Linq Update A Signle Field?

Jun 19, 2009

I am using database compact and i loaded it on my form and i want to update a single field but I cannot, why:

what am doing is:
dim newrec as datatable=(studentdataset."TableName")
dim querie= from det in newrec.asnumerable() _


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Make Gridview Checkbox Field Update Boolean Field In Database?

Feb 7, 2011

There are lots of questions about this but I've not been able to solve my problem using the answers to any of them (after many, many attempts..)

I'm working in creating an web application. I have an SqlDataSource and a GridView on my page.

I want to change the DoNotMail boolean value represented by a Gridview checkbox and automatically update in the database if the checkbox is checked from 0 (False, Will Mail) to 1 (True, Won't Mail) here is the code I used. [code]...

is it possible to do a two way sync on the entire gridview when the user hits a button so you don't have to do an update every time a row is changed? because the user might check the box and then check another box then uncheck a box and it would be a lot of updates...

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.net - LINQ Update Method Doesn't Update The Db?

Nov 5, 2010

Public Sub UpdateStaff(ByVal sr As StaffRecord)
Dim oldSr As StaffRecord
Dim q = From staff In db.StaffRecords Where staff.Employee_Number = sr.Employee_Number Select staff
oldSr = q.First
oldSr.Address_Line1 = sr.Address_Line1


The helper function I have written seems to do everything I want apart from update the db. Stepping through the code, the oldSr is updated by the new sr parameter but no update on submit changes.

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.net - Use LINQ To Find MAX Or MIN Of A Field From All Child Records

Apr 20, 2011

way to write the LINQ query. The parent class is simply a student's name and a list of test score data. The child class is a single test score datum. I want to find the worst (or best) score out of all of the TestScore values and then identify the student who had the best score.

Dim query = From s In studentList _
Where s.ScoreList.Select(Function(d) d.TestScore).Min _
= studentList.SelectMany(Function(g) g.ScoreList).Select(Function(h)


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Querying An Entity That Has A Varbinary Field With LINQ?

Jun 5, 2012

When I try to query an entity that has a varbinary field in it I am getting error:"The LINQ expression node type 'ArrayIndex' is not supported in LINQ to Entities."

Here is my query:

Dim query = From entity In db.Entity
Where entity.Id= Id
Select entity.VarBinaryField


The error gets generated when I check that the query isNot nothing.

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Select All Records Where A Field Is Null Using LINQ?

Jan 25, 2012

I've got a table that caches calculated values for certain dates. I want to use LINQ to select all rows where the calculated value fields are null.But when I use isNothing I get an error that LINQ can't translate this into T-SQL. Is there a way to select null values with link, like this...?

Dim var = From rec As Record In myDataContext.Records Where IsNothing(rec.calculatedValue) Select rec

Other posts on stackoverflow mostly discuss how to avoid or check for null values with LINQ.

Note: I can't just set cacluatedValue's default to -1 to flag records whose calculated value has not been set (and then select those records) because I run queries that sum/average the calculated values. Selecting nulls seems cleaner and less bug-prone.

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.net - Substitute Field Name In Linq Where Clause By Combo Text?

Jun 22, 2012

I have a combo with 6 text NA,PO,FA,GO,VG,EX and I want to do a Linq query upon the selected value in this combo used as field in the where clause. for example:

'if "NA" is selected :
Dim query = from t in db.table where t.NA > 0 Select t
'If "PO" is selected :
Dim query = from t in db.table where t.PO > 0 select t

How to do this in elegant way without writing 6 if statement or using "Select case"

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Cannot Set System Data Linq Binary Field Using Reflection

Oct 24, 2011

I cannot get the following to work for me: its the section that sets the default for The database I work with doesn't allow nulls in any field. So I generally run my buffer through this routine to populate defaults and then set the real values independently, (this works when I miss a field). I can set the Linq table field = fakeBinary and it works like a charm. Thus, I don't understand why using reflection can't pull of the same thing.
Ex: Me.CM20500WindowBuffer.Reconcile_Messages = New Byte() {0} works.

Dim fakeBinary As System.Byte() = {0}
For Each fld In nObj.GetType().GetProperties
Select Case fld.PropertyType
Case GetType(Byte)
[Code] .....

View 9 Replies

IDE :: Using Lin To Update One Field Only

Jun 16, 2009

I am using database compact and i loaded it on my form and i want to update a single field but I cannot, why: what am doing is:


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.net - Pass An Expression To Act On A Single Field In An Anonymous Type In LINQ?

Mar 27, 2012

I have the following Data Transfer Objects defined:

Public Class MemberWithAddressesDTO
Public Property Member_PK As Integer
Public Property Firstname As String
Public Property DefaultAddress As AddressDTO
Public Property Addresses As IQueryable(Of AddressDTO)
End Class


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Datagrid Field Update

Nov 23, 2009

I have a general ledger branch file mtn. form in vb 2008. I am using a datagrid that is bound to an sql 2008 table using a dataset. In the grid I am allowing the user to update 6 of the fields in the table. The table also has a date last changed field. Who do I get the date last changed field changed to the current date for only the rows in the grid that have changed?

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UPDATE 1 Field In A Row Of Data?

Mar 14, 2012

I want to UPDATE 1 field in a row of data but I want to select that row based upon 2 other changeable fields. I can not get the changeable fields to work. When I put in a integer in place of the @field, it works but when I use any @field name of field name, it does not work. HELP HELP

This works::
cmd.CommandText =
"UPDATE [dbo].[Healing] SET [Printed] = 'NO' WHERE (([Row] = 1) AND ([Flag] = 1))"
ReturnA = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()


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Update A Field In Db With Year Only?

May 2, 2010

Update a field in Db with year Only?

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Update A Field In Each Datarow?

Sep 11, 2009

I am looping through a dataset. I want to update a field in each datarow.

How can I edit a row in a dataset? I tried this but it didn't work:

For each datarow as datarow in dataset.datatable.rows[code]...

View 26 Replies

VS 2008 : Update Field To Add A New Value?

Feb 11, 2011

I am accepting the amount value from the user. The amount would be added to the fees if the fee is in areas, if the fee is 0, then the amount update the fee field. but when the code below is run , only the amount is updated without adding to the arrears which is the fees. Wat is wrong with this command?

update Student_Info set Fees = (Fees + '" & Me.txtamount.Text & "' ) where Class = '" & Me.cbxClass.Text & "'"

would the decode command workd in

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VS 2008 Add Or Update A Field?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a database in access and have connected it to vb, its connected to a login system the only problem that comes up is when i want to add or update a field which then "da.Update(ds)" gives an error.

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)


View 28 Replies - JavaScript Update Field In Another UserControl?

Dec 20, 2010

I try to explain better. I have one user control in page, and inside this have UC2 (modal pop up). And I try to achieve this: When I close UC2(modal) i try to update some fields on UC1. And this works fine for one(I have UC2(modal) and on button Save OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI()"), and in UC1 on top of page

function SaveInfoCI() {
= document.getElementById("<%=UC2.GetClientID%>").value; }

but because i reuse this control in another place i want to update another field. Basically now i Have 3 JS function that update 3 fields. And I try when I click save in UC2(modal) I must execute one of this 3 javascript f, to update right field. I don't want to have 3 same UC with only difference in OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI().

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Cannot Update Order Id Field Not Updateable

Jun 10, 2011

I have this error when I run my program Can not update order id field not updateable, This happens when I try to enter data into a text box and press save. to my data grid.

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How To Update Field If Record Exist

Sep 14, 2011

im connect the database using the OLEDB, how to write the code when the user types '02' in textbox1, 'myname' in textbox2 and 'myqty' in textbox3, if database table itemcode field same with textbox1 then will only update the textbox2 and textbox3 in other field, if it does not exist then create the new record.

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Update A Binary Field In SQL Server?

May 11, 2009

I know how to insert a new row into a table that has a binary column. But is there any way to update the binary column once that row has been added? So far an exhaustive google search has turned up nothing. Get the current row that I wish to update delete the row that I wish to update Create a new row with the information from the row I wish to update plus the new binary It just doesnt seem very elegant, and I was hoping I could do the same thing with an update statement. Here is the updated code I am using now for reference


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Update A Database Field With A Richtextboxfield

Mar 15, 2012

What I am trying to do? update a database field with a richtextboxfield.

I have tried using Dim range1 As New System.Windows.Documents.TextRange(RichTextBox1.Document.ContentStart, RichTextBox1.Document.ContentEnd)

But this did not work for me either.


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Update MySQL Field In Program?

Feb 26, 2011

I am trying to update a field in my MySQL database using VB.NET.....

Basically, I can read the field's content, using this code:

SQL = "SELECT * FROM `boomtable` WHERE `Tab1` = 'CLOSED'"

However, I want to update the Tab1 field to have the value OPEN if it's currently closed, and make the value CLOSED if it's currently OPEN.. Right now, it's CLOSED, (I put the value in manually when making my table)

Here is the code I'm using that changes my label based on the Tab1 field's value that works fine... Except I want to actually make it update the field in the database in addition to changing the label text.[code]...

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Update Row In Database But Skip One Field?

May 13, 2009

I have written this set of code that will update an Access Database row: (Total_RAM, Model, etc are just string variables)

Dim Record As InventoryDataSet.InventoryRow
Record = frmMain.InventoryDataSet.Inventory(0)
Record.Total_RAM = Total_RAM
Record.Model = Model


My problem is the fact that one specific record called "Record.Asset_Tag" exists in the database, but I don't want to programically alter it. That will need to be typed in manually. However, even if I don't put in the line "Record.Asset_Tag = ...", it will overwrite anything in the field with a blank.How do I keep whatever is in the database unaltered in the Asset_Tag column?

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Update To Msaccess A Date Field

Nov 4, 2009

My regional settings are set to dd/mm/yyyy.I'm trying to update an access table from a datagridview.When datein in the Rate_Per_Period table is #31/10/2009# the update works perfect.When datein has a value of #1/11/2009# the update doesn't work.[code]

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Conditional SQL Update Contacts In A Database From VB Where The Field Value Is N/A

Sep 27, 2011

I want to update contacts in a database from VB, where the field value is N/A. The following will update all fields where phone = @Phone, however I want to update those fields IF they have N/A in already. Can it be done in SQL?


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Update A Field In SQL Database But Can't Get The Data To Change

Jun 1, 2012

I have the following code to try and change a field in a Microsoft SQL database. I don't get any Exceptions when processing the code but I use the Microsoft SQL Management Studio to view the data before and after but the data does not change.

myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand
myDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection = New SqlConnection(myConnectString)
myDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = mySqlString


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Update Database Field Value Automatically When Another Value Is Added Elsewhere?

Mar 10, 2012

I have two tables: HolidayRequests & HolidayEntitlementWithin the Holiday Requests I have 1 field:DaysWhen a staff member adds a holiday request it is stored as a number in the holiday requests table in days field (there are multiple requests with different days)

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Update Date & Time Together To A Single Field?

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to upate date value as well as time value to a single datetime field.I can update date or time by using or today.time separately.But I don't know how to update both to one field.

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Update Having Quote String Like Rug's Name ('s) In VB Text Field?

Aug 2, 2011

is there way to update having quote string eg. drug's name ('s) in vb text field ' this corrector REFUSING TO UPDATE TO DATABASE. this kinds of error always comes up Incorect Syntax Near 'S'.Unclosed Quotation Mark After character string '))'.

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.net - Write A Linq To Sql Query To Find Records Where Field Name Can Match One Of Dynamic Number Of Strings?

Mar 21, 2012

I have users check off lab facilities in a UI. I want to use linq to fetch corresponding records for all of the labs that they have checked off. Basically,

Dim myRecs = (From l As EpiData In myDataContext.EPIDatas Where l.facility= _
one of the checked labs

So basically, I need to write a linq query where the "strings" to match are determined at runtime. Is there any way to do this easily? I know that there is a library out there called dynamic LINQ, but (1) it's in C# and I'm writing in VB (2) I'm really just looking for a single, simple solution for this single case.

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