Make Sendmessage Spacebar?

Mar 24, 2010

Ive been trying to figure out how to sendmessage VK_Space. i found an example and just tried it how it was, but i always get an error.My code

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal wMsg As IntPtr, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr


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Send Spacebar To Msn?

Dec 30, 2010

This is a part of my [code]...

I don't know why it doens't send a valid spacebar to MSN, Not to a person but to the mainpage. It does work with Notepad.The point of this is that it should send a real spacebar using notepad to the program which isnt focused.

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Using Keydown For The Spacebar In A Form?

Aug 17, 2009

I am having trouble using keydown for the spacebar in a form.I would like the spacebar to start/stop a StopWatch that I have running. I can get that to work fine but whenever I am focused on another button it also executes that buttons function also.I know that is the default behavior for the enter key and spacebar but I would like to override that.

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Send A Spacebar Input To An Application?

May 25, 2012

I am running a small program to run an application and then send a SPACEBAR input to that application to initiate a command. This is the code I have so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I checked online and still haven't found a concrete answer on this. Also, I would like to start it on a timer and when the application finishes with the command, close it.

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Beeping In A Console Application Until Press The Spacebar?

Oct 27, 2011

How can I continue processing in a console application until I press a key? I basically want to loop playing a beep every half second until the user presses any key. I have the loop and beeping down:

Do Until <key is pressed>

The question is, how do I implement the "<key is pressed>" condition?

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2010 - Disable Autocompleet Intellisence When Pressing Spacebar?

Apr 7, 2011

While creating test in i found it pretty annoying when you start typing and autocompleet changes a class to something similar looking even it is a class you don't want. Image to illustrate : In the picture you can see I am trying to setup a controller (this controller does not exist at the moment) so when i press the spacebar i will get DienstControllerFacts.How do you disable this sort of auto-correction?

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Game Programming :: Getting Bullets To Manually Shoot By Pressing A Spacebar?

May 26, 2011

up to now I've have been running my bullets on automatic fire, through 4 separate timers.My Nxt major task is to make my space bar shoot bullets. I have tried attempting to code the spacebar, for the first bullet. I was thinking that when the spacebar is pressed it turns on a timer, thus the bullet is fired. Then when the bullet hits the top of the screen or an alien the timer is turned off and bullet location is reset. Now the bullet1 no longer fires.I find the logic complicated but it should work.

my variables:
Public BulletMovement As System.Drawing.Point


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Cant Seem To Get Sendmessage To Work

Aug 24, 2010


Whats wrong with this code? There is no error. But nothing happens when exicuted.

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Sendmessage To Webbrowser?

Mar 24, 2010


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Using Sendkeys/sendmessage?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to send some words to an application I'm running (exe file, no webpage). To do this I run my vb program and minimize it, so that the application I want to send the words to have focus.Now I've tried sendkeys, but it seems sendkeys only sends my first word and does nothing with the other words. The code below is called 4 times by the main form

If i > 3 Then i = 0
i = i + 1
If i = 1 Then verhaal ="some text 1"[code]....

but this throws in a overflowexception was unhandled error at the apiSendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, "Hello") line.I've tried several things but I can't figure it out how to send multiple words to the application without problems .

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VS 2008 SendMessage In .net?

Sep 26, 2011

I am using SendMessageTimeout to send messages (IPC) to talk between applications ... works fine in vb... but i am trying to build a implementation to talk between existing vb6 apps and .net ones...

So far i can successfully send data from to vb6 using:

Dim b = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Command)
Data.dwData = New IntPtr
Data.cdData = UBound(b) + 1


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.net - Get Position From WM_LBUTTONDOWN SendMessage?

Oct 13, 2011

I would like to get the x, y position from the Params when the WM_LBUTTONDOWN is sent in got this to make the param but how do I get the position from it.

IntPtr lParam = (IntPtr)((y << 16) | x);

My function:

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
Select Case m.Msg


Update: I just tried this and it works perfectly.

Dim pos As New System.Drawing.Point(CInt(m.LParam))

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.net - SendMessage (backspace) Not Working?

Feb 23, 2011

Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100
Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101
Private Const VK_BACKSPACE = &H8


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.net - Sendmessage Mouseevent Not Working?

Jul 27, 2009

I have this code:

Dim WindowHandle As Long = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Ultima Online")
SendMessage(WindowHandle, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0)
SendMessage(WindowHandle, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0)

I know it is getting the windowhandle fine, because I made a conditional statment that pops up a messagebox if windowhandle = 0 The problem is that it is not sending the mouse click to the window.

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Can Sendmessage Simulate Keypresses

Feb 25, 2010


Damned. Is there a managed code somewhere in where mortals can simulate key presses?

Is there an e-book or book somewhere about it?

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How To Receive PostMessage / SendMessage

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to write a small plugin for eventghost for one of my software (audio player). EventGhost can send SendMessage or PostMessage messages to control other apps. How can I receive such messages in a VB.NET app?

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Sendmessage Mouseevent Not Working?

Jul 26, 2009

bear in mind i am pretty new to thisnow "Ultima Online" is the title of the window/game im trying to send a simple mouseclick to..

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Simulating Keypresses With Sendmessage?

Nov 30, 2009

I use keybd_event and mouse_event to simulate keypresses. I want taht to still work when the user is switch (Xp supports several users as we know).

Well, it doesn't.

I've heard sendmessage is more reliable,.

I manage to simulate click easily.

SimulateClick2 = SendMessage(hwnd, BM_CLICK, 0, 0)

Now, how to do so to simulate keypresses?

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VS 2008 Need A SendMessage / PostMessage Example

Dec 13, 2009

Can anyone give me a SendMessage/PostMessage Example? I want to make SendMessage/PostMessage work like SendKeys, except instead of sending keys to the app in focus, it will send keys to a certain app. I've looked at a lot of examples that use notepad, but they all need to use "find" the "EDIT" thing. I dont want that. Is there any other way?

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VS 2010 : SendMessage To A Text Box?

Jun 20, 2011

I can't seem to get my program to send anything to this text box. I am able to receive the handles of each object, but never able to send to it.

Here is my code.
Public Const WM_SETTEXT = &HC
Public Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100


It wont even set focus.I have the right amount of tiers ... perhaps im in need of the use of GetControl?

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Winapi - Send Key 46 (Chr(46)) With SendMessage?

Jun 14, 2012

I am Automating IBM iSeries Emulators using, created GUI that embeds the external iSeries Emulator Window in a WindowsForm Panel using the "SetParent" API .. To communicate with the iSeries Window I use the SendMessage API to send Key's to the Screen. I am aware of the sendkeys.keys in .net, but this way I dont have to SetForegroundWindow and reactivate my Form.


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Any Harm To Monitor In Using SendMessage Function

Nov 26, 2009

I developed a little app which uses SendMessage function to turn off monitor. My friend asked me whether using the app regularly will harm his monitor. He had some issues with his mother board when he used a similar app. Is there any harm (for hardware) in using the function to do things like these?

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Click Within A Window Using SendMessage Or PostMessage

Dec 23, 2008

I am launching an external that brings up a window that is split into two frames. I am able to get the handle of the frame and what I want to do is click inside the frame in a certain area.

For example, if I open "System Information" by launching msinfo32.exe, how would I click on Internet Settings in the left window pane? I don't need the exact coordinates, just an explanation of how it can be done using SendMessage or PostMessage.

I've tried things like:

PostMessage(sideWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 200, 1200)
PostMessage(sideWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, 200, 1200)

I wasn't sure if the end two numbers would be coordinates, but if they are, I've tried different numbers and can't seem to get it to click anything other than the first item in the list of the left window frame.

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Compatible Sendmessage And Sendmessagetimeout APIs?

Jan 26, 2012

I need an API for sendmessage and sendmessagetimeout for my VB .net application. I have searched quite a bit, and everything I find doesn't seem to work: either the message just doesnt seem to be sent, or the message appears to be sent with the msg parameter always 0, and the wparam setting as what I enter for the msg setting. Pinvoke's also always seems to throw an AccessViolationException for I have no idea what reason. I tried playing around with maybe just where I put the variable, but unsurprisingly, there is not a simple logical switch of the variables.I have tried pinvoke's:

<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
Public Shared Function SendMessageTimeout(ByVal windowHandle As IntPtr, ByVal Msg As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr, ByVal flags As


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Get Text From Boxes With Same Hwnd Using SendMessage?

May 18, 2009

I am currently writing a program that must extract data from the screen of another application. This application is a client side database interface. When the client retrieves data from the database it is displayed on this form. I am currently using.


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SendMessage And WM_MOUSEMOVE/WM_LBUTTONDOWN - No Result At All?

Apr 19, 2009

i have read around 500 websites/forum posts about this already (felt like 500 :)) but i _never_ got it to work.i'm trying to click on a specific position in a background window.. like when notepad, another app or a game is minimized.this is the code i've got now.. (just parts of it, i have a lot more but its commented and not working either):

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Dim DaWord As Long
DaWord = MakeDWord(800, 600)


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Sendmessage Click Button On Notepad?

Dec 9, 2011

Example I would want my program. To press a button on a window. Like notepad.exe I already know how to get the window handel and call gettext or send. To the edit textbox. But how would a preform a click event? I think its called child class? Say I wanted to click the fille button. How would I start ? I know how to get the name threw spy++ but am not sure how to sendmessage to the button.

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Sendmessage Lvi_getitemtext Not Working On 64-BITS?

Apr 24, 2007

I am trying to get the position and text of all DeskTop icons, by sending a SendMessage to the desktop's listview, using LVI_GETITEMTEXT. Works oke on 32 bits, but on 64-bits I always get an empty string back. I also tried to do this using LVI_GET_ITEM< but the same result. No errors, but also no text string. (I do get the x,y position of the icon). What is wrong here?


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SendMessage WM_GETICON Not Returning Icons?

Feb 1, 2009

another problem related to what I posted earlier but a different problem. I've got the open window list and all that, now I'm trying to get icons from the windows... but the only window that I can get to return an Icon is internet explorer?


I know all the variables are set correctly since obviously it can get Internet Explorer's icon, but I can't figure out a way to get icons from any of the other windows. I've tried ICON_SMALL BIG and SMALL2

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Type A Hello Word In Notepad Using Sendmessage?

Dec 20, 2010

how to type a hello word in notepad using sendmessage? i just want to write a simple word like "hello" in notepad and also, what is the difference between sendmessage , postmessage and keybd_event, etc?

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