Making Own Picture Viewing Program?

Jun 12, 2011

(my first question) For starters.I am using Visual C++ 2010 I have VERY limited knowledge (I am not sure how to declare a variable or convert to strings.I took a Visual Basic course in school so I do understand SOME basics... just not the right language

I am trying to make a program that can open pictures in its own PictureBox. I have the form already made, and I had it working with a combobox with the list of all the different pictures, a button to load the picture depending on the selected item in the
combobox (MANY MANY if statements), and i also added a previous and next image pair of buttons (200% more if statements). I was happy with it, except whenever I added a new picture I had to add many lines of code... So i figured i can use this openfiledialog
and open them that way.

what i have so far is when i press "btnLoad" it opens the "ofdPictures" {openfiledialog}

what i need it to do is when i select my picture and press "open", it open the image in the picture box "picPictures", which is in my form.from what i understand with playing around with openfiledialog in VB is that the command this->ofdPictures->FileName

makes the selected file a string... but i think i have to make it = a string variable...

now, i think i fixed that by adding to "private: System::Void ofdPictures_FileOk"


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Making A Program That Generates A Picture Of Armor From A Website?

May 25, 2009

I'm making a program that generates a picture of armor from a website, this armor is the armor a player is wearing on a game called halo 3. My problem is that I have the list of armor for the two races in the game in the resources and I need to know if this would be the right

Head.items.addrange(my.resources.SpartanH) Head is the combobox SpartanH is the name of the text file in my resources, if I've got my code all wrong, will someone please correct me?

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Viewing A Video In A Picture Box?

Nov 4, 2009

Is it possible to view video in a Picturebox? if you do know then reply..G peter.

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Viewing A Dataset's Table In Program Code

Apr 11, 2011

i have a problem with viewing a dataset's table in my program code check out the error that exists when trying to fill a instantiated tableAdapter below: [code] The Undo operation encountered a context that is different from what was applied in the corresponding Set operation. The possible cause is that a context was Set on the thread and not reverted(undone).

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Making A 3d Picture Using Numbers?

Nov 10, 2009

I am making a application that you enter 3 number one for length, width, and height of a rectangle.It needs to display a picture showing all three.i am using windows form application to do this wil three text boxes to enter the numbers.

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Making The Picture Open In The Picturebox?

Dec 18, 2009

Im setting the standard program to .jpg files to my program. So when it starts it shows the picture in a picturebox ofcourse.

My problems:I want the pictures standard size to be the size of the picturebox.Making the picture open in the picturebox?

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VS 2008 Making A Picture Box Have A Transparency?

Oct 26, 2009

Is there a way of making a Picture Box have a transparency so that any objects (e.g buttons) that are layered underneath the picture box will be shown through?

Or if there is any other way of getting the mouse coordinates only on the form. So when the mouse cursor is placed at 20,20 on the form it will give back the coordinates 20,20 no matter where the form is placed on the screen

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Codes For VB For Making A Picture Box Of A Frog Jumping Up And Down?

Nov 21, 2011

I am making a visual basic project in making a frog jumps up and down . and also indicating its increments.

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Making Random Picture Boxes Go On Form

Nov 30, 2011

i am making a game in visual basic and when the picture box that you have to shoot resets, sometimes it resets off the form i use this code to make the picture box move randomly.[code]

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VS 2010 - Making Grid Or Picture With X / Y Values

Dec 16, 2010

I've been trying to make a grid to test some AI stuff I'm working on. I managed to do it using rectangles and graphics.rectangle (, rect) by using a vid on youtube, but it made the application virtually useless because of all the memory it was using. I don't need it to be an actual grid, but I do need it to have values as if it was a grid, so that I can issue commands (x,y coords). (I have been searching the forums for over an hour, but all examples are either useless or cant be converted correctly).

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Creating An Object - Making A Picture Have The Properties Of A Checkbox

Apr 12, 2009

I was wondering if there is a way of making a picture have the properties of a checkbox. I want to have clickable stars that change color (from white to yellow) everytime the user clicks on them to represent the rating they put on certain foods.

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Game Programming :: Making A Picture Box Move Right Then Left?

Jan 20, 2011

I want a picbox to move across a screen then back to where it started (for a space invader game:

the following code is what I have for this task.

Private Sub AlienMovement_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AlienMovement.Tick
If Alien1.Location.X > 20 Then


I can't make it < because thats not logical, can't make it = becasue that doesn't work, can't make it > becasue then it will only bounce back once. Is there another variable I could use?

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Making An Application Where User Draws A Shape On A Picture Box?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm making an application where a user draws a shape on a picture box( this will be saved on a bitmap image), then another user has to draw on that shape (=follow it ) . if the 2nd user goes too far from the line then an error message will appear.

for example( in case i couldn't clarify this well!)the 1st user draws a a vertical line, the 2nd user has to follow it, if-while drawing on it- he gets too far horizontally, there would be the error.

I'm currently thinking of comparing every point by the 2nd user to its equivalent in an array containing the points by the first user.

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Security Camera - Making Picture Automatically From DLL Files

Jan 16, 2011

We bought a DIY security camera, the camera is making automatically mpegs if a movement is recognized. A picture can be made with a delivered program. We have the idea to make a program with the delivered dll files to make automatically pictures.

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Making Application Send Message When Picture Background Is A Certain Color

Oct 7, 2011

It detects the color fine and the picture background changes to the color my mouse is pointing at, but when it changes to one of the colors its ment to send me a msg it doesn't..[code]

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Making Application Send Message When Picture Background Is A Certain Color?

Dec 20, 2011

It detects the color fine and the picture background changes to the color my mouse is pointing at, but when it changes to one of the colors its ment to send me a msg it doesn't

Public Class Form1
Dim color As Integer
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Randomizing Program - Making A Program Which Generates A Random Number Between 1 And 10

Oct 20, 2011

I am making a program which generates a random number between 1 and 10 and when 7 appears it is suppose to tell you how many tries it took to get the number 7 and then end the application. This is the code I have used:


This code only generates the number 7 and exits the application, each time i click the random button but i want it to show the other number it randomizes too for example 1 2 3 4 .. etc, if u dont understand, please try it, but im trying to say, when i clikc random it just says number 7 (does randomizing in background) and tells you how much tries it took but i want it to show the other number it randomized also and when 7 appears, then exit the program

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Add A Image Where And When Double Click On The Icon And The Program Starts It Shows A Picture Before The Program Loads?

Oct 11, 2010

How can you add a image where when you double click on the icon and the program starts it shows a picture before the program loads. Like Photoshop startup or the new 2010 visual Basic express start up


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Making A "Add Picture" Option?

Dec 6, 2011

Making a "word" like program, how would I go about making a "Add Picture" option?

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Making A MSN Like Program In VB?

Dec 3, 2009

What I'm trying to do is make a MSN like rpogram where you can send Text form a Textbox to a listbox between 2 computers. I have read About TCP/IP connections?

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Making A Program Like WMA?

Oct 7, 2009

I used Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and i am having trouble making it to where i can make a screen that a video can be played in. I mean i know i have to code it to call if from a folder but i do not know how to set up the form so i can make my own program. My teacher said that there used to be a thing where you just put in on the from and it did it for you is there a special thing you have to download to do that or do you have to actually go through and code it yourself. I do not want to be given code i just want to know the best way of starting my project whether it is making a thing so that i can play the videos

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Making A .NET Application The Only Program Which Can Run?

Oct 18, 2011

What would be the best way to make a Windows .NET application be the only program that can be used on a computer? I have come across timers or events to switch windows back to a window with matching text and some api32 calls to make a form top most.

Is it possible to make an application like the windows lock screen where nothing can be done except that what is on screen? I want to block users from doing other things and only let administrators get to the desktop.

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Making A Counting Program?

Oct 5, 2009

I am making a program that is very simple, but I'm have problems with it. It runs like this:Theres a textbox and you enter in any amount you want.Next to that there are three radio buttons, deposit, check and service charge.If you enter in 100 in the transaction text box, and check the deposit radio button, and hit "Calculate" it will display 100 (in a total display box); hit calculate again, it will display 200, then 300, etc..Now lets say you keep 100 in the text box, but you check either "service charge" or "check" and hit calculate then it will MINUS the amount in your total display box. So for example if you had 300 in the total display box, and 100 in the transaction box and you checked "Service Charge" and hit calculate it would display 200 in the total display box, hit calculate again, and it shows 100.. etc..

Public Class Form1
Private Balance As Decimal
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Making A Menu-like Program

Oct 13, 2009

i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was appears in the solution explorer.Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?

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Making A Menu-like Program?

Jan 25, 2009

i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was appears in the solution explorer/Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?

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Making A Program That Has Two Forms?

Jan 27, 2010

I am making a program in (visual basic) that has two forms. I have one as a sort of "main" base which will be behind everything. Then I have another additional form which is suppose to go on top of the "main" form. Well I get this to work when I show both of the forms, but I want the smaller (additional) form to be centered onto the main form. If you want an easier sense of it, its a small box in a big box. (all centered and aligned). Does anyone know how to do this?

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Making Program Generate An Exe

Nov 14, 2008

I have an exe with certain variables that need to be changed for each "make" of the program so that each one is customised, but what I need is to create a program that can edit these variables and generate a new exe, or something that can take the source files from my exe and edit the variables then recompile it. Now I don't want to hear "why not just do them by hand", if I wanted that I wouldn't be asking how to do this, I just need this because I need to create 1000's of these custom exes, and I figured that if I could make a program that can do this (edit the variables and compile new exe) then that would make it easy on me since the variables I need to change go in an order from 1 - 1000. I also need it to work on a regular pc not one with all the special VB plugins and stuff, it needs to be able to work on a fresh install of win xp.

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.net - Making Trial Version Of Program?

Jun 26, 2011

I have searched lots of way to make a 30 day trial limit of my program. They say "Use -Settings- in visual basic application for your variables" to save the information about user (like : registered or not registered or when the program expire). (You can see the 'Settings' when you double-click on "my project" in "solution explorer") Does the data which we use with "settings" saved in our program or somewhere in the computer?

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Communications :: Making A Messaging Program

Apr 26, 2009

I put it in Communications.For My programming class at school we are required to have made a program. So I decided to make a LAN messaging program which uses VB and Microsoft Winsock Control 6.0. Im quite new and noob at using VB so i'm using a tut here, url... to make the base program.As you can see if you've read it, he uses Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, while I use Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

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Forms :: Making A Program That Has Five Listboxes

May 20, 2011

this is my code till now, i no most of it doesnt make sense but i dont know the most efficient way of making a program that has five lisboxes (4 are classes 1 is absent list) of names but each class can only have 10 student and the user should be able to move student to other classes as required


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