Load A Image To Picturebox?

Feb 23, 2010

I code to load an image below. It works fine.[code]...

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How To Load Image Into Picturebox From Web?

Apr 20, 2006

How to load image into picturebox from web?

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Load An Image Into Picturebox?

Nov 26, 2009

I am using VB.net and have a form that contains a picturebox and i have to load an image into it from another class. When i set image property of picturebox from other class it doesn't display the image. I think its something to do with display form intitialization but not sure. It works well if i put a button on the same form to display image but thats not what i want. I want to set the image from another class's function.I have a form with public class VBSample and this form contains a button "Take Picture" with an associated event controller.actionPerformed( "takepicture")Where controller is a controller for my attached camera. From here it goes to a controller handler of Public Class CameraController which actually takes the picture from camera. After taking the picture program control is transeferd to Public Class DownloadCommand which download the image from camera into a filestream and then stores it on hard disk...after copying the image into memory i want to display it in a picture box on my initial form which is Public Class VBSample but it says that picturebox cannot be referenced ....

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Load Dds Image Into A Picturebox?

Dec 31, 2005

How would i do that? or convert the .dds to a like .jpg?

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Load Web Image Using Picturebox?

Dec 25, 2009

I want to load image from the web[code]...

but the problem is i note that when the program is minimized, the image will not be loaded until i maximize the program

so, how can the program load the image even if the program is minimized?

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Load Image From Listview To Picturebox

Jun 23, 2011

i have a listview in my form and some items in it. so i want load image from listview to picturebox. to explain: listview have items in it with image like:


so if i double click on item1 i want to load that [image] to picturebox. btw picturebox is on form2. i think that you understand me. i use imagelist1 as largeImageList and imagelist2 as smalimagelist... here is the code that i try with:


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Unable To Load Image In Picturebox

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to load the jpg picture from the hard drive, but it is showing path is incorrect.


Error: Could not find a part of the path 'D:/myapp/image/balance_inq_d.jpg'. I am not sure why Bitmap putting before the D: is there any other way to do this?

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Add Image From Website To Picturebox On Form Load?

Apr 26, 2009

i would like to add a image from a website to my form directly on load. should be something simple..

also to be able to change images all over the form with images from a website..

don't laugh, i tried this:



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PictureBox - Any Way To Cancel Image Load Process?

Mar 25, 2010

When a large image is loaded into a PictureBox, sometimes the process takes way too long. How can I cancel this? Is there anyway to use a keypress or timer to cancel an image from loading? I'm working locally, not loading images via http. I've looked at Application.Events, SystemArgs, DoLoops - nothing seems to address my need to kill the specific picturebox load process.

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VS 2005 Load Image Into Picturebox Using Combobox?

Sep 5, 2011

how to correct my code.It seem dont have error but it only able to load 1 picture only.In my code here i am using combobox to load a image into Picturebox. I got 3 item in combo box and 3 image which need to load in picturebox.

Private Sub CBpayment_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As ystem.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CBpayment.SelectedIndexChanged
PBOffice2.Image = My.Resources.dollar_us


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VS 2008 - PictureBox Load Image From Folder

May 9, 2010

I have put folders in my resources folder and I am trying to load the pictures when the user presses the right arrow key. The code I am using is:
picCharacter.Image = Image.FromFile("ResourcesRight MovementRight-01.png")
What do I put in front of the "Resources.." that would make it load it from the projects folder?

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VS 2008 Save :: Load Picturebox Image?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a contextmenustrip with 10 options on it. Each option calls an image from my resources and changes the background image of my form. When i select an option how do i save it and make sure thats the image that loads next time i run my application ?

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How To Load Full Image In Picturebox And Maintain Ratio

Apr 14, 2009

i ve one picturebox and one OpenFileDialog when i browse the image and load it into a picturebox it didnt fit to a picturebox, then tell me how to load the full image in a picturebox and maintain ratio

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Waitonload - Load A Picture Into A Picturebox Before Start With Saving The Image ?

Jun 26, 2010

Im wanting to load a picture into a picturebox before i start with saving the image. but im stuck i cant figure out how to make the code wait.

cover.ImageLocation = file
cover.Image.Save(path.Text & "mymovies-front.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

When i use the code above and chack the picture after save it shows me the "x" picture just before the picture is loaded i have had a look at picture.waitonload

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Drew An Image In A Picturebox With The Image Height As Picturebox Height And Image Width As Picturebox Width

Aug 15, 2011

I drew an image in a picturebox with the image height as picturebox height and image width as picturebox width. The image is placed somewhere on the center of the picturebox. My intention is to scale the image to fit to the picturebox.

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Load Creategraphic Into Picturebox On Form Load

Aug 24, 2009

I would like to load a default created image at start. But seems to not be working on form load any ideas.[code]

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Drag Image From Picturebox To A Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a program I'm working on that, for one of the features, allows the user to drag an image from a picturebox, into the main form space, anywhere they want. [code]...

When trying to drag the image from the CurrentTilePicBox, the very moment I move the mouse while dragging the cursor becomes a circle with a cross and won't drag and drop into the new picturebox.

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VS 2008 Add Picturebox During Runtime And Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.

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PictureBox - Image: Select The Path To A Local Folder That Is Within The Application And Get An Image From It?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Picturebox and a two Buttons on my Form. On click of one of the buttons I want to change the image in the picture box at runtime.

This works fine when I give the location of the image (the full path ) on my computer - but then of course it will not work if I use the solution on a different computer .

So I have made a folder named "Pics" inside my application and added two images into it.

How do I get to this local folder in the following code?

Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile (??? )
instead of the usual,
Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile ("C:UsersMyName My PicturesMyPicture.jpg" )

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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Add Picture Box Image Name To Textbox - Depending On Image Displayed In Picturebox

May 20, 2009

i'm lost on this code.. i have a picturebox that swaps 2 images, depending on the action, file_red and file_green.. what i'm trying to to is, if a picturebox switches a image or not, to be able to detect that and have textbox8 add a line with the detection.


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FAQ: Draw An Image Respectively On The PictureBox Control And Image Object?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I draw an image respectively on the PictureBox control and Image object? Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback,

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Make A Picturebox Image Equal A Certain Part Of The Image

May 23, 2010

i have a image with four squares evenly spaced out. I want a picturebox's image to be one of the squares at a time so it's like a animation except it's only one image.

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Get A Code That Will Load Text, The Correct Image To Match It And The Command For Each Image?

Jun 16, 2011

I need a code that will load text, the correct image to match it and the command for each image. what i want to do is make a program that will download a swf and an image into to folders. then at startup the program will load all the swf and images and put the images into a listview so when you click on the image for the swf file it will give the link to the swf so it can be loaded.

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Load An Image, Change Individual Pixel Brightness And Save New Image?

Dec 22, 2009

I am "weeks new" to visual basic 2008 but I was hoping that someone might tell me how I can open an image in whatever type of "visible" graphics window (always positioned at: x=0 y=0); move to some "definable position" of interest x=(n) y=(n); change the brightness of that "individual pixel" by some "definable means of measure" from its original state; and save the new image as a separate image file?

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Comparing PictureBox.Image With Resource Image?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a PictureBox which I would like to check if it's the same as one already imported to resources . If it's the same it'd do a condition otherwise it's do something else .

If I try

If PictureBox1.Image = Jogos_Matem�ticos.My.Resources.Resources.Cross Then
'code here


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Crop Original Image But Not Image In Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2011

I have an application which first load an 1200*800 image into an 600*400 picturebox. When i crop the whole image in picturebox and save it, the size will be 600*400. How can i make it save in 1200*800?

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IDE :: Button Image From Resource File Or On Load Image Which Is Faster Way?

Dec 20, 2009

i want to know, which way program runs faster1- add image to button through its property -> assign image from project resource file2- on form load event, assign images to buttons, from project resource file

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Browse The Image And Press OK Picture Box Load The Image?

Apr 25, 2011

I have Problem to clear the image vb.net.i have one picture box and 4 button but the problem is that if picture is save in the path folder.and load in the form load the clear button is work fine and clear the image but after that

when i browse the image and press OK picture box load the image then i press clear button

the image is not clear its automatically Stretch the Image.plz help me how can i clear thew image


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Load A Picturebox Using Graphic From Web?

Jun 1, 2011

how do I set up a timer to load a graphic from the web to a picturebox

heres a sample graphic


its real small so it will load fast. the link will be different but this is good enough to test with

I need it to be on a timer event to load this graphic every .... seconds, that part of the code I can do, timer events are easy. getting this graphic into a picturebox is a pain though.

You Know Your Addicted To Computers When - Your main computer is a 7 terabyte, Core2Quad 3 Ghz +, with 4 or more gigs ram, over 200 programs installed, and you would rather sit with it programming than go to the movies!

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