Display The Latest Symbol When Drawing A Graph?
Apr 19, 2009
if there's a way to just display the latest Symbol when drawing a graph. My app displays "real time" data from a pointPairlist and I want one graph just to be a + mark with no trace.
Dim myCurve As LineItem = m_graphPane.AddCurve("", m_pointsList, Color.Red, SymbolType.Plus)
This will show a red line with a + with every pointpair, I just want to display the latest pointpair, as an +.
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Aug 25, 2009
My graph code works but i'm afraid it may not be efficient. I'm drawing a graph on a form using GDI. Basically, i'm making the entire form one big graph. Is this the best approach to creating a graph:
Private Sub frmGraphPaper_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
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Sep 30, 2009
my assignment is to draw a graph within my VB form with a some variables I have. I was told by my boss that I should use Microsoft Chart Control 6.0, but I don't think it matters if it is in another software.I currently have a few variables, each with a lot of values, "Frequency", which is user entered from maximum to minimum, CH (channel) 1-4 which are given by a machine output I use at my company. My graph, is supposed to have the Frequency values in the X-Axis (horizontal) and the CH 1-4 values within a range of each other in the Y-Axis. Can anybody help? My code for extracting the data and getting the frequency is below. How I got most of it is thanks to Stanav, the thread is over here: url...It comes with 3 buttons (I have not put in the code for button 3), the 3rd button will be used for plotting the graph when clicked.
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Jun 20, 2009
I'm having difficulty drawing a graph using a picturebox and the graphics type. For some reason my graph doesn't load, even if I put thec code at the end of the on load event. But it works fine of I assign it to a button.
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Sep 2, 2009
The problem is I have 10 nodes(say) and there are some connections between them. Now I want to draw a visual graph depicting the above with circles as nodes and lines as connections between them. My problem is what is the algorithm for placement of nodes on screen, say we have drawn one circle, then the other circle should be drawn as non-overlapping as possible.
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Jan 9, 2011
I am new to vb.net, from VB6. Trying to understand drawing a simple line graph into a picturebox, which was so simple in VB6 ! From code snippets, I can see the basic idea using an bitimage to draw the lines and then showing it in a picturebox. I don't understand how to (simulate) scaling of the bitmap's x/y scales like you could do with VB6's .Scale.
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Nov 27, 2009
drawing 2D color coded graph in vb 2005
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Sep 21, 2009
VB 6 has a ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth property which VB 2008 does not support and this is causing me fits to work around. I'm trying to draw some lines (a graph) on a Picture Box (or a Panel) using my own coordinates (not pixels). This can't be all that hard can it?
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Nov 21, 2009
My problem is centering the 0,0 points of my graph to the center of my picturebox
Dim picBoxWidth As Integer = picGraf.Size.Width
Dim picBoxHeight As Integer = picGraf.Size.Height
Dim halfWidth As Integer = picGraf.Size.Width / 2
So how to I tell it to start at the center of my picturebox names (picgraf) btw.
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Sep 28, 2010
I have taken over support of an application at the company I work for. All of a sudden, the customer wants to be able to enter a registered trademark in a name field. The symbol, using ALT+0174, is being saved correctly, but the app is not encoding it properly. Essentially this is what I'm doing:
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim ms As New MemoryStream
Everything is fine, except the "??" after "Smith" should be "®". What is the best way, if any, to display the symbol correctly?
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Oct 24, 2011
How can I display service mark symbol SM in coding.I tried ChrW(8480) but it does work will other browser except IE 8.
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Jan 12, 2009
does somebody know the user will be able to press enter within a datagridview cell without moving to the next cell. Also i want that the carriage return symbol, i mean a symbol that represents the new line , to be displayed.
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Nov 25, 2010
I am writing sample code for Date conversion using VB.net.Problem i am facing that it is prefixing and suffixing with hash(#) symbol.ex : #2010-12-12#.How to remove # symbol so that i can only date.
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Feb 11, 2011
I'm trying to display the square root symbol on a button in a windows form. I'm using the unicode U+221A which on windows character map is the root sign. When i enter this in visual basic ensure the font is the same as that in the character map (wasn't sure if that made a difference to the unicode) my button displays the eta sign instead. Any help greatly received.
This is the code i'm using to set my unicode the the buttons text property.
btnSquareRoot.Text = CChar("U+221A")
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Mar 5, 2010
In our company we are using PHP to display graph from statistics in SQL over webpage. So anywhere just access the website and input the date will display statistics over the webpage of the company.
My question now is, will VB.net can do that to link SQL and display it over the webpage? Or do I need to have special software to use?
If VB.net can do it? Is there any tutorial link you can recommend for me? Video link much better.
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Jun 3, 2009
i would develop a program that displays the graph/spectrum of a WAV sound file located on the computer.
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Mar 5, 2012
I"m having a bit of trouble getting my pie graph to work. I'm not too sure if I should be posting here, but it's about vb so I thought it would sort of fit. I've used the chart control from the toolbox, and dragged one of those across to use. I can't get more than one item to display in the chart.
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Apr 4, 2012
I am wondering how one would go about using the graph control to display a bar graph that shows trends from my database.They are rather easy trends. I am building an industrial issue tracker and I would like for it to show how many issues were submitted each month for the last 6 months and also how many issues in the last month were of certain types that are categorized in my database.
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Jun 19, 2010
Is it possible to fix a web browser to a certain spot? Example, i want it to display the graph in this link, and only that graph, nothing else. Is there a different way i can do this? [URL] Also, the users will be searching items to display that items given graph, it;s not the same every time.
View 10 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
I have used MSChart control and created line graph. when i move my mouse over the graph, i want to display X-axis value and Y-axis value in another label above the graph.
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Apr 27, 2011
Is there a way to get Visual.net to display the sound coming in the microphone as a graph on the screen? for example it would show the frequency and intensity of the waves.
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Mar 3, 2011
i have recently installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional and I am currently coding in VB. I am trying to display a bar graph (pulling from MS SQL database) for certain criteria, but I do not have a "Chart" option in my Toolbox section. I have a licensed software and do not know why the "Chart" option is not present.
View 11 Replies
Dec 24, 2010
I am developing an application with multiple picture boxes, each displaying a line graph. I want to be able to have a label following the mousepointer showing xy coordinates of the point. I also want to allow a user to zoom in on a specific picture box by double clicking on it. The code does what I want as written (changes backcolor so I know double click event fires) except moving the position of the label to follow the mouse pointer.
However if if uncomment the line in the MouseMoved sub:
LB.Location = New Point(e.X, e.Y)
Then the label moves as desired however the double click event no longer fires.
Public Class Form1
Dim PB As New PictureBox, LB As New Label
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With PB
[Code] .....
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Aug 8, 2009
I would like to draw a figure like this. But i do not know how to start drawing it. What i could do is simple mathematics calculation, display something in a label and taking some values from a textbox.
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Feb 23, 2011
How can i use zed graph web to graph a dataset or datatable, the only examples i have found use test data.
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Jun 3, 2012
draw individual pixels, without resorting to drawing a line and setting it's length to 1. Is there an actual ability to draw a pixel that is just 1 pixel big?
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Jul 2, 2009
I have to draw a bar graph in my vb.net program. I used AxMSChart to create a graph. Everything has gone fine but when i published this and run on Vista PC, all form was good except my form includes MSChart. It says class not registered.So i have to draw a graph except MSChart tool.
View 10 Replies
Feb 18, 2012
I need some code to draw a resizable, draggable rectangular cursor (or selection box) on a picturebox. I found some excellent code (albeit rather old) that does just that, but on a form rather than a picturebox. I have tried converting the code - basically moving things to the picturebox events (Paint, MouseDown, MouseMove etc). It nearly works but leaves a trail behind it when you move or resize the cursor. In other words, the selection rectangle is not being erased before being drawn in the new position.
Is there some fundamental difference between drawing graphics on a form and drawing on a picturebox that would cause this behaviour? Something like, when you invalidate a form and cause a redraw it erases what you did last? If not, then I just need to dig a bit further and work out how the cursor is being erased from the previous position.
Here's the original code that works fine on a form:
Private DragRect As New RectangleF(20, 20, 100, 80)
Private Adornments(7) As RectangleF
Private MouseInRect As Boolean = False
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Aug 25, 2011
produce VB script which looks at a particular folder and gets the name of the latest file. I have a folder which holds database backups and I need a script that gives me the full name of the most recent backup (file name consists of a date and time stamp). This file name will then need to be used in a variable within SSIS.
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Jun 21, 2010
Say I have 3 Buttons, labelled: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. When I click on any button I want a drawing of that unit to appear on screen at a pre-specified starting point. Thereafter when I press any other one of the buttons the unit drawings appear alongside each other in a line. So I could end up with:
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