2010 - Disable Autocompleet Intellisence When Pressing Spacebar?

Apr 7, 2011

While creating test in vb.net i found it pretty annoying when you start typing and autocompleet changes a class to something similar looking even it is a class you don't want. Image to illustrate : In the picture you can see I am trying to setup a controller (this controller does not exist at the moment) so when i press the spacebar i will get DienstControllerFacts.How do you disable this sort of auto-correction?

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Game Programming :: Getting Bullets To Manually Shoot By Pressing A Spacebar?

May 26, 2011

up to now I've have been running my bullets on automatic fire, through 4 separate timers.My Nxt major task is to make my space bar shoot bullets. I have tried attempting to code the spacebar, for the first bullet. I was thinking that when the spacebar is pressed it turns on a timer, thus the bullet is fired. Then when the bullet hits the top of the screen or an alien the timer is turned off and bullet location is reset. Now the bullet1 no longer fires.I find the logic complicated but it should work.

my variables:
Public BulletMovement As System.Drawing.Point


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Disable Pressing Enter On Datagridview?

Jun 6, 2011

I am having a form and datagridview.now the problem is that when form load and iam write something like saniplast so data of datagriview select similar saniplast when i pressed enter so the datagridview_keypress


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VS 2008 Updates Stuff Up Intellisence?

Aug 17, 2009

Last night 3 updates automatically installed from VS 2008 on my comp KB952241, KB971091 and KB973674 Today intellisence was not working for .net - I uninstalled the updates and everything is, once again, working fine I dont know what update did it ... But I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this - I would rather not have the updates if they stuff things up.

Oh - and before anyone asks - I tried resetting the visual studio settings

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Roles.getallroles Method Not Appearing With Intellisence?

Apr 14, 2009

Trying to retrieve all roles for a user. Thought maybe I could select by User.

When I key " roles. " the getallroles method does not appear as an option. I get "Add,AddRange,BinarySearch,Capacity,Clear,Contains,Count,IndexOf,Insert,Item,Remove,RemoveAt,Sort,ToArray".

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VS 2010 Pressing Button 1 Of Another Program

Oct 26, 2010

I want to make a vb.net program.I made another program and I lost it's source code it have only 1 button.So I want make another program that press button 1 on this program

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Autocomplete - Visual Studio Intellisence Auto Create Function ()

Jun 1, 2011

In visual studio programming in Vb.Net you get a special autocomplete around functions. If you add a name in front of a statement the rest of the line is treated like function parameters.

strInEditBy dsInfo.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("plandesc").ToString()

strInEditBy ( dsInfo.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("plandesc").ToString() )

I wanted to add a = operator in the place of the ( but unless I type really fast it auto-adds the ( ). How can I turn that off.

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Send Spacebar To Msn?

Dec 30, 2010

This is a part of my [code]...

I don't know why it doens't send a valid spacebar to MSN, Not to a person but to the mainpage. It does work with Notepad.The point of this is that it should send a real spacebar using notepad to the program which isnt focused.

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Assign And Pressing The Shortcut Keys For VS 2010?

Jul 23, 2011

I've encountered another minor problem with using vs 2010...how do you assign shortcut keys? I've read you just click in the shortcut keys option then press the buttons you want to be your shortcuts- this however just acts like I'm pressing the shortcut keys for vs. for instance alt x, which I want to be exit, takes me to debug. Typing alt + x in manually gives me an error saying what I've put in is invalid.

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VS 2010 : Project Won't Run When Pressing Play Button

Jan 9, 2012

I've inherited a program from another developer. The software was originally written in VS 2008 and I have VS 2010. Everything appears to work okay, but when I have it open in VS 2010 on my machine, it won't always open the app when I hit the "Play" button.If I hit the green play button I get a status in the bottom left-hand corner that says "Build started...." and then "Build Succeeded", but the program never opens - it just sits there.This behaviour seems to occur on and off. Today it might be like that, and tomorrow and may run fine.

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Make Sendmessage Spacebar?

Mar 24, 2010

Ive been trying to figure out how to sendmessage VK_Space. i found an example and just tried it how it was, but i always get an error.My code

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal wMsg As IntPtr, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr


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Using Keydown For The Spacebar In A Form?

Aug 17, 2009

I am having trouble using keydown for the spacebar in a form.I would like the spacebar to start/stop a StopWatch that I have running. I can get that to work fine but whenever I am focused on another button it also executes that buttons function also.I know that is the default behavior for the enter key and spacebar but I would like to override that.

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Send A Spacebar Input To An Application?

May 25, 2012

I am running a small vb.net program to run an application and then send a SPACEBAR input to that application to initiate a command. This is the code I have so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I checked online and still haven't found a concrete answer on this. Also, I would like to start it on a timer and when the application finishes with the command, close it.

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Beeping In A Console Application Until Press The Spacebar?

Oct 27, 2011

How can I continue processing in a vb.net console application until I press a key? I basically want to loop playing a beep every half second until the user presses any key. I have the loop and beeping down:

Do Until <key is pressed>

The question is, how do I implement the "<key is pressed>" condition?

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VS 2010 Pressing "OK" In WebBrowser Confirmation Box's?

May 16, 2011

I have code in a program of mine that fills out a form, and presses the button to proceedbut when I do, a confirmation window pops up asking if I want to continue. How would I make the program automatically press "OK?" is there a way around even having the message? I was told that you can edit a webpage so it won't do that. Anyway, heres the code inside the Browser document that creates the confirmation box:

function confirmTrade() {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to commit this trade? Please review your trade before clicking "OK."")) {


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Disable A Timer - Will Finish The Process And Then Disable Or Will It Immediately Disable Without Completing Process?

Dec 22, 2011

I am confused what will happen, when I disable a timer. Will it finish the process and then disable or will it immediately disable without completing process? for example


I want to run getMessage from somewhere else, so I need to disable timer during that time to be asured not to override anything and also before timer disable it should complete that function code.

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Disable 10 Features In 2010?

May 21, 2010

Is there a way to disable visual basic 10 language features in VS 2010.our Dev team has moved to Visual studio 2010, but we still have to keep backwards compatibility with Visual Studio 2008. is there a way to disable the new language features to avoid any issues.

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Disable Certain Keys In VB 2010?

Nov 15, 2011

I am making a fake virus program as a joke and would like to know how to disable all of the keys except for the shift and enter keys.(these will exit the program)

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VS 2010 Disable A Button?

May 11, 2011

I would like to disable a button. Eg. I will press a button and after 3 times the button is disable. Now for that I used this


Now, when I closed the program and re-opened it, the button was enabled again. How could I make that button, to be disabled forever after 3 presses.

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VS 2010 Disable Specific Key?

May 25, 2011

i press windows key sometimes when i writing somethng on my laptop.question : i want to disable windows logo key (windows key) and other key combos like Ctrl + Esc. i dont need disable all time(regedit method : HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerNoWinKeys ) just a little time when i writing..

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VS 2010 Disable The Capslock Key?

Apr 7, 2011

I Just finished a very nice Excel database front end, using mostly code snippets and tutorials learned from this site, I am new to .net and OOP having only ever trained in VB6, many many years ago and working only with VBA since then, and now I'd like to add a little extra polish to my humble app, so I need some expert help.

The problem really lies with one user in particular, who insists on typing with the capslock on when using my application, filling the database with odd records of only uppercase, when challenged she protests she isn't computer savvy and finds capitals quicker and easier.

I am aware of the string conversion tricks (ToUpper/ToLower/ToProper) available, however, due to the nature of the information being entered, it needs to be true mixed case, certain information might contain for example brand names, which often have uppercase/lowercase letters which vb or Excel for that matter simply cannot pragmatically account for (McDonalds is a good example, neither upper, lower or 'proper' as defined by the rules)

And so to my cunning plan, it is my desire to disable the capslock key! I am already setting a set of rules for each user based on Environment.UserName and so I am hoping just for this one user I can switch off the ability to use caps, as everyone else behaves themselves. I have tried to code me own way down this path but as yet have failed on all accounts.

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Disable Save As In Ms Excel In Vb 2010?

Sep 20, 2011

How can I disable Save As button, I can open Ms Excel through vb net but the thing is I also want to disable the 'save as' as the Ms Excel Open.But not in Macro.. Here's my code:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook


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VS 2010 - Cant Disable Individual TabPages

Mar 2, 2012

I've read that you cant disable individual TabPages, I decided to remove all tabs that's aren't selected.

For i = 0 To mainTabCount - 1
With mainTab.TabPages(i)


But after saving the contents of my SelectedTab and clicking the 'Close' button I want to restore my removed controls. Is this possible? ATM I'm just dispose of the form containing the TabControl and re-open it w/ ShowDialog.

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VS 2010 Disable Ctrl + U Key Combo?

Oct 26, 2011

I've read many posts about disabling Alt+Ctrl+Del and Ctrl+Tab, etc. I'm not looking to do that. What I'm trying to do is create an app which will be hidden, and then need to be unhidden from "anywhere." For example, if I have an Excel spreadsheet open, I want to be able to use a combo like Ctrl+U to Unhide my program, but I do NOT want it to underline the text in the cell I'm currently in (which Excel will normally do). I don't want to worry about disabling or changing shortcut combinations for Excel, Word, etc.

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VS 2010 Disable Javascript Webbrowser?

Jan 1, 2011

Is there a way to disable javascript webbrowser in vb.net 2010

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VS 2010 Disable Resizing Of The SplitContainer?

Mar 2, 2011

Is it possible to disable resizing of the SplitContainer's panels?

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VS 2010 Disable/Enable Button?

May 1, 2012

How would I enable a command button if 3 out of 10 text boxes contain any data?

So far in the load event I have Button9.Enabled = False

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VS 2010 How To Disable ToolStrip Border

Apr 22, 2010

Toolstrips are great, but borders is so sick. How to disable border?

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IDE :: Disable Enter Key For New Line In VB Intellisense In VS 2010?

Jan 24, 2012

I find that each time there is a new line when enter key is press in VB intellisense is annoying. Although space is ok, but each time it has a new space and I have to press return to remove it, which is also inconvienient for multiple selections.

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VS 2010 Disable Buttons While There Are Less Than 2 Items In A Listbox?

Feb 16, 2012

How do I disable buttons while there are less than 2 items in a listbox? I can't figure out how to do it. I'm a newbie in Visual Basic(programming at all)

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