Open Rich Text File

Mar 25, 2010

I'm working on an application like WordPad but my problem is when I try to open a rich text file even though it contains colored text the whole text shows up in black unlike WordPad.

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Open And Re-open A .doc File In The Rich Text Box Control?

Apr 28, 2011

I saved a file with the extension .doc. I use the RichText to write and save the text. I did not set any encoding type when I saved it. When I tried to open the file in the Richtextbox again, I got all the formatting characters in the RTF file. How do I correct this? How do I open and re-open a .doc file in the Rich Text box control without the formatting showing up in the box with the document contents?

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Open Large Rich Text File Smoothly?

Jan 8, 2010

If there is any way to open large rtf files in rich text text box ?when i try to open a large rtf file in rich text box it halt the system unlike windows word pad . win word pad open file smoothly may be read line by line how it possible in

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How To Save And Open Rich Text

Feb 2, 2010

How in the world do i save/open a rich text file (.doc .txt or other) that can work in a Windows Forms Project. They should be able to click a button to open, and one to save. How do i do this?

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Display The Contents Of The Open CMD Window In Rich Text Box?

Aug 15, 2011

I am wanting to display the contents of the open CMD window in my Rich Text Box.

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[2008] Use The Treeview To Display The Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked?

Aug 30, 2009

Hi, i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated.This is the code im using right now:

Private Sub TreeView1_NodeMouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.NodeMouseClick
Select Case e.Node.Index
Case 0


Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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Use Treeview To Display Text Of A Rtf (rich Text File) File When An Specific Node If Clicked

Feb 28, 2009

i'm trying to use the treeview to display the text of a rtf (rich text file) file when an specific node if clicked.HomeOMGWOOTFor example, if i pick OMG, i want the text of lol.rtf to be displayed on a richtextbox. But somehow i just can't manage to get it... I know to import the text of a .txt file to a textbox, but using the treeview makes it more complicated. [code] Another thing is, that i can't import the *.rtf text into a richtextbox and i don't know why.

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Unable To Load Rich Text Files Into Rich Text Box?

Jan 12, 2009

I am unable to load rich text files into my rich text box. It worked fine yesterday, would there have been anything I could have changed by accident?

With OpenFileDialog
.Filter = "Text format (*.txt)|*.txt|Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*"


but I am getting the error File format is not valid when i attempt to open any Rich Text file

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Get File Address From File Dropped In Rich Text Box?

May 12, 2011

That title is really confusing I know. But I will try and make sense of this.If you drag a file onto a rich text box, it will add this little watermark-ish thing with the file extensions icon, and the file name.

Is there a way that I can get that files address, upon a certain event?

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Rich Text Box - Load Specific Text In The Rich Text Box When The User Load The Form?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a rich text box which I use in order the user is able to add pictures, coloured writing, different font etc... however I need to load specific text in the rich text box when the user load the I can add (I guess) the HTML to load this every time the user load the form.

P.S the text will change depending on who loads the form so I can not do a simple

RichTextBox1.LoadFile("C:Documents and SettingsDesktopSigniture.rtf")

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Save Contents Of A Rich Text Box To A File?

Mar 12, 2010

I want to be able to save anything the user typed in the rich text box in my form into a .txt file in a location of their choosing after using the 'Save' option on the menu.[code]...

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Unable To Display Rtf File In Rich Text Box?

Aug 24, 2010

While displaying the .RTF file in rich text box control. It displays all the rtf formatting strings. how to display rich text in rich text box control.

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[2005] Opening A Rich Text File?

Jan 11, 2009

I have created a text editor that enables the user to create and open both txt files and rich text files.When it comes to opening files, the text files are opening fine, but when it comes to rich text they are opening like this
tf1adeflang1025ansiansicpg1252uc1adeff31507deff0stshfdbch31506stshfloch31506stshfhich31506stshfbi31507deflang2057deflangfe2057 hemelang2057 hemelangfe0 hemelangcs0{fonttbl{f0fbidi fromanfcharset0fprq2{*panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{f34fbidi fromanfcharset1fprq2{*panose 02040503050406030204}Cambria Math;}


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Lotus Notes Rich Text Field To RTF File

Dec 21, 2009

I am doing a data migration from Lotus notes to another type of software that does not support Rich Text Fields.I am trying to write a VB 2005 program that will take any rich text fields that are found and place them into an RTF file - which will be uploaded as an attachment in the new software.I cannot get the program to take the rich text formating or objects to the RTF file, only the plain text.I have tried everything under the sun using the COM library to get these objects out to no avail.

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Lotus Notes Rich Text Field To RTF File - VB?

Dec 14, 2010

I am doing a data migration from Lotus notes to another type of software that does not support Rich Text Fields. I am trying to write a VB 2005 program that will take any rich text fields that are found and place them into an RTF file - which will be uploaded as an attachment in the new software

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Saving Rich Textbox Text Into Batch File?

Feb 28, 2010

in saving the contents of a rich textbox into a batch file. The code that I written save it fines but when I open the batch file it seems to not recognize it as a batch file. Here is the code below:

Dim savefiledialog1 As New SaveFileDialog
savefiledialog1.Title = "Save As Batch File"


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VS 2005 Writing Rich Text Character To A File?

Sep 25, 2009

I have 2 files:

1.) fname (original file)
2.) TempHeader.txt (Header)

In my program, I'm reading each file with the StreamReader, then prepending the header onto the original file to create a 3rd file which is the combination of the two. My problem is that the original file contains the following:


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Not Able To Get Exact Alligned Content From A .rtf File To A Rich Text Box In A Form

Feb 19, 2010

I have a .rtf file, where I paste a row copied from excel, It looks fine (all content in each cell is wrapped and multiline). But When I open through VB.Net, i am not seeing the multiline rows which it is in .rtf file. It looks like the content comes out of the box and seams like the text coming out of the cell. Is there any way to display the content of a .rtf file in a Rich Text Box in VB.Net 2008. The below shown code used to get content from .rtf file and put in a Rich Text Box.[code]

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Load Xml File In A Rich Text Box From A Remote Server To Program Form?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a windows app in , i am trying to read a xml file from my server(url...).I am able to read abc.xml . now i have a requirement to show abc.xml in a rich text box in and then i have to show node and its value in combobox. I am able to do this with a directory(suppose that file is in C:/abc.xml)[code]...

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Use Open File Dialogs To Open A File To A Text Box?

Nov 18, 2009

how to use open file dialogs to open a file to a text box?

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Format Text - Rich Text Box - Where The User Will Be Entering Information - The Text Is Black

Aug 11, 2011

On the main form of my application, I have a Rich Text Box which is where the user will be entering information. The text is black. then, i have a button which calls the dialogue "Notes" A dialogue appears, with a rich text box. the user should then be able to enter text into the box, click "OK", and the text entered into the Notes dialogue be inserted to the rich text box on the main form -- with the font colour "Red". The rest of the text in the main rich text box on the main form should remain black.

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VS 2010 - Rich Text Box - Getting User Text In The Text Changed Event

Jan 20, 2011

I'm Making a Simple syntax highlighter and I'm Doing the highlighting in the text Changed event of a RTB and for obvious reasons I can't re highlight the whole document each time someone presses a key so i highlight one line each time the text changes. But this creates a Problem. If someone pastes code into the RichTextBox It only highlights the last Line. So is there a way to get if the user typed the text in with his keyboard or pasted it from the clipboard in the text Changed event?

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Insert Text To Rich Text Field At Text Cursor?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a question, how would i have a button, then when you click it, it puts the text at the text cursor in the RTF?

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Reading A Text File Into A Checked List Box Through The Open File Dialog?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a checked list box that is populated with the text from a text file. I started off with this code:

Dim FileToLoad As String
FileToLoad = TextBox3.Text
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(FileToLoad, FileMode.Open)


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One Sub Procedure / Change Text Color In Rich Text Box / Without Button Handler?

Oct 8, 2010

everyone! I've been at this for a while, and I'm not sure how this issue can be resolved:I'm working on a project in VB.Net, and I have a form with a rich text box. I have a groupbox with 4 radio buttons inside that are intended to change the font color of the text. Coincidentally, I have to repeat this same functionality for a 2nd set of radio buttons that would change the text font family.

At any rate what I've only been able to do is the following to successfully change the font color of whatever text I highlight in the rich text box:

Private Sub rbtnBlack_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbtnBlack.CheckedChanged
rtbxTextEditor.SelectionColor = Color.Black
End Sub
Private Sub rbtnRed_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbtnRed.CheckedChanged


Is there a way that I could write a sub (I'm assuming I would use a sub, since I don't think I need to return anything, thus eliminating the use of a function) that would handle the action of changing the selected text color in the rich text box without having to use a separate sub for each radio button? Mind you, per my teacher's specs, she doesn't use a button handler for any of this.

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Open A Text File And Add A Line Of Text At The End Of A File?

Dec 7, 2009

What kind of code would I need to open a text file and add a line of text at the end of a file. IE "C:UsersAdministratorDesktopfile.txt"...??? Then save it of course.

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Open File Using Text Box Text Input

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to write code that will open a file with the input from a combobox from the user. My code is below:


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Make First 60 Characters In A Rich Text Box A Different Color Than The Remaining Text?

Feb 7, 2009

is it possible to make first 60 characters in a rich text box a different color than the remaining text?

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Forms :: Show Text In Column In Rich Text Box?

Oct 15, 2009

I will show 3 columns of text in rich text box. i want show the column border with color.i can separate the texts with tabs or spaces but showing data in columns and cells will improve the visual of my program .

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Output Formatted RTF Text To A Rich Text Box Control?

Feb 24, 2012

Okay, so what I want to do is directly output formatted RTF text to a Rich Text Box control in VB.NET. I don't want to find the text, select it and color it as it is not practical for what I'm doing. I've tried outputting RTF code but that isn't working either. Can I actually do this or will I have to write a dll?

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