Mvc - MOQ: Can't Cast Moq.Mock To Interface In .Net

Nov 3, 2010

i am writing a simple unit test to check if the proper view name is being returned by an ActionResult in VB.Net MVC 1. The controller requires a service and I am trying to Mock the service but keep getting this error.Unable to cast object of type 'Moq.Mock`1[SRE.Web.Mvc.INotificationService]' to type 'SRE.Web.Mvc.INotificationService'.As I said, the simple and im not sure where to go from here.

<Test()> _
Public Sub Index_Properly_Validates_Email_Address()
Dim fakeNotifcationService As New Mock(Of INotificationService)(MockBehavior.Strict)


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Mock An Interface Property With JustMock In Program?

Jun 6, 2011

I am using JustMock to mock interfaces for unit testing, but perhaps I'm not doing it right.[code]...

I want to mock this interface and set that property so that it can be read by consumers of the interface.Beginning with[code]...

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"Expected Invocation On The Mock At Least Once But Was Never Performed" Error When Setting Up The Mock

Oct 26, 2011

I'm getting this error from Moq via NUnit, and it doesn't make much in the way of sense to me. "Expected invocation on the mock at least once, but was never performed: x => x.DeleteItem(.$VB$Local_item)"


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How To Cast Interface To Object (DailySchedule Class)

Jul 1, 2010

I have a base class called Schedule and three classes inherited: DailySchedule, WeeklySchedule, MontlySchedule. Now I would like to build a form in which users can modify the schedule and I have to compile different parts of it depending on whether the schedule is daily, weekly or monthly. Then I want to have back the schedule modified. Which object can I use on the form?

I thought to implement on the base class an interface iSchedule and to pass the interface to the form, but when I'm on the form constructor how can I cast the interface to the correct class? e.g. in the form constructor I will have a sched variable as iSchedule, I can see that, for example, is a DailySchedule from an interface property called Type. But how can I cast the interface to an instance of the DailySchedule class and to access to its members?

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Unable To Cast From List(of Object) To IList(of Interface)?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm new to generics and am having some issues when using with interfaces.I'm developing with VS2008 - .NET 3.5 Ultimately, I'd like to create an interface that inherits the IList(Of T) interface and add a function definition to the derived interface that adds a new element of type T to the list and returns the index of the newly added item.

I have everything figured out but am stuck on a casting issue. If I execute the following line of code at runtime:CType(New clsObjectFactoryList(Of clsIDNamePair), ifObjectFactoryList(Of ifIDNamePair))

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Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type 'System.__ComObject' To Interface Type 'MSTSCLib.IMsTscNonScriptable?

Jun 1, 2012

I am building a software which will be used to create a remote desktop connection. However I'm getting this error:

Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'MSTSCLib.IMsTscNonScriptable'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{C1E6743A-41C1-4A74-832A-0DD06C1C7A0E}' failed
due to the following error: Δεν υποστηρίζεται τέτοια διασύνδεση (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 E_NOINTERFACE)).


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Error : Unable To Cast The COM Object Of Type 'System._ComObject' To Interface Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.CustomProperties'

May 10, 2009

I have been trying to use vb2008 to automatically update CustomDocumentProperties fields that I have set up within a pro-forma document. I can load the Word application and word document without problems.I want to update the CustomDocumentProperties fields with data read from a dB. To do this I am assuming that I need to iterate through the CustomDocumentProperties fields within the word document and when one is "found" that matches the data I wish to merge then assign the dB value to the field.The problem is that I am getting an exception error when I try to reference the document customdocumentproperties

"Error : Unable to cast the COM object of type 'System._ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.CustomProperties'. ...... "

my code looks like;

Dim WordApp As Word._Application
Dim odoc As Word._Document
Dim BContinue As Boolean = True


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Could Not Run Unit Test With Mock

Apr 18, 2012

I tried to make an unit test for this method which is pretty simple only add an object into the data base and if it works well returns true


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Provide Cast Methods For Cast Operator Overloads In C#?

Jun 3, 2009

I read somewhere that older VB .net (pre VB .NET 2005?) couldn't use overloaded operators in a C# class. Is it true for overloaded cast operators?Either way do you guys think it's a disadvantage for a C# class library not to include them and arithmetic methods as actual methods for other languages, like:



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Creating A Mock Configuration Setup?

Nov 29, 2011

The program I am building requires a lot of initial user input. I was wanting to stream line this by creating a 'config' file so to speak that after the user enters all the initial data they can click a button that will save their entries into a secure file. When they leave for the day and come back they can click the load button and it auto fills in all the relevant data that will be stored in the file.

Still digging through the MSDN for help, but no luck on options yet.

I was thinking save the information to a text file somehow, but passwords will be stored and I would like to make it secure if possible.

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How To Mock Method Of A Class Under Test With MOQ

Sep 15, 2011

I have a service class that i want to unit test. The service calls a repository class method in order to save some data. But before I call the save method, I have a validate method that belongs to the service class under test which validates the properies of the class to be persisted as a parameter to the repository save method.I know that to verify that the repository save method is called, i have to mock the repository class and set up the save method, but how do i verify that the validate method belonging to the service class under test is called when unit testing the method under test since they belong to the same class?

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Creating Get/Set Properties For Interfaces And Using Them In Mock Objects?

Jan 19, 2009

I am having trouble assigning values to the properties defined in the mock objects.

Public Interface IAddCustomerView
Property FirstName() As String
Property LastName() As String
Property Message() As String
End Interface

My unit test below always fails saying that getMessage was never called:

<Test()> _
Public Sub Should_Display_A_Success_Message()
_presenter = New AddCustomerPresenter(_view, _repositoryStub)


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Partial Mock Of A Class With Private Constructor

Sep 9, 2011

I am trying to write some unit tests on a class that looks like this, using Moq [code] the parameterized constructor is private or internal one of the two methods relies on the result of the other.I want to check that when GetThisOrThat is called with a value, it actually calls GetThis. But I also want to mock GetThis so that it returns a specific well-known value.To me this is an example of Partial Mocking, where we create a Mock based on a class, passing the parameters for the constructor. The problem here is that there is no public constructor, and therefore, Moq can not call it..I tried using the Accessors generated by Visual Studio for MSTest, and use those accessors for the mocking, and this is what I came up with [code]

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Create A Mock API For Third Party Library In Statically Typed Language?

Dec 30, 2009

I have an application in VB/C# .NET which needs to interact with a third party API, but I would like to interface it out so I can use a mock API for testing purposes.[code]...

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Cast A List Of Object To List Of Interface That Object Implements?

May 19, 2009

I am working in and have a Class, Foo, that implements an interface, IBar.I have a List of Foo's, but I need to pass a list of IBar's into a function, but I keep getting casting errors, even when I use DirectCast.My code is [code]MainWorks works, but it would be really annoying and inefficient to have to do that everywhere I want to call this function.

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Visual Studio 2008 - Using Rhino Mocks' Expect.Call For A Mock Property In .NET?

Jun 22, 2011

The following C# code works just fine and the test passes as expected.

using NUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
namespace RhinoMocksTesting
public interface ITesting


The Expect.Call line produces the following build error: "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Expect' accepts this number of arguments." What is the proper way to use Expect.Call with a mocked property in VB.NET? I've seen a couple posts that say Rhino Mocks works better in VB10, but I'm stuck with Visual Studio 2008 for this current project.

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Invalid Cast Exception Was Unhandled - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.String' To Type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Feb 9, 2012

Sub cmdExit_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Interface And Graphics :: Create A User Interface In A Game Such As The Application XFire Using VB?

Jan 12, 2010

how to create a user interface in a game such as the application XFire using Visual Basic?

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Interface And Graphics :: Use A Graphical User Interface That Contains A Drag And Drop Form?

Oct 19, 2008

I'm working on a design project where I have to use a Graphical User Interface that contains a drag and drop form. It consists of having a window dropped on a wall. Both of them are images to scale. I would like to know what kind of code I would have to use to show the x and y coordinates of one of the points of my window when dragged so when I drop it, I'm dropping in it on the desired coordinate of the wall.

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Interface And Graphics :: How To Procede With An Interface Design Approach

May 18, 2012

I was wondering if I could elicit some tips on how to procede with an interface design approach.That is. What is a good way to go about establishing a "work area" where one can have multiple "floating forms" in this area.Can you have a form which occupies the entire windows desk top and the other forms "float" in this space? the "floating" forms would need to interact with each other where pressing buttons etc on them would affect other forms on the "workspace") Or what would be a good way to start accomplishing that? Or is there a better way to get the same effect?

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Interface And Graphics :: Link A Class / Object To An Interface?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm trying to make a .dll that contains a lot of basic functionality that a program can use. Currently i am trying to use interfaces to make a lot of this functionallity independend of the program using it but i hit a snag. The Basic idea is that a programmer will create his own object using the interface discribed in my .DLL file. Then implements those functions as he likes. He can then instanciate a controller (found in the same DLL) and sends his custom object implementing the interface to that Controller. The controller can then be started and will take over all the work. I do not know what type of object is send to the controller and idealy i want to program it in such a fashion that i shouldn't care as long as the object send implements that interface.In code I am trying to achieve the following: (quite simplyfied)

Public Interface MyInterface '<----Decleration of the interfaceFunction GetData() As Integer
Function SetData(Data As Integer)
end interface


this propperly. I know that the second i set the interface adaptor in the Controller VS comes nagging that it can not be converted to a "MyInterface" Class. Obviously i am doing something wrong. I can change the datatype that the controller expects to the "MyController" type but that would completely ruin the whole idea of flexibillity. I am hoping someone sees what i am trying to do and can point out where i made the thinking error.

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Interface And Graphics :: Picture Of Interface And Get Feedback On Changes For Easier Use?

May 21, 2012

Is this where i would post a picture of my interface and get feedback on changes for easier use? If not is there someplace on this forum or any other forum to do this?

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C# - Structure Map - Registering Wrapper Of An Old Interface For A New Interface?

Nov 18, 2011

in the codebase i'm maintaining there is an old interface. Let's call it IFoo. It pretty much became obsolete and replaced with the Interface INewFoo with a change a few weeks ago, but for backwards-compatibility purposes, i wrote a wrapper class which implements INewFoo and takes an IFoo in the constructor.To clarify, consider the following code.

Public Interface IFoo
Sub DoStuff()
End Interface[code].....

For both interfaces, the implementations are loaded by scanning a few assemblies with StructureMap. Now, let's get to the bad things. Most implementations for the old interface were put into forms for reason i can neither understand nor change. Because those tend to be displayed and disposed, i have to create a new instance every time i use ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances(Of IFoo). Thats still no problem, but i'd like to register a INewFoo-Wrapper for each registered implementation of IFoo, so that i can just use ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances(of INewFoo) and get all implementations of IFoo AND INewFoo.I can't iterate through the implementations of IFoo and register a wrapper for each one because as far as i can see, you can just register those with instances.Wrong code below:

For Each ass In assemblies[code].....

My question is: Is it possible to register a wrapper for each implementation of IFoo which always creates a new instance of the implementation before creating a new instance of the wrapper?

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Declare A Property As An Interface Collection Of An Interface?

Feb 7, 2011

I want to declare a property as an interface collection of an interface, and I want to instanciate the explicit type later, in the constructor. Something like this.

Public Class LicenseFile
Implements ILicenseFile
Public Property Collection As IList(Of ILicenseFileDataNode)


In short, the question is "Why It Didn't work"? This is a simplified scenario, but It's easy to take a workarround, But I need understand the reason because It's fails.

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Using Interface With Relay And Interface Is Connected To Computer?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm using interface with relay and interface is connected to computer on COM (serial) 9 pins port. In Visual Studio 2005 I'm using this

SerialPort1.DtrEnable = True
SerialPort1.Breakstate = True


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C# - .NET: Interface .net Getter Only Interface?

Jan 11, 2011

Why does an interface override a class definition and violate class encapsulation? I have included two samples below, one in C# and one in


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InvalidCastException - Specified Cast Is Not Value

Apr 9, 2010

I have a field named 'UserID' in my OLE database with the type 'Autonumber'. But when I try to cast it to a variable of type 'String' I get an an InvalidCastException - Specified cast is not value.

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid

Sep 25, 2009

I was debating on placing this in the Office Automation section, but I think that the error is actually unrelated to concepts in Office Automation, and instead related to VB.Net.

Anyways, I have been programming a Metrics application for the past few months. For all intensive purposes, I have just completed the programming. However, I recently started to get the error "Specified cast is not valid". You can see the stack trace below:


Message: Specified cast is not valid.
StackTrace: at Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.OLEFormat.get_ Object() at Metrics_Application.Utilities.PrepareGraph(Present ation mainPres, String ObjectNum, Int32 slideDiff) in C:RSNF MetricsMetrics ApplicationMetrics


I am passing into the method the Powerpoint Presentation object, the string specifying the Object name of the graph Ole Shape, and an integer for the slideDiff (to help differentiate which slide the method is modifying). Also, for context, I am using this to automate a PPT presentation, using Powerpoint.Interop COM objects.

I have tried to research this on various forums. Typically, it seems like this problem is found when accessing databases, or when someone tries to put a string into an integer variable (or another type of incompatible variable type). Looking at the code, I always bring in the string for the Object the variable type is correct there.

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Specified Cast Is Not Valid?

Nov 16, 2009

frm = New ItemInventory("", Me.cbFabric1.Text, Me.cbColor1.Text)frm.ShowDialog(Me)after this in the openned form's Form Load event i'm doing the following

Dim dv As DataView
'here i've executed stored procedure
adapter = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)


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Specified Cast Not Valid

Dec 15, 2011

I am having a problem with a datareader.


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