 1 Replies - Synchronize Web Application Database With A Windows Application Database

Sep 22, 2009

I am having two databases for the same application , one in windows and the other is web based.Since web based one have few functionalities I can't opt for a single database.At the same time I want to share Both databases to be updated with other's data so as to work error free with my module of appointment fixing.

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Database Application Does Not Work On User Machine If Database Is Password Protected?

Jan 20, 2011

In I am using password protected database with following connection stringconnetionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:vaivaiDB.mdb;JetOLEDB:Database Password=secret;"Database access works fine on the development machine.

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Database Error - Application When Installed, Doesn't Read Values From Database?

Jul 20, 2011

When I install my application, some forms are unable to connect to the database.

I say some because, when my login form works totally fine. Authentication happens.

But once I go into the main application, and open other windows, I start to get these error mesages:


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Make A Database Application That Can Write/retrieve Cells/datasets From/to A Database

Apr 8, 2010

i need to make a database application that can write/retrieve cells/datasets from/to a database i buyed a book in there was an example of how to create a database application while debugging i had the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error and it highlighted this code

objDataRow = objDataSet.Tables("KlantenTable").NewRow
now the problem is here i declare something later in the code i write to it


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SqlConnectionStringBuilder Trusted_Connection="SSPI" Does Not Yeild "integrated Security=SSPI" In Connection String

May 12, 2009

I have started using the builder class to create my connection strings for the sole purpose of making more generic connectivity code. However, I am stumped on this issue. The MS eConnect product apparently expects to receive integrated security=SSPI in its connection string if you want to use integrated security, (vs Integrated Secturity=True). I thought I would just pass "Trusted_Connection"="SSPI" to the builder class.

as it turns out, the item for Integrated Security is boolean and despite what the documentation says, will not give me SSPI in my connection string. Has anybody else found this issue and is there a simple fix for it? as for now, I'll simply strip out the item and replace it in my string.

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VB 2010 - Database Application That Uploads A Database Via FTP

Oct 31, 2009

I have made a database application that uploads a database via FTP here is the code:


note this line:


ContactDB.mdf is the database in my application what would i have to insert for it to upload the database i have tried it as it is and its failing i could locate its full path on my machine that works but what happens when i want the application to go on someone elses pc?

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Create Custom Database In Windows Application - Double Click Custom Database File?

Jul 21, 2006

With, I'm coding a simple application to get more used to the new .Net format.

I'd like to save all the information to a 'new' database file. how to create a database on the fly, once that is done i'll be able to connect to it no problem, but actually creating the file is proving difficult to work/find out.

Also, with and the newly created custom file, how can it be made to automatically open that information with the program?

Is there a method in installation to associate the file type with the new program? How can i check when the program loads if a database file has been 'double-clicked' (rather than just running from the .exe of the program) and proceed to load the data?

EDIT1 - Extra InfoThe windows application has many different fields and content etc, then i need to save that to a file that could later be loaded by 'double clicking'. I assumed the easiest way would be to create a mini-database for each unique file

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Application That Uses A Database?

May 11, 2009

I need to code a program that makes use of a database. It's gotta be for a local business, so I chose a pub lol. The database has the following columns: Beverage; Cost; Total number of sales; Income.

What the application needs to do is basically work as a cash register. Each beverage gets its own button, each click on the particular button displays the total due that the customer has to pay.

That, and the same button has to edit the database fields and update them or add to the values.

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Add Data To Database In Web Application?

Jun 21, 2010

i m trying to write codes for new user to fill in the form, then the new data will into my database,however, my codes doesnt work, i cant figure out what's wrong with my codes. below are my codes:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class NewUser
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


there is no error encounter, however,the adding is failed and no new data can be add in.

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Application That Authenticates To A Database?

Apr 1, 2011

so this is more of a question about application security.Say I have a application that authenticates to a database. The Users table has the following fields: UserID, UserName, Password,Salt, Active, Permissions.

The permissions field will be related to another table called "Permissions" that has a unique ID and it describs the level of access the user has to the system (reporting, add/remove users, etc).Now the question is, when the user autheticates and executes an action on the application that requires a certain level of permissions, is it better to have a class the holds an authenticated user or is it better to have the application query the database for the users permission level?

View 1 Replies - Application For Updating Database?

May 4, 2011

i have published my website...its a dynamic i have database i want to make an application in VB to update my database using my application..i mean i do not want to login to the site and update my database rather update it using my application..i want to connect my application to the database of the published site and update it from anywhere i want using the it possible??

How can i do it??Please point me to the right direction...its urgent.

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Backup Of Application Database?

Nov 15, 2010

My application has an access2007 db as its database. I am trying to create a backup/restore utility in my application that allows the user to take the backup or restore the database file "StudentsData.accdb" which is in the application folder. I tried the filecopy method but it gives me an error saying that the "file is not accessible, as it is being used by a process." I believe it is my application process that is using the file.

How do I stop my application accessing the database? I have database connections which i have written in code and all of them close with their respective forms.

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Combobox Application With Database?

Aug 7, 2010

I am looking to make a small application which uses 3 stages of combo boxes to filter results into subcatagories. Once the filtering is selected - I want the user to be presented with some advice, maybe even a small picture.I want the application to gather its information run from a database which will be network based via a mapped network drive on our network. There may only be 4 colums in that database. I want to be able to update the database as required.

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Connect Database Application On Another Pc

Jan 23, 2010

I am not sure what I am doing wrong I can connect to my database on my personal computer yet I am unable to have someone else use it without getting an error. system.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, This works on my PC so I am not sure what I am not including in the project when I compile or what?

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Connect To This Database By Application?

May 13, 2010

i have 1 database in sql server and i want to encrypt database. and i can connect to this database by my application

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Create An Application That Needs To Have A Database?

Jan 13, 2009

I am trying to create an application that needs to have a database. I would like to know which one you recommend using. I have programmed in php using mysql but I do not think that is feasible for a windows application. I want something that does not have to install something else with my application.

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Database Backup From .net Application?

Jun 5, 2011

i have a problem with using application, i want to take backup of my database from my application so that user clicks the button and backup can be copied in a drive .

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Designing VB Database Application?

Sep 8, 2009

I have VB 2008 and SQL 2008. I need tutorials to teach me how to create and connect, update, delete alter etc a Front End VB app to a SQL2008 DB.

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Get My Application To Connect To A SQL Database?

Jan 21, 2012

Ive spent AGES trying to get my application to connect to a SQL database finaly it works but now i have no idea to view specific records or add records ANY help would be brilliant


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Get The Database On The Published Application?

Jun 7, 2011

I have connected my vb .net forms to the MYSQL database but when i comes to publishing, i do not get the database on the published application.

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Link Database To The Application?

May 3, 2011

Please how do I link my database to the application?

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Make A Database Application?

Nov 3, 2009

I want to Make DATA Base Application ! Who Save DATA in XML?

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Publish Application With A Database

Nov 19, 2011

i want to have a built in database for my project this is what i did so far, i placed the mdb file inside the project


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