Investigate Not Running On Fresh Host?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm still a newbie at VB.Net. After successfuly running an app written with VB.Net Express 2008 on an XPSP3 host, I copied the EXE to a fresh Windows7 host... and it crashed with not much info:

Stopped working
roblem signature:


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[2005] Refresh Not So Fresh?

Feb 4, 2009

Take a look at this little snippet of

cnt += 1
Me.lNews.Text = "Redd Loop..." & cnt


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Getting Fresh Data In A Crystal Report From A SQL Database?

Mar 8, 2011

I have the following code.

Private Sub genWorkOrderCompForOneCustomer()
If customerNameComboBox.Text = "Please Select a Customer" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please select a customer to create a report for.", "Error",


When I run the the application I am not getting the current information from the sql database until I hit the refresh button and enter the parameter. I would like the information to be up to date when first loading the application.

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Fresh Installed VB2010 And A Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm not sure if I should post this on this thread or in the Database section but I'm using VB2010 so I posted this unto this. I have a fresh installed VB2010 and a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.And I can't seem to connect my database to VS2010. I've been searching the net but I can't seem to find the solution to my problem.

I have attached my SQL Server Configuration and the error message I got in VS2010.

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DB/Reporting :: Error Connecting To Online Database Mysql After Fresh Installing

Nov 18, 2009

I have a problem here I did make database program for a friend the database is online Mysql I use Visual Studio and put this into setup.exe when he install the program and try to log on he get this error This is my connection to the database


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IP Host Error 'No Such Host Is Known'

Apr 24, 2011

I am working on an app that searches my network and retrieves ips and host names, but when using this.[code]

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ProxyReader.EndOfStream Keeps Giving Error In App (included .vb File, It's Working Alone On Fresh Project)?

Apr 20, 2012

Alone form proxy.vb is working without problem, but when I copy it and include to my project I getting always:

Exception:Thrown: "Index and count must refer to a location within the buffer." (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)


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Investigate "System.InvalidOperationException"?

Nov 3, 2011

A GUI application I wrote with VB.Net 2008 Express works fine on the XPSP3 host I use to develop, but fails starting on a fresh Windows 7 host with the following error:

Description: Stopped working
Problem signature:


View 5 Replies - Host A Website Under An Old One?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a website has already hosted on EasyCgi (suppose that it's called website1). I have to host another one (website2). So I created a folder called "website2" under the website1 root folder. then I FTP all the content of website2 to the "website2" folder.


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C# - Dynamic Host Name In ASP.NET?

Sep 9, 2009

How can I dynamically create a host name in ASP.NET? Like if people come to my site, I want to be able to dynamically create them a .Mysite.Com host name. I've seen this done at other sites before but can't seem to find documation on how to do it.

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Host Chat Then Ip?

Feb 12, 2011

i need some help i want to create a chat but how to make it like you have winsock but are there none others and i got also a question im planning to buy a domain and if u use the dedicated ip can i host my chat then of that ip

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VS 2008 Get Host Name From URL

May 21, 2009

I want to get the absolute host name from a URL that's in the format of a string. So far I have done it like this:[code]I need the host without the www for comparision purposes.If I have two strings "url...m" and "url...m" I'm interested in only seeing that they are both on the domain "url...m". Is there some fairly simple way to do this?

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Possible To Host File Inside A C# App?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application that I've set default language to c#, is it possible to run a .vb class inside of this IIS application?

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.net - MySQL Connection For Every Host?

Dec 21, 2011

I'm making a winforms app in that connects to a mysql database on my webserver to read and write data, this all works fine.But i have to allow the users ip to remote connect to the database.Is it possible to give everyone access to the database? The user account will not have all rights an the data isn't very important if it got lost.The user account and connection details are hard coded.

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C# - Get The Host Out Of The Request Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I need to get the host out of the Request object. Which property should I use and why?

From MSDN:Uri.DnsSafeHost Property A String that contains the unescaped host part of the URI that is suitable for DNS resolution; or the original unescaped host string, if it is already suitable for resolution.


Uri.Host Property A String that contains the host name. This is usually the DNS host name or IP address of the server.

My testing has been with the ASP.NET Development Server. Both of these always return localhost. Even when I put in, both return localhost.Reading on, the DnsSafeHost property will handle IPv6 addresses, as well as Unicode to ASCII conversion if needed. It can also account for IRI and IDN. Even though I currently don't care about these things, should I just use the DnsSafeHost property to be safe?

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Cannot Copy VWD Files To Host

Aug 25, 2009

In my ignorance, I thought I could subscribe to any host, so I chose hostmonster, and copy files from Visual Web Developer to it, thereby creating my first website. Wrong! Hostmonster is linux-based, so the files won't copy without assigning an index page at the site. The rep at the host said that linux doesn't read the language(s) I've been using to develop pages, Visual Basic and C#.

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Connect Db2 Database In Host

Mar 3, 2008

Does anyone know if can I connect a db2 database with 2005 ? some example or web site?

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Get Current Local Host Name Using C#?

Aug 16, 2010

I need to get the host name currently running the application.

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Get The Ip Address Of The Local Host?

Aug 28, 2009

Im trying to get the Ip address of the local host.. but I'm Getting an Socket Exception in the Dns.GetHostEntry..

Public Sub SetUp()
Dim hostname As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName)


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How To Get The Current Host MAC Address

Feb 20, 2009

How to get a current host mac address using code

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Set A Host IP Address And Port?

Sep 30, 2009

How can I set a host IP address and port.. and then detect if the port is open (accepting connections)or closed (denying connections)I came across this while searching, but it doesn't seem to function all that well..Using the port 80 and the host [URL] The result it gave me was closed... which is obviously wrong.So what can I do?Code: ( I have also imported "System.Net" and "System.Net.Sockets" )

Dim host As String = ""
Dim port As Integer = 80
Dim addr As IPAddress = CType(Dns.GetHostAddresses(host)(0), IPAddress)


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Use Tcpclient And Listener To Use A No-ip Host?

Apr 27, 2009

is there a way to use my tcpclient and listener to use a no-ip host because i am on a laptop

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VB: Programming A Script Host?

Dec 2, 2010

VB: programming a script host?

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VS 2008 Better Way To Host Files?

Dec 14, 2009

Right now, my app connects to a free file hoster to get some data. What are some better ways to host this "data"?

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Add New Website / Host Header Web Form?

May 26, 2009

How can I either create a new website or add a host header to an existing IIS 7 server from code?

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Communicating With Remote Host & Port?

Oct 1, 2009

I've been trying for a long time to do what seems to be the most simplest of things..I have a remote host and I need to know if certain posts on that host are open or closed.Many examples on the net that I have found arent complete, and because I havent worked with for long I dont knowhow to complete them.Here is my code:: The issue is with this it tell me the target port is always closed, when I know that it is open.Code:Dim host As String = "" Dim port As Integer = 80 Dim addr As IPAddress =CType(Dns.GetHostAddresses(host)(0), IPAddress) Try Dim tcpList As New TcpListener(addr, port)tcpList.Start() Catch sx As SocketException MessageBox.Show("port is closed") End TryA friend of mine suggested using WinSock.. I've not dealt with it before so I don't know what he's on about.

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Communications :: Resolve Host Names?

Nov 5, 2009

If ResolveHostNames = True Then


The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for

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DB/Reporting :: Accessing DB On Web Host Servers

Sep 28, 2010

I've never tried accessing a database on a remote computer, across the internet. A few questions though.

1) Do I just change the connection string address from a local path to a web address?

2) Do I still need to install the local driver? In my case I believe I'll be using Connector/Net to connect to my MySQL database url...

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Host A DataGridView On A ContextMenuStrip Using ToolStripControlHost?

Apr 27, 2012

I'm trying to show a small DataGridView in my ContextMenuStrip that I have built. The DataGridView will show a unique list of values in a DataGridViewTextboxColumn "Sample ID" when its column header is right-clicked. I can get the unique values just fine, but I'm having trouble displaying the small DataGridView in the ContextMenuStrip. It currently looks like this.Notice, there is no data in the DataGridView. I have confirmed that the DataGridView.DataSource has several rows in it, yet the DataGridView shows nothing. Plus, I need to increase the size of my DataGridView, thus increasing the size of the ContextMenuStrip to show the DataGridView.

Public Class ContextMenu_Column_String
Inherits ContextMenuStrip
Private dvs As DataGridViewSettings


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Host A WebService In An ASPX Page Using ASP.Net 2.0?

Apr 6, 2012

In the process of converting a page from normal postbacks to AJAX-calls (using JavaScript to load/control the UI entirely and use ASP.Net strictly as a backend), I found myself wanting to replace a GridView with a AJAX-sourced dataset.


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