Ms Access - Get The Result Of Stored Procedure With Parameter And Use For Crystal Report In .Net

Jan 9, 2012

My IDE is MS Visual Studio 2008.I just want to ask how can I get the result of a store procedure from MS Access using VB.Net and use the result in a Crystal Report.

I have a Windows Application Project that requires this function.

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Using Parameter Stored Procedure In Crystal Report?

Jun 12, 2009

I have one problem when passing value to parameters for Crystal Report Viewer. The parameters are from Stored Procedure which I have defined.

My aim is to accept values from user and display it accordingly. I try to write code as below in Button View Click Event:

Dim rptdoc As New ReportDocument
rptdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "ReportsSummaryAdsRecordBetweenDate.rpt")
'@startdate is parameter in stored procedure


But the problem is that Crystal Report Viewer does not accept my passed values and prompt me to input values for @startdate and @enddate in its dialog box.

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Basing A Crystal Report On A Stored Procedure?

Jun 30, 2011

I am using 2005 andCrystal Reports .net. I am fairly new to using Crystal and am having some problems with a report I need to change. The old report was simply based on an SQL Server 2000 view and worked just fine. However, now I need to use a parameter to filter the data first. To do this, I created an SQL Server 2000 stored procedure that uses one input parameter and then I simply "select *" from the original view and use a "where" clause to filter the records based on that input parameter.

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Using Result From A Stored Procedure With Parameters As Value For Gauge Chart - Crystal Reports In Application

Jun 8, 2012

I have a stored procedure that takes in 2 parameters and returns an integer value. I would like this value to be the value for a gauge chart on the page. The 2 parameters will change depending on the attributes of the selected item. Is there a simple way to pass the one value from the stored procedure to the chart to display? This will be embedded in an application (vb) - so depending on the previously selected item, the values for the parameters and result will change.

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Access 2007 And Stored Procedure Error: Parameter [@MyNumber] Has No Default Value

Jul 27, 2010

Access 2007 and Stored Procedure. I keep getting this error: Parameter [@MyNumber] has no default value.


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Sql - Getting Parameter For A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure

Aug 29, 2011

I have a stored procedure to update a table, but needs a couple of values from another table.

the first two selects get the value from the table and then are used in the update statement.

The select statments:

Select @iStatusDropDownValueID = iDropDownValueID
From DropDownValue
Inner Join DropDownValueType On DropDownValue.iDropDownValueTypeID =


First, the values that are retrieved by the first two select statements are always the same. So they could be passed in by the code itself. I don't know that this will speed things up at all, just make the entire stored procedure better and easier to read.

Second, if the "Value Name" should change this store procedure will break (which is possible, but not often).

I am looking for any insight into the Best Practices for this situation.

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Call The Stored Procedure Which Has One Input Parameter And One Output Parameter?

Mar 21, 2009

I'm Trying to Call the Stored Procedure which has one input Parameter and one output parameter . code is below


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Close The Crystal Report Viewer And Pass The Parameter Again And Should Be Able To View Report Again?

Aug 15, 2011

When i pass the parameter and run the report it works fine as i close the form it closes the form is there any way so that i should be able to close the crystal report viewer and pass the parameter again and should be able to view report again.

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How To Result Value In Stored Procedure

Jun 8, 2011

[code]how can i get the result value in stored procedure?

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Show Report By Using Two Parameter Crystal Report

Mar 11, 2010

I have a table there in SQL SERVER 2000 which has five fields[date income amount expense amount]. Now user wants to input first date & last date there in form to show records ok? To show record by one paraemeter was easy for me & I did it by following code. I mean I made one parameter & got one form with one text box & one button & one report viewer. Let me show you my code for button event what I used to show report by one parameter.


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Pass Parameter To Stored Procedure Through .net?

Jun 22, 2010

this is my coding when i run this coding for display the content in textboxes from the database by click event in datagrid. "Procedure or Function 'sp_developer_display' expects parameter '@developerid', which was not supplied."this error will display my sp in sql express is ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_developer_display(


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Passing Parameter From To Stored Procedure?

Aug 12, 2010

Can't seem to figure out why this is not working.

Dim Myspcmd As New SqlCommand("spDataImport", myConnection)
Myspcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Myspcmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@FileName", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Myspcmd.Parameters("@FileName").Value = "Import_File.dtsx"


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Stored Procedure - Missing Parameter?

Oct 11, 2009

Hey Guys, I have a problem with something that should be pretty simple. I have stored procedure that I pass 1 input parameter and expect 2 output parameters back. Instead I get this error:

"Procedure or function 'MESSP_Get_PLCKitColour' expects parameter '@KitNo', which was not supplied."

I would appreciate some help with this.


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VS 2008 - Execute Stored Procedure And Display Result In WebBrowser

Feb 16, 2010

How I can execute a stored procedure and the put the results into a webbrowser to display. I know html so I will format the stuff to look how I want it to.

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DB/Reporting :: Crystal Reports Using A Stored Procedure

Mar 19, 2009

We connecting a stored procedure in a crystal report.

In the query analyzer we can call the SP with: execute test 'example'

If we run the crystal report we get the possibillity to fill in the parameter for this SP. The report looks fine but how can we send this parameter in the crystal report script??

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.net - Injecting A VB Parameter Into A Stored Procedure (FireBird)?

Mar 17, 2009

Everyone here has always been such great help, either directly or indirectly. And it is with grand hope that this, yet again, rings true.For clarification sakes, the Stored Procedure is running under FireBird and the VB is of the .NET variety


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Call A Stored Procedure With OUTPUT Parameter?

Jul 31, 2009

in my SQL 2005 database I have defined this stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CheckOrders] (
@PK_Customer uniqueidentifier,
@Amount bigint OUTPUT)


When I check the value of nAmount it stil contains the original value -1 the output value didn't return from the stored procedure although the number of records updated is 0 or more. The procedure was checked, it works and there are records updated and the value of @Amount is SET to a value 0 or more. I just don't get the values back. eventough the parameter @Amount is defined as OUTPUT. I also tried with outParam.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.InputOutput instead of outParam.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Output . Same result. How do I get the value back from the stored procedure?

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Change Stored Procedure Parameter Name During Code Gen?

Apr 13, 2011

I am using LLBLGEN Pro to generate a data layer...some of my stored procs have parameter name as "date" this is cauing a problem when I compile in VS2010...I have to go through the class and change the function parameters "date" to "[date]".

Is there a way to inject these changes in LLBLGEN Pro during code generation?

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Display A Value Of An Output Parameter From A Stored Procedure

Jul 8, 2009

How would I use a value from an output parameter from a stored procedure in a vb 2005 application. I would like to capture a run date from the procedure and show it on several forms in the app.

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Handing In A Parameter To A Stored Procedure And Returing Value?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a two part question really. The first part is about a stored procedure I have almost perfectly correct. This stored procedure below currently returns all the rows found in a table. I need to get only one value based on a unique value field in the table. The unique field is called descriptor. So I need to know what I do to modify the current SP to make it look for a unique descriptor value in that field and then hand back the resulting data the stored procedures generates. I am also looking for a code sample in VB.NET that would initiate the call with the correct descriptor parameter handed into the stored procedure and get back the result. My understanding is typically stored procedures generally return an integer to signify success or failure of it executing. Again I need to have the SP perform a query and then act on the data (as it does now) and then hand back the given result to VB. Apparently the VB call is subtlety different when you need a value back.


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MySqlCommand Stored Procedure Parameter Order?

May 12, 2012

I create a dictionary in a function which I pass to the function executing the sproc.
Dim PParamDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
PParamDict.Add("sname", name)
PParamDict.Add("sdescription", description)
PParamDict.Add("sLoggedInID", LoggedInID)
PParamDict.Add("sCompanyID", CompanyID)

The dictionary gets passed to the function PParamDict -> ParameterDict
Dim dbComm As New MySqlCommand(ProcedureName, PConnection)
Dim pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, String)
For Each pair In ParameterDict
dbComm.Parameters.AddWithValue(pair.Key, pair.Value)
[Code] .....

This works as long as the PParamDict.Add statements are in that order. If they're in a different order they get passed as they come in. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen, I'm passing the keys to the MySqlCommand which are defined letter for letter in the sproc.

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Output Parameter For Stored Procedure Failing?

Sep 24, 2009

Output Parameter For Stored Procedure Failing?

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Read Without An Output Parameter Of A Stored Procedure?

May 22, 2010

The mSSQL server I have a stored procedure. That does not have an output parameter.When I run it in SQL Management Studio so the procedure will output 1 cell.

create procedure [000].[test]


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Show The Top Number Of Result On A Crystal Report?

Sep 22, 2009

When logging into my system, I select the number of result that needs to appear on the report. In my stored procedure it selects count of all the data for a period. It returns all in the information, but I only want the number of records to appear on the report that I selected at the beginning.

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Pass Query Result Into Report Parameter

Oct 24, 2011

I have an rdlc report with a TextBox that contains

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.net - What Stored Procedure Is Crystal Reports Using To Connect To Database

Nov 25, 2010

I'm trying to make alterations to an existing Crystal Report form in a project I've inherited, and it's my first time using Crystal Reports. For clarity, I'm using Crystal Reports under Visual Studio 2010, not the standalone Crystal Reports.I've had a good go at looking through all the functions and variables listed in the CR Designer, and can't find what stored procedure is being used to call for data.

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Crystal Report Parameter?

Mar 4, 2012

Dim crParameterFieldDefinitions As ParameterFieldDefinitions
Dim crParameterFieldDefinition As ParameterFieldDefinition
Dim crParameterValues As New ParameterValues


i create two parameters in crystal report, how can i merge this codes into one set of codes.i want it in a single click, it will be sorted base on the two parameters that i made.

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Execute A SQL Stored Procedure With A Parameter That Needs The SQL Datetime Format?

Apr 27, 2011

i'm trying to execute a SQL stored procedure with a parameter that needs the SQL datetime format as:

Dim str_runproc As String
str_runproc = "exec UP_stopactivity @Activity='" & DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value & "' ,@Client='" & DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value & "',@starttime='" &
DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value & "'"

the DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(3).value is a datetime value that is put into a Datagridview via another stored procedure. When I run it in sql, it lists as a correct SQL datetime: 2011-04-27 05:54:51.003, in the datagridview it lists as: 27/04/2011 5:54:51

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Pass Datatable As A Parameter To A SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jul 29, 2011

how to Pass datatable as a parameter to a SQL Server stored procedure

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Sending Parameter Values To A Stored Procedure With Sqlreader?

Oct 1, 2009

I would like to pass to values to a stored procedure. I am using a sqlreader to populate a excel sheet. I need the user to be able to select a range, rather that the whole table.

Dim strSQL As String = "sp_im_select_customerdtl"
Dim data As String = ""


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