Play With List Of List Of String With Javascript Or Jquery Using Ajax?

Dec 5, 2011

We're working on a big ASP.NETVB.NET website project. I need to populate three dropdownlists. To last two are independent of the previous ones. The population data comes from an SQL Server. I'd have no problem doing this with code-behind with post back but we don't want any PostBacks so I started to develop this in AjaxjQuery.


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Javascript - Using Jquery To Pull From Ajax Response

Jun 15, 2012

[URL] Response when viewing URL: {"Status":"OK","Message":"0","Info":"(none)"} Using JQuery how do I pull from that? I get how you do POST and sending but little lost has to how to pull from that. Do I use GET? Am I doing something like $.get("URL HERE"...?

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JQuery Ajax With ASP.NET MVC Action: Passing Arguments From JavaScript In POST

Mar 4, 2011

I have an ASP.NET MVC controller action with the following VB.NET signature:


If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like? When I use the following code to POST to this action, in the debugger window of VS, position.longitiude and position.latitude are equal to 0.0 (0D):


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.net - Function To Accept List(Of String), Array & String And Similarly Return List(Of String)?

Jul 29, 2011

I want the Function to accept List(Of String), Array & String and similarly return List(Of String), Array & String respectively. The Function simply adds a string (month) to the input collection. I just want to use it for string, array and list with needing to think of conversions.


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C# - With LINQ, How To Transfer A List<List<string>> To List<string>

Dec 15, 2010

I got an object of List<List<string>>I need to bring this into a ist<string>I have no idea how to do this with LINQ.

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Clear A Asp Dropdown List And Populate Using Ajax?

Oct 13, 2011

What i am trying to do is get a user to change one drop down, which then calls an ajax function which posts to the code behind ( file) then clears and populates another asp dropdown list with the data returned from the function..[code]...

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How To Sort GridView (Bound To List) With JQuery

Jan 31, 2012

I have a gridview in and it is bound to a list - so there's no standard sorting available. I've found this jQuery plugin for sorting tables: [URL]. The plugin requires <thead> and <tbody>. The problem is, that my gridview only renders the <tbody>.

I've already tried
DataList.UseAccessibleHeader = True
DataList.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader
But this changes nothing.

My gridview markup:
<asp:GridView runat="server" CssClass="grid" ID="DataList" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowSorting="True" ClientIDMode ="Static">
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="SomeHeaderText" DataField="SomeDataField" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="SomeHeaderText" DataField="SomeDataField" DataFormatString="{0:dd.MM.yyyy}" />
[Code] .....

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Jquery - Getting Example Of A Cascading Drop Down List Written In .net?

Jun 26, 2009

I Need a working example of a cascading drop down list box written in for my ASP.Net MVC application. I tried converting three examples written in C# but can't seem to figure it out and I have given up.This is my first .net application so I'm a newbie. The biggest problem I'm having is just don't understand the java script code in the views.

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Cast/convert From List(Of DataRow) To List(Of String)?

May 22, 2012

I'm trying to solve a problem regarding types of list. First of all I have a stored procedure in my DB which does a select of a single column and I try to proceed it in my app in VB. By making a method function I declared a DataTable that loads through the SqlCommand(with the CloseConnection behavior). After that I publicly declared a List(Of String) which needs to be populated with the rows/items from the stored procedure that is on the way. Below is my snippet of the code:

Dim dt As New DataTable()
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then


It's LPrefix = collection.Cast(Of String)() where I get an exception error telling me that I can't really convert it. The old fashion way is to iterate with for/for each loop but that's not what I want for best use of performance especially if the list will have thousands of rows from a single column. So basically, I want to insert those items from that DataTable to the List(Of String) without For/For Each loop.

Running on VisualStudio2010 Ultimate, .NET FrameWork 4.0.

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Play List Of Mp3?

Mar 9, 2008

I need to create a VB.NET application which playes a song at a time from a predefined list of song.Basically, there is a list of Mp3 files which is completely hidden to the user and there are 5 buttons on the screen. Each button correspond to a different Mp3 and when the user presses one of them the song associated to that button starts to play. The time-elapse of each song is unknown and there is a timer which stops the song after

View 1 Replies - Convert From Custom List To List Of String

Mar 25, 2010

I have the following code:


The intention is to convert an IList of custom objects to a string equivalent comprising each element in the Ilist. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to get the underlying data of the custom object, and of course as in the above example, using object simply gives me a string of types definitions, rather than access to the underlying data.

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Add Songs To A Play-list?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a music player, and i can add songs to a play-list, but i was wondering if you can make only the song name show up, and not the entire file path?

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Go From Sql Database To Ajax / Jquery?

Nov 15, 2010

How can I go from an SQL statement to AJAX?I know this is a broad question so here is what I am trying to do and what I have tried.

I have using connected to the database and put the information in a dataset and datagrid.(I don't want to use a datagrid anymore)

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Jquery :: Using AJAX To Run A Serverside (VB) Function Does... Nothing?

Jul 27, 2011

incorrect technical words used, I'm new to AJAX/Jquery.I have a function with AJAX in it. It is supossed to execute a serverside function, but it doesn't do anything. I have checked my code multiple times. I use similar code in a different location, and that one works fine.Here is the function with AJAX:

function pass_on() {
hide_div("#outer_layout", 500);


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Unknown Web Method Using Ajax / Jquery

Apr 2, 2012

I'm trying to pass a date into a DB Query function backended by VB.NET but am having problems with the webside of things.[code]

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Add Browsed Mp3 Files To A List And Then Play When Select?

Feb 11, 2010

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Ajax - Refresh User Control With JQuery?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a User Control which renders a simple drop downList into the page.By default, only certain values are returned depending on User Details, but the user may request a "full" list.I'd like this full list to be generated by pressing a reload button.Being new to .NET I am struggling to get this to work and not really understand the results I get when Googling or finding stuff on this site. Is Classic ASP I'd have made a page that renders this and called it using jQuery


I've found this link: [URL]..Using-jQuery but am unsure exactly what it is suggesting, mainly I think, because I use VB and don't completely understand how to convert that C# code there.Using .NET 2.0, jQuery and VB, does anyone have any suggestions on the simplest way to accomplish this?

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C# - Making AJAX Call Back In ASP.NET With JQuery?

Oct 7, 2010

I accept both C# and VB.NET If you visit this [URL].. and then click on the link like the image below you'll see in-line pop-up DIV which displays a busy status of Ajax callback before it displays the information. So, the information is not there yet until you click on the link.

I'd like to do the same but ASP.NET and jQuery. If there's any place to help me get started on the right track?

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Jquery - Ajax Post Method Not Working?

Dec 20, 2010

I am using jquery so using ajax to post data, but for some reason when i click on submit, the page doesnt go from aspx to aspx.vb on the back's my code -

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnsave").click(function() {
var firstname = $("#" + '<%=firstname.ClientID%>').val();


new_class is my webmethod in the side. Now if i put an alert in the btnsave onclick function, i see the firstname value in the alert. But the page does not call the new_class function after that.

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JQuery Ajax Response Not Operating Correctly

May 25, 2010

The code below works "correctly" as far as sending the email address to the SaveEmail URL and it gets saved correctly each time I change the drop down. However it only outputs the "Successful" message once, no matter how many times I change the value in the drop down. The "data" that is returned is "Successful". I would like to show the message for a couple seconds, then fade it out. It works correctly the first time I change the drop down, after that the change happens and the value gets saved, but the "Successful" message doesn't display.

jQuery code:
$('#AgentEmails').change(function() {
var NewAddress = $('#AgentEmails').val();
$.post('SaveEmail.aspx', { email: NewAddress }, function(data) {
$('#SelectMsg').html("<b>" + data + "</b>").fadeOut();

HTML code:
<select ID='AgentEmails' runat='server'>
<option value="">TEST</option>
</select><span id='SelectMsg'></span>
What needs to be changed in my code to make this operate correctly?

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Javascript - List Box Manipulations?

Sep 15, 2009

javascript - list box manipulations

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Reorder A List Of String Into A New List?

Mar 29, 2012

I want to reorder a list of strings into a different list of strings. I am creating multiple loops to do this, however i was wondering if there was a better way to do this.

Dim values As New List(Of String)
For Each val As String In vals
If val.Contains("10") And val.Contains("Year 1") Then


There are going to be quite a lot of these loops to do what I want can anyone offer any help or a better way to go about doing this? Note that I want the values list to return 10,10,10,20,20,20 so that lines that have 10 should be added first and lines with 20 then afterwards.

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Cannot Make The Media Player Play The Next Song In A List Box

May 18, 2010

Im making a media player and have a listbox and a player so I need to make the media player play the next song in the list box btw I have a list of strings named fullfilepaths because the listbox displays name and duration

heres the code:

Private Sub AxWindowsMediaPlayer1_PlayStateChange(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent)


View 5 Replies - Jquery $.ajax Call For Download Excel Not Working?

Mar 29, 2012

I am using $.ajax call for download excel from .aspx page. But ajax throwing an error after Response.End. This is the code I used. Control is processing till Response.End() then alert(textStatus); giving parser error.

type: "POST",


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Jquery $.ajax Call For Download Excel Not Working?

Aug 30, 2010

I am using $.ajax call for download excel from .aspx page. But ajax throwing an error after Response.End. This is the code I used. Control is processing till Response.End() then alert(textStatus); giving parser error.

type: "POST",


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Jquery - AJAX Call Is Incrementing Itself By +1 Each Time It's Called?

May 7, 2012

I have a piece of JQuery AJAX that calls a VB.NET code-behind (class) that returns string data. It grabs some latest stats on a particular server. Now the code works, but the first time I press the refresh button data is returned and the alert "Refreshed" is shown on screen.

But if I press it again, the alert box "Refreshed" is shown twice, I click again three times! and on and on, until the time-out kicks in.It seems to be coming from the AJAX call and no where else. I'm at a loss at what could be calling this, I've tried deleting the data returned after success but no joy.

function RefreshServer(btn,div,id,ip) {
$('#aRefresh'+id).html("<img src=images/refreshServer.gif border=0 align=absmiddle />");
$("#"+btn).click(function() {


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Jquery - Ajax Query Not Firing Because It's Generating The Wrong URL

May 14, 2009

The following code populates a second dropdown when the first dropdown changes (i.e. cascading dropdowns). However, the Ajax call isn't firing, and I can't figure out why. I'm not getting any syntax or runtime errors. When in debug mode, the GetPlans action is never being called. The inner alert is never called, but the outer one is. To make matters worse, this same setup is working elsewhere in my app! Here's all the pertinent pieces (let me know if I've left out some important details):


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JQuery AJAX Not Hitting Web Service When Passing Parameters?

Jul 28, 2010

var paramStr = $('#id1').val() + '|' + $('#id2').val() + '|' + $('#id3').val();
paramStr = '{"searchCriteria": "' + paramStr + '"}';


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Ajax - Jquery .load() Shows Messed Up Content On Refresh - How To Fix That

Jul 28, 2011

I have a main page that loads a content of a div:

var content = $("#content_layout");
//some code here
content.load("claim_form.aspx?claim_no=" + file_number);

The claim_form.aspx has a drop down, and based on that drop down it should show the apropriate input fields. I set the index to be 1 and automatically load the first set of inputs. Here is some code to explain it better:

$("#request_type").change(function(e) {
index = document.getElementById("request_type").selectedIndex;
if (index == "0") {


View 2 Replies - JQuery AJAX Call Doesn't Work On Server Side?

May 10, 2011

i have a jQuery AJAX webmethod in ASP.Net that works perfectly fine when tested locally. but when uploaded to the server, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. when i debugged the code with firebug i see the the webmethod gets called but jumps right away to the error section of the ajax script.

jQuery code:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
//get current date


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