Picturebox Async Load Not Complete?
Dec 12, 2011
i load the images in my project, using the load async method, but sometime, the picturebox doesn't show the image loaded, but only, the default not complete load image preview (red, blue and green geometric forms).
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May 7, 2010
I have a form named "Form1".. when this form load it takes few seconds to load all data from database to complete. I want to create another form pop up on the Form1 load_event to prevent user to see the page hanging there.
How can load a new form example frmLoading on a form load event then after the form loading everything data complete from database, only unload the frmLoading...?
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Aug 24, 2009
VS 2008 PictreBox Load Complete
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Jun 3, 2010
I'm trying to write a 'developer friendly' wrapper for the Windows API EnumWindows - the problem is that the API uses a callback function that gets invoked on another thread, where as I want my wrapper function to simplify this and make it more useful by working like any other normal synchronous function and just returning a value.
Now if the API just called the callback once that would be fine, as I would just call the API and make the wrapper function wait until it got a signal from the callback function telling it to continue... but the API calls the callback function over 100 times (once for every window handle that exists). The biggest problem is that there is nothing that indicates that any particular call to this callback function is the last one, so my wrapper function has no idea when it is safe to continue and return the list of window handles to the caller.
The only solution I could think of is to do this:
1. The wrapper function calls the API and starts a timer that waits 2 seconds before it raises the Elapsed event. The wrapper function then pauses until it receives a signal (ManualResetEvent)
2. Each time the callback function is raised by the API on a different thread, it stops the timer (so this is before the 2 seconds have elapsed), adds the current window handle that was passed in by the API to the list of handles, then starts the timer again.
3. If the timer reaches its 2 second interval then it is assumed that we are at the end of the windows because otherwise the callback would have stopped the timer. So the timer's Elapsed event handler is what signals the original thread (that the wrapper function is executing on) to continue as we now have a complete list of windows to return.
This works fine and does exactly what I want... but I dont like it.
I dont like forcing the caller to wait an extra 2 seconds after the API has done its last callback but more importantly I dont like assuming that the API will never take longer than 2 seconds between callbacks. In reality on my PC it is never anywhere near that long between callbacks, it is something like 200 miliseconds, but I have no idea how long it would be on a slower PC and I want this to be completely reliable.
View 14 Replies
Aug 24, 2009
I would like to load a default created image at start. But seems to not be working on form load any ideas.[code]
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Apr 20, 2006
How to load image into picturebox from web?
View 5 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
I code to load an image below. It works fine.[code]...
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Jun 1, 2011
how do I set up a timer to load a graphic from the web to a picturebox
heres a sample graphic
its real small so it will load fast. the link will be different but this is good enough to test with
I need it to be on a timer event to load this graphic every .... seconds, that part of the code I can do, timer events are easy. getting this graphic into a picturebox is a pain though.
You Know Your Addicted To Computers When - Your main computer is a 7 terabyte, Core2Quad 3 Ghz +, with 4 or more gigs ram, over 200 programs installed, and you would rather sit with it programming than go to the movies!
View 6 Replies
Nov 26, 2009
I am using VB.net and have a form that contains a picturebox and i have to load an image into it from another class. When i set image property of picturebox from other class it doesn't display the image. I think its something to do with display form intitialization but not sure. It works well if i put a button on the same form to display image but thats not what i want. I want to set the image from another class's function.I have a form with public class VBSample and this form contains a button "Take Picture" with an associated event controller.actionPerformed( "takepicture")Where controller is a controller for my attached camera. From here it goes to a controller handler of Public Class CameraController which actually takes the picture from camera. After taking the picture program control is transeferd to Public Class DownloadCommand which download the image from camera into a filestream and then stores it on hard disk...after copying the image into memory i want to display it in a picture box on my initial form which is Public Class VBSample but it says that picturebox cannot be referenced ....
View 7 Replies
Dec 31, 2005
How would i do that? or convert the .dds to a like .jpg?
View 5 Replies
Dec 25, 2009
I want to load image from the web[code]...
but the problem is i note that when the program is minimized, the image will not be loaded until i maximize the program
so, how can the program load the image even if the program is minimized?
View 3 Replies
Jan 26, 2009
I want to make an image display when mouse enter in my following buttons...
I have a 6 buttons....button1, button2, button3 ,button4, button 5 and button 6....
And i have also a pictureBox1
Now if the mouse is enter for each buttons my pictureBox1 will display a different image for each button in one control called "PictureBox1"
Do i Need to use ImageList?
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Jun 22, 2011
how do i load a picture from a path to my picturebox? in vb6 i did it with "LoadPicture()" but that's not working in vb2010
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Jul 11, 2011
i know how to do this in VB6 but not sure of the syntax used in .net... I have a mdb database with a field "Simage" containing a filename of a picture that I want to load into a picturebox. I've tried a few different ways like this but no luck. PictureBox1.Load("c:images" & StampsBindingSource.DataMember!Simage & ".jpg")
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May 31, 2010
How do I load game images without a picturebox? (like in a game)I need them to be movible with the arrow keys. I am using a windows form, in VB 2008 express.
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Jun 23, 2011
i have a listview in my form and some items in it. so i want load image from listview to picturebox. to explain: listview have items in it with image like:
so if i double click on item1 i want to load that [image] to picturebox. btw picturebox is on form2. i think that you understand me. i use imagelist1 as largeImageList and imagelist2 as smalimagelist... here is the code that i try with:
View 9 Replies
Nov 17, 2009
I have a small databse program that retrives data from a csv file and he user can select different records based on a combobox selection. Now i want to be abeto display a picture for the record selected that is stored in the same folder as the csv file
Example: c:mydocumentsmydatafolderdatafile1
My program makes a connection to Datafile1 and within each record is a number example: 1234, 5678 etc.... Pictures are in the mydatafolder and have same name as the data record number
So record 1234 will have a picture called 1234
so i need my picturebox to get its image from the folder and match the file name based on the selected record If I am on the right track something like this PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile("C:WINNTSanta Fe Stucco.bmp")
However I need the file folder location to be based on what folder user selcted and the file name to be the name (number that is in record of database)
So if user is getting data from c:myfolderdatafolderdatafile3 and has selected record number 1234
The picturebox will get it image from the C:myfolderdatafolder and the file name will be the record number selected in this case 1234
View 14 Replies
Apr 6, 2011
I am tring to load a picturebox through code and have found a lot of metthods on the net and in books I have, but nothing works. I either just get a picturebox with no image in it (and no errors), or I the things they suggest does not exist. For example, a few places suggested that this should work Picturebox.picture = LoadPicture("C:myImage.jpg"), here I get an error basicly saying that this function does not exist., and the extention Picture does not exist either. I do not know if I need a special reference or what; but it seems like this should be simple to do
View 9 Replies
Nov 9, 2010
I am trying to load the jpg picture from the hard drive, but it is showing path is incorrect.
Error: Could not find a part of the path 'D:/myapp/image/balance_inq_d.jpg'. I am not sure why Bitmap putting before the D: is there any other way to do this?
View 6 Replies
May 13, 2011
how to load a picture box only and not the form and locate it near the tray icon.
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Apr 26, 2009
i would like to add a image from a website to my form directly on load. should be something simple..
also to be able to change images all over the form with images from a website..
don't laugh, i tried this:
View 12 Replies
Jun 18, 2011
i have 6 images in a listbox, and i want to show the pictures in a picturebox randomly...i'm using the following code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
View 3 Replies
Mar 25, 2010
When a large image is loaded into a PictureBox, sometimes the process takes way too long. How can I cancel this? Is there anyway to use a keypress or timer to cancel an image from loading? I'm working locally, not loading images via http. I've looked at Application.Events, SystemArgs, DoLoops - nothing seems to address my need to kill the specific picturebox load process.
View 7 Replies
Nov 16, 2009
I'm working on creating a very simple dice game for class (not for gambling purposes). The users has already entered their total amount of money, and are are able to wager for every round. We were supplied with 6 different picture files to represent the 6 sides of the dice. It will be located in the C:\Temp folder, and after the user clicks a play button, the form (frmDice) will appear, which has two pictureboxes(pbDice1 & pbDice2) located on it.
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Sep 5, 2011
how to correct my code.It seem dont have error but it only able to load 1 picture only.In my code here i am using combobox to load a image into Picturebox. I got 3 item in combo box and 3 image which need to load in picturebox.
Private Sub CBpayment_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As ystem.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CBpayment.SelectedIndexChanged
PBOffice2.Image = My.Resources.dollar_us
View 3 Replies
May 9, 2010
I have put folders in my resources folder and I am trying to load the pictures when the user presses the right arrow key. The code I am using is:
picCharacter.Image = Image.FromFile("ResourcesRight MovementRight-01.png")
What do I put in front of the "Resources.." that would make it load it from the projects folder?
View 4 Replies
Feb 2, 2010
Basically, what I want to do is create a new control called EncryptedPictureBox. The image path I would be loading into ImageLocation would be the path of a 512 bit encrypted image. Normally if I load this type of file, it will not display. So I want to override Load() so that I can write the encrypted image to a stream, decrypt it, and then display the stream. I'm trying to save processing time so I don't have to grab the encrypted image, save it to disk as a decrypted image, then display it, then when done, delete the decrypted image from disk.
View 11 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
I have a contextmenustrip with 10 options on it. Each option calls an image from my resources and changes the background image of my form. When i select an option how do i save it and make sure thats the image that loads next time i run my application ?
View 30 Replies
Apr 9, 2012
Is it possible to embed a code or something that can be used to verify an image? In my current project I need to load images and I want to have a code or something that my project can read from the image file before it loads it.Select Image -> Check if embedded code is valid -> Load pic on PictureBox
View 10 Replies
Jun 13, 2010
I have a question about drawing a string on a picturebox in the form load event. So I have a picturebox on a form and in the form load event of this form I have this code:
Dim gx As Graphics = PictureX.CreateGraphics
Dim f As Font = New Font("Arial", 8)
Dim brr As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)
' Add the copyright text
gx.DrawString("1", f, brr, 2, 5)
But when I load the program nothing is drawn in the picturebox. Is there something wrong with the code or should I use the paint event of the picturebox?
By the way I also used this code in another program and there it works flawlessly, everything is drawn in the right place there when i load the program.
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