Forms :: Making A Program That Has Five Listboxes
May 20, 2011
this is my code till now, i no most of it doesnt make sense but i dont know the most efficient way of making a program that has five lisboxes (4 are classes 1 is absent list) of names but each class can only have 10 student and the user should be able to move student to other classes as required
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Jan 27, 2010
I am making a program in (visual basic) that has two forms. I have one as a sort of "main" base which will be behind everything. Then I have another additional form which is suppose to go on top of the "main" form. Well I get this to work when I show both of the forms, but I want the smaller (additional) form to be centered onto the main form. If you want an easier sense of it, its a small box in a big box. (all centered and aligned). Does anyone know how to do this?
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May 28, 2010
I need so that I click the button once it deletes from both listboxes. For example a till... listbox1 had items listbox2 has prices to remove an item I want the price to go aswell with same click... I already have a clear all button.
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May 20, 2011
im having trouble with moving listbox items between several listboxes with the click of a button?
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Sep 24, 2011
I would like to know if and how I can move a selected item in one listbox and the second listbox moves the same item aswell (so they move in sync).I can move the items in one listbox with the following
Private Sub UpButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles UpButton.Click
Dim index As Integer = ListBox1.SelectedIndex
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Sep 15, 2011
I want to check for each item in list box if item exist then add it to listbox3[code]...
but it is very slow if there is way to search for list of items in listbox at once?
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Oct 20, 2011
I am making a program which generates a random number between 1 and 10 and when 7 appears it is suppose to tell you how many tries it took to get the number 7 and then end the application. This is the code I have used:
This code only generates the number 7 and exits the application, each time i click the random button but i want it to show the other number it randomizes too for example 1 2 3 4 .. etc, if u dont understand, please try it, but im trying to say, when i clikc random it just says number 7 (does randomizing in background) and tells you how much tries it took but i want it to show the other number it randomized also and when 7 appears, then exit the program
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Dec 22, 2008
I am thinking about make a toolbar like... the quick launch toolbar, with autohide, top position (opposite of start/task bar), skinnable, etc.Is this possible? I need it to work with XP and Vista. I am using Visual Studio 2008, VB.NET.
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a form that when a user clicks on a button that it opens a new window with a dataset. Is it possible to be able to edit that dataset and have messagebox.shows along with that for approval?
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Nov 11, 2009
Im trying to make a radiobutton move diagonaly, (Dont ask why a radiobutton, i did it in college last week) For some strange reason though I need another radiobutton just going across the screen in order for my diagonal radiobutton to move.I would like to develop this into a game like pong, when I have gone further into VB.
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Mar 12, 2010
This part of visual basic is new to me. How can i make multiple forms that each operate on different computers but can interact with each other and influence each other over the internet?
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Apr 22, 2011
i'am having trouble in making a spell checker for richtextbox control.I have made a form with richtextbox control and a panel control. I have put a listbox control in the panel control and filled with certain words. What iam able to do is whenever i select a word and click a button the panel appears just below the word (using get position from char) and display the choice. What iam not able to do is:
1) Select each word one-by-one whenever i click a button say F1 - I know keypress event but how do i select the words through keypress. I know they are separated by spaces but iam not familiar as to how to take advantage of it. The major problem being that there can be 2-3 words together sometimes colored as red. Eg: What i want is when i press F1 first time "this" is selected, next time "is" is selected and next time "nice car color" is selected. The two things are spaces and red color but i don't get anything from it.
2) Display the panel correctly within the main form's border. Right now when i select the last word of the sentence some part of panel disappears as it hides behind the main form. Eg - only 1/4th appears and rest hides. I can't find a way to limit it from moving when it has reached the main form size. I want to constrain it between top-bottom and left-right border of main form.
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Mar 31, 2012
I've been working on this project for two weeks now and I'm drained from all the hiccups I've come across. Now I've hit a brick wall.I'm making a "simple" order form in Visual Basic 2010 that calculates the amount due for an order and then from the total determines what the shipping will be. I've been able to accomplish the following tasks:accept customer data (name, address, city, state abbreviation, zipcode)calculate total with shipping costs (accurately, for the most part)clear the order form and exitBut the way I have it right now, a customer can only put in 1 order form.
Problem: I have to figure out a way to allow a customer to place an order form for multiple items. (I'll assume that a customer will not place an order for more than 20 items). So what would be the best way to go about saving the information for multiple items then calculating the cost at the end?If it's multiple form creation, how is that done? Is the keyword "Container" the way to go, and how
Snippet Code:
Private Sub total_mouseleave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles total.MouseLeave
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Aug 19, 2010
How would i go about making a form that handles a different forms settings?ei, the Button Forecolours ect.
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Nov 18, 2010
Here is a wierd case - I am making a game in Visual Basic Express 2008 with several forms. Each windows form I've given a quit command that works well to end the game. (Me.Close) However if instead I click on the big X button that windows provides in the upper right hand corner - it does not look to truely stop the program.
I'm running this program in debug mode from the MS VBE editor, but when I click that X it tells me that program is still running even though all
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Dec 3, 2009
What I'm trying to do is make a MSN like rpogram where you can send Text form a Textbox to a listbox between 2 computers. I have read About TCP/IP connections?
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Oct 7, 2009
I used Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and i am having trouble making it to where i can make a screen that a video can be played in. I mean i know i have to code it to call if from a folder but i do not know how to set up the form so i can make my own program. My teacher said that there used to be a thing where you just put in on the from and it did it for you is there a special thing you have to download to do that or do you have to actually go through and code it yourself. I do not want to be given code i just want to know the best way of starting my project whether it is making a thing so that i can play the videos
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Apr 6, 2009
i have 2 list boxes.. Qty and Cost both of these are populated from a sql database. The code is suppose to read through the listboxes and multiple the Cost by the Qty and then replace the Cost with the new result. The Cost listbox is populated with the cost of one item. The reason i am not doing this calculation in the sql query is because the sql query is very complicated filter out a bunch of stuff to show just the qty of the item...
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Mar 17, 2009
Am devloping an application with multiple forms, which reside on top of a main form. i.e the main application window. The 'child' forms do not need to be linked in any way as they do not pass information to the parent form, as all the parent form does is act as main window.Now I would like to know what is the correct way for the 'main window' form acting as a container for the other forms? So that all the smaller secondary forms stay focused on top of the main application form, that when the main window is minimized, so these forms should do also etc..
I have read other posts and they mention, leaving all the forms standard i.e. IsMdiContainer = False and then using form.showDialog() to call the secondary forms. This did not work for me as what happens is that as soon as I give focus to the main app form, the secondary form disappears underneath.I tired making the main app form IsMdiContainer = True and when it loads calling:
frmMemberForm.MdiParent = Me
Now this works, because I can click off the form and minimize the app etc and the frmMemberForm doesn't disappear. However if i close the MemberForm and reopen it, it looses this property and once again when it looses focus, it will disappear.
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Oct 18, 2011
What would be the best way to make a Windows .NET application be the only program that can be used on a computer? I have come across timers or events to switch windows back to a window with matching text and some api32 calls to make a form top most.
Is it possible to make an application like the windows lock screen where nothing can be done except that what is on screen? I want to block users from doing other things and only let administrators get to the desktop.
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Oct 5, 2009
I am making a program that is very simple, but I'm have problems with it. It runs like this:Theres a textbox and you enter in any amount you want.Next to that there are three radio buttons, deposit, check and service charge.If you enter in 100 in the transaction text box, and check the deposit radio button, and hit "Calculate" it will display 100 (in a total display box); hit calculate again, it will display 200, then 300, etc..Now lets say you keep 100 in the text box, but you check either "service charge" or "check" and hit calculate then it will MINUS the amount in your total display box. So for example if you had 300 in the total display box, and 100 in the transaction box and you checked "Service Charge" and hit calculate it would display 200 in the total display box, hit calculate again, and it shows 100.. etc..
Public Class Form1
Private Balance As Decimal
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
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Oct 13, 2009
i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was appears in the solution explorer.Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?
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Jan 25, 2009
i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was appears in the solution explorer/Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?
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Nov 14, 2008
I have an exe with certain variables that need to be changed for each "make" of the program so that each one is customised, but what I need is to create a program that can edit these variables and generate a new exe, or something that can take the source files from my exe and edit the variables then recompile it. Now I don't want to hear "why not just do them by hand", if I wanted that I wouldn't be asking how to do this, I just need this because I need to create 1000's of these custom exes, and I figured that if I could make a program that can do this (edit the variables and compile new exe) then that would make it easy on me since the variables I need to change go in an order from 1 - 1000. I also need it to work on a regular pc not one with all the special VB plugins and stuff, it needs to be able to work on a fresh install of win xp.
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Jun 26, 2011
I have searched lots of way to make a 30 day trial limit of my program. They say "Use -Settings- in visual basic application for your variables" to save the information about user (like : registered or not registered or when the program expire). (You can see the 'Settings' when you double-click on "my project" in "solution explorer") Does the data which we use with "settings" saved in our program or somewhere in the computer?
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Apr 26, 2009
I put it in Communications.For My programming class at school we are required to have made a program. So I decided to make a LAN messaging program which uses VB and Microsoft Winsock Control 6.0. Im quite new and noob at using VB so i'm using a tut here, url... to make the base program.As you can see if you've read it, he uses Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, while I use Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.
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Jul 22, 2009
I am trying to make a basic "paint" like form for one of my programs.I would like it to be like a function, where I put the input in, the user changes it, and when the user is done, it returns the changed picture.I know how to draw the picture and then draw lines, dots, whatever where the user clicks, but I don't know how to do some of the features like: text, color picker, zoom, erase, select (copy and pasting parts of the image) , and fill. I also don't really want to have a color picker dialog open ever time that the user wants to change color.
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Jan 3, 2011
im making an msn style alert program. im having troubles getting my program to go off when the time/date saved = current time/date. i got the date from a the date selector object and i formatted 2 integer counters and 2 radiobuttons for the time. but my timer() method doest go off. is my thread wrong or did i do something weird with the date?
Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Dim strName(1000), strHour(1000), strMin(1000), strAMPM(1000), strCheck(1000), strRepeatcnt(1000), strRepeatcbo(1000) As String
Dim dtDate(1000) As Date
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Sep 17, 2009
I am making a calculator-like program, and would like to make it so that it is always the front-most form, even when another program (like Firefox) is clicked. While Firefox is the active form, my form is still up. Basically, I'd like to make the form like the on-screen keyboard; it never really minimizes unless you specifically tell it to.
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Jan 17, 2010
Is anyone familiar with making a program compiled in visual basic .net compatible with windows vista 64 bit, The installer gets a runtime error initially but then If I runt it as administrator it runs fine, After it's installed I get a ocx error but when I run the program in admin mode again it works fine, How can I go about editing my program so that it doesn't come up with the errors. Can I get the program to initially run as the administrator?
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