Make A Form Read Only After Drop Own Selection

Feb 4, 2010

I am looking to after the user selects from a drop down to give read only access to the form( textboxes, buttons, etc).Upon the second selection the user would have read-write access and upon the third selection full access.Does anyoen have an example of how this might go ? I have the code in place which places the information in the drop down from the configuration table itself.

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Make Mulitple Drop Down Lists On Form?

Oct 20, 2010

ok, I'm basically trying to make mulitple drop down lists on my form. When the page loads, I can get my main dropdown list, called makelist, to fill in with the items that I want from a txt file.

What I'm trying to do is whenever the selectedindex is changed in makelist, it has to load a different dropdown list, called modellist with items from a different txt file.


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Make File Menu Drop Down On Form Load?

May 8, 2011

How to make the File menu drop down on form load ?

I want to make the File Menu to drop down when the form is opened.

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Drop Down List Remember Selection

Mar 6, 2012

i have two pages.1.aspx and 2.aspx i have a drop down list on the first page and a back and sumbit button on the second page..If i make a selection in the drop down list and go the second page and then go the the first page again with the back button. the drop down list doesnt show the selection that i did.i tried the use "sessions" but didnt work, also tried postback but no luck. I read something about "Enableviewstate" also no luck.[code]

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Drop Down Text Selection Like Msword?

May 9, 2011

I am looking to include in my word processor a drop down font selection button, much like that in MSword, where it shows the installed fonts an allows the user to pick one. It is for a rtb, so I'm not sure if it's possible. If it isn't, could you guide me into coding a button with say the text 'Arial' to change the selected text in my rtb to arial. Also, which fonts are supported by rtbes?

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Data Grid Selection Load Form - Call A Stored Procedure With The Value Of The Selection

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying have a data grid selection populate a form. I am new to this.Basically I have a connection persistance object and I would like to call that and call a stored procedure with the value of the selection. The datagrid is bound to an object.


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C# - Make All Controls On A Form Read-only At Once

Sep 1, 2010

Anyone have any have some code to make everything (or even all TextBoxes in a form) read-only all at once without having to set every control to read only individually?

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Make A Form Read Only Until A Certain Button Is Clicked?

Nov 17, 2011

I also need to know how to make the same button create a folder to save a txt file in. I havnt yet figured out how to save changes made into my program, that way next time i open it, i can continue where i left off.

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Audio Hardware - Read All The Labels Integer As The Sound Of Midi - Controls Selection On Vb 2005

Jul 30, 2009

I want to build a system that will take the input from an electric guitar and capture the frequency of the sound. and when the frequency is captured, the system identify the chord, and create new controls to represent the audio frequency. i want to use the label as the controls. so when the controls is created, how can i know that the user is click on what label. is there something like in vb 2005 express? then when the label is all created, i want the system to read all the labels integer as the sound of midi. so i have to assign what integer for what sound.

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Make A Selection Using Combo Box?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a problem to make a selection by using combo box(cbChoice). if I have 2 item [name], [age], [id_number]. After click SEARCH button, the data from database will display to textbox. this my code but its not work

myCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM daftarpelajar WHERE " & cbChoice.Text & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%' ORDER by id_pelajar ", conn)


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Make Value Selection In Dgv Column

Feb 19, 2010

how can i make a selection of values in dgv columns .cells and display only these values

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Make Value Selection In Dgv Column?

Feb 21, 2010

when selecting a value in the rowindex(0) of column name("time") should start with the selected value of textbox1

Dim booking_table As New DataTable
"Time", GetType(String))


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ColorDialog - Make A Color Selection Box?

Aug 3, 2010

I am making a program with 2 players and I want both of them be able to select their color somehow. I know there is a ColorDialog tool but I dont know how to use it, does anyone know how to make a color selection box?

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Make Multi-selection Each Time?

Jul 7, 2011


now I wanna know how to make multi selection each time

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Make ONLY One Selection Possible From The Checkedlistbox At A Time?

Oct 29, 2009

How can i make ONLY one selection possible from the checkedlistbox at a time? If i have already selected one and if i select another item the previous item should be deselected.

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Make Selection In CheckedListBox Exclusive?

Apr 29, 2009

In an application I build a list of CheckedListBox and display it to the user. I want to make the selection exclusive to only one. I noticed that you can check more that one item in the CheckedListBox. How can I stop that and as the user check the second box I uncheck his/her first selection.


I.e. If I display the above two items or may be even more, I would like to force the user only select one and only one.

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Make The RTB Not Show The Selection Right From The Start?

Mar 6, 2012

When setting the selection of a RichTextBox, the selected text is highlighted even though I set the HideSelection property to True. Once the RTB loses focus then the selected text is no longer highlighted. Programatically setting the focus to another control doesn't hide the selection, only physically clicking another control will hide it. So is there a way I can make the RTB not show the selection right from the start?

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Possible To Make Quick Selection Tool?

May 16, 2012

Is It possible to make quick selection tool in like in photoshop?if not can you tell me how to make a free selector or rectangular selector please?

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Make A Drop-down Box?

Sep 27, 2009

How Can I make a drop-down box, like a combobox, display all fonts on your computer?

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Force User To Make Combobox Selection?

Jun 30, 2011

I'd like to force a user to make a selection from a combobox.I've tried to test it by Combobox.SelectedText = String.empty as well as another version similar to this but a little different.When I test it, it will tell me that it is still unselected/blank even when I selected something.

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Make Checkedlistbox Value Change By Selection Of Combox Value?

Nov 3, 2011

I know that sounds strange but I came across this website today that uses this ability and I've been going nuts trying to figure out how they do it.

The website is [URL]

Also here is a screenshot of the options I am speaking of

There is a combolistbox that has a list of topics.

Depending on what topic you choose will determine what checklistbox option will appear in the check list box.

What are they doing there to create that option? I was thinking that maybe they created 20 checkedlistboxes and then if the selection of the combolistbox is "THIS" then they set the getfocus to that checkedlistbox but that didn't quite work for me.

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VS 2005 Make A Contiguous Selection In A Listbox?

Apr 14, 2009

how do I make a contiguous selection in a listbox like if the user shift+click even if the user control+click ?

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ListView Drag&Drop Allow To Drag&Drop Between Form?

Aug 27, 2009

ListView Drag&Drop allow to Drag&Drop between form??

Public Class frmModule
Private Sub ListView1_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag[code]....

Can it be drap and drop item to other form control??How to write the event when mouse up at the other form control?

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Make Drop Down List?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm creating a simulation programe. In one sheet I have a group of cells (AngleConf) that have a drop down list. I would like to make some operations when I change the value of one of these cells. It always works when I insert the new value manually. But it doesn't always works when I change it by selecting the value from the list. I supose that that happens because of some option that I change while I'm working but I can't find out witch one exactly.The code that I think that its implicated:

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If InRange(Target, Range("AngleConf")) Then
Call resistance 'Actualiser le r�sultat mecanique


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Make A Combobox Selection Change Table I Use For A Subform?

Jul 14, 2009

I have a combobox linked to a table Checklist (ID, Checklistname, and several multivalued fields). I want to have my subform display data from different tables based on my combobox selection "checklistname". All the tables are imported Excel files with the same fields and field types (ie. Discrepancy, reference, reference paragraph, category). How do I get my subform to requery based on the combobox selection? Or is there another method when working with "outside tables"? Import good/bad? Make new table? I have about 20 tables, if importing but only need particular data to save/store in my main table, and I need to know which table it came from.

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Make Multi Selection (draw Shape) On The Picturebox?

Jun 12, 2009

Currently I'm trying to make multi selection (draw shape) on the picturebox but no matter how i edit my code, it jus dn draw any square or circle when I click on my button (either circle or square).

Below are the codes that i'm currently working on:

Public Class Page_2
Public blnCircleClicked As Boolean 'Is The Circle Tool Clicked?
Public blnSquareClicked As Boolean 'Is The Square Tool Clicked?


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Make Drag And Drop File?

Jan 31, 2010

You will have to excuse me but I am a little bit new to vb. Anyways I was wondering if anyone knew a way to have a vb app accept dropped files on the main form. Basically what I have is a program that needs to accept dropped files (outlook attachments to be specific) and copy that file to a specific location on the C: drive. Then I need it to store the file name and path to a variable and set a text box on the main form equal to that variable

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Make A Control Required To Put Input Depending On The Radiobuttonlist Selection?

Dec 24, 2010

How can i make a control required to put input depending on the radiobuttonlist selection?

Let me try to clarify a bit more. I got 2 radiobuttons, if one gets selected, nothing else has to be done.

But if the otherone gets selected, a textfield must have some input too.

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Make A Selection From ComboBox The CellValue Change Event Is Not Triggered

Mar 3, 2011

On my DataGridView one of the columns is set to a ComboBox. When I make a selection from this ComboBox the CellValue change Event is not triggered. What event is triggered when I do the selection?

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Make A Tree-viewer Change Its Node Selection With A Web-browser?

Aug 8, 2011

I m making a "offline viewer" which uses saved webpages. I'm using a web browser and a tree-viewer. Is there a way to make the selected node in the tree viewer change if you click on a link in the web page (i.e if you select a link about The Gimp on tutorial 176, the selected node will change to The Gimp tree node)

I know about the code for changing the tree node selection, however what I'm having trouble with the web-browser side of it.

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