Making A Program That Displays The Balance?

Dec 29, 2009

I'm making a program that displays the balance of the three items with the input of the user input quantity.

one it cost 1.75
second cost 2.00
and 3rd cost 1.25

I need to use a sub, a function and another sub , i've tried to make a program on my own but i'm quite stuck..


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Making A Console App That Displays Places For Multiple Times?

Apr 21, 2009

I am in a programming class, and am one of the best students in it, I even went to a state programming contest. One of the problems was to enter 6 race times and have it display the times back in order of which were fastest and their place such as



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Check My Paypal Balance In Program?

Jun 12, 2011

How do I check my Paypal balance in VB

All i want is a textbox to show current Paypal balance

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Take Opening Balance When Open A Report Between Date Parameter It Show The Opening Balance

Apr 21, 2011

I want to take opening balance when i open a report between date parameter it show the opening balance, actually i have three columns "description" "debit" "credit" in crystal report now i want to add 1 more field which come throuhd formula which is opening balance. i have a data of debit credit from 2006. but user choose to show the data from 2008 so i want that the balcne from sum of debit and credit side between 2006 to 2007 end come in the shape of opening balance in the report and then add the debit and credit side of report into opening balance. i put a following fromual bt not accept it sum ({vr_detail.debitT})-sum({vr_detail.creditT}) > {?strtdte}

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Create A Program That Asks For Input Then Uses An Else Statement To Create A Handling Fee Balance

Nov 30, 2011

To create a program that asks for input then uses an else statement to create a handling fee balance.

Input: sales record - first name, last name, purchase amount, balance before purchase

Output: report - full name, old balance, purchase amount, handling fee, new balance

Definitions: handling fee is 5% of the old balance if the old balance is less than $1000.00 else it is 2% new balance = old balance + purchase + handling fee

Ask for and receive sales information
Calculate new balance
Print output report
End the program when a purchase amount of 9999.99 is entered

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Create A Program For A CD That Displays A List Of Files That Are Also On The CD?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition - Visual Basic.I'm very new to VB but I would like to create a program / splash screen that displays a list of files (Word, Excel, Project) that are located on a CD. I'm not sure how to start other than starting out creating a new project.

Here is how I would like the program to work. The user inserts a CD-rom (containing the program and a folder with all the files) the program automatically starts up when the CD is inserted and it displays a list of all the files on the CD. The user can click any of the files to start the program that created it. Example, if we have an Excel file called "Work Schedule", the user could click it and it would open in Excel.

After I've created the project and have a form, I'm not sure what tools I need to use to display the list of files.I'm not sure how I set up the connection (path) between the program and the folder containing all files, especially as they will all eventually be located on the same CD.

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Creating A Program Which Displays Text To The Screen?

Jan 21, 2010

I am creating a program which displays text to the screen.I would like to be able to set the program to have a timer so that when the user has selected the letter, after say 5 seconds a new letter appears.I have added the current code below.

Public Class Form1
Private Display As Boolean
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Create A Program That Displays The Height Of 3 Different People Via A Scrollbar?

Oct 31, 2010

I have been asked to create a program that displays the height of 3 diffrent people via a scrollbar. The problem i'm having is i don't know the code for getting the total from the scrollbar to display on the height labels .The labels are named lblheight1 lblheight2 lblheight3 Scrollbar is named vscheighttotal?

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Create Program That Adds The Whole Numbers From 1 To 1000 And Displays?

Feb 2, 2011

I have to create program that adds the whole numbers from 1 to 1000 and displays the sum in the label. Create a variation of this program that allows the user to specify any starting whole number and any ending whole number (10,000 or lower) and then adds all the whole numbers in that range. Allow for the possibility that a user may start with a high number and end with a low number. Format the label so that commas are displayed and there are no decimal places showing. I need help with the codes.

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Listview That Displays Information From A Database - Reminder Program

Jan 19, 2011

I have been working on this for days and cannot figure out whats going on. I have a listview that displays information from a database. The program takes care of the rest. It's a reminder program that shows the next month due,days remaining, months remaining, and name. I have the program where I want it and it work great, but I want to add a bi-weekly to it.

Here's code well some of it.

Private Sub loadbills()
Dim i As Integer


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Program That Queries An Sql Database Displays It In A Detailed Listview

Dec 3, 2007

I have written a program that queries an sql database displays it in a detailed listview, no problems so far. The only problem I am running in to is when I got to print the listview. When I do a regular printdocument.print() It prints out the listview exactly how I have it set up to do so. Which is a title , then column headers, next comes the listview, and then a total of some the columns. When I do a printpreview everything looks great. When I click the print button within the printpreviewdialog only the Title, Column headers, and the totals print. [code]

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Write A Program That Displays A List Of Superbowl Winners?

Mar 10, 2012

write a program that displays a list of superbowl winners ordered by the games they won

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Create A Program That Displays An Image When Press The Start Button?

Jun 5, 2011

program a little begginner project. So I want to create a program that displays an image when you press the start button. When you press the "Next button" it will display a new image.My problem is, I want the image to change EVERY time you hit the next button.


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Make A Program That Randomly Chooses A Roller Coaster And Displays It?

Jul 29, 2010

i want to make a program that randomly chooses a roller coaster and displays it. I want a hidden textbox1 with rollercoaster names (line by line) and then i want a user to click a button and it will randomly show the name of a rollercoaster in textbox2.

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VS 2010 : Write A Program That Calculates And Displays The Depreciation Of A Businesses Assets?

Apr 14, 2011

I need to write a program that calculates and displays the depreciation of a businesses assets.I need the program to read a comma-delimited input file containing the names of multiple assets, their purchase prices, the years of their purchase and the number of years that the assets are expected to be useful.I need to use this straight line depreciation formula- (purchase price / number of years of usefulness) * (current year �purchase year)

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User Clicks A Single Button And The Program Displays Each Network Adapter Description?

Aug 15, 2011

In my application, the user clicks a single button and the program displays each network adapter description into a message box and then gets all the ip info for the workstation and places it into a text file and opens that text for reading. What I would really like for it to do would be to display all the network adapters into a single messagebox instead of messagebox for every adapter like it is currently doing. Here is the code I have on that button. Let me know if anyone needs more info or has any questions:


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Write A Program That Displays A List Of Super Bowl Winners Ordered By The Number Of Games Won?

Mar 28, 2011

So Im a student and I need some help I have a question "Write a program that displays a list of Super Bowl winners ordered by the number of games won." I need to use arrays, in the most basic way possible someone was telling me about keys but I havent done that yet...The array is a text file with just the 44 names of the Superbowl Winners...

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Write A Program That Displays In A Textbox A Table Of The Binary, Octal, And Hexadecimal Equivalents Of The Decimal Numbers?

Jun 13, 2011

i m trying to write a program that displays in a textbox a table of the binary, octal, and hexadecimal equivalents of the decimal numbers in range 1-222.

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Randomizing Program - Making A Program Which Generates A Random Number Between 1 And 10

Oct 20, 2011

I am making a program which generates a random number between 1 and 10 and when 7 appears it is suppose to tell you how many tries it took to get the number 7 and then end the application. This is the code I have used:


This code only generates the number 7 and exits the application, each time i click the random button but i want it to show the other number it randomizes too for example 1 2 3 4 .. etc, if u dont understand, please try it, but im trying to say, when i clikc random it just says number 7 (does randomizing in background) and tells you how much tries it took but i want it to show the other number it randomized also and when 7 appears, then exit the program

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Program That Displays PDF's All Over The Program?

Aug 14, 2009

I am starting a new project of having a program that displays PDF's all over the program. The plan is for a user to be able to view the PDF and send it to an email address they type in then click send. Where outlook express runs in the background not visible to the user. Please could u describe and help me with the code required to send the email with the specific email address(Text box entry) and the PDF that needs sending??

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Making A MSN Like Program In VB?

Dec 3, 2009

What I'm trying to do is make a MSN like rpogram where you can send Text form a Textbox to a listbox between 2 computers. I have read About TCP/IP connections?

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Making A Program Like WMA?

Oct 7, 2009

I used Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and i am having trouble making it to where i can make a screen that a video can be played in. I mean i know i have to code it to call if from a folder but i do not know how to set up the form so i can make my own program. My teacher said that there used to be a thing where you just put in on the from and it did it for you is there a special thing you have to download to do that or do you have to actually go through and code it yourself. I do not want to be given code i just want to know the best way of starting my project whether it is making a thing so that i can play the videos

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Making A .NET Application The Only Program Which Can Run?

Oct 18, 2011

What would be the best way to make a Windows .NET application be the only program that can be used on a computer? I have come across timers or events to switch windows back to a window with matching text and some api32 calls to make a form top most.

Is it possible to make an application like the windows lock screen where nothing can be done except that what is on screen? I want to block users from doing other things and only let administrators get to the desktop.

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Making A Counting Program?

Oct 5, 2009

I am making a program that is very simple, but I'm have problems with it. It runs like this:Theres a textbox and you enter in any amount you want.Next to that there are three radio buttons, deposit, check and service charge.If you enter in 100 in the transaction text box, and check the deposit radio button, and hit "Calculate" it will display 100 (in a total display box); hit calculate again, it will display 200, then 300, etc..Now lets say you keep 100 in the text box, but you check either "service charge" or "check" and hit calculate then it will MINUS the amount in your total display box. So for example if you had 300 in the total display box, and 100 in the transaction box and you checked "Service Charge" and hit calculate it would display 200 in the total display box, hit calculate again, and it shows 100.. etc..

Public Class Form1
Private Balance As Decimal
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Making A Menu-like Program

Oct 13, 2009

i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was appears in the solution explorer.Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?

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Making A Menu-like Program?

Jan 25, 2009

i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was appears in the solution explorer/Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?

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Making A Program That Has Two Forms?

Jan 27, 2010

I am making a program in (visual basic) that has two forms. I have one as a sort of "main" base which will be behind everything. Then I have another additional form which is suppose to go on top of the "main" form. Well I get this to work when I show both of the forms, but I want the smaller (additional) form to be centered onto the main form. If you want an easier sense of it, its a small box in a big box. (all centered and aligned). Does anyone know how to do this?

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Making Program Generate An Exe

Nov 14, 2008

I have an exe with certain variables that need to be changed for each "make" of the program so that each one is customised, but what I need is to create a program that can edit these variables and generate a new exe, or something that can take the source files from my exe and edit the variables then recompile it. Now I don't want to hear "why not just do them by hand", if I wanted that I wouldn't be asking how to do this, I just need this because I need to create 1000's of these custom exes, and I figured that if I could make a program that can do this (edit the variables and compile new exe) then that would make it easy on me since the variables I need to change go in an order from 1 - 1000. I also need it to work on a regular pc not one with all the special VB plugins and stuff, it needs to be able to work on a fresh install of win xp.

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Get Balance From Webpage?

Nov 17, 2011

im trying to get a balance from a webpage. But idk how to. I sort of figured it out. This is what im trying to get:

<div class="boxborder">
<div class="title">Balance</div>
<div class="sep"></div>


i want to get the 12,85$ to a label.This is what im using:

Dim PageElements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementsByTagName("div")
For Each CurElement As HtmlElement In PageElements
If CurElement.GetAttribute("classname") = "inner" Then


But there are multiple classes on the webpage which have the inner as classname, so i get lots and lots of info. But i just want to get the 12,85. How would i do that?

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.net - Making Trial Version Of Program?

Jun 26, 2011

I have searched lots of way to make a 30 day trial limit of my program. They say "Use -Settings- in visual basic application for your variables" to save the information about user (like : registered or not registered or when the program expire). (You can see the 'Settings' when you double-click on "my project" in "solution explorer") Does the data which we use with "settings" saved in our program or somewhere in the computer?

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