Make Interface Serializable

Mar 22, 2012

Having to update somebody else's code. Did I do this correct for the code below?


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Make A MVC 2 Json Serializable Structure With Apropriate PK Array Keys?

Jan 1, 2010

I have a table with a Int PK column and a name. I want to load them into an object of some sort and return them using Json() ActionResult in MVC 2. I am having a hard time finding a built-in structure that is supported for serialization that keeps a simple key/value structure in tact.

Ultimately I would like to do something like:
Function JsonList() As ActionResult
Dim Things = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)


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Get MD5 Of Serializable Class

Feb 27, 2011

I have a class that is serializable. I would like to compute the MD5 of it. I already had a function in the project to get a MD5 from a Stream, so I reused it, and created a function to convert an object to a memorystream. The code is as follows. Does anyone see any problems, but more to the point, is there an easier way to do this that I'm simply missing?


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Serializable Dictionary, How To Set Key Name

Jul 16, 2010

Question: I use a serializable dictionary class, found at , to serialize a dictionary.

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Why Isn't .Net Object Serializable

Jun 2, 2010

I've got a 'MyDataTable' class that inherits from System.Data.DataTable I've implemented ISerializable in my class and have a 'Public Overrides Sub GetObjectData...' But when I try to serialize the an object of 'MyDataTable' I get an error saying that 'MyDataTable' is not marked as serializable.


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C# - Serializable Partial Classes?

May 29, 2009

I have the follow VB.NET class definition:<Serializable()> Partial Public Class Customers End Class

Inside another file I have the same thing (with different methods and variables of course). When I compile, I get the following error:Attribute 'SerializableAttribute' cannot be applied multiple times.The error is pretty self explanatory. My question is though, if I just mark the one class as Serializable(), can I assume the entire class with be marked as serializable()? In other words, Do I only need the serializable() tag in 1 spot in the class?

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Serializable Class Collections?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a class that contains a list of properties which serializes just fine. However I need one of those properties to contain a collection of another class to give me sub classes

Example XML


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How To Make User Interface

Sep 7, 2010

I want input from user and when he click on view report button report should come in report viewer. May be my design is not good but my aspect is to design a user interface so that user should able to pass parameter in all the ways and get desired report.

Drop downlist
Radio Button
Check box
and other countrols

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Cannot Get Values From A Serializable Class And Structure

Feb 17, 2010

I have a serializable class and structure I created for an ArrayList to be access within a Web Application. The problem I am having is the count comes back as zero after calling New. I debugged the code and the Arrylist is being populated

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Instead Of Marking A Class With The <Serializable()> Attribute?

Jul 10, 2011

ToSerializable is it possible instead of marking a Class with the <Serializable()> attribute?

as in the following Class.So you could maybe do:>>myObject.ToSerializable

<Serializable()> _Public Class ExampleClass
End Class

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Passing Serializable Objects Through Sockets?

Jul 16, 2009

I have no idea where to begin. I've looked online but haven't been able to find anything.

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Serializable()> Attribute For A BO Class Which Is On App Server?

Dec 5, 2011

I have the following architecture for my project:UI -> Web Server -> App Server -> Database

I am using SOA architecture for my project. My Web Service is residing on AppServer having BL (Business Layer) / BO (Business Object) / DAL (Data Access Layer). I am exposing the BL using Web Service. I am getting the service reference to this Web Service at WebServer by creating the proxy using WSDL.exe. Now my question is:


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What Class For Serializable Multidimensional Arrays

Feb 19, 2009

EDIT: SI have a web service which uses a class of functions in order to return data used in various business processes (via InfoPath). One of the functions takes a given SQLCommand object and executes it into a SQLDataReader. Now depending on the SQL command text used this may return one or many rows of one or many columns. So what is the best class for this function to return bearing in mind it needs to be serialized by the web service.

My existing code is:
Dim array As New ArrayList


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Make A Click And Drag Interface In Vb.08?

Oct 2, 2009

i did some research on click and drag and i still dont get it, can any body plz help me with this.

P.S. when i write in the code i ALWAYS get a not defined error!

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Use Interface In My Code To Make It More Scalable?

Jan 13, 2012

I have a ASP.NET web application which has a UI project and BL project. The BL project handles all business logic and data access part.I call the BL methods from my UI by Simply calling the method on the instances.[code]...

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User Interface Not Reflecting Changes Make?

Mar 23, 2012

Basically the question is, Why are NONE of the changes I've been making in the designer reflecting on the program when it runs ?'none' is in bold because I've tried moving everything around and nothing seems to be affecting it, it's like it's reading from a different design file, I tried reloading the project and that did nothing, and none of my code affects position of any items on the form (way too much to post it all)

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Concurrency Control With Serializable Isolation Level?

Jun 28, 2011

I have to handle concurrency control and I used SqlClient.SqlTransaction with IsolationLevel.Serializable level. In that transaction, I do 3 works:

1. Select the latest updated time from a record of a table

2. Compare the latest updated time with a stored time paramater

3. If the result form comparision is "same" I will update that record

But my problem is, when 2 transactions is run at almost the same time.


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Serialize An Object, Exception Because Form Is Not Serializable

Jul 28, 2010

I have a class called Truck and a form called frmTruck I have some code like this in a method. It recieves obj as Truck

Dim ms As New MemoryStream(1000)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter(Nothing, New StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Clone))
bf.Serialize(ms, obj)

To simplify my code, I have basically something like this for frmTruck:

public class frmTruck
private truckValue as Truck
public sub DoSomething()


During the LoadTruckFromDatabase function I call the SerializeTruck method, here everything goes fine. But when I call the SerializeTruck just before End sub of DoSomething, it goes wrong I get an exception saying that frmTruck is not serializable My truckinstance doesn't have any references to frmTruck...

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VS 2008 How To Have A Serializable Class Ignore A Property

Sep 11, 2009

How can i make one item in my class not serialize?

I have tried adding:

<System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility(System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> with no avail

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Interface And Graphics :: Best Way To Make A 'tile Selector' Box?

Jan 16, 2011

So now I will try to make something more complex, still playing around with this graphics thing.I want a picturebox to display a tileset (a bunch of 32x32 tiles normally used for creating game levels etc), the picturebox is inside a container (which has autoscroll ON). The picturebox is larger than the container, so the container will make scrollbars automatically.Now, I need to be able to choose a tile or multiple tiles (if I click & drag the mouse)Basically I want to draw a 32x32 "red" box over each selected tile (so the user knows what tiles are selected).So first of all, I need to know when the mouse clicks the picture. Good. It works.Now, I need to know which 32x32 tile was clicked. Well, I think I can calculate that just fine.BUT, what if the user drags the mouse while clicking on a tile? I want to support multiple tiles selected, but I am clueless about tracking what tiles were chosen.If we solve that problem, I would have another curiosity: You know the "red boxes" that tell you which tiles are selected? What would happen if I dragged the scroll bar? I need the redboxes to move along with the picture, and hide if they go to an invisible area.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Make Picturebox Transparent

Aug 23, 2009

i am making a program with graphics and im using a picturebox for a button. The image inside picturebox is transparent .gif. The problem is that i don't know how to make picturebox transparent. I searched the internet but all exaples didn't work. Does someone know how to fix this problem?

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Interface And Graphics :: Make A Thumbnail From An Image?

Jul 11, 2004

I am trying to incorporate in my vbdotnet application a form in which I would like to make a thumbnail from an image. So what I have is two picture boxes, one with the source image and the other with the destination image, I would like to crop the image from picture box 1 and display it on picture box 2, but the way I wan to crop it is not giving the coordinates of the selected area box but to simulate a selection area box in which the mouse can move the box and select the area of the picture to be cropped. This selection area box would give me the coordinates i need in order to proceed the cropping. The problem is I don't know how to create this selection area box. It is like doing the cropping on a graphic design software like Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe photoshop, even paint.

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Make A Page Based Interface Such As An Installer?

Jun 22, 2009

What would be the most clean & efficient method to make a page based interface, such as an installer?

I've had a few ideas, I could make a class for each control i'm going to use that has a Page ID number, and compare that against a global current page number, except I want it to be reusable, so that would mean i'd have to make a class for every control.

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Make A The Implementation Of A Interface Member Internal?

Sep 12, 2009

I have a public interface. i have class that implements the interface, how do i make the implementation of interface members internal or private in the implementation class? If i declare an interface internal, how to implement that in an public class?

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Make Base Interface For Generic Classes?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to create a base interface for a class of mine that uses generics. However, I cannot figure out how to declare a property of the interface when its type won't be defined until the class is initialized.

To clarify, consider List(of T), which according to msdn, implements IList (among other things). Note that IList is not the same as its generic counterpart IList(Of T). So that mean any List(of T) can be converted to IList, which simply returns an object for its items. That's what I want to do with MyClass(of T), be able to cast it as IMyClass regardless of what T is.

But when I try such as:

Interface IMyClass
Prop A as Object
Class MyClass(of T) Implements IMyClass
Prop A as T Implements IMyClass.A

I get a signature error for the last line, even though object is broader than T. What am I doing wrong, or how exactly did Microsoft manage to make List(of T) implement IList?

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.net - Can't Call Serialize() On Instance Of Serializable Singleton Class?

Nov 28, 2011

I have a VB.NET singleton class which implements Serializable:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization

<Serializable()> Public Class CoordinateHistory[code].....

My problem is that I can't actually call .Serialize() on the instance of this class, like all of the examples online show. What am I doing wrong?

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C# - Serialize A Class Containing An Object (of Any Serializable Type) To XML (Conditon: .NET 1.1)?

Sep 21, 2011

Question: I must get the content of all sessions in a HttpModule, under .NET 1.1. (don't ask my why certain people still use it) I can write the module, I can get the sessions. But... sessions are stored as


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VS 2008 - Custom Control 'Serializable' - Contains A List(Of Panel)

Nov 29, 2010

I'm trying to create a custom control that contains a List(Of Panel). I quickly ran into an error about the base class Panel being nonserializable. So I created my own class that inherits from Panel and implemented the ISerializable interface. At the surface, everything appears to work, at least everything at design time. I don't know what would happen if I tried to run the application. Anyway, the errors occur when I try to open a file that contains my custom control. For example, I create a new Windows Form and add my custom control to it. I save the Form and close it.

Then I try to open the form and get the following error: Object of type 'MyTestApplication.SerializablePanel[]' cannot be converted to type 'MyTestApplication.SerializablePanel[]'.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong? I've opened the XML file to see what it's actually writing, and read the header notes about using binary base64 serialization. I think that's what I'm using, but I'm not sure.

Below is the code for the class SerializablePanel:

Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.ComponentModel

<Serializable()> _


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C# - Arrays - Use The IEnumerable<T> Interface And Make It Type Specific

Mar 1, 2011

In many projects I work on, whenever I have to return a read only collection, I use the IEnumerable<T> interface and make it type specific like so:


Most of the time, I return a List but in some functions and read only properties I return an array which also serves the purpose alright by kind courtesy of Extension Methods.

My question is am I violating any design principles by returning IEnumerable<T>s instead of specific types (e.g.: List<T>, HashSet<T>, Stack<T> or Arrays)?

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Interface And Graphics :: Create An Object And Make It Visible?

Dec 28, 2009

I tried to create a lineshape and make it visible when a timer ticks. Also tried to set everything that would matter when creating it(border colors and thickness etc)

But still, I got no results.

Dim line = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(CX, CY, ccx, ccy)
line.Parent = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer()
line.Enabled = True


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