Open A Text File In Listbox?

Feb 18, 2009

How can i open a text file in listbox? File have for example some names, one/ row:

row1 Johny
row2 Jimmy

when i press on johnny label1.text = johnny I know how to do it in vb 6 but in vb 2008 i don`t know?

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Open Text File And Put In Listbox?

Jan 4, 2012


When I click Cancel program crashes,how to solve it.

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Open Text File In Textbox From A Listbox?

Apr 15, 2009

This is the code i have so far[code]...

but now i need to load the text file into a text box from the listbox. one thing that confuses me is if a try to load the file from the list box, this code only shows the file names, no path, no extensions.

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Open A Text File Selected In One List Box Into Another Listbox?

Oct 10, 2010

with the following: Open a text file which is selected in a listBox and then load the selected files contents into another list box

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VS 2008 - Open Text File And Write To Listbox Without Using OpenFileDialog

Nov 30, 2011

Let's say, when you click a button it just opens a specified .txt file and adds the data of it to a listbox. I mean automatically, without that file opening dialog showing?

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Import Text File To Listbox - Export Items In Listbox As Text File?

Jun 28, 2009

1.In my program I have 2 textboxes.In first textbox user need to put some number.Let's say he put number 10, then in other textbox program need to write numbers from 1 - 10, like this:

If he put 20 in first textbox, in second textbox it should be:


2.I need to do this...Import text file to listbox.Export items in listbox as text file.

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How To Open File In ListBox

Sep 10, 2008

How to open a file in filelistbox? Every time I clicked/choose a file in my filelistbox nothing happens.
PHP Code:
Dim a As String
a= Shell("rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " & FileListBox1.SelectedItem)

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Open A File From A Listbox?

May 29, 2009

Im trying to open a file from a listbox using this:

Dim str As String = ""
str = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString


but it wont work I keep getting a file not found error even though the first message box is correct in every way, so what do I have to do to get this to work?

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Open A File From Listbox?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a listbox that while running gets populated with multiple file locations. I want another button to open these files from the locations when selected. I have not been able to find a method to open these files after they are populated and selected. I have tried multiple methods for achieving this and I think the easiest should be close to below but I must be missing something.[code]...

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Reading Text File Into Listbox - Each Line Of The Textfile Is Placed On The Listbox?

Feb 12, 2012

I am starting to learn reading and writing to textfiles. One quick problem. My code here

'Read is the variable that will read the kp.txt file"
Dim read As IO.StreamReader
read = IO.File.OpenText("C:2/kp.txt"[code].....

however when it is read into the listbox those 3 words appear on one line in listbox
How can i make it so that each line of the textfile is placed in each line on the listbox?

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Open And Re-open A .doc File In The Rich Text Box Control?

Apr 28, 2011

I saved a file with the extension .doc. I use the RichText to write and save the text. I did not set any encoding type when I saved it. When I tried to open the file in the Richtextbox again, I got all the formatting characters in the RTF file. How do I correct this? How do I open and re-open a .doc file in the Rich Text box control without the formatting showing up in the box with the document contents?

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Item From The Listbox To Open The File

Jul 11, 2011

Basically my problem is that I want an item from the listbox to open the file (containing the name) with the native application for the file extension when the 'Open' button is clicked.


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Convert Listbox To Listview To Open File?

Mar 10, 2012

how to convert it to listview that i can open selected folder from listview not from listbox in windows explorer.

'If (listbox1.SelectedIndex <> -1) Then _


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Open MS Access File To Populate Listbox?

Aug 24, 2011

I made a program in Visual Basic 6.0 and am trying to convert it to i am at the stage where the program needs to load the Access file and populate the listbox according to which radio button i chose.

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Use Open File Dialogs To Open A File To A Text Box?

Nov 18, 2009

how to use open file dialogs to open a file to a text box?

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Use Open File Dialog To Populate Listbox With Word Documents?

Jun 7, 2011

I have been trying to find the best way create an Ole Object container of my own with the use of open-file-dialog, a button and a listbox. I just want to attach a file together with current dataset.I get an error that says 'Items' is not a member of 'Systems.Collections.ArrayList

Public Class MainForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim alrAttachments As ArrayList


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Write Listbox Text To Text File And Keep Columns Aligned?

Apr 16, 2011

I've got a program which displays data in a listbox in five columns. All are separated using one or more ControlChars.Tab. I want to write these columns to a text file, however, when I do, my columns lose their alignment. I can change alignment so that it displays nicely in text file, but then it is off in list box. Is there a way to get what I see in my listbox to display the same way in a text file - maybe a different way of separating my columns (not using ControlChars.Tab)?

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Reading A Text File Into A Checked List Box Through The Open File Dialog?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a checked list box that is populated with the text from a text file. I started off with this code:

Dim FileToLoad As String
FileToLoad = TextBox3.Text
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(FileToLoad, FileMode.Open)


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File I/O And Registry :: Using The SaveFileDialog To Save Listbox Info Into A Text File?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using the SaveFileDialog to save listbox info into a text file. The files save fine, but when you go to save the file, if you hit the cancel button, it will overwrite the previous file you saved, because it's name was the same and it seems to save the previous file as the new name for your next file. Is there any way to catch if the user clicks cancel, and then exiting the sub if they did?

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Open A Text File And Add A Line Of Text At The End Of A File?

Dec 7, 2009

What kind of code would I need to open a text file and add a line of text at the end of a file. IE "C:UsersAdministratorDesktopfile.txt"...??? Then save it of course.

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Open File Using Text Box Text Input

Sep 22, 2011

I am trying to write code that will open a file with the input from a combobox from the user. My code is below:


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Getting Listbox To List Text From Text File

Mar 1, 2010

I have a text file and a list box. what Im wondering is how I would get the listbox to list the text from the text file. sure, easy, but wait! in my text file, I listed web addresses and dates with tags in front of them. for example my file would be like: [Code] what would the best way of reading the tags and displaying it right in the list box?

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Reading Text From A Text File Into A Listbox

Dec 15, 2010

I'm a little new to VB, and I'm in a class for it, but I'm trying to do something we aren't going to learn in the class (mostly out of sheer interest) and I need help. I'm trying to read lines from a text file into a listbox, each line representing a new item on the listbox. For example, if the text file reads: [code]I want to be able to take that as is and read it into a listbox, where those words would appear in the exact same fashion; as a list, each as separate items. I've looked at the Help stuff and learned (sorta) about delimiters... but the thing is I don't want to write my entire list in a continuous line separated by commas--I want it to keep reading each line, and moving on to the next, until there are no more lines left. I am thoroughly stumped, and would appreciate it SO much if someone could help. For a frame of reference, this is the point I'm at now with my code: [code]Note that when I run the program, all it will do is read the first line of text available and stop; once I press ENTER in a text file, it decides to stop reading.

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Load Text File Of Mp3 File Paths To Listbox?

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to load a text file into a list box in order to be able to play the files see code below I have an error on this line Which states Error 1 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String'.

Dim Open As New OpenFileDialog
Dim myStreamReader As System.IO.StreamReader
Open.Filter = "Text [*.txt*]|*.txt|All Files [*.*]|*.*"


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Open A Text File In VB?

Jan 15, 2012

I have this program that validates error and then logs it in a text file,but here is the problem, I want to know how show the text file that has been made after the logs have been written,

for example, I have validated all the errors, and then creates a text file that has appended all the strings, then after my pop message, I want the text file to pop also, showing all the logs that have been created..

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How To Open And Read An XML File To Text File

Feb 25, 2010

I have created 2 format types(ELEMENT, ATTRIBUTE) of XML File.To open and read the ELEMENT Format type and write the row into TEXT string for display is fine but the ATTRIBUTE is not working.The problem is how to identify the format type at runtime in order to develop the script.The scripts below works on ELEMENT format and not on ATTRIBUTE type..How to identify the Format type? [code]

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Make Open A File With The Name Of .mxp And Any Text File?

Jun 26, 2010

how do i make this open a file with the name of .mxp and any text file how do i add that in. and how do i open the file mxp to Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Add Text File To Listbox?

Jun 10, 2009

This my code

Dim lngLines As String[code]...

at the moment i want to read all lines in text file to add in listbox

but i don't add strings x, and string y add in listbox, and back read line

but string y not add in listbox

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Close Open Text File?

Mar 20, 2012

In this project I want to read text from the text file.. after that want to update the text file.. if i just run the code manually, the code run well.. but if I want use timer to keep the code run automatically there show problem.

here my code

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim skrng As Date = Date.Now()


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Detect If A Text File Is Open?

Jan 16, 2009

Is there any way to determine if a text file is currently open in a text editor? Or better yet, is there a way to trigger an event when a text file is opened (from any program)?

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