"knock Off" Items That Dose Not Include The Text In Either Colum 1 Or Colum 3?

Jun 14, 2009

in the keydown event of a textbox (textbox1) as text is typed in i want it to "knock off" items that dose not include the text in either colum 1 or colum 3.How can i do this ?

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles richTextBox1.TextChanged
'code goes here
End Sub

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Remove Items If The Listview Colum 2 Contains A Certain Word?

Mar 31, 2012

How can I remove items if the listview colum 2 contains a certain word?

Col 1 Col 2
John Hired
Joe Fired
Bob Fired

after clicking a button it would remove the all the Fired items so both the person and the fired would be removed.

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Colum In The Firm_ATC0.asc File?

Jun 5, 2011

In the following code, a selection in excel is selected. All of this information is then transfered to The DestFile. In this case the DestFile is Firm_ATC0.asc. I would like the program to put all the information from the A colum in the Firm_ATC0.asc file, and all the information in the B column in the Firm_ATC1.asc file and all the C column to go in the Firm_ATC2.asc file ect.Basically every time the column increments by 1 the Filename it is going to increments by 1.There are A to CV Columns selected in this example, and I think that is 99 columns and therfore there are Firm_ATC0.asc-Firm_ATC99.asc. Currently the information only goes into the one file.


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Save Multi-colum ListView?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a favourite form and it has 2 colums i want to save both colums to a text file then when the form reloads i want it to read the text file and display the info in the text file

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Connect To A Mysql And Check If The Colum Admin = 1 ?

Feb 12, 2011

i m using admin levels for a program it uses a Mysql database i now if u use a local db that u can use a dataset but how to do it when u have to Connect to a Mysql and check if the colum admin = 1 ?[code]......

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VS 2010 Datagridview Colum : Getting A Total Of All Numbers, Place Into A TextBox?

Nov 14, 2011

i have a DatagridView, with a Colum " KG".Into the Colum, i place numbers.Now i wants a total of all numbers, place into a TextBox, using a code.

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VS 2010 Save Both Textboxes At Same Time On The Line & Colum"?

Feb 1, 2012

So I still working on a program that shows this. This is the code that I use two show the SA and PLATINUM text because on the file they are not the only characters on the line, like this:

set username=sa set password=platinum code to search only those two words.


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Retrieve The Two Database Colum Values To Textbox As Comma Separated String?

Dec 30, 2010

If i have two textboxes textbox1 & textbox2 and button1 in my ASP.NET and SQL Server database

Database records are:
ID Date Seats
1 15-Dec-2010 1,2


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[2005] Have The Data Grid View Show The Colum Names As Rows?

Jan 20, 2009

Is there a way to have the data grid view show the colum names as rows and then the data would be in the colums?

I know I can do it in asp. But cant figure out how to swap the 2 around for display purposes in VB.

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Error "Dynamic SQL Generation For The UpdateCommand Is Not Supported Against A SelectCommand That Does Not Return Any Key Colum

Oct 16, 2006

im new to vb.net 2003 but have used vb 6 for years and dabbled with 2005. A program that would usually take me a few hours to make i am on day 5, 4 and a half of which have been trying different ways to get it to update, and not one of them will post the information back to the SQL 2000 database I am actually going insaine.

The best i can get out of it is this error. "Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information" I have googled it and come up with the fact the primary key isnt set right, but i still cant get that to work. Here is the peices of code that are relevant.


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Adding A Column And Values To It On The Basis Of Some Existing Colum Values?

Jan 4, 2011

i have retrived this datatable from datasource and i want to add a more colum 'category'basedon the each value of each Role, like if role column has the value '90 daya client' then in the same row it should have a value 'DC' in the category column.n make a temporatry dt1 table but to add related values.

S.No First Name Last Name Role Date
1 Us er1Name User1Name 90 Day Client 11/01/2011
2 User1NameAtt1 User1NameAtt1 90 Day Client 11/01/2011


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Delete A Row In GridView Using The Delete Hyperlink Colum?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a gridview that contains data from a database somewhere in a sql server, so far so good, what i want to be able to do next is delete a row when i press the delete...Am new to asp.net and vbi will send the code and a printscree of the software:

<%@ Control Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Admin.ascx.vb" Inherits="Admin" %>


View 4 Replies

VS 2008 String - "The Executable Exename.text Dose Not Exist"

Dec 1, 2009

"The executable exename.text dose not exist!" but im not sure how to do it, How would i do this?.

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VS 2008 How To Knock Off Fractions Of MB

Apr 7, 2010

[code]Where my code tells me the omount of memory how can i knock off the fractions of MB? using As Integer wont compile.

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DataBinding To Label - Knock Chars Off String

Oct 29, 2009

Using VB.NET 2003 Asp.Net 1.1. I'm data binding to a label in a grid and need to knock off the last two chars, not so easy as I thought.

I know this is wrong it just shows how I'm coding:
<div id=CODE>Private Sub TemplateControl_DataBinding_Label(ByVal sender
As Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim lc As Label
Dim sColumnName As
String = ""
[Code] .....

One problem is what I want to achieve:
I want to have:

My data comes back with 4 places on the end

The $ sign I have in my code does work
so I have"
and so on.

I don't believe there will ever be a point where the last two are anything other than zeros.

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Why Dose Not Working My App On Win7

Jan 25, 2011

my application made in visual basic 2010 is not working in windows 7? what's problem?

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Textbox Dose Not Allow For Backspace To Be Pressed?

Nov 21, 2011

I have made a textbox, which restricts character use to numbers and periods only. Nice, but now I cant enter backspace to amend any data typed in my textbox.

Private Sub TextBox10_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox10.KeyPress
Dim allowedChars As String = "1234567890."
If allowedChars.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) = -1 Then


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.net - How Long Dose It Take To Analysis, Design And Program A CMS Using ASP.NET

Oct 4, 2009

I intend to choose developing a Web Content Management System using asp.net with VB.net 2008 but I'm not sure about how long it takes to program such system. Is 4 months enough for developing such system? This 4 months is the duration of this semester and Includes about two months for analysis and design and the rest is left for implementation.

View 2 Replies

Setup Dose Not Check For The Already Installed Prerequiest

Jul 23, 2009

I got a problem with my setup I had set the prerequiest download property to download from the same location. Now i am in a problem that my setup dose not check for the already installed prerequiest it starts the prerequiest installation no mater if they are installed or not. after the installation of these prerequiest it says to restart the computer and after restart it starts the prerequiest setup again.

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Getting Screenshot Include Text?

Mar 10, 2012

I have this code i have obtaned on the forums. And it seems to only take a picture of picture boxes. I have text over it that is not caught in the picture.

s = InputBox("Enter picture name.", "Name", "Name")
Dim r As Rectangle = New Rectangle(109, 22, 228, 305)
Dim img As New Bitmap(r.Width, r.Height)


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Include Text File In Project Directory?

Mar 19, 2012

I'm trying to include a few text files in my project. These files are read and used to make decisions in the program. Ordinarily, I would just set the file path and open the file via StreamReader, no problem. However, this application now needs to work on other computers and I want to include the text files in the application directory. I've researched two ways to do this:

1) Include the files as resources and reference them via my.resources.

I've gotten this to work ok, except the files are opened as strings upon starting the application. They are fairly large files, which I imagine is taking a lot of unnecessary memory. Also, StreamReader wont work with these files as resources,
or at least I can't figure out how to. My application is already based around using StreamReader so I don't really want to change this.

2) Include the files as additional items. I know how to do this too, but I can't reference the files programmatically.

Can I use a resource text file via StreamReader or how would I reference the files if they're included in my project directory?

View 6 Replies

Dynamic SQL Generation For The UpdateCommand Is Not Supported Against A SelectCommand That Dose Not Return Any Key Column Information?

Dec 31, 2009

i have built a DB app using vs2010Beta2 + an Access DB .mdb file for my customers the save bnt work s ok, but when i close the app i get an error message come up saying :- Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that dose not return any key column information.i have no errors repoted in the error window at the bottom and all runs well untill frm_closing,below is the code in my form closing event. below that is the code for the btnSave event

Private Sub frmMainCustomerDetails_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
If MyState = "Edit" Or MyState = "Add" Then


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IO.File.ReadAllLines - Text Lines Include ANSI Characters

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName) to read all lines from text file to array of strings at once. Problem is, text lines include ANSI characters above ASCII value 127 (Scandinavian letters e.g. "Ä" (Ascii 196), "ö" (Ascii 246) and "é" (Ascii 233). Array is build up nicely, but all chars above ascii value 127 are not shown right. How can I use ANSI character set with .ReadAllLines to correct this problem? In VB6 with "Open Filename For Input As #1 / Line Input #1, txtLine" there wasn't any problem.

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Published Program Doesn't Include Text File And Database It Needs To Run

May 11, 2009

When I publish my program I get no errors, and then when I install it on another machine it says it gives me the error that it can't read the txt file that it stores data in. If I hit continue it also fails to read the database. The database file is stored in the bin/debug folder and I told my program to include it when I first added the data connection. Anything I can do to have these included so my program can run on other machines?

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Spelling Bee Game - Text Dictionary That Include Sentence Info?

Apr 24, 2011

For a class project I am thinking of doing a Spelling Bee game. I would like to have a button that will place the word in a sentence, and a button that will give the definition. Are there .txt dictionaries out there with this information? I've checked a few places like WordNet but I didn't see a dictionary that also includes sentence info. My other concern is using custom classes. I don't have a lot of experience creating classes, and I really want to become more familiar with them, so it is important that I integrate them into this project. What would be a logical way using classes in this project? Maybe a 'word' class?

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VS 2010 - How To Include Date / Time In Title Of Text File

Mar 7, 2012

I'm doing an error log in my code and I'm trying to output the errors to a text file with a specific date/time in the title so they can differentiate. I've tried things like
logname = "C:Documents and SettingsSeDingDesktopErrorserrorsLog " & DateTime.Now.ToString() & ".log"
But I get this msg "The given path's format is not supported." all the time.

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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Edit The Current Regex Code To Include <script Type="text/javascript"?

Nov 16, 2011

Here is the current regex


What I am trying to do is to grab element that is:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mysite="I need to grab everything inside these quotes">

With the current Regex I am able to grab the value but it also grabs all the "src" elements on the page.

src="http://www.mysite="I need to grab everything inside these quotes">

What I am attempting to do is to only get this one line that includes the

<script and then the src="">

And then just get the src="info from hrere" How can I edit the current regex code to include <script type="text/javascript"

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Comparing Text Box Text With Listbox Items Text?

Dec 7, 2010

how to Compare text box text with listbox items text in vb.NE

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Adding Strings - Include The Other Text Box Before The " - "?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a statement. I need it to say something. I tried this:


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