Networking - Object Initialization Not Working?

Aug 2, 2011

why is this code not working?

Dim tcplistener As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener

This does not compile with the error "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' accepts this number of arguments." The thing is, I have to declare it as New because otherwise I will get a null-reference exception...

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Object Initialization And Get Child

Jul 19, 2011

I create a form2.vb which have a report viewr and modifier set to public. In reportviewer properties i add the Report1.rdlc Now i want to pass the vlue in the textbox at report1.rdlc i use following steps and code to do it butnot sucessful yet i need ur guidelines first from menu click report ___ report parameter and set the parameter name like conparm. Then i frm2 load event i write following


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Control / Object Initialization On Form?

Dec 27, 2009

I am Visual Foxpro Programmer and moved to Vb.Net.

In Foxpro for each control I add to the form, there is a method called Init where this is executed only once when the form run.

I am doing the code for a control in the Form_Load and things working fine.

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Control/Object Initialization On Form?

May 27, 2011

I am Visual Foxpro Programmer and moved to Vb.Net. In Foxpro for each control I add to the form, there is a method called Init where this is executed only once when the form run.

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Array Declaration And Initialization - "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object."?

Feb 22, 2010

The last line in the code below throws the error. Is it because I haven't intialized the size of the byte array?

Public Class Form1
Private toSocket_IPP As Byte()
Public Sub New()


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Declaring Object Variable - Inactive During Initialization Of Module?

Feb 16, 2012

Got a question regarding declaring a variable. Basically I have a module that writes to a text file using textwriter which is declared for the whole module to use at the top of the code. But what I want to do is clear the contents of the text file when the program is executed (using file.writealltext). The problem I have is that the file is obviously already in use as a result of the textwriter and the file cannot be modified because of this.

My question is: is there any way of declaring the textWriter object later on (not during the initial initialization of the module) without passing the object between functions? Setting the variable as inactive or something along those lines during initialization would be ideal.

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Implement Networking Through .net 2008?

Mar 23, 2009

how should i implement networking through 2008?

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Use Networking To Access A Database?

Jan 22, 2012

Just want a clarification about who to access a database through a network, her's a scenario:there is a client running a vb application, the application starts with a login form, when the user and password is supplied, a new form is shown including a datagridview with data populated from the remote machine running sql server. ide be thankful if u supply a code snippet for the connection part, and ille continue from there.

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Networking - How To Return IPv4 Address

May 25, 2010

How can I return the IPv4 address in VB.Net? E.g.

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Networking - Send Messages From One Computer To Another Using .net?

Aug 25, 2011

i've been wanting to do this for a few years now and it amazes me that no one can come up with a solution.i want to write a program (preferably in that can send a message to another computer (or device) that is connected to the same network as me. I want the message to appear on the other computer (or device) in a popup message box. Also, it would be ideal if this could be done through some sort of bluetooth connection, if not then local ip connection will do. I don't know how i would go about doing this but i know it's possible because i've seen some programs do it... in fact i've seen a program called blackrain that without any additional software installed, can display messages on an ipod touch screen to instruct the yser what to do, and then display the results from their input on the computer screen, almost instantly. I would like to know how that works as well if anyone has any thoughts please feel free to share them!


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Networking - Sending Messages With TCPClient

Oct 29, 2011

I'm realizing a .NET chat application but i still have that error: I can send only a message per connection. For example. With the code below, i can send only one message that can be received correctly by the other peer, but if i send another message message, on the same connection,it won't be received by the remote PC. Here is the code:


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Project Networking - Sharing To Other Computer Possible?

Nov 3, 2010

I just made my project, I just wanna ask is possible to share your project to the other computer, like file sharing or networking, which you can access your project to the other computer, is that possible? If possible, how should I do that?

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VS 2005 - What Is Control Or Package Available For Networking

Aug 14, 2009

As winsock, in the case of VB, what is the control or package available for networking in .net?

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VS 2010 Multi Language Networking App

Dec 4, 2011

I am a Network Administrator in the Army so programming is not my strong area. I have been messing with Batch files and WMI, just recently i started VB Scripts (VERY BASIC) like adding an input box to set computer name, scan network for computer name on domain, return wmi info for that remote computer etc... I know there are programs out there that can do all of this, however the Army will only allow certain approved programs to be installed on government workstations, i have been using .Bat files to gather info which is fine, however it is very time consuming when you have entire subnets with computers, networked printers, etc to place into a spreadhseet for higher headquarters tracking not to mention the over 20 columns of required data to track for each computer. I have VB 2010 Express, working on a Windows Form Application Project. Goal is to interface my VB Script (written with notepad) with a GUI that will generate an internal spreadsheet on the form window in a datagridview. So far i have the basic window and i have my gridview with my column headers set. How do i get the data into the columns and rows accordingly.

Application Basic: Execute Program, in main window select button (Scan IP Range) <--- I want this to open an input box for the beginning subnet, input base address to start scan from, next input box for end range, then msgbox for start scan. i want the results of the scan to autofill the datagridview and add new row for each IP address that had a ping reply, returning valid data from WMI results as it receives the data. What would be the best method to achieve my goal. i am not asking you to write the program, i have been looking and studying MULTIPLE sites, think i just need another set of eyes on this to unlock the knowledge i have locked away, if ya know what i mean. Also, if you don't mind let me know what you think of this app im trying to turn out... Super Thanks for your help.This is the Base Batch File running. It calls an external VB Script written in notepad. (I want this implemented into the app form so there is no console window.)This is the inputbox from external VB Script that is called.This the result of the external VB Script (the info i want to put in the datagridview of the app.)I also, for some reason can't get scroll bars to show in the app when i hit F5, theres about 15 columns passed the MAC column...?

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Access Database Path On A Networking Computers

Apr 18, 2012

Am working a 2008 project using ms access database 2007 and i successfuly finished it. i published the project and burnt it with cd. my database path in was located c:Deploydatabase.accdb.

so i installed the program in to another 2 networking PCs. when i run them and put the database path c:Deploydatabase.accdb in every computer, its working. but the problem is that:

i need the database to be accessed by server or my machine for instance where every other networking computers are able to access my database in this location of my machine (my be as defualt) without not putting it to their pcs.

This enables me to see what every machines users can add information to the program.

for example, i have got 10 computers networked each other (i.e comp1, comp2, comp3, comp4, comp5, comp6, comp7, comp8, comp9, comp10). i have installed the program in every computers so when/if comp1 adds/edits informations to the program, then all other computers are capable of receiving this information which means comp4 can see what comp1 has entered in the program.

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Create Social Networking Site Using 2008?

Jan 2, 2009

A peaceful 2009 to everyone! How could i create a social networking site using visual 2009, i will need reports as administrator, kindly email your answer to {REMOVED}

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Monitoring Total In / Out Internet Networking Flux?

May 16, 2011

Is there a way to monitor and determine the total in/out flux from and to the Internet (not just one port or one program)?

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VS 2008 What Approaches Are There For Networking App And Copyprotecting It At Same Time

Dec 7, 2010

I have a small application that is currently released. It does not use any database technologies. I built into it some simple copy protection that allows the app to run as a 10 day trial. After this it needs a licence number that I generate based on a code my app provides to the user.This works great for one or two standalone machines but I am now being asked about more flexible pre activated site licencing. Currently this is a bit beyond my skills. I need pointing in the right direction. I assume if I remove my copyprotection and install on a network share, that my app will run.My app also stores some data in the registry which includes the serial number and copy protection data. I could probably switch this to a local file if this helps.What approaches are there for networking my app and copyprotecting it at the same time?

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Networking - Getting A Path To Public Documents On Server In .net App When Run From A Workstation?

Jun 2, 2011

In our VB.Net application, we need to get the path to our data folder in Public Documents. In our standalone application this is straighforward using the SHGetFolderPath function. However, for our network application, we run into a problem when we load the application on a Win 7 server and run it from a Win XP workstation. From the workstations, SHGetFolderPath returns the workstation's public documents folder instead of the what we want, which is the server's public documents path.Is there any way within the application to query the public documents path on the server?

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VS 2008 Online VB Networking - System.IO.Streamwriter And Streamreader

Jan 14, 2010

I made my own advanced networking system which uses System.IO.Streamwriter and Streamreader but offline. I would like to let this use a directory online, I have a webhost available for that, now how do I say to the program it has to look at a specific map with all the users information?

I now have already this into my login form:

Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
On Error GoTo A


Just curious if I can let my network grow out international instead of pc. Also I have a second question. I made a create account page which is supposted to make a text file with the txtUserName and txtPassword inputs, but it does create the file, but doesnt write any lines into it.

Code here:

Private Sub btnCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreate.Click
Dim UserGenerator As System.IO.StreamWriter


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.net - IEqualityComparer(of Object) For Intersect Or Except Not Working

Jun 15, 2012

enter code hereWant to remove items from a Main list , but give an error 'Unable to cast object of type <ExceptIterator>d__99'1['


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Chart Object Not Working In VB 2010?

Dec 28, 2010

The following code worked fine in MS Office 2007 PowerPoint Macro.However, in 2010 it crashes at the line "For each cht in..Function CopySheetChart(Sheet As Excel.Worksheet, Row As Integer, Col As Integer, _

Workbookname As String) As Boolean

' Copy the Excel sheet that has top left copy to RowOffset from the page header, and column Col

Dim Cht As Excel.ChartObject


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VS 2008 Working With FolderBrowserDialog Object?

Jul 22, 2010

I have problem working with FolderBrowserDialog object in VISUAL BASIC. It only returns folders and it does not return shortcuts. Is there any way that when I use this object I would be able to see let's say shortcuts that I have on desktop?

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Social Networking Website :: Way To Implement A 'user Search' In Memory (no SQL)?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm writing a social networking application in VB.NET, with a target userbase of 1-2 million users. All user data will be in memory in a dictionary of 'User' objects with properties such as Country, Region, Age etc exposed. I need to perform search against multiple user properties in memory - I'm not using SQL.What's the most performant way to implement a 'user search' against multiple properties?

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Initialization In A DLL

May 29, 2009

I am trying to write a VB .NET (2008) DLL. When the DLL loads, I would like to perform an initialization task. Trouble is, I don't know how to do this. If I were writing this in C++, I would put the necessary code in DllMain, and all would be well. Is there any similar mechanism to DllMain in VB .NET? Or is there another way to do this?

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Initialization In Asp.NET Master Page?

Aug 9, 2011

I need to do a dynamically loaded Header and Footer on Master page where there are two placeholders to store the users controls which will become the Headers and Footers. The reason why I am doing it to make it more customizable and it is the how it is required from my supervisor as well.So I have two key-value in web.config such as <add key="MasterHeader" key="~/Controls/Header.ascx"/> <add key=" Master Footer" key="~/Controls/Footer.ascx"/>So I am wondering which Page event should I load these users controls by saying


Where is the best Page event to put the codes above?Do I need to put something in the page directive to make it work?

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.net Framework Initialization Error?

Feb 15, 2012

I have created a project in and its working fine in my machine.But when I provide the exe to my senior to test it shows the initialization error.I came to know the reason that the error is because the microsoft .net framework is not updated in my seniors machine....So there can be a possibility that the framework might not be updated on the client's machine as well.... when the user clicks on the exe file it should check that the microsoft framework is present and updated if not then the exe file should first prompt the user that the microsoft framework is needed and should be updated and start the installation....

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Add Comments To An Array Initialization?

Feb 24, 2012

Is there a way to add comments to an array initialization? For example:

Dim test As UShort() = { _
1, _
2, _
3, _
4 _

I'd like to add a comment on each line, but the obvious syntaxes fail (for obvious reasons)

1, 'test _
1 'test, _
So, am I out of luck?

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C# - Anonymous Class Initialization In .Net?

May 11, 2009

i want to create an anonymous class in exactly like this:


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ComboBox And TextBox Initialization?

Mar 29, 2010

I am unable to initialize textbox and combobox in my form when i click on the binding navigator 'New' button. Why is it so? But at the same time the datetimepicker does!ere's the code:

Private Sub BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Click
Me.CreatedbyTextBox.Text = Master.user


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