"hello World") - The Formclosing "X" Is Not Lit Up?

Apr 14, 2009

As per topic, may I know how to make it work?

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Formclosing - When My Form Is Closing, The Checkchanges() Always Show No Changes, Even When I Made Changes

Aug 16, 2011

when closing the form, checkchanges() is run in order to check if there is data checkchanges(), i compare data in database and form..if data in form is not same as in database, it consider data has been changed..thus, if there is changes, user will be promt to save data before close..the problem is, when my form is closing, the checkchanges() always show no changes, even when i made changes..this is because, when data is compared (between database and form), the form is already commit changes in database..that is why , when data is compared, it is actually compare the same value...

For example:

*when form load*

database: employee number = 1009

textbox: employee number = 1009


That is why checkchanges() always show no changes.because it commit changes to database before it made comparison..what should i do to prevent from commit changes when form is closing?

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VS 2008 Still With FormClosing Event?

Jun 4, 2010

I have this notepad that is all ready to go now except for one thing..when the user uses the X to close the form she does get a confirm exit without saving changes dialog box, the problem is that she did in fact save her changes. So for some UnGodly reason ...,, my event is not picking up the fact that changes have been made.lution to this?? I have been up and down the net LOL..looking for ONE that works here is the code that I have going on for that event:

Private bIsChanged As Boolean = True
#Region "events"
Private Sub frmMyNotes_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


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What Event To Check On FormClosing

Jun 2, 2012

I have to write some code for my app that if the application crashes or my machine crashes or for whatever reason the application closes abnormally and the user was in the process of making changes, I need to write some code that will at least ask the user if they wish to save their changes to the database.

With that said, what I have done thus far is set a flag in specific "TextChanged" events of certain controls. When the above scenario happens, I check this flag in the "FormClosing" event. In testing this, I selected a record from a DataViewGrid which then populated certain controls where this flag is set. I realize that at that point the "TextChanged" event is fired because the fields receive a value and that boolean flag is set to "True".

My issue is that this flag gets set even though the controls get populated but no physical data changes have been made. So, what I'm wondering is whether or not their is another event I can check other than the "TextChanged" event that will truly detect if any new changes have been made and at that point set the boolean flag to "True".

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2 Textboxes Save Unsaved Changes On FormClosing

May 17, 2011

This is the code I used:[code]Why do I need it to read RemindersReaderClose and Homeworks ReaderClose? [code]

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Application.Exit() And FormClosing Event In .net?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a single windows form application that is running in system tray icon.If the user press X button of the windows form a messagebox is displayed with Yes and No ( Yes ->close the form---No->keep the form running in system tray icon).I was thinking to prevent the scenario when the user open another instance of the application when there is already an instance running so i have used this code :

If Process.GetProcessesByName(Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName).Length> 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("Another instance is running", "Error Window", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
End If

The problem is that when i want to test this the message is displayed but after i press ok, a new messagebox appears (that one from Private Sub Form_FormClosing ).If i choose NO i will have to instance running!I have read that Application.Exit fires the Form_FormClosing event.Is there any possibility to cancel the triggering of the Form_FormClosing event?'this is the formclosing

Private Sub Form_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim response As MsgBoxResult
response = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to exit", CType(MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, MsgBoxStyle), "Confirm")


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VS 2008 - How To Write Files During FormClosing

Jun 2, 2010

Private Sub frmMain_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
Dim log As String = String.Empty
If File.Exists("watcher.log") Then
Dim sr As New StreamReader("watcher.log")
[Code] .....
No watcher.log file is being created/modified in the Release folder in my project, but it works when debugging and puts one in the Debug folder.

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VS 2008 FormClosing() And FormClosed() Not Firing?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a hidden form in my app. When i call that form's Close() method fromanother form to close it, the form's FormClosing() and FormClosed() eventsare not raised. Is this behaviour normal and expected?

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Create EventArgs And Return Value Similar To FormClosing?

Dec 6, 2010

This is for a WindowsCE project,

Windows WM6 does not allow you to hook in WndProc easily as this has been hidden, I've built a class that inherits from MesageWindow, which allows me to receive Messages as intended.

What I'm trying to do is create an event that will return a value Boolean bypassing base.WndProc(ref m);

basically saying I've handled the event it does not have to, similar to how the Form_closing event would work e.g e.Cancel will cancel he closing off the form.

I've not finished my WndProc function as of yet but you should get the picture.

public delegate void WndProcEventHander(object sender, WndProcEventArgs e);
public event WndProcEventHander OnWndProc;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)


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.net - Two Methods Handling Me.FormClosing; Why Do They Fire In This Specific Order?

Aug 11, 2011

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles Me.Load, Me.FormClosing

While closing the form I observed that the Form1_FormClosing method is fired first, and then Form1_Load second. Why is this order chosen? Why doesn't Form1_Load get fired/entered first, and then Form1_FormClosing second?How does .NET choose which method to fire first, of the two that handle the same event?

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Abort FormClosing() - App Will Not Close And Revert To Previous State

Feb 13, 2010

I have a code snippet that I want to run when the app is closing. So, I used FormCLosing event. But now i wanna place a confirmation message for exiting. Like, if the user clicks the Exit(X) button, there'll be a prompt, if he clicks NO, then the app will not close and revert to previous state. Now I find that hard to achieve using FormClosing event. because it'll get executed no matter what button the user clicks.

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Forms :: FormClosing Messagebox Keeps Popup And Won't Exit The Application

Aug 5, 2011

on the form event: FormClosing I have this code that saves a treeview to xml, when it is saved it displays a message, but when I click the messagebox OK button, the messagebox keeps popping up and won't close that form.Here is the code I use:

Private Sub AddressBook_FormClosing(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
'Build our List of custom objects from our TreeView's Nodes


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Prevent MDI Parent FormClosing From Closing MDI Child Before Check?

Oct 9, 2011

I'm trying to give the user a chance to cancel FormClosing of MDI Parent by throwing a "Are you sure?" msgbox with an e.cancel however when FormClosing is invoked by MDI Parent, all MDI Children close first, before the msgbox appears.

I was wondering if there's an easier way to prevent MDI Children from closing rather than having to e.cancel every child form's FormClosing until I get a positive response to close and then push all the close events on the children because that seems like too much of a hassle if you have a lot of MDI Children.

EDIT: I guess the only solution I can find is adding If e.CloseReason = CloseReason.MdiFormClosing Then e.Cancel = True to the FormClosing event and using ApplicationExit instead.

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Kill A Form After FormClosing Event Is Overridden To Hide Rather Than Close?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a simple Windows Form that hosts property controls at runtime. When the user clicks Close [X] I want to keep the window and its contents alive rather than killing it by handling the FormClosing event, canceling the event and simply hiding the form.

That's fine but at close of the application I need to actually close the window. I implemented the below but it feels kludgey. Is there a simpler, more clever way to handle this situation? (The form's controller calls KillForm explicitly after it receives a closing event from the main window.)[code]...

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How To Make The World Map

Mar 15, 2010

how can i make a world map that moves with the cursor and ifor example if i press on asia another page will open for asia's map and the same thing for allwith visual basic 2005?

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Can't Compile / Run My Hello World Program

Dec 11, 2010

Im new to this and im currently teaching my self how to code using "sams teach your self C++ in one hour a day" (of course ignoring the 1 hour a day part!)


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Is It Better To Start Learning C# Or C++ In .NET World

Mar 25, 2011

I have some very rusty C++ and lots of C experience, but have done little OO design or coding.I've started learning C++.NET as that seemed to be the best starting point.I've hit restrictions in Microsoft's provision with multiple inheritance and extensions, neither work in C++.Would I be better off starting again with C#, or am I better off using a mixed language approach. eg. extensions in C#, rest in C++?I'm still struggling with this->method or and theother::staticthingy or whatever, and this probably is not an issue in C#. You'll see what I mean as that probably isn't the right way to desribe the difference between '->' '.' and '::'I'm getting to achieve what I want, but it's taking me 10 times longer than I think it should.

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VS 2008 What In The World Wide Web

Mar 1, 2010

I have a lot of HD images within my program design and it is causing the screen to flicker when loading other forms. It is kind of
slow too. Is there a way to resolve this, for example, using a reference or component such as DirectDraw. Here are my computer

Intel Pentium 4 /2.53GHZ
1.5 GB RAM
512 MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO AGP Video card
19 IN. LCD Widescreen 1440x900 resolution monitor.

could it be the refresh rate of only 60HZ?

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C# - How A Month Is Calculated In The Rest Of The World

Jan 11, 2012

I'm just curious that how a month is calculated in the rest of the world because Differences in Months between two dates are calculated differently. In our Insurance Company, we calculate a month as below:


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Display World Coordinates In A Text Box?

Mar 31, 2011

At the minute I can display the mouse position using Cusor.Position.ToString() but my screen resolution is widescreem - 1360:768. What about about someone with a standard 1024:768? If I use my application on other computers, it won't work because it deeply depends on mouse co-ordinates

I am aware of a world coordinate system (or something) that will work on all screen resolutions. To use this (which I will need to) I will need to change all of my coordinates in the code? So I'll need to display it in a text box like I did with Cusor.Position.ToString() but what code can I use to get the world coordinate?

There is something like PoibntToScreen and PointToClient but what do these do exactly and how do I use them? I tried using

MouseCoordinates_tssl.Text = "Mouse Coordinates: " + "{X:" + PointToScreen(New Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y)).X.ToString + "; Y:" + PointToScreen(New Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y)).Y.ToString + ";}"
but much to my disappointment, it didn't work. What could I do that would work?

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Returning A Real World Time Value?

Nov 2, 2009

I am having a problem trying to get a real time back from this code.

Public Sub Time()
Dim StartTime As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(txtStart.Text)
Dim EndTime As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(txtEnd.Text)


I am using a start time of 09:25 and an end time of 10:15 to test this with. I would like it to return 50, as 50 real world minutes went by. I am getting -1331385.

This is mostly someone else's code from a different forum. I have never used a TimeSpan method before and they keep telling me it works "like what I asked for".

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VS 2008 World Time Converter?

Jan 20, 2011

after numerous google searches and comparing excerpts from different peoples' various codes I could not get this program to work, though I came quite close. I'm attempting to make a program that will tell me the time in different parts of the world, a personal use program that I thought would help me exercise my vb skills.

The problem I'm having, however, is that when it should be showing my time it is either 5 hours ahead or 5 hours behind. I tried adding variables and deleted them again time and time again trying to make adjustments but all I managed to do was make the timer get stuck at 12:00:00 AM.


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Coding World Clock - A Label With A Date?

Apr 17, 2011

I need to code a label with a of course, but it has to be 3 months, 12 minutes, and 5 seconds into the future.

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Created A Logon Form For DDP World Project?

Feb 15, 2010

In visual basic 2008, I've created a logon form for my DDP World project. I was wondering, how do I create a uesr profile? For example:

Username: Admin Password: 9cookies1 (never used that password before, so dont try using it)

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VS 2008 - Passing Parameters (World Map Viewer)

Jul 26, 2010

The 3rd sub below (WorldMapViewer1_AreaMouseClick) handles "e.Area.Name" just fine. But I need my 1st sub ABC() to pick up the same "e.Area.Name" information and pass it to the 2nd sub LoadStateIndex() before anything is done in the 3rd sub.

Private Sub ABC()
End Sub
Private Sub LoadStateIndex()
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Calculate A City's Location On The World Map?

Apr 16, 2012

I know how to calculate a city's location on the world map by using its geographical coordinates as a pixel on the map but how in .net can I draw a link with a cuve? Once I have the curve does anyone know how to determine where the curve should be for the shortest route?

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.net - Creating A Hello World Library Function In Assembly And Calling It From C#?

May 18, 2010

Let's say we use NASM as they do in this answer: how to write hellow world in assembly under windows.I got a couple of thoughts and questions regarding assembly combined with c# or any other .net languages for that matter.First of all I want to be able to create a library that has the following function HelloWorld that takes this parameter: Name In C# the method signature would looke like this: void HelloWorld(string name) and it would print out something like Hello World from name To sum it up Create a routine in ASM ( NASM ) that takes one or more parameters Compile and create a library of the above functionality Include the library in any .net language Call the included library function Bonus features How does one handle returned values?Is it possible to write the ASM-method inline When creating libraries in assembly or c, you do follow a certain "pre defined" way, the c calling convetion, correct?

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Entering World Of Visual Studio 2010 And SQL Server

Aug 6, 2010

I'm looking for specific and current advice from professional .NET + SQL Server developers on:[code]I'm starting a new position next week in which I will be developing advanced accounting software (LAN software) using Visual Studio 2010, Visual Basic, and SQL Server.I am an experienced programmer (16 years), with a strong background in web development using Python, PostgreSQL, PHP, MySQL. I have also completed a number of smaller projects in Visual C#, so I have a general familiarity with .NET. I have not used Microsoft SQL Server.

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Region.GetRegionScans() - Create A Routing Somewhere In The World, From Point A To B?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm having a bit of a problem with a loop I made. So the setup is as following:We can create a routing somewhere in the world, from point A to B...and the program draws it on a worldmap.then I open a file with 300 zones in all over that country and he also draws these zones (it can go from polygons to circles. Some of these polygons are really small...when I click on a button I only want to see the zones which are connected to that routing...
So I use following script:


this works fine, but not for the very small zones...I think when he uses GetRegionScans from those small intersections...the RectangleF is so small that he thinks it's empty.

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Unable To Display A World Map And Draw Lines Between Cities?

Oct 22, 2009

I've got a project where I want to be able to display a world map and draw lines between cities.I've looked at using a web browser with google maps but don't want it to have to be used while "online"

I've looked and longitude and latitude and converting these to UTM co-ordinates but i'm lost for how to place these on world map programaticly.I have a full list of all cities used in my program and have a list of their latitude and longitude co-ordinates because i need to work out thier distance apart which I have already done the code for.

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