Latest Version For Workshop

Nov 7, 2010

I am not sure what is the latest version of the workshop.url...

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How To Compare Against To See If It's Latest Version

Jun 24, 2010

I have a XML file with the latest application version number, I have this loaded into a variable, how can i compare this against the to see if it's the latest version??

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Get Latest Version Of The Assembly?

Jul 24, 2009

I would like to get latest version of the assembly. how?

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Check For Latest Version On A FTP Server?

Jan 23, 2009

I have a radio program.
I can play radio station in it. This is my question: How can I check for latest version on a FTP server?

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Receive The Latest Version Number?

Aug 12, 2009

I've defined two numbers. ThisVersionNumber and LatestVersionNumber, I want to compare them, and so if ThisVersionNumber = < LatestVersionNumber it will show a dialogue.

How do I receive the latest version number which is hosted at [URL]

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Connect To A Server And Update App To Latest Version?

Feb 17, 2009

is the a program or a script that will allow people to click a button or something on a vb 2008 program and it will connect to a server and update it to latest version?

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IDE :: Auto-Referencing Latest Version Of Assembly

Feb 23, 2009

We have one program that acts as a "server" (so to speak) and many programs that reference it. every time we update the server, we are forced to update all the dependent programs to reference the new version number. Our IPC communication protocol is pretty stable and doesn't change, so we aren't worried about upgrade incompatibilities. I would like to know how to automatically reference the "latest" version of an assembly. What I mean is, if I choose Project->properties->references, I always get a specific version. Is there a way to reference whatever the latest version is? This way, we wouldn't have to update every program that is dependent on our server every single time there is an update.

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IDE :: Why System.dll Is Not Referencing The Latest .Net Framework Version

Apr 25, 2010

I have a VS2010 solution (upgraded) that has two projects, an EXE and a DLL. In both the Target framework versions are 4.0. When one look at the references of the EXE project, one can see that the System.dll (and System.Core.dll and so for) references to the v4 version (the latest); however, in the DLL project the references points to the .Net Framework v2 version. Why is this happening? How can I make all my projects to point to the v4 libraries?

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Need To Load Latest Version Of Specific Assembly

Nov 10, 2010

I have this situation where LoadWithPartialName appears to be the only good alternative, although it is marked as Obsolete. I work in a very tight dev environment with versioning and deployment policies that cannot be easily changed or bypassed. Let's say there's a .NET executable that I have no control on (from another division). Let's call this the client AppA application. AppA's version is 10.11.12.x. Application AppA has a direct reference to one of our class library that provides some service to the caller (returns some information).

Let's call it SvcB and the version is also 10.11.12.x. Now, AppA's division does not need to update their system as often as we do, so AppA's version will stay 10.11.12.x for some time, probably until we decide to change the format of the class that is exchanged between us. Our division needs to change the logic behind the service SvcB more often and the version must change with every major deployement.

So let's say we change the logic and we deploy a new version of SvcB, 11.02.11.x. AppA will still reference the old version, so the logic being used is now incorrect. We are thinking of creating a new "facade" to our service. Let's call it SvcFrontB. SvcFrontB's version will stay the same, in sync with the AppA's own version. Now I need SvcFrontB to load the most recent version of SvcB through reflection. This way, I am sure the latest logic is always used. How do I achieve that without using LoadWithPartialName ?

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VS 2005 Automatically Use The Latest Version Of Framework In Pc?

Mar 11, 2010

i use VS 2005 ,so it use ,net framework 2.0 ,so if i look to ,net framework that i have in my computer i see 1.0 1.1 2.0 3.0 and 3.5 so my question is is VS 2005 automatically use the latest version of framework in my pc or i should do it manually ,and if manually how i do it?

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VS 2008 When Copying App It Doesn't Update With Latest Version

Apr 29, 2010

I want to enable auto updating on my vb app.So I got Project--> Properties--> click the Application tab. Click the Assembly Information button --> Update the Assembly version. Then click ok.Then I build my app. Then I click the Publish Wizard. I specify the location to publish the app. It is an ftp folder.Then I click Next.It asks how will the user Install the app.I select FROM a CD-ROM.then I go next.It asks where will the app check for updates.I specify the same ftp folder.then I go finish. And it publishes to the ftp location.Then I get the setup file from that location and run it on my pc. It loads my app fine. then I build and publish again. But when I copen my app it doesn't update with the latest version.

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Way To Determine Through Code What Is Latest Version Of .net Framework Pc Is Running

Feb 3, 2009

I have developed a small application in VB.NET 2008. It uses .net framework 3.5. But somehow it also runs in computers with .net framework 2 or 2.5. Is there a way to determine thru code what is the latest version of .net framework the pc is running. This way I can give a warning message box that the required framework is not installed.

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Workshop Selector Loop Needed?

Apr 19, 2011

The program has 3 list boxes and the user is supposed to choose an option from the 1st and 2nd list box and add the total in the third list box, when i run the program all i get is $0.00. I was told a loop was needed, but I'm not sure where I need to put it and what kind of loop I nee

Dim Day As Integer
Dim Total, Fee, Stay As Double
Dim Workshop As String = lstWorkshop.SelectedIndex()


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Forms :: Creating A Program Called Workshop Selector?

Apr 19, 2010

i'm creating a program called Workshop Selector. It has 3 list boxes, one with the 5 workshops, second with 6 locations, and the final is the list of costs. The user selects a workshop, a location, then hits the Add Workshop button, which calculates the costs and adds the cost to the third listbox. Soo, to my question.

There is an additional button called Calculate Total that adds the values of the costs in the cost listbox and displays the total in a textbox. The code i currently have that works just fine is --

Dim one, two, three, four, five, total As Integer
lbCost.SelectedIndex = 0
one = CInt(lbCost.SelectedItem.ToString)
lbCost.SelectedIndex = 1
two = CInt(lbCost.SelectedItem.ToString)
total = one + two + three + four + five
tbxTotal.text = total

While this works, i have no idea of knowing how many times the user will add a cost to the cost listbox. therefore id have to make many many variables, and other issues occur.So is there a way i can do this with a for loop? declare a global variable like

Dim costcounter as integer

then at the end of the add workshop cost btn click procedure use:
costcounter = costcounter + 1

That way i kno the exact amount of times the person added a cost?

Then create a for loop like

Dim intcount As Integer
For intcount = 1 To costcounter

Would this work somehow? but what code would i have to input within the for loop to scan each selected index, and then return values that can be added together and displayed in a textbox?

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IDE :: Assembly Version, File Version And Publish Version In ClickOnce In VS 2008

Mar 31, 2009

How they relate and differ from each? What are the best practices for version control? Is there a primer about publish online? Or a good book?

And is it possible to make ClickOnce and a msi in one solution of VS 2008? If so, is there any conflict or pitfall?

BTW I am using VB if that makes any difference.

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Code That Works In Excel Version 2003 Does Not Work In Version 2007

Oct 21, 2008

This code no longer works in ver 2007:' Obtain max resources available for Excel


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Make Programs Use A Lower Version Of Net.framework Other Than The Newest Version 4 That Comes With VS2010?

Jun 10, 2010

Is there any way to make my programs use a lower version of net.framework other than the newest version 4 that comes with VS2010?I use my programs within a closed network and there isn't an easy way for me to install any software since I'm not the administrator.

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Disable Button Depending On OS Version By Reading OS Version Via Registry?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm trying to add functionality to my application that will disable buttons and checkboxes depending on what version the OS is when the app is launched. I made a test app to test this but unfortunately I can not get it to work. Here is my code:

'OS Check
Dim osValue As Object
osValue =
My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrent Version", "CurrentVersion", "5.2")


*Note - 5.2 is Windows 2003, 6.0 is Vista, 5.1 is Windows XP

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VS 2008 Check Difference Between A Full Version And Unregistered Version?

Sep 1, 2010

I have created a license system for my application with MySql about half a year ago. What it would do is take the serial number and send it to my server if the key was correct it would return a 0 if its wrong the return value would be a 1.The problem was that when the serial number was entered correctly my program would create a "fake file" for example vb.dll in the system.And on run time my program would check for that vb.dll if the file exist it would skip my trial program and run the app as a full version. Half year later i think creating a "fake file" and checking for it on start up is extremely wrong and that's not very good security.How can i check the difference between a full version and unregistered version?

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Compare Assembly Version With File Version?

Jun 3, 2012

I want my application to do something special :D.. jks

I just want it to compare assembly version to the file version something like this (btw i also want it if it is the same i want it to enable a button):

Private Sub StartSplash_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Assembly Version = File Version Then


so how do i detect Assembly & File version numbers?

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Set Publish Version To Overwrite Previous Version?

Jun 16, 2011

I would like my program to overwrite its previous version such that users don't have to uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.

I'm guessing it has something to do with setting Publish Version (Major, Minor, Build, Revision), Assembly Version or File Version.

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Get Latest File Name

Aug 25, 2011

produce VB script which looks at a particular folder and gets the name of the latest file. I have a folder which holds database backups and I need a script that gives me the full name of the most recent backup (file name consists of a date and time stamp). This file name will then need to be used in a variable within SSIS.

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Get The Latest Record For Every Parent Row?

May 3, 2010

i have parent ->child tables i want to get the latest record for every parent row of the parent table how?

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Building An EShop 'Latest Products'?

Apr 2, 2012

I was trying to do a 'Latest Products' page for an eShop project I'm working on. asically, I want to show a number of products, say 10, from a table in my db that where added in my database in the last 30 days or less.irst I tried to use the GridView function in VB.NET, where it auto-populates the table but can't be limited and then I tried this SQL statement, which isn't working, giving me an error.

FROM Product
WHERE DateAdded > (SELECT DATEADD(d,-30,(SELCT MAX(DateAdded) FROM Product)) AS "Last 30


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Latest Image Upload 2.0 Applet?

Dec 12, 2009

I use the following coding to show six images from the latest photo album i uploaded picture to. However the images being shown are the 1st six images in the folder (which are the ones the oldest uploaded) not the final six images uploaded.Anyone can help me what should i change in the following coding to show the last six images in the folder.

latestfolder = "na"
latestdate = cdate("01/01/09")


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Return Latest Value From Database Table

Jan 24, 2011

I am new to development and I'm using VB.NET to build an application for my kids. I want to teach them how to manage their money so I've decided to build them an application. I have a database table which stores all transactions aswell as the userid (users have to login). When one of my kids opens his bank account, I have got it so that it only shows his transactions with date and bank account balance and no-one elses. My question is, how can I retrieve the latest balance and display it in a label at the top of the form?

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.net - Update DataColumn's With Latest Column Information?

Nov 26, 2009

I have a dataset with a number of data columns, due to sizing issues I've updated a number of the varchar columns from say VARCHAR(20) to VARCHAR(50).I'd like the DataTable to automatically grab the new column information, is this possible? I'd rather not go through each column in the table and update the length.

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Display The Latest Symbol When Drawing A Graph?

Apr 19, 2009

if there's a way to just display the latest Symbol when drawing a graph. My app displays "real time" data from a pointPairlist and I want one graph just to be a + mark with no trace.

Dim myCurve As LineItem = m_graphPane.AddCurve("", m_pointsList, Color.Red, SymbolType.Plus)

This will show a red line with a + with every pointpair, I just want to display the latest pointpair, as an +.

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ListBox Show Latest Item Added?

Jan 17, 2008

I have a ListBox that is only about 4 lines high. After I add more than 4 Items, it attaches them to the bottom of the list outside of the viewable area with out scrolling. Is there any way to either add items to the top of the list or make the latest item visible? I want to keep all the items in the list in the order they were added whether it is oldest to newest or newest to oldest.

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Open Event Viewer Windows Latest 5-10?

Feb 21, 2011

i'm building my own monitoring system. I have allot but i'm stuck at 1 point: I wanna have a list of events out of the event viewer, it polls every 30 min.i have this:

Dim eventLogApp As New System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application")
Dim eventLogEntry As System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry
Dim eventCntr As Integer = 1[code]....

but this is way to heavy for a poll of every 30 min. Because is checks the WHOLE event viewer.What i want.. just the latest 5 or 10 events from the event viewer to reduce the load..

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